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freqflyer Posted September 2022

Strange sighting after a love one had passed.

I realize some believe in people from our past relaying messages to us, and some don't. Couple years ago I wrote on the forum about a strange odor that would come from my late parents large mantel clock.That strange odor would coincide whenever someone in the family had passed the day before. The odor would stay for less than a half hour.It's been a couple of years since the clock had given that odor, but last night while walking through the dining room I noticed that smell. A day prior I had received notice that one of my cousin's son had passed on, unexpectedly.What is interesting if the death is from my Mom's side of the family, the smell is on the right side of the clock.... for my Dad's side, the left side. My sig-other also noticed the smell. Then it disappeared.I still remember many years ago when the clock, which hadn't chimed in years, let out one chime the day after my cat had passed. It was like Dad was saying "Don't worry, Sara is here with me now".

BurntCaregiver Sep 2022
Midkid's response was beautiful. God bless her mother because she was there with her.
When I had my accident I was conscious but dazed. I could hear what I'm assuming was the siren of the ambulance that was coming to get me.
I could swear my first husband was sitting next to me plain as day. He looked like he did when I first met him, he was 21 years old.
God bless him and keep him.
They check on us and come around sometime because they're waiting for us on the other side.

Gershun Sep 2022
I've told this story before but anyway.

My mom died in May 2015. Our first Christmas without her I was talking to my niece about her. My niece said to me "I always felt that Grandma had a direct line to God" I agreed and then said "I'm sure her spirit is here with us today." Then right after I said that I looked at my sister's play list on the t.v. and Carole King's song You've Got a Friend was playing. The last communication I had with my mom before she died was when I had sang that song to her. I feel to this day that song playing at Christmas was her way of acknowledging me.


JoAnn29 Sep 2022
I was reading Midkids response and it brought tears to my eyes. I was close to my parents. My Dad told me the only one that did anything for them and they did not ask for much. I have never felt them. I think if I saw one of them in a mirror I would freak out.

I saw my grandmother when I was small. She passed at 42 in 1938 from cancer when Mom was nine. She went to my sisters's bed and pulled her cover up and kissed her. Looked at me, then walked out the wall she came in thru. My sister passed from breast cancer at 43.

I see passed LOs in dreams. I was going thru stuff with my teenage daughter. My Aunt, by marriage, came to me and gave me a hug saying everything would be alright. I still felt that hug when I woke up. Everything did come out alright, she is my RN.

freqflyer Sep 2022
Gave the old mantel clock another test. My late Dad's very elderly brother had passed away suddenly on Friday. I thought if there was no odor then all the past smells were just coincident. No odor mid-morning. By evening that had changed. There was that familiar smell from the clock.

Thanks, Dad :)

MargaretMcKen Sep 2022
I have ‘seen’ my mother twice since she died in 1994. The first time was when I was in hospital, when I was finally allowed to walk down the corridor to the big bathroom, My mother looked back at me in the mirror. The second time was after a long-haul flight to Constantinople in Turkey, when I woke in the night and looked in the bathroom mirror. She looked back.

I am fairly sure that my mother looked back at me, because her face bones were mine, and the flesh had fallen away from my bones because of the then trials. Whether that’s the case or not, my mother looked back at me from the mirror, and I said ‘thank you Mum’ to her. I loved her very much.

Gershun Sep 2022
Frequentflyer, I also believe you when you say you've experienced these things. You've proven yourself to be a rational person on here and that is not to be disputed.

I've been taught as Sendme explained that there are good and evil unseen forces here on earth. Not to sound like some religious fanatic cause I'm far from that. Just what I've been taught and know to be true.

But I think when unexplained occurrences happen to us we shouldn't look too deep to try to explain them cause that could lead us down a dark path. Maybe it's something as simple as your passed loved ones acknowledging you and that's great and should be cherished. I've had experiences myself that have led me to believe that my mom has let me know she's loving me and sees me hopefully. I'll just leave it at that.

Sendhelp Sep 2022
I believe you when you state about your experiences of an odor emanating from your clock. And I believe others have those experiences also. Kinda eerie, isn't it?

You will need to look up the spiritual realms, explained in the bible. Because I cannot tell you here. (Not allowed).
I believe in the existence of a spiritual world unseen by us, both good spirits:
(God and the angels), and bad spirits: (satan and demons).
You have a fine mind to figure these things out, and to understand not everything has to be known. imo.

It is a dangerous pursuit to open one's mind to the occult-if those are the spirits one seeks to contact. Even a strong christian using discernment can be deceived, except when their mind is filled with the Holy Spirit, not emptied.

I think that man's interpretations of the meanings of 'sightings' is where part of the danger lies. As well as man's interpretations of the bible hold a danger when misinterpreted by man.

Also, there will be signs.

No one is ever going to visit me after their death, and better not try. Because God knows that would freak me out, and lead me to conclude there is a bad spirit. imo. All of this is only my opinion.

Will not dispute with anyone about it.

Gershun Sep 2022
I don't know how to think about this cause I'm a Christian and there are so many places in the Bible that say to not seek signs etc. I wish I knew my Bible better so I could give examples.

But having said that I've experienced weird things. Moments where I wondered. But I usually write it off as me reading into things. It's an interesting topic though and many perfectly normal, sane people have experiences that can't be explained away with simple logic so who knows.

Natasana Sep 2022
So refreshing to hear about your experience. I agree that we can experience these awesome moments when we open our mind to them.

notgoodenough Sep 2022
My daughter had shoulder surgery in June. She and my DH stayed upstairs in "mom's part of the house" because there are 2 electric reclining chairs, which was easier for my daughter to sleep in the first couple of nights post-surgery.

She told me early one morning, as she was wavering between sleep and wakefulness, she felt someone adjust her blanket, which was falling off of her. Then she felt herself being "tucked in". She thought it was dad, but when she looked over towards him, he was sound asleep.

Then she felt my mom's presence at her feet, adjusting her blanket. What was even sweeter, she said she also felt my dad's presence behind her chair - and my dad died many years before she was born.

I agree with Midkid's comment about the veil between there and here being thin. And I think very young children - along with animals - see it much more clearly, because they haven't been "taught" that it doesn't exist.

Midkid58 Sep 2022
We just lost mom 2 weeks ago today.

I have only felt her 'presence' once or twice, but my sibs have felt it a lot. I feel my daddy's presence a LOT and he passed 18 years ago.
My belief is that the veil between this world and the next is so thin--if we didn't have to carry these cumbersome bodies around and look at the world through our earthly eyes--I think we'd 'see' a lot more.

I hope you find it comforting and not upsetting.

We bought our new home from an estate of an elderly man who had died in the master bedroom. People literally would NOT even go farther than that when they found that out.

From all I have heard, he was a wonderful, loving man. I have 'seen' shadows and glimpses of 'something' many times since moving in. It's a gentle presence and I think he's just breezing through.


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