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freqflyer Posted September 2022

AgingCare software issues?

Whenever I start a new Discussion or Question, when I type I always have paragraph breaks, and always have two spaces between a period and the next sentence.

I recently noticed on one of my Discussions that the paragraph breaks are no longer there, and there is either no space or one space between a period and the next sentence. Doesn't make for a smooth read.

Has anyone else noticed that on their posting?

freqflyer Sep 2022
cwillie, I just saw that, weird isn't it. Bet the software people are messing with me :)

cwillie Sep 2022
And now your post has acquired those weird nonsensical extra characters everywhere. WTF.


JoAnn29 Sep 2022
You are telling your age with 2 spaces after the period. There was something on FB about not needing 2 spcs any more but I do think you need to use 1. I will have to take note if my 2 spaces change. Sorry, will not get me out of the habit.

P.S. Yep, it takes out out the one space.

notgoodenough Sep 2022
If I post from my laptop, no.

If I post from my tablet or phone, I get the same thing.


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