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Careel Posted November 2022

Washed a pad by accident.

Becky04469 Nov 2022
Lealonnie, I washed a pillow with those little polymer beads. It exploded in the dryer. Ruined my dryer. Every bead that hit heated metal melted and stuck. Couldn't get the stuff cleaned up. Had the dryer hauled out and had to buy a new one.

Caldinea Nov 2022
I have been occasionally finding "hot dogs" in my moms laundry cause I will sometimes miss her little light-volume liners (as will she, she's usually very fastidious but if she's out of breath she'll forget). The "slides" though or whatever the nursing care calls them... welp I tried to use one of them to suck up overflowed bath water and learned this is an error. I then got to try to scoop up a bunch of weird gummy pellets :D


lealonnie1 Nov 2022
ITRR: Yes, mine was a buckwheat pillow. I bought a new one which goes nowhere near the washing machine. I WAS lucky I didn't have a flood, you're right!

Ainorlando........I envisioned the need to buy a new washing machine! I took a photo of the chaos & posted it on FB so all my friends & family could have a laugh at my expense :)

Isthisrealyreal Nov 2022
I use those buckwheat husk pillows. I think you are lucky you didn't have a flood. Oh my.

I know it's to late for this pillow but, I have found laying them in the sun for hours on a dry, hot day works great. Keeps them fresh.

My dog had a queen size feather bed that our new puppies thought would be fun to chew up. My entire backyard looked like snow in July. I was really happy ur didn't come apart when it was being washed.

ainorlando Nov 2022

I'd be using my emergency money -- as little as it is -- to be buying me a new washing machine.


lealonnie1 Nov 2022
Not long ago, I thought it would be a good idea to wash a husk pillow. Which comes with an outer pillow case FOR A GOOD REASON. I figured it'd be fine since it had a zipper on it. Afterward, I saw the DO NOT WASH tag on the pillow, 2 hours after DH & I broke our backs using a shop vac to try to suck up all those freaking husks that covered the entire washing machine and were stuck inside of every single hole in the basin & on every square inch of the clothing. Then I brought out the dust buster to suck up all the husks all over the laundry room floor, the dryer, the clothing inside the dryer..........dear God, it was THE WORST MESS I've ever seen in my life, bar none. And I did this not by accident, but ON PURPOSE.

Moral of the story: DO NOT WASH HUSK PILLOWS b/c husks don't get dirty :(

Grandma1954 Nov 2022
adding to what Careel suggested...
Consult the owners manual (or better yet YouTube) for instructions how to clean the filter in the washing machine. (some have them some don't) But if there is a filter it should be cleaned. Not sure if you would have to contact a service person or not.

cwillie Nov 2022
This works for all those hidden tissues too.
I especially like # 4🤣

Careel Nov 2022
I really just wanted to share a solution to the problem of having washed a large incontinence pad with a load of dark clothes.
1. Remove clothes carefully from washer and place in basket or bag.
2. Take clothes outside, if possible, to shake each item extensively.
3. Wash in cold water and a cupful of fabric softener on heavy setting.
4. Take a shower to remove all the bits that got on you when shaking the clothes.
5. Add a second cold rinse.
6. Dry on medium heat and include 2 pet specific fabric softener sheets.


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