Adjusting well. Eating in dining room, going to activities on her own. Hasn’t asked when she will go home.
LTC asked for, and I used, Moms $ for 2 weeks payment, pre-Medicaid application. Met with elder care lawyer who said her pay down is $8K, not $2K because her SS is below a certain amount. Have the online app started and expect to finish this weekend. Lawyer expects denial because of reverse mortgage. Medicaid will give a number for the spend down.
It's something of a miracle, yes?
No pats on the back, but happy to visit our son & ‘new’ DIL in Florida.
I had visited two homes, each 35 minutes away and was mentally prepared to choose one. But one was NOT a good fit and the other was just okay. Luckily, my cousin, a geri-psych hospital nurse, asked their social worker who suggested the NH mom is in now.
Truly treasuring this newfound peace, for sure! ❤️❤️❤️
The APS worker called to check in and is amazed at all that has been accomplished. Almost dumbfounded that Mom and I TALK to each other numerous times a week AND that her angst towards me seems to have disappeared. She said mom was this close to guardianship . . .
May it continue to be a good new home for mom and a relief to all you have been through.