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larryhancock01 Posted February 2023

My 84 yr old mom went to Kaiser. The emergency room doctor notified me she has a UTI and was sending her home with transport. Any advice?

No medication, no percription. I decided to call 911 and take her to UC Davis. The emergencey RN called me and said they're amitting her for the UTI. She is a member of Kaiser South, not treating my mom for the UTI is very serious and dangerous. After five days the infection when away. Kaiser has the nerve to tell UCD to put her in rehab which is bullsh*t. After a week in rehab she was begging me not to leave her there, they said if she left they would call the police. I left her there came three days later. She was a druged up and not resonding. The next day I kidnapped her and brought her home. A week before a socail worker came out and inspected the house, said it look great and approved it was a safe place for my mom. She came home becuse she was not getting bathed and getting worse. She got in her new bed. The next day I tested her blood, fixed her breakfast, lunch and dinner. She wouldn't get out of bed. Before she went to kaiser, she could walk, change her dipper and have a normal conversation. She stayed in bed for five days. I finally told her to get up and change her dipper and take a shower. She insited that I leave her alone and the dipper was just fine. She was covered with sh*t. I guess I reacted the wrong way and call 911. I took her back to Kaiser South and a socail worker called me and threated me with court. She is not coming back there and that it is not safe there. I hired a lawywer because it not safe at Kaiser. My mom said they're treating her horribly and that she wants to come home. Kaiser will not release her and sent this form wanting to know how much is in her bank account and how much her life insurece policy and if she owns her house. My lawyer is so ready to chew Kaiser.

lealonnie1 Feb 2023
First Kaiser won't keep her, write her a prescription, and sends her ......Kaiser will not release her and is snooping into her finances and life insurance policy and is not safe. In beteen all this, you "call 911 and take her back to Kaiser So w/o cleaning her and changing her soiled brief. Since when is it a 911 emergency when an elder is soiled and unshowered? That's your problem if you are mom's caregiver. Now a social worker is threatening you with court......????

Okay, you're all over the place here.

My dh and I have Kaiser for 30 years. They saved his life, literally, 3x and then sent him to the Mayo clinic for an all expense paid trip for 7 weeks so he could get a liver transplant. We stayed in a Marriott hotel the entire time, covered. California Kaiser residents ALSO received $100 per DAY for meals. Immediately gave me a hip replacement w/o a hassle, and I'm now covered for cancer treatments at $25 co pay when each infusion is $16k+.

Is the difference in Kaiser care between CA and CO THAT different? Does your mom have Kaiser Advantage as her Medicare coverage????

Let's hope your pitbull lawyer is able to get you some satisfaction from Kaiser. It's of note that each Kaiser hospital has a Patient Advocate who is required to investigate ALL complaints made against them. They are required to send a letter to the member acknowledging the complaint and discussing their plan of action to remedy the problem.

Good luck

NeedHelpWithMom Feb 2023
I don’t exactly understand your posting.

UTI’s are serious for the elderly. So, indeed you have a right to be concerned.

Please elaborate on how your mother was treated poorly. Does she have any other medical issues besides the UTI?

As far as suing the hospital, if you have legitimate reasons to do so, let your attorney handle it.

My sister in law won her case. She received well over a million dollars because the hospital dropped the ball on telling her the results of her mammogram. By the time she discovered a lump she had stage four breast cancer.

I am not in favor of people suing without just cause. I don’t know your mom’s exact situation. I don’t think that you can win a case unless you have definite proof of any wrongdoing on their part.

A friend of mine became tired of being a criminal prosecutor and went into medical malpractice law. He was paid very well to defend doctors and institutions.

Best wishes to you and your mother.


AlvaDeer Feb 2023
I hope this attorney isn't taking a lot of money from you.
You seem to have not a lot of questions here, and it's for certain that I have no answers.
I have been a member of Kaiser since retirement nearly two decades ago, as has my partner since his own retirement; we have had wonderful care from them. But that's just us.
Wishing you the best. But letting you know that in any "legal" fight with a hospital, which has armies of very well-paid attorneys, you are very unlikely to get much reaction here. That's just the facts; not calling it right or wrong; it's just the facts.

freqflyer Feb 2023
larryhancock01, I found a duplicate question where forum members had written answers.

Please note it can take 3 days for an UTI test to complete it's culture, then the doctors will prescribe the antibiotic that will work for that certain culture.


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