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cwillie Posted May 2023

An article about when you become the last family member of your generation.

Recently someone on the forum shared their grief about losing all their family of origin, and today I came across this article that I thought was relatable.

"I'm the last surviving member of my family. It's a different grief than I've ever known" CBC

NeedHelpWithMom Aug 2023
Thanks for sharing this story, cw.

97yroldmom Aug 2023
Thanks CWillie for sharing this. Reading this story of being the last was therapeutic for me and made the tears flow.

I unexpectedly lost my last brother (Of 3) this year. A very lonely feeling knowing I was brother-less. I always felt so rich with 3 brothers. I don’t think I had ever considered the possibility as he was younger than myself. The baby of the family.
Now I have just my older sister left and while she has a large family of her own, I know she feels his loss as well.
At my last family reunion, (pre covid)my sister and I were asked to be seated on the front row for the ritual photo of the group. We two along with our last uncle and aunt (who have since passed). My yb was standing behind us, not quiet old enough to be on the front row I suppose. A senior citizen himself but still the baby of our original family of 5. Still considered young. Here on the forum, someone 65 is always on the younger side, but our parents and their siblings lived long lives into their 90s, one to 104. Surely he was meant to have another 30 years. Such a shock to lose him so young. Time for coffee.


tygrlly1 Aug 2023
I still have my brother but he has turned his back on me, just like my mom..but at least he came when she was dying....My sons and grandkids live about 5 hours husband has 2 daughters and grandkids locally but his ex has succeeded in making sure that they spend all their holidays and free time with her and her new husband its pretty lonely. Mom died 3 months ago, the day before Mothers Day , and this last two weeks have been really hard. I thought I was doing fine , but find myself facing my own mortality and aging at husbands parents are gone, as well as his only brother. I have good friends I can lean on..but its not the same as having family...We are taking the whole gang to Mexico in November so Im looking forward to that. Even my ex, who is still on good terms with me, and a good dad to my sons..and is also all alone with no family, has been invited and will be there. So I guess I keep trying to reach out and make new memories ..but its been a lonely road. My church is starting a new session of Griefshare and I just signed up as I was too late for the previous one. Hoping to make some new connections and find a way to step out of my own grief and depression.

Cascia Aug 2023
Not only will I be the last one from my family of origin, I also don't have a partner or any children. I already lost my brother when he was young, my father a few years ago and have only my mom left. She was always difficult, depressed and controlling it's so complicated for me I have a lot of love for her but also a lot of anger. I don't know how I will deal when she is gone, a mix of pain and relief from the judgement I expect- it's frightening for me. The anticipatory grief is already too much a prt of my life I wish I could just put it aside. I miss my dad terribly and the loss of my brother left a huge whole in my heart.

Grandma1954 May 2023
Good article, thought provoking Thank you for sharing it

Catskie62 May 2023
Thanks for posting cwillie. Interesting yet sad story.


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