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unforeseen Posted August 2023

We have LTC coverage, but it doesn't last forever. How does the remaining spouse protect any assets once LTC runs out?

AlvaDeer Aug 2023
See an elder law attorney. If you are trying to keep assets safe it is important you don't become a victim of someone selling some sort of "guaranteed" annuity of some such vehicle without fully understanding that it is being sold for profit and that Medicaid will become its beneficiary. Also worry about things such as irrevocable trusts that basically give away you money in the moment (as they cannot be changed).

Whatever advise you get be certain it is the advice of someone legally accountable as a FIDUCIARY. That is to say a licensed Fiduciary or an Elder Law Attorney or your CPA. There is expert advice out there. Get it and be certain you don't buy anything locked in stone until you pass it by an expert. Does this cost money? Yes it does. It COSTS money because it SAVES money (as Cosmo said of copper plumbing in Moonstruck).


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