We have an ENORMOUS amount of drive-by questions of late.
By that I mean we will get a question that is complex, that requires more information, that is complicated or too short or wordy and long.
We respond. We ask questions. We give opinions.
And we never hear a single solitary word from the OP. Not even a "like". Nothing. Crickets, as they say.
I have mentioned this in the past, but it is now ever so much worse.
People have said "well, perhaps they are busy, got what they needed, moved on". But to me, this makes absolutely no sense at all, and quite honestly it makes me question the reality of these questions. We will have a day with no new questions at all. Then, suddenly there is an airdrop of complex questions mixed with some that are just plain silly.
We answer.
And we then proceed for some days to talk to ourselves and one another over the Forum without a single response from the OP.
Just saying. This isn't really normal.
On the other hand, I likely just need another month off.
Let's see..............what to post this under?
How about "burnout".
I BET they don't (want anyone questioning). No one likes questions. But it's good some still "persist"; (as in "she persisted"). Because you know, SOMEone's gotta do it (question things, that is; it will be a sad thing when we don't).
As to "policing". Oh, if ONLY! (hee hee). I would so love to!
Do rest assured, c., that our admins are fully capable of pulling the plug on anyone they find annoying, or not worthy of AC (it's been done before). I trust them to make that decision as regards me, at their pleasure, and as they deem best. To repeat: I Trust T-H-E-M to make the decision (speaking of policing).
I have never seen the level of non-responsiveness I see here. It seems odd to me that someone comes up with some very complex scenario, asks desperately for advice, and then is never seen again.
It makes no sense. Who would bother, to be frank, to write pages about a complex situation, and then just disappear into the ether?
Things that make you go hmmm.....