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anonymous1732518 Posted October 2023

Residents' rights month.

This being Residents' Rights Month, do you think NH and ALs will try to improve ( those that need improving) and/or celebrate it in some way?

anonymous1732518 Oct 2023

Thank you again!! No need to apologize. I appreciate the post; it was thought provoking, so I thank you very much for that.

That and losing out on items I wanted from E-bay 🙂. Yours Cover909

MargaretMcKen Oct 2023
Well Cover, here is a real chuckle! I’ve just got up (it’s 6.30 am here), and I was intending to write to you to apologise for sending such a snotty post! Perhaps we never know what might hit the spot. Sympathy is not the only way to go! Yours, Margaret


anonymous1732518 Oct 2023
@Margaret McKen

Thank you!!! Seriously nice pep talk🙂.

Therapy is for getting stronger and being able to regain my independence., which is the main reason I'm here. I get Medicaid which I guess has no time limit, though definitely want to get out of here.

What happened was just an unfortunate series of events. The SSI representative was sick around the time to finish up my application. Since his coworkers did not want to take his work from him, it was a waiting game until he got back, which happened to be 2-3 months.

Because of the concern of the living conditions and his being out is why it has been so long. I've been here long enough I'm eligible for a program called Ohio Home Choice ( Social Worker mentioned some residents stay the time needed to be eligible, 60 days to try to participate). This program if accepted, will help with expenses in getting a place. One of the eligibility factors is to have money to be able to pay for the place which is where SSI comes in.

That's the short version of it. I've also reached out to the Hospital Social Worker as well, though again without the information from SS it's a waiting game.

Thank you for the last paragraph and the chuckle 🙂. It's more frustration then anger; I never considered the links here so maybe I can look into that.

I don't want this list to be too long, but thanks so much again for your post and insights!!

MargaretMcKen Oct 2023
So Cover, what are you getting therapy for? Why is it taking so long – surely you are over the Medicaid / Medicare time limit? Why not?

“If I had the money to fix up where I am/was at, I would have been out of here. As it is, it's looking for a new place to live”. Do you want suggestions about how to get ‘fix up’s (here usually by the local Council, often quite generous). Or suggestions about ‘new places to live’ (are you on the list for senior living places that just take 30% of income?) What else have you looked at?

You are too intelligent to sit rotting in a place you despise. Or to use this site as a ‘spleen vent’, without using the links that are available. Or to complain about not getting pizza! I have a few ideas about why the smelly trashcan might have been placed outside your unit. Pull your finger out!

anonymous1732518 Oct 2023

About the food issue. Lol. Funny you should mention that, the facility yesterday bought pizza for the kitchen staff as a way of thanking them for what they're doing.

New hires they buy Dunkin donuts and coffee; one lady got upset with one of the funny therapist because he took a coffee!!

Residents don't get these "special" treats.

anonymous1732518 Oct 2023

True, I think the month is for residents who are living in facilities (some forgotten) to in a way make sure they aren't forgot and their needs met.

Its interesting, in this facility, they've been more attentive this month, since I've been here.

Food still needs help, though lol. Speaking of which, many hospitals seem to have a handle on the food issue. I know at Cleveland Clinic, they have a Nutrition Department patients call when they're ready to eat, resident places their order, it's delivered to their room. Hours are 6:30am-7pm.

True about being courteous and respectful to the employees.

anonymous1732518 Oct 2023

Thank you so much!!! One of the funny and sweet night nurses said the same.

It was circumstance the SS representative was sick the same time the application was to be submitted.

Grandma1954 Oct 2023
Ok, call me "old fashioned" but why have a "Month" for this or that.
In this case, "Resident's rights month...if there is a problem bring it to the attention of the administration at ANY TIME.
(It is funny there is a "Resident's MONTH but a Nurse's WEEK, or a CNA WEEK)
If you have a loved one in any facility you are the ADVOCATE for that person.
If you are the person in a facility for whatever reason if you are able ADVOCATE for yourself and get family to do the same.
Granted a facility, unless you are in a Not for Profit facility (are there any?)
the bottom line has got to be printed in black so cost savings are important.
None of those savings should come at the expense of Residents or staff where safety is involved.
Food seems to be a big issue.
Feeding a large number of people all with different likes and dislikes, many with dietary allergies, sensitivities, low sodium, high fiber, low fiber, Kosher, low fat, no sugar and on and on can be daunting. Add to that keeping kitchen expenses down with the rising cost of food and not to mention getting and keeping kitchen help.
To get things done...
My Grandma used to say.." you catch more flies with honey than vinegar"
So, when you go visit say "good morning", say "good bye" when you leave. A "thank you" now and then. And not just to the nurses or CNA but if you see the person that mops the floor treat them how you would want to be treated. Not going to call it a bribe but a tray of cookies you picked up on your way in, a fresh fruit basket you can put together.
When you are kind to the people that care for your loved one I bet that kindness is returned.

Hothouseflower Oct 2023
Cover, I hope everything works out for you and you are out of there soon.

anonymous1732518 Oct 2023

Thank you!!

It sure feels that way. To answer your questions

It's best because of the therapists, really the only real good reason to be here

Concern of where I live. If I had the money to fix up where I am/was at, I would have been out of here. As it is, it's looking for a new place to live.

The person handling my SS application was sick; he was out for several months which caused the delay in processing the application, otherwise probably would have been gone from here.

As much as I like the therapists, I'm ready to go, even more so after finding out a nice nurse left.

MargaretMcKen Oct 2023
Cover, you’ve been there for ages. Could you please explain why you don’t just leave? Or why this is the best place for you?

anonymous1732518 Oct 2023

Thank you so much!! The same to you!!🙂

Very true, one can hope; it's an uphill battle though.

This facility, workers have left, ( but they hired new ones), they're trying to improve, but they have some ways to go. As an aside, the funny tell it like it is nurse has night duty tonight, Friday.

NeedHelpWithMom Oct 2023

I would hope that bringing awareness to residents who are in facilities will allow them to receive the best care.

Yeah. I know that I sound like a dreamer and perhaps at times I am somewhat a dreamer.

There is room for improvement on all sides. The staff needs to be paid more than they are and residents need proper care.

I would like to take this time to remind others to be strong advocates for their family members in facilities.

All the best to you, Cover.

anonymous1732518 Oct 2023
AlvaDeer, I think you're right; no need to be afraid 🙂Hopefully some if not all facilities will in some way celebrate it this month.

This one, included. The Therapy section celebrated National Rehabilitation Week, though that Friday which was Ice Cream day, this facility wanted the therapists to supply the Ice Cream 😆

AlvaDeer Oct 2023
No. I wish. As our "reporter on the ground" there you can let us know. It will be some sort of meeting and some sort of talk, but in America it comes down to following the money, I am afraid Cover. What do you think?


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