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cwillie Posted October 2023

How to change a pull up without removing pants and shoes?

My previous thread has gone dormant so I can't bump it up so I'll copy it here




You may already know that all pull-up style products (at least any that I've come across) are designed to tear easily along the sides for removal, but getting a clean one on doesn't have to involve getting undressed, which can be a real pain in public washrooms! I'll skip the directions and post a couple of video links, because a picture (or video) is worth a thousand words. 😂



cwillie Oct 2023
Thanks Becky, when I learned that trick I thought it was a miracle!

BeckyR2023 Oct 2023
very helpful!


JoAnn29 Oct 2023
I was suppose to be shown how to do this for Mom. The aides had her toileted, cleaned up and dressed so fast. I was told they knew a trick. I wish I had known this trick when Mom was living with me. I didn't know that pull ups ripped down the sides.

cwillie Oct 2023
Why did AgingCare add a question mark to my post 😠

AndSoItGoes Oct 2023
Thanks for the timely reminder of this clever strategy!

AlvaDeer Oct 2023
Gotcha, cwillie! I see!

cwillie Oct 2023
That's not the point Alva, getting them off is the easy part! The ability to save a few steps by not having to take off pants (and invariably shoes too) to put on a clean pullup saves a lot of time and fuss, especially if you need to use a public restroom.

AlvaDeer Oct 2023
A nice bandage scissors works well. That's what we nurses used to use. They are small enough and don't cut the person. Look them up online.


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