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NeedHelpWithMom Posted October 2023

Thanks to all who have supported me throughout my caregiving days and the recent loss of my brother.

Today was the celebration of life for my brother.


I think that he would have been pleased with how his life was remembered.


My brother’s oldest son reserved a lovely venue. The majority of family members were able to attend as well as many friends.


We’re an eclectic group and I love it!


Some of you have shared your own stories of losses of your siblings. I know that you understand how hard it is to see our families growing smaller. My brother will certainly be missed.


Like all siblings, we had our differences at times. There are many more wonderful memories than disturbing ones and that is what I remember the most.


I am so incredibly grateful that we were able to heal any wounds. There was always love underneath even when we were upset with each other.


My sister in law was touched by how much my brother was loved and how he touched the lives of everyone in the room.


I spent some time with my brother’s best friend who was the last person to speak to him. It was a beautiful and meaningful conversation. We reminisced about his 50 years of friendship with my brother.


I have received wonderful advice from all of you. I have enjoyed all of conversations. You helped me through some difficult times, celebrated joyful moments and we have had a few laughs along the way too. So thanks again for everything.


I certainly don’t know the answers to all of life’s problems but I will say that the past is gone, look ahead and live your best life.


I know that is a lesson that I had to learn. I will do my best to be grateful, live in the moment and to look forward to time spent with family and friends.

NeedHelpWithMom Nov 2023

Chantilly cake is worth the money! Yes, one of my favs!

NeedHelpWithMom Nov 2023

Me too. I think of their age and all of the things that they enjoyed in their lives. My mother especially liked doberge cake, either lemon or chocolate or a Chantilly cake for her birthday.

When she turned 90, I told her that I was going to place 90 candles on her cake. She said, “Don’t you dare! I don’t think I have enough air to blow out 90 candles!” LOL 😆

So, I put a 9 and 0 candle on her cake instead.


NeedHelpWithMom Nov 2023

At times I wanted a sister but I had girl cousins and I had friends that I was close with.

I was a daddy’s girl. My father always told me that I looked like his mom.

Dad’s parents died before I was born. I definitely look like his side of the family. He was one of six boys, no girls. My mom had a brother and a sister.

NeedHelpWithMom Nov 2023

I am the only girl in my family. I had two older brothers and two younger brothers.

People would joke and say that I must have been the little princess of the family.

🤣 Hahahaha, I always said that I learned to defend myself being the only girl!

NeedHelpWithMom Nov 2023

His friend was speaking to my brother moments before he died. I’m so glad that he was able to speak to him.

It was a very nice celebration of life. My nephews did have lovely photos of him of my brother displayed.

NeedHelpWithMom Nov 2023

You’re very kind to say those things. I have learned so much from all of you! I am at peace.

My dad died in 2002, mom in 2021, my oldest brother in 2013 and as you know my older brother died recently.

Tomorrow is my mom’s birthday. Something tells me that they will be sharing a big piece of cake together tomorrow.

All of them believed in an afterlife. It makes me smile to think that they are all together now.

cxmoody Nov 2023
Oh, Need, It’s so good that you have peace about your brother’s passing.

You are such a compassionate helper to so many here. You’ve shared so much wisdom.

Thank you for sharing this part of your journey.

NeedHelpWithMom Oct 2023
Thanks, Way and Barb.

It really helped me to speak my brother’s best friend.

I kept envisioning my brother being in agony for a long time before his death.

I didn’t want to be insensitive to my sister in law at this time by bombarding her with questions.

Anyway, his friend filled me in on what happened.

My brother was speaking on the phone with best friend right before he died. They were talking for awhile and everything seemed okay. Then my brother said to his friend that he had a sharp pain in his abdomen.

My brother then said to his friend that he felt like he was going to faint. 911 was notified, they came to get him and as you know, he didn’t make it to the hospital. He died quickly and I feel that is better than lingering for a long time in agony.

I am not exactly sure what caused his death, his heart, or something else. He had numerous health issues.

I’m just glad that his pain was very brief and that he was on the phone with his best friend. His last words to his friend were. “I’m ready. I have been prepared for a long time.”

He had been struggling with one health issue or another for years. I don’t think he expected to live to be a very old man. We will miss him dearly but I take comfort knowing that he is free from all of his pain.

waytomisery Oct 2023
I’m glad you and your family were together to comfort each other and share memories together . It will help you all to find peace .

BarbBrooklyn Oct 2023
NHWM, profound and loving (((hugs))).

NeedHelpWithMom Oct 2023

A ‘celebration of life’ was the right choice for my brother. He didn’t especially like traditional funerals where everyone was somber.

He was remembered for the love and care that he gave to all of us. Yes, we are grieving for our loss but it was his wish to have a celebration of his life.

I feel the same way. I have told my husband and children that I do not want to have a traditional funeral.

I have always hated seeing a dead body in a casket. I have no desire for people to gawk at me when I am dead. I don’t even want to be in a casket whether it’s open or closed.

I am not trying to be disrespectful to anyone who wishes to have their funeral in a funeral home with a viewing.

Everyone should do what they feel is best for them. Some people find a traditional funeral very meaningful. Others find a celebration of life as the best option.

I am all about personal choice and having circumstances suited to a person’s desire and needs.

My brother was cremated. That’s what I want too.

I do find customs regarding death around the world fascinating.

Beatty Oct 2023
Celebration of life. Having attended funerals, I used to wonder at this rebranding of name. But I now get it. Where family & friends gather, reminisce, are able to express their grief & loss but also be allowed to share the real joy of coming together, seeing old friends & family, connecting to the living.

I am so pleased this was such an event. May the glow last & become another warm memory.

Peace to you.

Dawn88 Oct 2023
Sounds amazing and beautiful.

Fawnby Oct 2023

NeedHelpWithMom Oct 2023
Thanks so much. Your words mean a lot to me.

NYDaughterInLaw Oct 2023
How nice that you're able to remember your brother this way and celebrate his life. It's refreshing to read about a memorial such as the one for your brother. May his memory be a blessing to you. Peace.

AlvaDeer Oct 2023
I am so happy for you and the family that this went well. Your healing and coming to understanding with your brother, accepting one another's differences will so speed your healing, and his widow will be so comforted by this outpouring of affection.

funkygrandma59 Oct 2023
It sounds like it was a beautiful gathering of the people your brother loved most and that loved him. What a gift!
Your brother knew how much you loved him and you knew how much he loved you, and at the end of day that's really all that matters, right?
Sending many blessing your way.

NeedHelpWithMom Oct 2023
Thanks, Snoopy. 😊

SnoopyLove Oct 2023
So glad to read this. 💐😊💐

NeedHelpWithMom Oct 2023
My brother’s best friend lost his brother in a plane crash.

He said something very sweet to me when we were chatting. He said that after his brother died, my brother became more than a best friend to him, he became a brother to him.

It’s true, sometimes we become so close to our friends that they really are like family to us.

NeedHelpWithMom Oct 2023

You along with others went through this journey with me.

I always knew that I would be comfortable sharing my feelings with you. You have no idea how much your support meant to me. It got me through the hardest times.

It meant the world to me when you shared my joy of my brother and I working through our struggles. I don’t believe in holding grudges towards anyone. I’m glad that my brother wasn’t one to hold grudges either.

lealonnie1 Oct 2023
I'm glad the celebration of life turned out so well! I'm most happy that you two were able to heal the rift between you, getting back on solid ground well before he passed. May his soul rest in peace.

NeedHelpWithMom Oct 2023
Thanks, Barb.

I feel the same way, it was a beautiful day. Several people booked flights and hotels to be here and it meant so much to be able to share our memories together.

BarbBrooklyn Oct 2023
It's wonderful that you were able to come together to celebrate his life with good memories.

Peace and love going forward, NHWM!

NeedHelpWithMom Oct 2023
Thanks, Pam. I think of you and all of the lovely people on this forum often.

pamzimmrrt Oct 2023
I was thinking of you today,


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