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Ckamelian Posted January 20, 2024

Shine on!

Hi everyone! You know, I was just reading my newsfeed and the forum in general and I really want to say that you are all a good bunch of people. Very real with your opinions without being rude, very supportive, very caring . You really are. I know there are hard days I know sometimes you feel helpless but try to remember that here you shine. You are who you are and we all appreciate that in one another. Thank you for this place and thank you for everything you've said not just to me, but to each other. (HUGS)

graygrammie Jan 22, 2024
It is nice to know that we aren't alone on the journey, even if our journeys look different. I'm appreciative of this forum.

BarbBrooklyn Jan 21, 2024
I joined back in 2011 or so; MIL had dementia and mom was declining in mysterious ways.

Y'all saved me from my own worst impulses.


cxmoody Jan 21, 2024
Thank YOU!

This place has saved absolutely my sanity.

So grateful!

NeedHelpWithMom Jan 21, 2024
Hugs to you as well. You’re very sweet to express your gratitude. So glad that you found this forum. It is a great group of people.

Midkid58 Jan 20, 2024
How would I face the crazy of my MIL's downward spiral without the support of all you wise people.

Nobody else can bear hearing about her anymore--so it's good to have a place to vent. Just writing it all out helps me settle down.

JoAnn29 Jan 20, 2024
Thank you. I was a new member back in 2014/15. I learned a lot about Medicaid and because of that was able to handle Moms application with just going to the Medicaid office.

Fawnby Jan 20, 2024
I’m glad you’re here!

Msblcb Jan 20, 2024
Agree! Not only caring but life savers. Gosh, I cannot count the issues I faced with my mom that were mitigated by advice on this forum. Just to know your not alone is an unmeasurable prize.

Grandma1954 Jan 20, 2024
This is sweet. Thank you for the kind words.

funkygrandma59 Jan 20, 2024
How kind of you to say. And I have to agree with you. This forum has a great bunch of people on it, who despite having differing opinions on occasion, still do care and want the very best for all who post on here.

97yroldmom Jan 20, 2024
Thank you for your nice words. You shine too! 🤗😎


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