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JLyn69 Posted January 20, 2024

Not a question but a thank you.

Not a question, but a sincere thank you to AlvaDeer and all the rest of you who so willingly give of their time and energy to provide insight to those with less experience (note, did not say AGE!) in traveling this path of caring for others.

strugglinson Feb 3, 2024
I second this! Many thanks to Alva and the other experienced posters for diligently reading through all of our scenarios and giving thoughtful advice
Many thanks from me also!

AlvaDeer Jan 20, 2024
I so agree this is such a wonderful site with so many with such a lot of experience and wisdom. It saved me once years ago!


Hothouseflower Jan 20, 2024
I couldn’t agree more. I appreciate the wisdom and kindness that I have found here. It helps me get through my day.

Fawnby Jan 20, 2024


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