Visited mom this morning in her AL apartment. She told me she wants to be a normal person again and she misses home. I appreciate the comments and advice on this forum, but it ain’t easy is it folks? May God bless us all, loved ones and caregivers alike, with grace and strength through our journeys.
May HE come on the scene for you and lighten your heavy heart, give you strength, courage and comfort.
Great big warm hug!
Thanks for being honest and sharing your emotions during this time. This is so much healthier than pretending to be Pollyanna and claiming that everything is fine.
Being sad in certain situations is an appropriate response. Wishing you peace as you continue on in your caregiving journey.
Of course she wants to have things like they used to be. We all do. Just because she says it does not mean she does not realize that things cannot be as they were. She just wishes. Just say "I know Mom" and give her a hug.
We can feel anything we want at any given time and the one thing for certain is that, like a weather front, it will pass.
Just allow your feelings and know it's normal to have them, and on you go.
So I hear you. I think we need to balance our lives so we can balance out this sad part of life with our families/ LO's with the rest of our lives and future.
Consider getting some support for your own strong emotions as you watch mom decline.