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caringlove Posted April 2, 2024

Money wasted.

The money wasted on covid nonsense could have found a cure for diseases such as diabetes, dementia etc. Instead we are stuck with the future costs of those that WILL (all of the vaccinated) with long term problems we haven't even begun to fathom yet. And if you think the covid 'vaccine' was in any way successful - you haven't been paying attention

AlvaDeer Apr 3, 2024
Ana, you've now given me a serious set of the giggles.
If there's a vaccine for stupid I want to know where they are giving it, because I am loading up on that stuff!

Anabanana Apr 2, 2024
If only there were a vaccine to cure stupid.
Or maybe there already is.


AlvaDeer Apr 2, 2024
I second cwillie's comment.

This is someone merely looking to cause trouble between members of a forum who love and care about one another.

Not sure, caringlove, how many folks will be jumping down this particular rabbit hole, but I will be wishing them all the loveliest tea party ever!
You have a GREAT day!

MAYDAY Apr 2, 2024
. Diabetes? Isn’t that one fun..,!
cancer? That’s another good one
and the list goes on..

MAYDAY Apr 2, 2024
oh ya… wait you gotta have a vaccine because your parents didn’t teach you about sex,, safe sex, or just wait.. don’t be a hoppin rabbit… you might get an STD.. oh.. wait, that vaccine you are told to get might cause clots, liver damage cervical cancer, thought it was supposed to prevent cervical cancer, or a nan, his all mighty part might fall off..if you do have a really bad adverse reaction, it might cause death.
Oh wait… skin issue? Just take this drug.. note, if you are allergic to that drug, it might cause a bigger or worse condition, which eventually may cause death..
Oh crap… that car you are driving…(?) did you know… thst if you talk on your cell phone while driving, you could die?
If you got COVID before vaccines, and I personally know a few people… meat tasted like feces.. taste and smell were adversely affected.. my kid just recently added meat and chicken back into the diet. But it still doesn’t taste right.
Personal friends from coast to coast whom I have known are still being affected by COVID..
vaccines? DRUGS?
OH, have you seen the commercials on TV from drug companies that have a vaccine or drug for: skin rashes, HVS (?), hepatitis, kidneys , liver..,
you think your going to get off this earth alive? Something is going to take us out.
all I know from this site that I’ve been on… there are a lot of compassionate people who love their family and loved ones.. we seek advice, confirmation, an ear, texting, someone to understand what we are going through.

NYDaughterInLaw Apr 2, 2024
This poster has ZERO answers and two of its three posts are complaints re: COVID. Troll anyone?

cwillie Apr 2, 2024
since it has nothing to do with caregiving they should move off the forum entirely

Geaton777 Apr 2, 2024
Move it to Discussions.

cwillie Apr 2, 2024
It's not as though they aren't spending money on those things too. This from the national library of medicine

"Based on observed and modelled inputs, we estimated that global spending on dementia increased by 4.5% (95% uncertainty interval: 3.4–5.4%) annually from 2000 to 2019, reaching $263 billion (95% uncertainty interval [UI] $199– $333) attributable to dementia in 2019. We estimated total healthcare spending on patients with dementia was $594 billion (95% UI $457–$843). Under the baseline scenario, we estimated that attributable dementia spending will reach $1.6 trillion (95% UI $0.9–$2.6) by 2050. We project it will represent 11% (95% UI 6–18%) of all expected health spending, although it could be as high as 17% (95% UI 10–26%) under alternative scenarios."

And as for diabetes I've been reading of potential breakthrough cures for decades.

sp196902 Apr 2, 2024
When the government gives a perverse incentive to find a "cure." You can bet the scammers and greedy pigs will be out in full force to take advantage of that money. Pfizer and the other pharma companies made billions off something that had no real efficacy on this weaponized flu strain they created and released.

Same with the "climate change" crap that's going on right now. They are putting gigantic battery storage systems the size of tractor trailers in residential neighborhoods just because the government is giving them free money to do it.

Greed really does trump common sense and if you really want to mess things up just get the government involved.

MargaretMcKen Apr 2, 2024
That is a very strange post from a brand new poster to this site. It's also likely to be unnecessarily distressing to the regular posters whose family members died from Covid. Are you interested in caregiving, or just in making political statements?

sp196902 Apr 2, 2024
I agree.


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