This is not exactly a question... but it seems like MANY of the caregivers on the forum have experienced severe health issues such as cancer, disease, chronic illnesses, etc. themselves.
At 33, I battled and survived blood cancer two years ago, an extremely rare instance of this disease because of my age. I am certain the caregiving role I've taken on had a lot to do with the onset of the health issue.
I wonder if it's even possible to have a optimal health as a caregiver. What are everyone's thoughts?
Not trying to be in "victim" mode. I just find it more than coincidental the amount of individuals in this community who are also ill themselves. Is there another explanation?
So after a lifetime of ‘serving’ my parents, the last 20 in a caregiving capacity I can say that finally, bit by bit, there are moments when I don’t feel the guilt and pressure to please. It somehow feels wrong, like I’ve become cold; but really no one can take this kind of pressure for decades on end. Still (sigh) have a long way to go!
Then in many cases there's the added issue of finding someone to fill in for you while you at your appointment if the person for whom you are caring can't be left alone. So that's another hurdle in caregivers getting their own medical needs attended to.
It's too bad that insurance/doctors won't generally allow for a "two at the same time" sort of scenario, where the caregiver can get examined at the same appointment as the person needing care. Especially in cases where both are covered under Medicare. You would probably find more caregivers willing to be more proactive with their own health if it didn't mean a separate trip to a doctor.
As for those on the forum - Caregivers for the elderly do tend to skew older themselves, especially when they are caring for a spouse. Many people do tend to put off their own needs when they are immersed in looking after someone else. And many are in a poorer demographic because those with bottomless pockets are less apt to find themselves caught without other options.
A lot of the basics get pushed aside as a caregiver including a healthy night's sleep and having boundaries.
I always say guilt has no place in caregiving journey.
No guilt ever!
We did not create, contribute to any diseases.
A lot of times caregivers are trying to finally get that seal of approval from our ungrateful parents and the bitterness that comes from not getting the nurturing everyone deserves also eats away like a cancer.
That is the nature of an advice forum.
When I was an RN I hated blood thinners and thought that everyone who took them died of a bleed somewhere.
That was because I SAW the ones with a bleed.
Those who were doing fine were at home; so what did I know.
Everyone gets sick.
We live longer in this country than could have even been imaged a few years back, and we have easier and better medical treatments. As an RN I have seen their advance.
As I just posted on another thread, from the moment we are born it is certain we will die. We die sometimes at the age of 2, as Rob Delaney's young son with his brain cancer. He didn't live long enough to be a caregiver, so caregiving sure didn't kill him.
I think that caregiving is very stressful. But I got caner at age 47 without having cared for a single person. I was very happy with a great job as an RN that I loved, in a new relationship, had my daughter raised up and happily on her own.
We get sick. We are very superstitious beings. We want there to be a reason.
Study that human body at all, the wonder and intricacy of the MANY systems it takes just to let us PEE, the many systems it takes to let us think. You will be amazed we do so well as we do for so long as we do.
To my mind, when we were harder working and more in touch with the land, with our food systems, going to bed and getting up with the dusk and dawn (yeah I was on a farm with the Holsteins) I think we lived better lives without a lot of time to think about what syndrome we had. I don't know. It sure was harder using that wringer washer and hanging out the clothes on the line (esp in Illinois winter) but I don't know that there was as much satisfaction in just working with our hands.
Time moves on. Things change one coffin at a time.
But nope, I don't think we are sicker. I do think we have way too much time to think. Guess that is telling of my age; I am old.
I am going to be brutally honest.
I think taking care of everybody then meeting the best, healthiest man who got Parkinson, I cannot understand if there is God( I am stubbornly agnostic) what is his plan?
So I am complaining yet I am caregiver again.
But I am in charge of everything.
If I survive I will never be caregiver again.
I care but I care about myself perhaps more.
And I will repeat ad nauseam,
Just because one life is destroyed does not mean two lives have to be.
I did caregiving as my job for 25 years and now am in the business of it. None of it affected my mental and physical health as much as living with my mother and basically being a care-slave.
I think you can't live with it. You have to be able to leave work after a shift. Work can't be 24/7 every moment and that's exactly what it is when it's a family caregiver and they live with the person they take care of.
I really think this can kill a person faster than smoking and drinking.
Caregivers tend to ignore their own health when caring for someone else.
There is also the isolation that many caregivers experience when friends stop calling them to do things because the caregiver has no one to watch their LO for a few hours. This adds to stress.