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kafers1 Posted May 14, 2024

How to get hygiene for stroked out Mom in NH? Got pics of her unkempt and I'm in Chicago. Trying to figure who is in charge. Never same CNA.

Need point person to talk to
in charge
Get jerked around by staff
Only been there a month and upset by lack of coordination from staff
Cant walk, talk or swallow

Geaton777 May 16, 2024
carolinemcgaug, you need permission from the admins of this site to promote products. Instead, maybe tell us what herbs so that others can make their own and "cure" their Parkinsons without having to pay a for-profit supplement business? It's just herbs, right? So we should all have access to them in our grocery stores, kitchen or garden?

Geaton777 May 14, 2024
Is it a county nursing home?


BurntCaregiver May 14, 2024
First of all, the charge nurse is the supervisor of the CNA staff. So that would be the person to start with. Secondly, if your mother refuses hygiene care they will not force it on her.

As for never getting the same CNA. The CNA staff are not pets assigned to a resident. Most of them are probably part-time or contracted from homecare agencies. Staffing is up to the admiistration of any care facility.

AlvaDeer May 14, 2024
Administration. Go to the ADMINISTRATION, not the staff.
Glad you have pictures.
If you can, install cameras.

Here are the numbers to report abuse.
The Illinois Department of Public Health operates a Central Complaint Registry to record and investigate complaints regarding nursing facilities, hospitals and home health agencies. The Central Complaint Registry (Nursing Home Hotline): 1-800-252-4343, 1-800-547-0466.
You are going to need to raise holy hades here.

I am so sorry.


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