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Nette2018 Posted May 28, 2024

Good mind, can’t get guardianship, but can’t care for self, now what?

lealonnie1 May 29, 2024
Wait for a crisis to happen, then this person gets placed against their will directly from rehab or hospital.

Beatty May 28, 2024
Mother cannot care for herself any longer? Is that it?

Mother can put her good mind to use - to understand her situation: that if she cannot manage as she once did, as she used to, she must now start to make changes.

Would you say she has a flexible or rigid thinking style? Is she open to new ideas, open to new ways to do things, new people to help?


JoAnn29 May 28, 2024
I would not get guardianship over anyone. Almost impossible to get rid of.

How old is Mom. Broken hips are dangerous for the elderly but for younger seniors they can bounce back.

When you care for someone you need to have boundaries. What you are willing and not willing to do. Also the time you have to put into that caring. Do you have a job, a family? They come first. You also consider your limits. If the person is 24/7 care and ur not able to give that care, the person needing the caring has to pay out of pocket, go into Assisted Living if can afford it, or go on Medicaid for in home or Longterm care if they have no assets. There are two people in caregiving and it has to work for both people.

Geaton777 May 28, 2024
From your profile:

"Only child care giver no mother daughter feeling"

Many on this forum struggle with whether or not to help or provide care to less-than-stellar (and often abusive) parents. You're in good company here.

You can be of utmost help indirectly by reporting her to APS and get her on their radar as a vulnerable adult. Maybe she physically isn't able to perform her ADLs, and APS will assess for this. If you keep reporting her to APS her case will eventually go to a judge who will assign a legal guardian. The guardian will then make all decisions and take care of all her needs, without you having to be directly involved. Win-win.

My family went through this with my SFIL. We had an excellent experience with the court-assigned guardian and there was plenty of accountability.

Another strategy is if your Mom becomes ill or injured to call 911 to send her to the ER where you can talk to a social worker to explain she is an "unsafe discharge" and that you are not her caregiver. If no one takes her back home, then the SW will work to transition her to a facility. Then the court-appointmed guardianship will happen at some point.

FYI once a guardian is assigned then all your Mom's accounts and property will be closed to access by everyone else. But you'll be able to carry on any or no relationship with her that you choose.

AlvaDeer May 28, 2024
Your profile says that you are attempting to care for your mother who has broken her hip.
And here you seem to tell us that she has no dementia but that she cannot care for herself.

Can you tell us more?
Did mother live alone before she broke her hip?
Did mother get a surgery and then go into rehab to get her back on her feet?

Does mother live with you now?
Do you live with her?
Or is mother in her own home and you are attempting to go back and forth with caregiving?

If Mother has "a good mind" why in the world would you want guardianship?
It would be up to your mother to speak with her own medical care team to get rehab care, get in facility care or get home care coming in while she gets back on her feet.

I without a bit more information I cannot tell you what might work, or what you might check out for help. Sure do wish you the best and hoping for an update.


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