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freqflyer Posted June 22, 2024

Stalled out on a busy highway, couldn't believe how impatient and rude the younger generation has become.

Today while on our way to a store, our vehicle decided to stall out while on a highway. We were able to coast as far over as we could but found ourselves in an acceleration lane of an off-ramp. Called AAA for a tow truck.

In the mean time, people were honking and some were shouting at us. We couldn't do anything. The vehicle wouldn't start. The people rattled us more than our car stalling out. So we called the non-emergency number for our County police and within minutes a patrol car pulled up behind us. The officer was understanding. That gave us peace of mind. The honking and shouting did stop while she waited behind us for the tow truck :)

What is wrong with the younger generation, what was their great rush. So they had to wait a few second more to merge onto the highway. And the shouting was totally unnecessary. Imagine if that happened to their own grandparents.

freqflyer Jun 27, 2024
Sendhelp, I remember many years ago a car was tailgating me on a residential street that had a 25mph speed limit. I did what you did, pulled over and let them on their way. Further down the road, I saw a police car with its emergency lights, the officer had pulled that very same car over. YES, there is karma.

Sendhelp Jun 23, 2024
So glad you had the presence of mind and a cell phone to call 911. It was necessary. Glad you made it through what appears an ordeal.
You are so gracious that you did not even mention that the shouting could have included name-calling and swear words, expletives directed at you.

Where I live, this bad behavior (both on the road and in our neighborhood)
is getting worse. It is an example of increased lawlessness in society, imo.
And it is not just the younger generation.

Personally, the advice on here has helped me. I will shop just after the dinner hour on weekdays. I will always take our water, snack etc. kit from now on.

The hostility coming from e v e r y w h e r e is disturbing, and intolerable.

If ever I am being followed by a speeding driver about to pass by me then cut in front of me, I now pull over safely and wait for them to pass. I can see them from over 200 ft. behind me.

Thanks for bringing this topic up.


JoAnn29 Jun 23, 2024
Our society is becoming a me me society. No regard for others or their feelings.

cwillie Jun 23, 2024
I'm not sure if people are more impatient or it's just due to the roads I'm on being much more crowded plus a shift in driving style, many people obviously believe that gluing themselves two car lengths behind your back bumper is the proper spacing and that just sets off my driving phobia. My aunt and uncle right into their 80's seemed perfectly comfortable driving to Toronto, I can't imagine anything was familiar from the time they had lived there 40 years previously.

waytomisery Jun 23, 2024
Now that I am part time , I try to do errands during the week as well . If I need to go to the grocery store on the weekend , we go later in the day , just after dinner, less traffic . In fact even when I worked full time DH and I have been doing the grocery store either very early or later in the day on the weekend or going after dinner on a weekday for years.

It always amazed me to see retired very elderly people in the grocery store during the day on the weekends when they are so crowded. I never understood why they wouldn’t go during the week to avoid the crowds, waiting on long lines , or getting knocked over by crazy people in a hurry .

I agree it’s nuts out there on the weekends. Everyone in a hurry to pack the most activities they can in two days, when they are off from work . We tend to stay home during the day on the weekends unless we are going to see the kids.

cwillie Jun 23, 2024
About 20 years ago my BIL was T-boned in a busy intersection and while he waited for a tow truck people were yelling from their cars to get out of the road, some people have always been awful.

freqflyer Jun 23, 2024
We decided no more running errands on weekends. It wasn't that long ago when I was driving to work, and found the "commute drivers", who are use to delays, have more patience. So, now the Sat errand will go weekdays.

Also, now I realized why my late parents, for decades, always had a tumbler of water, cracker snacks, handi-wipes, bottle of aspirin in a container behind the front seat :)

Keep in the car an old telephone book, a thin local one. Hubby was trying to find the police non-emergency number on his cellphone but I found the number quicker by using that old fashioned telephone book.

waytomisery Jun 23, 2024
Glad you are ok . That was a frightening situation.

People are just plain horrible on the roads in general. I hate driving and do more online shopping when possible to avoid it .

Geaton777 Jun 22, 2024
I'm so sorry you had to have that experience. How ironic that the younger generation incessantly calls the Boomers "entitled" -- but they've got their own shortcomings. My Mom grew up in the Bronx and lived in New Jersey. She was still driving up until recently and I'd remind her she better not flip people off on the highway because nowadays they'd shoot a Granny right in the face for doing that.

lealonnie1 Jun 22, 2024
I'm sorry you found yourself in such a situation, in the acceleration lane of an off ramp!! Very dangerous and it's good you were able to get support from the police. It's too bad the younger folks were acting rude, but I myself find the older folks being quite rude these days as well. It seems to be a human nature response more so than an age response, perhaps generalized anger and stress related to the ugly economy these days, Idk.

Glad you're safe.

Daughterof1930 Jun 22, 2024
I’m sorry you experienced this, amazingly rude and even frightening. We find drivers in general less patient and far more self important than they used to be. I’m glad you got a police officer to wait with you, wise move!


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