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Click on the choo-choo train in the snow, upper right Glad.

Where is the shortcut to my News Feed from the threads? Used to be able to go directly from a thread to the News Feed, now have to either go to the AC home page or my message page to get there. What's up with that?

Weird, it is working for me now too. Maybe it was just a temporary glitch.

works for me

I've just encountered a new glitch on the site, there is still a search option in the drop down menu but it no longer works....

one 1111 Lllll LLLLL. I iiiiIIIII
Numbers better now.

FF, my brain was hurting too. Way too much scrolling and trying to remember what I had just read. Then respond, HUMPH!

And the old way, when you clicked a link in your News Feed it did not take you to page 1 of a discussion, it took you to somewhere that was at least close to where the current posts were. AC is working on it. It will come back.

The font works ok for me, But what the AC objective is, I think, is to make the thread you are reading not adjustable to zoom. That way the advertising is always showing on the thread and we are more likely to read it. I would like to downsize the font, especially when on my tablet, but....

Glad we are back to the regular way of reading the threads.... the other way, my brain was hurting :P

Too bad we can't change the font to our favorite font.   I notice with the font that is being used, numbers show up weird looking, like the numerical 1 shows up like half of it is missing.

Cwillie, The way I see it, you are the more sophisticated technologically, and can better manage the website format, and/or learn new ones.
To many posting on AC, this forum is a lifeline to information needed now, before learning the new formats and technologies. Some are like me, and cannot learn technology , have to be brought along, step-by-step. If it weren't for helps, my husband helping, and Glad teaching me to change my avatar, I could no longer use the forum-and also, it would not be as fun!!! Many people have asked me, lol, how to change their Avatar to a cat! Brave souls! Then, you and others helped them out.
Without all of us, the forum would not be complete, imo.

Thanks for understanding, Cwillie!

Sorry, but I liked being able to quickly see the newest posts, now I have to click my avatar, then news feed, then a thread, then navigate from page one to the last page and scroll to the bottom. Ah well, you can't please everyone.

Yah, I am so liking this new way right now, today!

Thanks AC!

Hi all,

We have just released a fix to the forum. Answers and comments are back to being sorted the “old” way—from oldest to newest. Hopefully this will help you follow these threads more easily.

In regards to other suggestions and difficulties that have been shared on this and other posts, please be patient. We are working to address these issues and release additional fixes as quickly as we can.

As always, we appreciate your feedback and willingness to help one another!


See those little numbered boxes above? I predict, when there are hundreds of pages, like the WHINE thread, there will be a problem......

It may have had to do with the change back today, latest post is now the last page of a book, as it should be. Proof, they are working on the site issues.
Whatever happened last night or yesterday is in the past, imo, in this case.

Or, if the default feature is set to the most popular answers, lol lol lol, any new, recent posts would not ever be seen at all! (Because, how can they be 'popular' if never seen, and no one ever clicked 'like this'.)  If that is what is happening?

Isn't that Newton's law, or something? Every action has an opposite reaction?
Sorry, can no longer look these things up, but that was in my head, Newton's law.
Feel free to correct me.

You are already ok.  Taking on so much responsibility for reporting website changes will add a whole lot of stress to you.  Take some time off, think of something else for 12-24 hours, then come back after caring for self-and your Mom.  I am sure AC and everyone else on here appreciates your efforts.
Deep breath, take a break.  Me and my cat are still here, a bit confused too, but more patient now.  My mood could change, however, any minute, with the full moon or another website glitch......

cwillie you will be ok.😸

Send, I remember seeing that post. Maybe it was in a different location?

Oooooh, I'm so confuuuuused.

Ok, batter up.

The posts are back, reading like a book now, I like this better!

So relieved!

Jeanne, Just now, reading your comment to me, concerning my posts being deleted.
This is an example:
What should I expect for monthly rent with independent living?
Well, the rent SIX YEARS AGO would have been a whole lot less than now, in 2017.
The answer I gave was put back up by this morning.  It was taken down yesterday.
Maybe someone without a sense of humor reported the post? Then, AC, with a sense of humor, put it back up?

It seems like the posts in the threads for articles written by experts are showing the most recent posts at the top (first) while the other threads are now again showing the most recent posts at the bottom (last). I find this confusing!

My husband is against volunteer moderators, however, there are some good people on here, having spent a lot of time on the forum who have a natural inclination to correct the same things the moderators are doing.
If given a key to freeze a new thread as spam, or temporarily suspend a problem post, these volunteer moderators could ease the paid moderator's job.

Assistant Volunteer Moderators maybe. I could give you names, but I think the AC staff will know.

cwillie - I now see the most recent comments at the bottom again near the box and the "last" not the "first" as it was before so you read down to the most recent posts. Wonder how this will affect those reading on their smartphones.

I agree about the "most helpful answers" default display being confusing.

I still have a problem with the News Feed page, Aging Care page and others being a smaller font  than the question or discussion threads. It means I have to change page magnification when I move from threads to these other pages.

Two things that continue to annoy me:
The comment box not placed logically near the most recent comments on top of the thread.
Threads that display "most helpful answers" by default, which also causes the top answer/expert answer to be displayed as the most recent answer.

I want to know how to get back to my News Feed without having to go to my message page first. Did not used to have to do that.

SendMe2ToHelp? When? Immediately or after a day later or what? Can you give an example of a post you responded to and your response was deleted?

Does this happen both when you start a thread and when you are responding to one?

I'm pretty sure I've seen posts from you recently. This is very strange!

my posts are being deleted.

Rainmom, Thanks for the sports term.

Three strikes and I am out.

Thanks, cwillie.
I use my phone almost exclusively. In the past I've noticed the phone options vs my laptop have varied quite a bit - for instance, viewing messages on the phone use to take a lot of steps or switching to desktop - I am happy that that is no longer the case. I hadn't noticed the recent vs popular option until you mentioned it - so thanks - it is better - but still a pain to scroll backwards - sigh - I suspose the old say "anything worth having, is worth working for" is gonna have to apply here, for me.

Rainmom, most of us are able to follow the posts in order (except they are in backwards order, annoying).
Some people are having trouble because their operating system is old and outdated. (windows xp?)
Another thing that might be happening is the thread you have been trying to follow is in "most helpful answers" mode, you can see an option to switch to "see all answers" right below the question/comment.

Without reading the previous posts - BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT IN ORDER- I will add to what I'm sure has already been stated: please put the posts back into chronological order with oldest listed first. I don't really care who's post was deemed most popular and I doubt anyone else does either. But more than that - as it is now it's confusing and frustrating. Often references are made to a previous answer but it makes no sense as that post - lacking in popularity perhaps- hasn't been shown yet. New lines of thought and reason occur but again - the replies don't make sense as the original introduction of the new idea or thought isn't yet shown. Not to sound like a spoiled brat but it really is enough to make me pick up my ball and go home. Please fix this!!!

The edit feature is awesome! Works just as it should.

The navigation change is neutral in my mind. Not something I would have asked for, but nothing that bothers me.

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