
I care give for my mom, 90 years old. Moderate late stage Alzheimer’s. I just realized that even with this terrible disease I have to realize I still have things to be grateful for.

There are a lot of stories about people being combative when it comes time to bathe. As an example, my sister has a friend whose husband just passed from Alzheimer’s and he punched her in the face when she suggested it was time to shower. My mom does not realize when she needs bathing. I put fresh clothing out for her, have her towels ready and ask her to remove her clothes and all she has to do is get in the shower. Every single time, she complys without complaint.

Does anyone have something they are grateful for even in a challenging situation such as being a caregiver?

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I love this so much, I tried to do something like this a while ago, but it didn't get many post. Hopefully you have better luck.

Gotta admit, sorry having a off day , so nothing to add, hopefully tomorrow I can!

Right now I'm worried about mom.

But I am greatfull for my beautiful flowers, I planted from seed.

I'm Great full for my amazing husband, who is so patient with me and my caregiving moods.

I am greatfull for this forum, and all the amazing people that have helped me . Even when they had to do some brutal honesty with me.

Even though things haven't been great, I know there will be good days ahead for me.

I am grateful for my 9 and 8 year old granddaughters. I've been spending a lot of time with them over the past month because my daughter is working and just being with them is helping me cope with the loss of my mother. They are my joy.

I’m grateful for my father’s financial planning!

I’m grateful for the big fluffy purring cat on my lap right now.

I’m grateful for this forum, which has been the BEST help for my brain, even just reading through posts. Thank you all!

Grateful for this forum!
Grateful for learning a lot through going through this all with my dad, which hopefully will be helpful knowledge later when I, my family and friends go through the aging process

Hummingbirds , cardinals, and red breasted grosbeak

My dad thanked me each and every time I provided something for him. He realized I was helping by choice, not obligation or demand. He’s gone now and I remain grateful

Every day I wake up in the morning I'm grateful I woke up. Shouldn't everyone be?

I'm Greatfull for getting up early this morning, getting some alone time, and with reading this forum this morning, I gained some clarity.

Yes mom is in pain, but mom raised my brother to be the golden child, then mom picked him (that could careless) to be her POA. Mom is the one that worships him. Mom is the one that hides her pain, when he calls.

Thank you 🙏

I am grateful that what my husband failed to do (provide for my future) my father took care of by his will.

I am grateful that a daughter, one that I was closest to, has been reconciled after two years of distance. She says she missed me and wanted so much to be with me, but she is not to a place yet to deal with her father. We just did a long weekend with her family at a state park. It was so good to hug her and the family again. (We had a first step in May when she joined us to help us deal with my father's house.)

I am grateful for air conditioning right now!

I am grateful for the son that lives with us, even though he has issues, he handles the man stuff around here.

I am grateful for the wildlife we see at our house. Deer, raccoons, possums, fox are all regulars. Bear have been nearby (walked past my neighbor's pool Monday while she was in it, she was hoping he wasn't going to climb in, but he continued in my direction . . . and I wasn't home, boo hiss) but this year I have yet to see one.

I’m happy for you GrayGrammie.

Grateful for I have used it for many years and today I got a wrong item delivered. The first is all these years which is a pretty good record for them. The return process is easy too. Grateful for that.

Grateful for air conditioning in the heat wave we are having.

Grateful for having moved from my house to this condo. Life is much easier here.

Grateful for being pretty healthy all things, especially my age, considered.

And along with others very grateful for this forum. I think I have been here over 10 years now and it was a life line in my "caregiving of mother" days. At my age your friends die or get dementia, so grateful to have all of you to chat with at times. 🌷🌹💐💮🌺🌼🌻

The humidity is down! 😁 I am so greatfull for low humidity for a couple of days.

Just booked our cruise in January 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

Anxiety ,

Good for you! You’ll get a break and be able to relax because you will be too far away to go over to your Mom’s house , leaving your brother with POA to have to step up !!

Grateful thinking is where relief comes. A grateful attitude has helped me so much the last 11 years as I care for my husband of 15 years. We've had a lot of fun together. Things aren't so fun now. I'm 62, he's 87 and has dementia. So much has been lost, but there is a lot that has been gained as well. I've gained experience, understanding and patience I never had - and that's mine to keep, no matter what happens. I've gained courage as my sweetheart has lost every ability and we have faced scary stuff together. He still thanks me each time I do something for him. I've overcome the fear of allowing others to help me - as I could not cope right now without the home health and hospice helpers who assist us. I have serious medical issues of my own. I'm learning to prioritize my own care - something that was always difficult for me in the past, whether it was a personal or cultural issue. Thankfully, my health is improving gradually, good numbers and adequate energy right now, when a year ago there were many days I could barely get out of bed and could not eat normally.
Anyway, thanks for making this post; it was a good place to connect. This is my first time posting here. I look forward to learning more and finding community with you all.

BGirl, welcome to are forum, I luv your story it is very touching and sweet, and refreshing. Looking forward to reading more from you

My local corn on the cob. 🌽 😋😍

We should be grateful for something every day.
Gratitude list suggestions, pick one or two per day,
Family who loves you
Friends you relate to
Significant other who reminds you you’re not alone
Eyes that allow you to see the world’s beauty
Ears that allow you to listen to music
Nose that allows you to smell 
Arms that allow you to hold a newborn baby
Legs that give you the freedom to move
Mouth that lets you taste delicious food
Ability to talk
Friendly neighbors who smile at you
Morning coffee for jolting you awake
Libraries with endless books allowing you to learn
Music that helps you feel
Mother nature’s beauty
Your lungs which are working hard as you read this
Today because you’ve been given it
Art that mesmerizes you
The comfort of your own home
Access to food
Having a steady pay check
Paying bills on time
Weekends that give you more time to spend on life
The internet which helps you find what you’re looking for
Clean water to drink from
Toilets (as some countries don’t have them)
A relaxing massage
A hot shower
A healthy body
Your unique personality
Your kind heart
Your strength to keep going when things get tough
Your favorite happy memories
Belly laughs
Watching the sunset in the evening
Pets that bring you all the joy
Kind hearted strangers that show you love
Doctors who’ve healed you
An apology from someone whose hurt you
Forgiveness from someone you hurt
Birthdays because it’s a day that’s all about you
The first snowfall in the winter
Christmas Eve dinner
Getting another chance to a fresh start on New Years Day
A sunny day in the outdoors
Dancing in the rain
Romantic proposals
Your happiest moment
Watching waves crash into boulders
Getting mail from a friend
Sleeping in your bed
Staying up all night talking to an amazing person
Wishing on a shooting star
Going to an event you’ve been waiting for for months
Being on vacation
Finishing a big project
Dancing at a wedding
Family reunions
A good night’s sleep
A quiet moment of solitude
The ability to meditate
Having a functioning brain
Being self-aware
Finding something you’ve lost
Learning to let go
All that knowledge stored up in your brain
Your growth throughout your life
Your willingness to help others
A lived-in home 
Your ability to make good decisions
The fact that you’re still hopeful that things will get better
The recognition you received on a project
Silly coworkers who make the day more fun
The fire burning inside you
Clean laundry
The smell of lavender
Your freedom
Having things money can’t buy
Eating your favorite food
Connecting with others on social media
Your favorite season
Your sports team’s winning a game
The reason you go into work each morning
Someone holding the door for you
A friend calling to check-in
Compliments from strangers
Surprise gifts
The ability to improve your life
Your quirky talents
Feeling safe
Activities that turn your brain off
Being able to read this
Long weekends
Comfortable shoes
Starlit skies
Rainbows after the storm
Thank you notes 
Comfy robes
New adventures
The world has never been more prosperous
People have been more accepting of diversity than ever
No physical pain
Kind strangers
A walk in the forest
Learning something new
Autumn leaves
First warm day after a cold winter
Watching the first snowfall
Positive comments on posts
Having that one friend who likes all your social media posts
Sleeping in
Quenching hunger
Finding money in your pocket
Finding a toilet when you really need to go
Getting the last parking spot
A driver letting you pass in front of them
People who donate blood
Having healthy family and friends
Watching the success of a friend
Making the final payment on your student loans
Working from home 
Singing karaoke with friends
Eating cookie batter from the bowl
Staying in on a Friday night
Pursuing your favorite hobby
The feeling you get when you help someone 
Getting goosebumps
A first kiss
The feeling you get when you’ve finally found the one
Taking medication that actually works
Finding the answer to your

I am grateful that my parents are still alive so I can show them my love and gratitude for all they have done for me for over 60 years. My mother is often in a dementia fog, with short-term memory loss, sundowning, restlessness and agitation. However, she sends me text messages that she loves me and wants to see me very soon. My father is stronger and does not suffer the physical and mental deterioration of my mother. I can still call him for practical advice and counsel, and comfort as we watch Mom in what may be her final years. Too often I have betrayed their trust in me, and caused them grief and despair. Now I do all I can to help them be safe and comfortable. Evamar, I appreciate your list so much and I will certainly choose one or more each day. Thank you

Wheat , I love your story, we see so many horrible stories yours is so sweet , and refreshing! Thank you for sharing that.

I am grateful for your story today, wheat

The humidity is leaving my area tomorrow, that is a huge something to be greatfull for, for me!!

Evamar this is a wonderful list

Eva - your list is quite amazing!!! I need to read it again. I think you are very practiced in gratitude!!!

I am very grateful today for some respite for a couple of weeks. R has gone for on a trip with one of his dds and 2 grandsons (planned before the accident). The boys are into ball games so it will be centered in that. He still tires easily so hopefully will get the rest he needs. I certainly will and am thankful for this time off. It's not been that bad but he needs more help than before so I have been "on duty" more. He is driving now and thankfully stops and rests when he needs to. He will have appointments when he comes back and I will go with him to those.

I am VERY grateful this morning that a very large piece of a tree , just missed my car! Had some bad storms last night.

Golden, I'm so glad you are getting sometime to just do you! 🙂

One more thing today, is silence, no humming from the AC, windows are open , birds are tweeting, a slight breeze. That's heaven to me right now

Spoke with stubborn MIL on the phone , she has decided she ISN’T going to fly to Florida with a blood clot in her leg . 🙏🏻🙏🏻
For now anyway . 😬🙄

I think telling her multiple times over the last few weeks that we are NOT flying down there to rescue her if something happens may have worked !!! Either that or the fact that I actually got on the phone the last two calls .( rare on my part ).

Waytomisery, 😁😁😁😁😁, that's awesome!!

I am so grateful my mom initiated giving me the power to make decisions for her. That has been such a huge help. She also told me “never listen to what I say I want…I trust you 100% to have my back..and when I need it move me to a nursing home”. I am so grateful I have had no guilt in any of my decisions. Year 6 of Lewy Body Dementia…

There are baby rattlesnakes all around our community now - and I didn’t get bitten!

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