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Hello JoAnn,
Wonderful news. He seems to be making really good progress. Will continue to pray for a speedy recovery.



Now that we're heading into a new week, have you heard anymore about when your grandson, Sam, will be allowed to go home? I'm sure you're all anxious to have him home with you again!

Sorry i haven't been back earlier.

Grandson came home on Wednesday. A little wobbly but he made it in the door. He will be staying with me until his Mom thinks its safe for him to go up his 14 apt stairs. He lost 17 lbs in the hospital which for him is a good thing. Since his appetite is good he isn't eating that much so hopefully he will lose some more. He has made himself comfortable. (He and daughter did live here till he was 3)We had him a lot growing up so its like his second home.

Everything went as expected when it came to his surgery and the days after. He will be weaned off his meds. After he is totally off, it will be found if he is cured. So far, no seizures and he did have them even while on meds.

Thank you all for your prayers. I think they really helped to get him this far.

Dear "JoAnn29,"

Glad to hear your grandson came home on Wednesday and that he's made himself comfortable in your home since it's truly like a second home to him. I'd been wondering about him all week!

The fact that everything went as expected with his surgery is a great sign. Now you await the results after he's been weaned off his medications. So far so good it sounds. It's always great to lose weight but, not under those types of circumstances.

It's still truly amazing how far he has come in what still is considered a relatively short amount of time.

Hope you will let us know whether the surgery was a complete success!

Continued prayers for the final outcome -

Grandson is doing very well. He walked to his Moms, 4 doors down, by himself yesterday and visited. Right now he is getting ready to go with us to the local Diner for breakfast. First big outing.

Thanks again for the prayers.

That's super JoAnn, here's hoping this proves to be the cure you are all praying for.


That is a remarkable improvement into your grandson's second week since this began. You all must be very thrilled!

Enjoy your first big outing - having breakfast out together!

pray for fast healing and for speedy recovery.  May the Lord watch over him and his family.

Wonderful news. Hope you all have a great time out for breakfast.

Thank God your grandson is doing so well. I have been praying for him. I had my first seizures when I was around 15 years old. I didn't know that they were seizures at the time. Had my first grand mal seizure when I was 20 years old. Thankfully my seizures were controlled with medication.

Grandson had his first Doctor's appt since his Surgery on Thursday. Everything looked good. Is progressing as expected. Had his staples removed. Will see this doctor again in 6 weeks. I guess that visit will determine if he can return to work. Has been out with friends the last couple of days. Seems his own self but Doctor says his brain may be swiss cheese for a while longer. Still on his meds for now. Will need to be weaned off.


So glad everything is progressing as the doctors expected. I'm sure having the staples removed helped too as I've heard how big those can be and sometimes hurts the head!

Glad he's had a chance to go out with friends over the last few days - I'm sure that helps with his mental outlook and makes him feel like there's finally some normalcy in his life.

Now all that seems to be left other than being weaned off his medications is whether or not it was completely successful in preventing anymore seizures down the road - will continue praying that will be the case!

I'm sure you all are starting to feel more at ease and peaceful as to the outcome so far.

Continued best wishes -

Praise The Lord!

I am so happy for your grandson and all your family that he is doing so great.

Just wanted to update everyone.

Grandson is doing well after 2 months. Back to Surgeon next week to see when he can go back to work. Still having some memory problems but then he suffers from ADD and can't be medicated for it until he is off the epilepsy drugs, which will be a while yet.

Poor guy, he has applied for unemployment and Disability. Has heard by letter that looks like he qualifies but has received no money. I think he will end up back to work before he sees anything. You cannot call them. Everything done on the internet now.

Will say prayers, JoAnn.

Praying for him. This is a lot.

So glad to hear of his recovery & good check-ups so far. Praying for no seizure activity when it comes time. 🙏🙏

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