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Dumbledore is doing better. He's eating canned food on his own now but won't touch the dry stuff.

I've done subq on a previous, very chill cat. Dumbledore fought the vet tech tooth and nail the other day when she gave him fluids.

Time will tell.

Happy Easter, everyone.

We take our boy to the vet for sub q fluid. We tried it at home but it was stressful and he picked up on our stress so it didn't work out well. He is getting crankier every time we take him though. The vet is nearby but the whole getting him into the carrier etc. is a pain.

I nursed a cat back to health when I was in my twenties. I heated up the baby food and spoon fed her. Sometimes giving something that has a strong smell like liver pate or tuna works cause cats have such a strong sense of smell. Even just adding some tuna juice to their regular food works sometimes. I guess it depends on the cat and what's wrong with them.

It's a struggle when our pets are ailing that's for sure. If only they could talk.

BarbBrooklyn, too bad cats can't talk to us letting us know if it a tooth ache, tummy troubles, urinary blockage, emotional issue, etc. Hope you find out what is ailing Dumbledore.

Going to look in on kitty update later, Barb. Thinking of you.

Awake at 2:30 in the morning because kitten - whom we have crated because of spay surgery Monday decided to take a 💩 outside the litter box and proceed to walk through it - though I cleaned the bottom of her feet with pet wipes and didnt see any evidence of that so hopefully it all smashed into the towel in her crate and not on her.

Next Friday kitten will be paroled and it can't come soon enough.

I hope it's something curable or at least treatable. FWIW, we've seen 3 senior kitties through kidney failure. We did "sub-q" (subcutaneous infusion of fluids) on 2 of them, and it bought them additional quality time. They started eating, drinking, playing and behaving normally--until they didn't. However, both were basically compliant and not unduly stressed out by the process. (They also enjoyed the post sub-q treats.)

Kitty #3 did NOT take to sub-q at all, and we stopped after a few weeks (she was euthanized shortly thereafter). I probably wouldn't do sub-q again. We're old-old now and probably couldn't do as good a job of it, especially if kitty was resistant or stressed. Our current very shy, skittish 14+ Y/O kitty would definitely not allow it.

Barb I hope your baby eats. We did the same thing with the baby food and we spoon fed it to him. We celebrated with every bite we got him to eat. It's one of the hardest things to go through when your cat won't eat. I hope your vet has an answer for you about what's wrong with him on Monday and he gets all fixed up good as new.

Okay, just visited my local grocery and got some baby food chicken and a couple of cans of cat food. Some of this should work, I hope.

Ali, if you're out there, wish me luck!

Sorry about your cat, Barb, but at least it sounds like he is in good hands. Hope he gets sorted out soon.

I just recalled how I found this vet back 25 years ago. I was newly separated and had a small, blind corgi/dachshund. I was gifted a large shepherd/retriever mutt (living alone in a big house in Brooklyn; this was a good idea).

I was walking in Prospect Park one morning and chanced to talk with a lady who turned out to be a neighbor. She told me about her vet who, when her elderly dog was dying, stopped by every evening to give him a shot of morphine. He's been my vet ever since.

Barb, Sorry to hear about your cat.

Sounds like a very sensible vet.

Barb, so sorry about your cat. My cat is 16 and has kidney disease. We do the subcutaneous fluids twice a week. I also give him an appetite stimulant every three days and a laxative plus something called Aventi powder which is a phosphorus binder. It's a lot of work and my boy tolerates it but if it starts to seem like it all is bothering him I will stop and let him go gracefully.

I hope you can get some answers Barb and find out what is wrong.

Vet will schedule a sonogram on Monday if no improvement. I have used this vet for 20+ years because he isn't into saving animals who are suffering. But he does his best to find out what is going on.

When my cat was dying he wouldn't eat churu or anything. Not even whipped cream - he loved whipped cream. If they can't smell, they won't eat. It sounds like your cat has something serious going on. Just because his blood work is normal doesn't mean he isn't sick. Did the vet do an xray? He could have cancer. My cat had a normal xray and then just 2 months later the xray showed cancer. It seems cats can just get major health issues out of the blue like this. I hope everything works out OK for your cat. I wish cats could talk and tell us what is wrong.


I hope Dumbledore improves soon. Sending hugs!

Thank you ALL so much for the guidance and support. I feel like I'm lurching from emergency to emergency. And I'm not even caring for someone with REAL problems.

I sure hope your baby gets better Barb~
Churu's.the lickable bisque and the Churu bites are my cats favorite treats.
The pet stores here quit carrying them,but I found some with CHEWY.
Real tuna is pretty popular too.
I hope you find what your baby will take.
It's an awful feeling when our babies are sick and they can't tell us what's wrong.

Churu, it's a cat treat they lick. I feel like my cats love them so much, even sick , they will probably eat them.

Churus - their package is tube shaped - they helped our elderly cat bounce back from a decline.

My cats love those treats, that are in a tube and they lick.

I thought one of my cats was done with this world, then I gave her, the water in the tuna fish. She started drinking, and was fine after that.

The just sitting in litter box almost always a urinary stone obstruction, something very common to male cats and less so to females, or urine crystals. You may also, dependent on age be looking at kidney failure.
I have had many cats and have, when the aging thing comes and they want you to do syringing in of fluids and so on, just put the cat mercifully to sleep. Wouldn't want it to me and wouldn't have it for my much loved animal.

Hope you find out quickly what is going on here, Barb. Baby food PURE meat worked well for me on fingertips. Chicken rather than beef.
Let us know.

The vet gave me a syringe to pump food into the back of his mouth, but I'm doing okay with scooping up bits of wet food and letting him lick it off my fingers.

I also found him sitting-just sitting--in his litter box yesterday.

Something is very off.

Oh Barb, good luck with this! My indoor/outdoor cat Bruce, who was feral and now is getting used to indoor living , and is "fixed", has stud tail for the second time, so I have to put acne medication on his bum daily. Luckily he lets me rub it in when he is busy eating. Never thought I'd be acne treating a cat! How do you force feed a cat? can you try different food?

My cat, Dumbledore, has taken a turn.
Blood work and physical exam both fine but he's losing weight and not as frisky as he was last week.

Was not paying much attention to him when DH was recuperating from his ICU stay.

Vet says to hand/force feed over the weekend and we'll talk on Monday.

Our cat "Jessie" [ginger/white] would make a good nanny. At 9:30 at night he tells everyone it is time to go to bed. No ands, ifs, or buts. He will annoy you until you get off the computer or if you are watching TV downstairs. He does the reverse at 7:00 in the morning, makes his rounds getting the household up.

Well, last night was the night before changing the clock forward one hour. Anywho, there's Jessie at 8:30 [hour early] doing his nightly get-in-bed rounds. How on earth did he know about the clocks, unless he saw us changing the clocks, but then again.... maybe it was just a coincidence.... or maybe he did know.

And this morning, at 7 a.m., even though the sun was just peeking through the clouds compared to complete sunshine the morning before, he was on his nanny routine.


My friend is in love with a service dog at her church. She says that this dog is so sweet (black lab). When the priest announces that it is time to offer the sign of peace. The dog holds out her paw to shake it!


Yes! I believe that. My grey knew when my daughter would arrive home from school. He would go to the foyer and stand there waiting for her. Mom and I would giggle saying that he could tell the time! They have an internal clock.


Too funny! 😁

We have a 15 cat feral colony who live in my garage and in little cat homes we have on our deck, and they are NOT dumb, I swear they can tell time! At exactly 430 every evening they are staring in the deck door and hanging out by the garage doors, waiting to be fed ( 5 pm) And heaven forbid we are one minute late! When we walk the dog we have a little train of cats following us, it's adorable!


My DH grew up with a beagle and a neurotic cockapoo!

My DH didn’t want a cat and asked me to see if my parents would take my cat when we got married. . I said, ‘Hey, we are a package deal. I am not getting rid of my cat!’

He ended up loving the cat. My cat looked like yours but didn’t have any white fur.

Chocolate labs are my favorite! Labs are usually very active. My brother always had black labs. They are beautiful dogs. I like playing with them at the dog park when we bring my daughter’s dog to the park.

Lately, there is a gorgeous Great Dane puppy that keeps trying to jump on me at the park.

My neighbor’s Dane broke her ribs when she was a puppy and super playful. She had a difficult time training her dog not to jump.

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