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Mom smiled !
i thought for sure she couldnt any more

My mom was sitting in the common area with other NH members last Friday when I arrived. We stayed there the entire visit and I walked her back to her room about an hour later as I was leaving. That is the FIRST time she has stayed with others and talked in the past several months. I did get a call that she had fallen Saturday again but, only her elbow was scratched up and nothing broken this time.
I'll see her again Friday and Saturday my family and friends will be here for our annual backyard cookout/crawfish boil. So, I am celebrating some relaxation time.

Celebrating life.
The life that God gave us, and numbered our days.
Celebrating my family member's life.
He is a good man, still living after all these years.

How exciting, Susan, happy for you!

Golden, you have gotten a bit of a "break" due to your elderly mother being relatively content and well cared for, no new issues, during this hectic time you've had. I hope everything starts to wrap up and you can see the light at the end of it all.

Not care giver related either other than mother has been fine during all the hoo-ha of the fire and evacuation of the city. The house repairs are nearly complete after 8+ months of a basement flood, and restoration, another flood and more restoration and a third flood and then finally the repairs started and are nearly complete. It feels good and is reason to celebrate!!!

I'm celebrating. Not caregiver related, but hey...a celebration is a celebration, right?

I was excited recently, because a person my professional circle approached me about collaborating on a major project I mentioned to her. The project is a training course I will be creating and selling, and should be quite lucrative if all works out the way I'm hoping. I'm confident that it will do well. Anyway, this person approached me, and I was excited, because she has a massive network of clients and others in the industry, where we could market this product and do very well with it. Even signing up 100 people would be very good income to start out with. So we started working out the timeline and framework, and I sent her a contract to review. Then she went silent on me for about a week, putting me off whenever I contacted her to see what the status was on things. Then after about 2 weeks, she informs me she has discussed this project with her "peers" and now, instead of being a partnership - a 50/50 split - it's going to be "her" product, with her name on it, and that I will only be one of many "experts" in various fields she is bringing on board, and the split will now be 25/75 - with 75% for her. The reasoning behind it was that she was going to paying out of pocket for an expensive software to run the program (which isn't necessary, I know how these programs work, I've run several for my clients). I let her know I was *not* at all happy with this turn of events, but she wouldn't budge. I told her I was breaking away and doing the project on my own, which was my original intent anyway - I never asked her for help, collaboration or anything at all - *she* approached *me* and asked if we could collaborate, and then took the idea and ran with it, and made it her own. That's fine - there are many courses like this out there, and she can run her own - I don't care - but what I do care about is how she did it. I feel it was underhanded and shady.

So why am I celebrating? Because I don't feel bad about this at all. Yes, I was pretty ticked off at first when she did it, but I feel extremely good about my product and what I can do with it, and I'd much rather have all the profit for myself anyway, rather than splitting it with someone else.

When I think about launching this product, I get excited at the prospect of what it can hold for the future, and I feel very, very confident that it's going to work. I can't remember the last time I felt this good, down deep, about something. It's that gut feeling you get when you know something is going to work out.

Oh, taxes....
Today felt better after taking care of the social security appointment.
Taxes are a little further down on the list, then jury duty.
Busy busy springtime.

Tax paperwork is now safely in the hands of our tax preparer. I was up until 2 AM last night getting all of Mom's paperwork in order. Discovered a $28,000 error on one of her 10-99s. Hopefully it will be corrected in a timely manner. I was up for work at 6 AM so am running off of four hours of sleep. Going to bed now. Everything else must wait until tomorrow. It is so nice to have that task off my back.

The ballad of the missing hearing mom moved from AL to Skilled Nursing last June. Mom had called me to tell me she was going to SN for PT and people were gathering some belongings. In hindsight I should have went over, but they had everything under control. My mom ended up staying in SN and hearing aids couldn't be found. Yesterday, Sunday, I went to see her and she had her nightstand drawer opened. She has about four denture containers and has costume jewelry in them (the activities ladies give it out) and she opened one more container, took out tissues, and there were her hearing aids! Changed the batteries and she can was a happy day for all!

A friend, self-sufficient all these years, has decided to stop driving at 81.
Arthritis in her neck makes it painful to turn her head, as required for driving. She is a good driver, but somehow I am proud of her example.

Thinking that is the way to age gracefully, with dignity intact.

Celebrating for someone else tonight, we are having cookies, white chocolate macadamia nut.

Can hardly wait! Are you nervous Barb?

BarbBrooklyn will be celebrating soon I think :)

Is there a Celebration tonight?

On the negative side, Mom seems to have regressed a bit yesterday and was demonstrating aphasia at dinner time and had no appetite. But, on a celebratory note, she stood up on her own just before bedtime!! She has been content with being rolled around in the wheelchair and being transferred from chair to chair to bed to toilet by means of being picked up into a standing position. She has contributed to the effort by using her legs some of the time but not all.

She was sitting on the toilet claiming to "not be done yet" so I ran out of the room for a minute to use the facilities in the other part of the house. When I came back, she was standing in front of the toilet. I am not ready for her to stand unsupervised but glad that she found the strength and willingness to do it.

Sunny, I had to smile when you mentioned your underwear getting tight! I've lost about 25 pounds since my diabetes medications have been adjusted. And the first place I noticed it was in my underwear! The seat bagged. Now the only place on my entire body where I didn't need to lose weight was my butt. (Once when my grandma was helping me fit a pattern for some slacks she sad, "Girl, what do you sit on? You ain't got any keister at all!") So I got new underwear. The second place I noticed the weight loss was in my bras -- another place I didn't exactly need to be smaller. Sigh. Now I am noticing that my slacks bag the way my underwear did -- just in the seat.

Anyway, I celebrate the loss of weight because I think it contributes to my improved management of my diabetes.

Anonymous245940, Sorry to hear that about the pounds. But, I know how easy that can be. The weight I'm losing now is weight that I gained after my last weight loss. ( When my LO got dementia, it put a lot of stress on me. I was the DPOA, HCPOA and only person who did anything. I had no help. I was so stressed that I would sit awake all night, staring into space just wondering WHAT in the world was going to happen. It was truly an horrific experience. I couldn't eat either and lost about 30 pounds. BUT, after I got her placed and cared for, the weight crept back. So, here I am. lol

Oh, I lost a few more pounds, too! This time, I'm doing it right with nutritious food and good sleep. I plan on this being my permanent way to live. So far, so good.  I'm super happy about that. 

Sunny, I gained 5 of the 10#'so you lost, but CONGRATULATIONS GIRL, that's an incredible achievement!

FINALLY, after many conversations with my Narcissistic FIL, and him clearly understanding that soon he will be going to Assisted living, he has begun THANKING my husband for the dinner meal, and even giving COMPLIMENTS TOO!

WOW, It only took 13 years of him living with us, and me getting on his case about being appreciative for all the many things his Son does for him each and every day!

I am trying hard not to think that he believes that by doing so, it might lead us to a change of heart, and continue onward in the status quo of him living here, but a little bit too late, as we are quite fed up with his shenanigans, and lack of kindness, and feeling the the whole world revolves around him! 

We are steadfast in our intent to continue on with selling our home, buying a Condo, and to begin LIVING OUR OWN LIVES FOR ONCE, after raising our 4 kids to successful adulthood! 

Not gonna work Bud, But appreciate that you are finally realizing how good you've had it here all these years!

Grandmom not on isolation...
Grandmom stealing my food (..doesn't like the rehab food, can't say I blame her - I usually bring food with me so we can at least dinner together at night.) - last night was the first night she took the initiative to take my food...
Since off of isolation, she can finally leave her room -- granted she's a fall risk anyways.. doesn't seem to want to mingle with the other residents (..likely due to her being very hard of hearing) --- but, I asked if she wanted to walk around and without missing a beat, gran got her sneakers on quick and said let's go. She walks great by herself (.but uses a walker at home) - cause there are things she can hold onto... I'll never forget walking by the nurses station ~ she got lots of smiles/staff was ecstatic to see her out of her room...
I reached out to a lawyer via email asking for help (defending me against false APS accusations; threatening behavior by relatives; etc) - Promptly got a return email stating that he is willing to take my case. He'll be coming out to rehab to speak with Gran and I tomorrow (assuming the snow accumulations aren't that bad).

Only negative -- I hope that uncle's girlfriend backs off permanently once she realizes I'm lawyered up. I don't want the monster dragging this out..

m2m, I hope you get to go! That sounds lovely.

Mom2mom, that trip sounds AWESOME! Fingers crossed it's a go.

Doing the Happy Dance!!!

Disney has a new offering called Highway in the Sky Dine Around which is a progressive dinner taking place at hotels ont he monorail stops. My friend/mother's main caregiver and I would have loved to go but it sold out in a matter of hours. Well, they released new dates this morning and I managed to snag two reservations for May 27! Yaay us.

The only rub is that we fly non-rev (stand-by) and I didn't realize that I had book memorial Day weekend. Everyone please cross your fingers that we get to go.

Send, good for you on working towards that goal! I know how difficult self-employed taxes are. I used to do it but have learned to bite the bullet and hire a good tax man to do our taxes and Mom's. I have all the figures ready for ours and an appt. to meet with him. This is a deadline to get Mom's figures correct. Next week it will be done.

Well, I lied. Trying to be more positive, and trying to convince myself,
I said "I am looking forward to doing the paperwork for taxes." I am not. Actually I have already hidden the paperwork from myself, dreading it.
So, hopefully, I will be posting soon my celebratory "did my taxes".

Congrats to everyone for their celebrations and small victories!! :-)

The Hoyer Lift is coming today!!!

Yay! Loving the reminders to be doing my taxes! Because of hubs job, there will be h3ll to pay in terms of paperwork, but am looking forward to it.
I've got this!

I have almost got the taxes done.

Sunny, congrats!!

I lost almost 7lbs in about 4 days while we had the stomach bug here - not the way I like to lose weight. Problem is, it all came back immediately as soon as I started eating again, and I didn't overeat - I think my body was in starvation mode and just grabbed and held onto anything I put in, since I hadn't eaten much for a few days.

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