Mom is 92. Pretty spot on for most stuff. Some mobility issues, not a big deal. so tell me the secret, how do ya handle the 'all over the place' child behavior days? The clueless moments, not paying attention, goes off and I don't know where. I never went through the terrible two's with my three children as a single mom, but feel very stressed and exhausted with mom. Never had high blood pressure, but I do now. Some conversations are senseless. And sometimes oblivious to her surroundings. Selective hearing. My life is never boring and I am not as kind as I would like to and should be. It seems she is always catching me off guard. I don't know how, I am super observant, to a fault. I want to enjoy whatever time she has left, so why in the world is it so difficult?!?!?!?!?!?!? Sorry, thanks for the vent...