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Dear Linda, how great that you have planned "sanity breaks", it is imperative to your sanity. Enjoy your trip, and have a safe one. I will be praying for you, that your husband will magically decide to move to Texas. I count my blessings that I can remain, for now, in the same state as my daughters. Good evening to all.


Three daughters. How fortunate you are. I have one; we call her the " Limited Edition". If I was sure the next child was also a girl, I would have had another one. No offense people, but I saw the mess mom made out of my brother, and knew I needed a daughter to have as a support throughout my life. She is just that. She is my best friend and I miss her so much. Now if I could get my husband to move to Texas, my life would be so much better.
Glad you had a good trip. I leave for one this weekend. We are now going to schedule one every 3 months. Call it the Sanity Break!!!


Dede, and lovingdaughter thank you so much. I just got back from a much needed camping trip a few days ago, and am catching up on reading. I have two more daughters, one married with children. She has learned to appreciate me more, since being on her own, with a family of her own now. She too, is learning how to sacrafice for others, and appreciate all the sacrafices I have made for her as well. I expect that my other two will also learn. I know, I did not appreciate my own mother as much as when I was on my own with a family of my own. It is just part of life, and learning, and growing. I count my blessings for all of us here, who have sacraficed for others. The world is a much better place because of people like all of you.

OK, now I feel as if I can be of some help!!! I was a middle school teacher for 32 years and I survived!!! Need any insights, I am your girl! It is the "all about me" time in a kids life. Girls are very dramatic at that age, and need to verbalize how they are feeling. Sometimes, mom is the last person they want to talk to. I assure my daughter that I will never let her give up her life to care for me, so I have made sure that my life is planned out. OK, so nothing is for sure, but we are moving into a 55 and over in 2 years, putting our assets into a trust and waiting out the 5 year look back. She is an awesome woman at 30 , but I still need to be sure I wont do to her what my mom has done to me. It isn't her fault, just a generation of poor planning.

nauseated~ I'm sorry your 7th grade daughter is being a "butt". I also have a 7th (soon to be 8th) grade daughter. I try hard to remember how I was at her age and realize that we are not that different. It is a very hard age and no matter what we do, it is not good enough, unless we are buying them stuff that is!! My daughter had me in tears the other day simply because of her horrible attitude towards me.. Perhaps alot of it has been learned because of having to deal with my mothers nasty attitude for most of her life, but a lot of it is being a 13 yr. old girl, too. I hope that, although we may not be able to spend as much time as they would like, they do see how much we love them and how many sacrifices we have to make and that we are good, caring, compassionate people.. and that these lessons will hlep them to grow up into good and caring adults themselves, even though I will never expect her to give up her dreams and family to take care of me when I get old. I have no desire to ever drag down my children the way my mother has dragged us down!! and I hope she knows and can appreciate that when she is older!! I'm sure your daughter knows the sacrifices you have to make and that you do the best you can ~ she's a 7th grader and right now, everything is all about her ~ she loves you, she is just at a very selfish age right now! Chin up, this too shall pass!

My blessing is I have all of you and I won't smoke today, or tomorrow or any other day my mind is made up and thats where it is in the mind. So happy you are going away for three days what a great blelssing. You all have a great day

My blessisng is that I am going on a 3 day weekend away from all this!!!!

My blessing for today is for Neon for not smoking way to go girlfriend

I am so happy for you. It gives me hope that there are answers out there that really work! Give your dad a hug from us!

Hi all, Just wanted to share this with you all, I do feel blessed that we got my Dad into this wonderful assisted living home. This afternoon we went to a little party they had called "tie one on" it was so nice.It was to celebrate men I guess because of Fathers Day some are not fathers well they had lots of delicious food and beer (fake of course) cake and everyone wore ties, but my Dad was so happy he was eating and singing I can't tell you how good that made me feel. Just wanted to share it.

Dear Austin, I am happy for you that's what you need, a caring friend you are going through a lot. take care now

Todays blessing is that I met a women at our book club at the senior center who also had at one time put her husband in a nursing home as I am in the process of doing and she invited me to go to a caregivers support group at our Oiffice of the Aging next month-her husband passed on last year but she still goes to the group and she has been helpful to me now that I have realized I can no longer care for him at home and she helped me not to feel quilty about it and thinks I will find the meetings helpful.

Blessing: all you people!!!!!! No rain( even if it just for a few hours) and my puppy who loves me unconditionally!

Our prayers are with your family. It just reminds me that we have to look for the blessings in life no matter how small. Mine is it has not rained today. We on the East Coast, have too much rain, so it is a blessing.

Dear Austin,I am so sorry to hear that. It is so nice though that there are caring people out there like your neighbor, God bless them. I hope all turns out well for you.

Austin, I am so sorry to hear this very sad news. It makes me cry, and I don't even know them. Even though I don't know them, please tell them that I so very much give them my sympathy, and my heart aches for them. The Lord works in mysterious ways. God Bless you dear Austin, and all of you special caregivers here. I must go now, and get ready for visiting Dad, and trip next week too. So much to do, and so little time. I must count my blessings for my wonderful husband, who helped with my father's house, and performed miracles in such a short time, he deserves it.

Austin how tragic for that family. I can't even fathom without starting to cry. But what a blessing even having your lawn mowed is. God cares and knows the number of hairs on our head. He created the flowers of the field... why would He not provide for you in maintaining your yard? Don't ya just love when God whispers in the ear of another? :)

Awesome blessing! Have a great day!

I want to share this blessing. I usually keep my lawn mowed but have been so busy meeting with the elder lawyer and the social and gathering all the paperwork to apply for medicaide and being do depressed and then my som borrowing my mower. He has been busy this week because his wife's family had a tradgagery this week -her uncles wife and child 6 yrs. old were killed by a drunk driver who plowed into a parking lot as they were going into a dance studio and so with everything going on and the husband harrasing mw with phone calls I was so depressed. Anyway I was out doing me Sat. errands and when I came home my lawn had been mowed by a neighbor-it lifted my spirits so much I do not have to express I am not use to anyone doing things for me what a blessing it was for me. I was just thinking this morning I need to just trust in God to help and he used one of us mortals to help-how great is that.

Hey Naus, Well when I wrote hope your trip is enjoyable and relaxing I was dreaming. I should have payed attention to where you were going, sorry. I hope it went well though and you had some help. That's a big job to tackle. I'm happy the house was in tact too. Take care

Hi all! Trip went well, better than I could have imagined. Although, emptying out dad's house was not easy for me. I had to give a lot away to the goodwill. The part that really bothered me was giving away my mom and grandmother's furniture that was in wonderful shape, but old. Cannot find good solid furniture like that these days. But I count my blessings that his house was not broken into or vandalized. The insurance company said they were cancelling his homeowner's insurance because I put in a change of address with the post office. They assumed without asking, that he was not living in the house. I told them that I just put a change of address in because I am now receiving his bills and mail as his conservator. I also sent them a letter to that affect, and have received no response. They are cancelling his insurance next week. I'm just counting my blessings that his house was not broken into or vandalized before I could empty it out. Have a good evening all, and God Bless You.

Hey Naus, I'm so happy for you!!! He will adjust and you will too. It's hard at first but like everything time will help. I hope you enjoy your trip, not sure where it is you are going but I hope its enjoyable and relaxing for you. Be safe . Neon, I wish you a good day and not so stressful, if that's possible. I get overwhelmed too at times my son is graduating from high school on Friday in the midst of everything else I feel bad that I haven't been paying attention to the kids, life is crazy at times. There is a saying that helps me a lot: When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. So sometimes when things are not going my way I think like well maybe that is happening so something bad doesn't happen to me, like stuck in traffic for instance you know or someone holding you back from doing something or going somewhere, it's strange but it makes me feel better lots of times. Peace to you I wish for you a beautiful day.

Have a great trip NAUS wish I was going with you its so depressing to know that this is the seventh year I do not get to go anywhere. I have so much to do and am starting to feel stressed about it all work wise and financially. My job is not going so well either we have a college student here for the summer who knows everything, over talks you and I feel like what am I doing here. Wish jobs were a little more plentiful I'd be looking but only have a year and a half to go before I retire than might try my hand in something else. Great the truck is sold. Glad things are working out for you Michaelangel I think it is because we have to handle everything and have done it so long we just want to make sure the help is doing it right. Of course, they won't do it the way we would and sometimes maybe that is a good thing as long as it gets done and its good for the person that needs the care. take care all

Dear Michele, so glad to hear things are going well so far with the help. I know what you mean about the still wanting to be there to help thing. Enjoy it, and your day.
The move yesterday with dad went so well I couldn't believe it. I think dad was apprehensive at first, until we got his apartment all set up. It looks really nice, and we made it homey for him, will do much better even, when we get back from the long trip. I cried when I waved goodbye up at his 2nd story window, while he was waving at goodbye at us. I felt as though I was leaving my child behind. And then when I got home and walked into his empty room. I don't understand it either. I couldn't wait to get him out, and he couldn't wait to get out, and there we were giving each other a hug goodbye. Maybe I can go back to being the good daughter again, instead of the enemy. I have to go back today, to take him his extra linens and clothes that I washed for him, so I will see. Also, yesterday, there were a lot of older ladies inquiring about him, and if there was anything they could do to help. I noticed when I checked on him at lunch in the dining room, one of the ones who inquired about him was sitting next to him smiling the whole time. She was so cute. They are way more women there than men. My dad has been a hermit for years, so I don't know about the socializing part. My 20yr old daughter will visit him, while we are gone on our trip, and try to do activities with him. I have way too much to do today, and not enough time, and we leave at 3:00am in the morning. So, I will check back with you friends when I come back from my trip. Oh, yes, a blessing again, last night my friend from out of state called me and said that her fiance's brother wanted to buy my dad's truck. Thank God for miracles and blessings. WHOOP! WHOOP! God Bless you all, and take care of yourselves. BIG HUGS to you!

Hi all, Well today is the first day that the caretaker for my Mom, came in the morning to wake her up and all. I'm very happy don't get me wrong but, I want to go downstairs to see how everything is going (i know that's crazy) I just know how hard it is in the morning to get her up deal with wet sheets and all but it is her job and she is not doing it for free so I will not bother them. I am grateful to have her help and I need to get on with my day, it's just weird that when you get some help you still feel the need to be there or something don't really get it oh well, have a beautiful day everyone!!!

Hi Neon, I'm glad some things are in your favor. Hope it continues for you, I don't have the best back either and been planting and stuff way too much hurting right with you. I have a blessing today, the lady came in to be with my Mom today, she seems really nice and NOT a teenager either. She is probably in her late 50's seems very caring and all I sure hope this works out I need a bit of a break.She will be there 5 days few hours each day.I say "Thanks God too", take care now.

I'm so happy for you Neon, that's great. See, miracles can happen. My blessing is tomorrow, when dad goes to the ALF. Tonight will be the last supper here for him, so to speak. What should I serve? Maybe some humble pie for dessert? I told dad that we could pick him up whenever he wants to spend time with us, or take a day trip, take him out to lunch, dinner, or whatever. I don't see that happening, since we have become the enemies. I guess I am expecting too many blessings at once. Need to be more patient. Take care to all, have a great day, check in later.

Oh I just had to share this blessing, my son finally realizes what a narcissitc person his fiance is and has decided to completely move out and NEVER go back his words not mine so we will be moving our dining room around I live in an old old house so it can be used for a bedroom now need to find some furniture she kept our bedroom suit so thats fine I'd rather have my son happy now he can work on the things he needs to do to improve himself, She is still calling him to watch the kids when she's working and he's not and he told me yesterday this will be the last week, he feels for the kids but they aren't his and perhaps he will still have a relationship with her if she will let them and knowing how lazy she is she will. Last Friday I went toher parents to play cards and she was so rude and than she made the remark to her 10 year old when he asked her for something, Leave me alone I am not playing funny word, mommy right now, her mother looked at her and said sorry child once your a mother you never get any time off. LOL I said good for you Momma should have told her that 12 years ago. So I am counting this as a blessing as I prayed and sent a prayer chain out for others to pray for my son to see the light. Now next step, my mother is going down hill quick so he will be there to help me do some of the things I cannot do when hubby is out of town, We have our differences ironed out thank God one more time. We will pull together and geterdun. I am glad to see progress you Naus and Austin and others. It takes time and sometimes during those trials we wonder what the heck went wrong and what in the world are we doing but you know what I'd rather be me than anyone else I know. so again Thank you God! Have a good day end of month stuff to do today so will be busy busy busy and than at home and finally I got the canvas done I am so glad that's off my list one thing at a time but I did do a stupid thing this week end I moved my concrete bird bath than had to lift the top to sit on it not a good thing with deteriorating discs, osteoarthritis and R/A. so hurting a bit today. But somebody had to get it done so the birds could have some water. Can't forget them either. Have a Great day

My blessing, in case you haven't already read it 1,000 times, is my dad is moving into a wonderful ALF, day after tomorrow. WOOP WOOP! Blessings to you all!

My blessing. Taking the day off tomorrow to go "down the shore" ( yes, that is how we say it, just ask the Boss) with my best friend to help her decorate her new house. Yes, in my previous life, I was a decorator! Also, my husband and I are going away for 3 days in June!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also, a blessing is this site and all of you!

How good Austin! Glad to hear it, you deserve good things. It does my heart good to hear when good things happen to good people. Bless you dear, and all of you.

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