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This discussion has been closed for comment. Start a New Discussion. is but one article on long term side effects of the "vaccines"

I personally feel I got stage 4 metastatic melanoma due to 3 covid shots. My oncologist agrees, as he's seen a staggering number of cancer cases since the roll out of these shots.

The truth will come out in 15 years when all the "random" deaths at 35 for no good reason will be attributed to covid "vaccines".

Are there any long-term side effects to these MRNA injections?

I had the updated Moderna COVID and a regular flu shot, one in each arm, 2 weeks ago. Didn't feel a thing, no side effects. I had avoided the updated COVID, but my Pharmacist was pushing it.

I've had COVID twice since my original 2020 vaccines/boosters, was coughing for a solid 6 weeks. Quick and easy shots and done. Not going thru months of coughing again!

I only had Pfizer for my initial series and boosters until my last booster, when I got Moderna. I didn't notice any difference in side effects between the two, and have been fortunate to just get a slight sore arm and tiredness. Last week when I got the shot for the new variant, it was back to Pfizer. I'd reads somewhere that mixing Pfizer and Moderna could be a good thing for boosting immunity.

I'm probably jinxing myself, but I've never had Covid to the best of my knowledge, though could have had an asymptomatic case. I'm not unusually cautious and have had a couple of close exposures. Maybe I have the gene variant that helps protect from Covid infection.

Moderna makes me feel pretty sick. Pfizer not at all. The pfizer is slightly weaker as I understand it. Anyway, got a red and itchy arm from Moderna as well. Last time I got one, a month ago, I forgot to ask, go figure. So I got pretty knocked down and out for two days, chills and weak. Fine on day three. My doc now says take once a year like the flu shot now.

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