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kuli They are on our prayer list. Hope for recovery and healing.

Hey, all. Please pray for, think of, wish peace for a friend of mine going through some very bad times. Her FIL passed away 2 weeks ago, mom passed away Sunday, MIL has open heart surgery on Wednesday and she has hit rock bottom. We all know too well how hard it is to get out of the black hole and I truly hope she finds the strength to climb out. Hugs to all ~ Kuli

Hey All!!

Bobbie...hunker down and stay safe...nothing like some rocking and rolling on the boat.

Cuz...funny stuff, thank headbanger for me, Lol!! have been MIA for awhile, glad to see you posting again.

Jen...certainly done with a fork stuck...oh who knows where!!

Pruned all of mom's roses today...not a good Idea. I had to use my left hand cuz right hand has no strength to press down hard enough on the clippers, but it is done. I tucked my gloves in my front pant pocket and then noticed they were was on the patio, the other one was missing. Looked all over the back yard when I thought...Midget!!! Yes she took it in the house, LOL!! The little thief!!

Found out the community did not return mom's phone to her how is she able to call us??? She is sneaking into other residents rooms and using their phones,LOL!!! My mom always was a sneaky lady!!

haha Mame!

lildeb! 12 life jackets onboard!
All screwholes not plugged. Ran out of pud.

Thanks Cuz!
Headbanger was a trip and a half and I hope she is doing well.

More boat work today and it looks like we may be getting some hurricane action this weekend. oh boy.

hope everyone is doing the best they can with what they are coping with!


Sweet Jesus-how do you follow THAT? (Probably why no one has yet!)

Here ya go gals. It took me a while to find it. I hope you enjoy. Thanks to
headbanger for taking the time to post this back in 2011.

Pooh-Pooh-doo-doo Chronicles;
The chronicles were born from trying to lighten the mood on the boards after a seriously crappy week for all caregivers on our forum.

The Pooh-doo chronicles:

1) The shy pooh-pooh: It lingers in the rectum because it has no self esteem. This pooh must be coaxed into appearing anywhere. This pooh frequently will poke out to survey the situation and get scared and return into the rectum. AKA Turtlehead poker.

2) The burglar pooh: Which is like pooh stuck in the chimney when it tried to rob your house. This pooh must be greased up and pulled out. Although you may think you need law enforcement, this pooh is usually too tired to fight once it is removed.

3) The wall-flower pooh-pooh: It enters the room and immediately finds a wall to smear on. can't dance with this pooh.

4) The shelf sitting pooh: You walk by any table and see a new sculpture... and no...this isn't art therapy. This pooh is also known as mountain range pooh...the natural formation is almost breathtaking.

5) The finger paint pooh: Murals of abstract brown art. If you stare at it long enough you can see flowers, trees, and faces of dead celebrities.

6) The hide and seek pooh: Ali-Ali-UM-COMFREE! I give up. I can smell you but can't find you pooh. This can be distressing pooh, especially if your social worker is coming right over.

7) The trace pooh: It lingers under fingernails and defies you to remove it because you just can't hold the elderly hand long enough to get your nail file there. I hate this pooh, I hear it laughing at me. I also fear this pooh because it can turn into....Finger up the nose pooh.

8) The bad-ass pooh: The pooh that stands up to your disenfectant, sponge, and scrub brush, and sends it packing. It is WWF kick-ass wrestle you to the ground pooh. It is the pooh you have to scrub for hours. This pooh must be a gang-member because it has tatoo'd my bathroom and made me it's b*tch. I call this pooh BUBBA and never turn my back on it.

9) Track and Field pooh: This is pooh that runs faster and longer than any other pooh. Usually you see this pooh after your ward has eaten a pound of chocolate, Triscuits, and Pea soup. Although it is a gold medal winning pooh, it is to be avoided at all costs.

10) The pebble pooh: This pooh is an escape artist, it falls out of your ward's depends and conceals itself on the carpet. Not to be confused with hide and seek pooh, this pooh prefers open spaces and looks like raisen-ettes or chocolate malt balls. This pooh is often referred to as "Houdini pooh" because it escapes from any depends and lives to be seen on stage.

11) The Sitcom pooh: This dramatic pooh loves to entertain. This is the pooh that cannot wait to take a bow before a live audience, and is always taken in front of other people.

12) The space-shuttle pooh: This pooh cannot be confused with any other pooh. This pooh is HEAVY and seems to have it's own gravitational pull. Keep your balance when dealing with this pooh. This pooh is like a black-hole and science does not know what happens to objects that this pooh consumes. AKA: Event Horizon Pooh

13) The zip-code pooh: This pooh is so large it needs it's own post-office. This pooh should receive fan-mail and usually blocks up the toilet. (AKA: Plumber pooh)

14) The Titanic Pooh: Unfortunate pooh. Left unattended and with too many flushes behind code pooh turns into Titanic pooh. This pooh has gone over the top of the porcelain barrier, ripped a gaping hole in it's side, and is sinking on the bathroom floor. This is a slip and fall risk pooh. You may need a raft or at the very least a swamp airboat to navigate the clean up.

15) The disguised little SH*T: Sly and covert this pooh is a master of deceit. This pooh can cleverly mimic pooh from ANY other species or human. Once this pooh escapes the rectum it morph's into any of the following:
A) The caregiver's pooh: OMFG how could YOU have left that pooh there? You are disgusting.
B) Your dogs pooh: I swear to god we have to get rid of your dog. It has a problem!
C) Food: You gonna eat that?
D) Art Supplies: refer to Fig: 4 and Fig 5

16) Celebrity pooh: A larger than life pooh that is impressive in most ways and is always trailed by smaller pooh-parazzi.

17) Reality TV or Heiress pooh: Pooh that has outlived it's 5 minutes in the spotlight but floats at the top of the bowl. Very resistant to flushing.

18) Symphony Pooh: Pooh that is always accompanied by the sounds of a mardi-gras parade. This pooh never slips quietly into the bowl. The orchestra can perform alone without the pooh...this is called slip farts and could be the subject of another post.

19) Insomnia pooh: This is pooh every caregiver hates. This pooh's arrival is always in the middle of the night. It takes so long to get done that it takes most of the night and you are usually too wired to get back to sleep.

20) Political pooh: This pooh market's itself as something it is not. Once you vote for this pooh, it never delivers. Do not let this pooh kiss your baby. When this pooh finally gets stinks.

21) Dog Whisperer pooh: This is the pooh that looks like a small naughty dog on the carpet. No touch, no talk, no eye contact is best if you want to get close to this pooh with a paper towel. As tired as you may be...please do not keep this pooh as a pet, it cannot be housebroken. *snaps fingers* "ssssstttt"

22) Charmed pooh: This is the pooh that needs three teenage witches to banish it back to where it came from. AKA Exorcist pooh

23) Redneck pooh: This pooh doesn't care what anyone thinks. Is that a mullet? This pooh is fat and bossy. You can picture this pooh draped in a pink prom dress with it's banana boyfriend and 3 hanger on friends...the butterknife boys. This pooh doesn't take sh*t from anyone. It does what it wants.

24) The gymnastic pooh: Still an olympian...a gold medal pooh will somehow be higher on the wall than any other pooh you've seen before. This pooh seems to defy gravity.

25) The couch potato pooh: This pooh loves to sit on the sofa. This pooh can arrange itself in amazing ways. It can resemble a pot smoking teen, a football fanatic, or a napping baby. Always look where you sit. This pooh will let you sit on it's lap and you don't want that.

26) Smooth sailing pooh: This is poop that cuts through the water like a schooner riding a good blow. This poop is full speed ahead and usually creates a splash or "wake". The smooth sailing pooh is almost like spotting the "Flying Dutchman" it is a fantasy, mythical or fabled poop because I sure haven't seen one yet.

27) Manipulative pooh: A naughty, impacted little pooh. This pooh taunts, and teases the caregiver by playing peek-a-boo-doo-doo. Often confused with prairie-doggin-poo which is also a head-poking species of doo, manipulative pooh will pout and grief you until coaxed from the rectum...usually by manual means. Manipulative doo will try and make you feel bad about yourself so wear gloves when tickling this pooh from from it's hiding place.

28) The snowball poop: This is the fecal flyer of the poop world. This poop is not a joyful winter distraction lofted through the air by playful, laughing children. This arial menace is a biological WAR WEAPON that is wielded with unnatural precision by its maker when faced with unpleasant hygiene tasks such as hair washing and showering. This crap can be tossed to distract the unsuspecting caregiver, or fired with deadly accuracy to knock the caregiver out of commission. The target of such an attack can expect a painful strike or a sticky, smelly, smear all resulting in delay of shower or bathing activity for the maker of the pooh-doo. Caregivers who receive advanced training in snowball evasion techniques are best equipped to deal with this air combat projectile. Also known as Monkey Flung-Doo or Sling-shot-Sh*t."

29) Franken-Pooh....That pooh hides under your bed and in your closet causing all kinds of problems. This pooh scares small children at night and makes knocking noises while moving small objects. Disembodied voices can be heard in homes where a Franken-Pooh-Doo has taken up residence. Your house would then need to be investigated for pooha-normal activity. Call in the Pooh-dooh-Hunters.


Hi Lildeb glad to see you back...

Poop...have not washed it off the ceiling in a bit, so all good here...

Have a good week everyone...Jen

Hey Bobbie, I hope u got the screw-holes all done for u don't won't no leaky boat. make sure u have a life jacket. I like to hear the jokes u put up for u never know when someone needs a good laughter. Cuz has post some good jokes too. I hope u r doing well.
Doing fine here as to be expected n still got the mil at least out once a wk for the 4hr respite break. Its been raining here everyday n sometimes all day. Still don't have r roof fixed but at least we got someone to get the two trees down safely without hitting the neighbor's house n it wasn't cheap for tree service. With all this rain, we be lucky if trees starting falling over for that is how the limbs have fell on some. Lightening hit one n it was one whopper of a pine tree. At least we got a little sunshine for a few hr but raining again. At least it kind of cool tonight.
I hope everyone can get some much needed rest from r care-giving world.

Hey lildeb and Nicenurse,
yes, the poop diaries.
They love the poop.

There was a caregiver on here for awhile called headbanger. She wrote a piece on poop a couple of years ago.
I know my cousin Cuz has had success in maintaining some notes here and there and might have a copy of it? Don't know for sure.
I wonder how headbanger is doing.

Cat! how goes it? You are in everyone's hearts.

Everybody! more in a bit, I have to epoxy some screwholes before it is completely dark.


Juju, sorry but, u just gave me a chuckle with the depend. What a mess n don't feel bad, I put one on backwards one time on the grandchild. I guess it's been a very long time since I used a diaper. We mainly used those cloth ones with a plastic pull over boy has that been a long time. You poor thing. Glad u have some optimistic to look at the situation, you go girl n glad u were able to get some little rest too.
Nicenurse, we live in central Ga n its been raining every freaking day here. My mil is colder than us for she wears long pants n shirts n sometimes a jacket if we go out. I guess because she don't have that much meat-fat on her bones. As for the BM, I have cleaned it off the sink handles n bowl. At least her dirty shit-paper goes into the trash can now instead of the drawers n on top of my bookshelf or in between my books! Be careful for I have caught my mil with her hand in the toilet bowl grabbing shit n squashing it to prove to me that, she is not constipated. Even-though they look like big rabbit pellets. Gp figure with the fascination of the BM. I can see your frustration with the depend n clogging up the toilet. Is their a little trash can where just maybe she will put it in their instead? Alzheimer's is n never a dull moment n always changing. Hang in their n vent away.
The mil has gained her weight back n up to 80lbs which is good for her. However, if I don't stay with her about eating then she would just eat enough for a baby bird to stay alive. She stop on the snack eating too but thankful Medicare is still paying for the Ensures. I think that is where she has gained her most of her weight back. Is it me or does anyone just get tired of cooking a decent meal n trying to entertain n all u hear is complaints. I know it's the Alzheimer n not her but it is so hard sometimes. I guess I can be thankful that I can still get her to go the respite once a wk for 4hrs. The other place was just costing way too much but the 8hrs were great. I think while hubby is away, she will for the 8hr one so I Can get a break. The constant raining don't help either. At least we r not n the tripled digits like some others on here. I hope everyone had a good weekend.

Yes, my mom has alzheimers and You never know what youIl find I have found bm on the toilet paper roll and in the garbage where she wiped. She has stopped up commode by flushing incontintent pad and today I tried to get out for 30 mins come home and she has on sweater, says she is cold and thermostat turned down to 50 in south ga. I leave it on 70--very frustrating

Glad it was caught soon, Cat best wishes with the treatments!

Hahaha Just changed ma and what a wet mess...I pre-ripped the sides of few of her depends yesterday so as to have ready to go. Well my early morning change apparently I put it on inside out and it did not absorb anything. Pad n sheets are wet but it was time for the sheets to be changed anyway...

That was a good one tho...inside out diaper, smooth move juju!!! LOL!!!

Happy Sunday Y'all!! Didn't make it to church yesterday. Had so much laundry / dishes / housework to catch up on and I faded out around 1pm. Needed a nap, rested, watching movies with ma eventually nodded out for a while n woke up too late to make it. I will next week. Well it will be the service for Wanda. But I do like the luncheon followed by the "service" as a routine. Father said Sat is better cause he doesn't rush out to another location as he does on Sunday! I always find Sunday or any AM hard as I do most chores etc early and getting ma ready etc... but Sat Afternoon sounds great to me!

Thanks Lildeb and everyone for your support. I am complaining bout pain n just the fingers, nothing compared to some others n their issues..but it is hard sometimes when I need those fingers, lol!! I do have some wrist and thumb support braces I bought while ago n forgot bout this past month...I got them outta the med cabinet today!!! Good reminder Lil Deb!!!
I am learning to work with the back it is mostly from bending so if I kneel on the garden pad, it is way better.
Gotta get ma up and going now, we need to go to Costco, need stuff on coupon expiring today...or I call a friend to sit with her and just run up and get r done quick!
Making a list for the handyman/home repairs etc this week too and trying to get ALZ walk group started! Mainly yardwork would make us happy at this point. It got outta control during the sinkhole drama!! Waist high grass n weeds it is a jungle out there. If we could just play in the yard a bit. If I don't get good help with mama least I can hire yard/handyman type for other issues I would normally do myself, at a decent rate!!

Thanks for the jokes Cuz! Everyone.....Hope your day is pleasant as can be!

Hi Everyone: Checking n while I can n sorry I haven't been here like I should. Thanks book for checking up on me n I am doing fine.
I am going to retype everything for I lost it just a few seconds ago! I hate when that happens!!!
Sharyn, I worked in a bakery for 10yrs before I had to quit due to health. I decorated cakes for a long time n other stuff as well n it can take a major toll on the wrist-carper tunnel. I hope u can find a way to take a good long break on the wrist n find something else that is not so strenuous on the wrist. Have u tried using a wrist brace but not continue to do the same task? I didn't listen until my wrist bulge up like a purple knot n so painful I would be in tears. Please see if you can find something else to do at your job that is less work on the wrist as much as possible.
Cat, Good grief! I had no idea n I post sometimes on fb with you. I all goes well with the test n surgery if u have to get it. You r in my prayers. Please keep us posted on how u r doing. Sending you lots of hugs....
Cuz, u so funny n love the dog n alka-seltzers.
Juju, I try to get copies of all my labs when I think about it to stay on top of things. Some dr's seem like they r n such a hurry n forget that we r the patient. Like Sharyn mention about dr's n reading between the line, Just tell me straight up with no bs! It's my body n I need to know. My heart dr still has on file that I have type 2 diabetes n I have told his nurse more than once its type 1 n their is a big difference between the two. I guess, I will have to tell the dr next time. You really have to stay on them even though we shouldn't have to do it but it is r life so I guess we have to make sure too. I like your idea of being 'empower' for if we don't who will?
Juju, just saw another post of yours n so sorry about the pain u r having. Make that a double daiquiri for you to help ease the pain. Comfort food is time when u feel down or in pain so go for it! I hope it eases down soon. I hope the state helps soon too. Sorry u r in such pain.
Mame, I hope u get to feeling better soon.
It seems like when it rains it pours for everyone. We need lots of white light here for everyone. Hugs n prayers to all of y'all.

Hey you all: I love when you talk about your animals. It just reinforces how loving and kind you all are. Jen, thinking about Monty and I sure hope he gets better. Juju, sending some white light to your furry kids. Meanwhile, love your horse stories and I didn't realize that your sister's horse had been with yours for so many years. That is a heartbreaker. Such a huge adjustment to lose a daily companion and friend. Like losing a spouse. Awww, makes me want to cry.

I should had a ton more information about my BC issue on Wednesday. I think we caught it early in as much as I have annual mammograms. Keeping my fingers crossed and I so appreciate everyone's good thoughts and prayers. Thanks so much!!!

Mame: You take care and I am praying that things settle down for you. Hope your son is better as we speak and that your mom is comfortable and content.

Sending love to all of you wonderful women. You are the daughters that any mom would dream to have and you are the friends we are all blessed to share.

Love, Cat

4th was bittersweet. Know what you mean Kuli, Sam loved the 4th of July too. Went to the cemetery and put a metal painted flag by the headstone. Then came home and made apple pie, chocolate pie and pulled pork for Mom and Stepdad, and company. Indio grilled squash and corn on the cob, that was the best. We used to do lots of fireworks. But, my sister's old horse (31 years), has a bad heart, bad kidneys, nearly blind, and has a stomach ulcer. Afraid fireworks would finish the old guy off. He nearly died from missing my old horse. They had been together 25 years. Have had to put him in the pasture with the 2 young horses, was worried about doing that, but he seems happier now. In fact the 1st thing he did was put the youngsters in their place.
Hope Monte is doing better, Jen. I'm sure you take really good care of him.
Mame, hope your son and Mom are both getting better. Juju, sounds like your being very positive, and getting so much done, good for you.
Cat, sending some of the white light your always spreading around back your way.
Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Love Shirley

Jen, new undies are nice aren't they! something about them is good, even if the outer clothes are not so new, when you got nice undies on you feel good!
Hope Monty is doing better!!! I keep thinking bout him.

Mame- hang in there! Lot to take all at once kids and ma not feeling well. Ya seems like ma's UTI should be better by now. I hope you have a good day relatively speaking.

Kuli...those moments when you are sad sometimes are comforting as well, to remind us of the good times, idk.....Doesn't feel that way tho does it? It does show how much you love n care for your dad!!

Cat- thanks for the support! I have no problem thinking of you all! I feel bonded as we understand the struggle....I feel closer to you all than most of my in person friends!!!

Bob- still no darn cake!! lol probably a good thing...key lime pie/cheesecake is now on my mind too!

Sorry guys I am so self absorbed, I feel like I am always talking bout me...but I have no one day in and out to talk to. Have to keep it light with locals or I will not have any friends here. I am meeting some very nice people lately tho.
The woman who is arranging Wanda's service at the church is the same woman the MSW from Home Health wanted me to get in touch with...too funny it is a small small world out here! This lady and the other at the church both cared for their mother's in home and will be a great resource. They have a luncheon every Sat and then a 4pm service. we plan to attend today not sure bout lunch for the holiday will be offered but service n meeting Father we are looking forward too...he n I had a nice long chat Friday about Wanda and our needing a good church community...I really liked his thought process. It is a catholic church may be bit overwhelming/formality/ lengthy etc...... but I really like his attitude!!!

We had a busy week. PT just left and overall mom is doing great and the rigid PT routine previously prescribed is not needed and could be bad for her. So I do not have to battle everyday with all the minor exersizes, this is a great relief of time and stress as it was so painful on her causing us undo discomfort!!! I just need to do more standing and repeating those actions a couple to 5 times before making the final one. So glad for this new group, they are all so helpful and realistically knowledgable! Thankful !!!!

We are gonna try to get out today to this church function and some fresh air, nice n cool now but heat Is on the rise now approaching midday and supposed to top out Monday again with some hi numbers! Been a good breeze tho last 2 days, that helps alot!

Have a good day y'all!!! Hang tough my ladies (n gents)!!!


Good Luck and my thoughts are with you Cat, I hope it is early and treatable NOW!

Know what you mean sharyn...over done under done and done done as Whoopi said.

long days these...and it is like holding your breath...sooner or later the fear goes and you want something to happen just to put and end to the waiting...

Ew strep throat and throwing up? Can you do that! Awful. I hope it clears up fast mame. younger people generally heal faster...

I need to correct myself tho....when I said my only pleasure here. I mean one of the few pleasures, I take part in, as we all have to eat mine as well eat something tasty....there is more to life than food tho and we do try to make the best of what we got here. just adjusting to ma not being mobile anymore has really been a challenge!! but we are doing good and learning new ways to have fun/enjoy!
Take care, love you all!!!

Well I have to bitch......about my arm...the numbness went away but I have "trigger finger" where the middle and ring finger on right literally locks in bent position and I have to manually straighten it NP said surgery is only option there....Also few years back injured elbow by slamming it into a car window on a camp trip..never went in but it was sore for months and never the is like a funny bone injury. If I lean on it wrong way or twist it just right ohhh the pain...well I slammed it into the water refill station lifting the 3 gal jug other day and it has been screaming since. ugghhhh WTF anyway I feel the elbow/finger issues may be related NP sed no, idk.... if it continues to hurt this way I will have to go back in or wrap it up with padding and elastic bandage as I did initially for months...just the slightest contact hurts bad???? The left hand thumb Is useless, this is diagnosed as arthritis. I need to get online and research what I can do home remedy for these both diet/suppliments/exercise etc... oh diet is the worst for only pleasure here (besides peace n quiet) is eating what I like when I have time, hehehe. Made taco's rice n beans last nite with my daquiri and huevos rancheros is for bfast with leftovers! Fortunately I can still function well with the arm/hand issues! I have no health insurance, I have to I am on a waiting list for state tho!!!
Sorry for complaining but dogs just aren't listening today!

I am just done!!! Put a fork in me.

Hey: I haven't read all the posts. Been giving a quick look over, but I an overwhelmed right now and can't respond to everyone.

JUJU: Thank you for always remembering me! Thank you for thinking to put me in a prayer group....How incredibly kind of you to think of me in that way when you are up to your ass in caregiving alligators. You made my heart sore with the kindness of your thoughts. Thank you so much.

I have an appointment with the Swedish Hospital Breast Cancer Center Tuesday afternoon for an MRI of both breasts. Staying over night and meeting with the surgeon Wednesday morning.

Thanks for caring about me, I'll let you know more when I know more.

Sending love and white light to all of you. JUJU, you hand in there. I am praying for you too,


I just had to say mom is doing so good!!! We are doing so good, so different now, I don't even remember the old us hardly!!! There is just a new feel to the old stuff and I couldn't be without all of you, supporting me. im sure it will not all be good times but something is definitely different for the better around here!
Thanks to all of you and your support!

Hi everyone!!

Jen~I hope your little Monty is improving with antibiotics...poor little guy. When my pets get sick, it is just like when my kids were sick, doing everything to get them to drink water...I even used an eye dropper with one of my cats to help bring the fever down.
Juju~I think I understand your struggle with the dr.'s. I had a great dr. back in day, but he retired in the early 90's because of the insurance companies interfering with a dr.'s decision on testing for certain things and refusing to pay for it. He is still going strong as an Almond rancher, LOL!! When he retired, I had to get another dr. and found them all to be so distant and impersonal. If I asked a question, instead of getting a straight honest answer, they would double talk me (I had to figure it out for myself because they are too afraid of lawsuits), at least that is what I think is why they won't be straight about things. My current dr., who is also my mom's dr., is not too bad about it but I still have to read between the lines and I am not always right. It has gotten easier as the dr. and I have developed a good working relationship but there were times with my mom that I was disappointed in him because I felt he should be the one to turn my mom into DMV as an unsafe driver and he wouldn't do it, even though he felt she shouldn't be driving.

I have an appointment on Tues. for my arm. After working today in the bakery, I think part of the problem or maybe all of it is with my right wrist. I usually work deli, in bakery, you really use your wrist and forearm...tonight it feels like rubber. I know...using the computer is not helping but I can't help posting a few times a week, LOL!!!

I am going to ask the dr. if increasing mom's antidepressant will help with her. She just breaks my heart to pieces calling me. She thinks I am her granddaughter, begging me to take her home, then she starts crying, and I can't handle that part. Then she gets ugly, replaying all the tapes I have heard all my life about what she thinks of me...then hangs up. When I visit her, she basically happy and just wants to show off Midget, which I understand that...the dog has been her life because she never could bond with people. The phone calls...I can't deal with well at all.

Kull~I am sorry for your sadness yesterday, it is understandable. I hope you are feeling better with the holiday behind us and you can focus on the happy memories that give you a chuckle. I miss my dad too, he was so patriotic and proud of his citizenship in the U.S. He would cry every time he heard the national the fireworks display the city put on every year. My dad was quite the joker...he loved practical jokes. He filled the sleeve of one of his co-workers jackets with washers and tied the sleeve so they wouldn't fall out. When the co-worker went to put on his jacket...he could figure out why it was so heavy!! They worked in a hardware store, LOL!!

Have a good night and a quiet weekend everyone!!

Why we miss Rodney Dangerfield..........

Because he said ...
My wife only has sex with me for a purpose. Last night she used me to time an egg.

It's tough to stay married. My wife kisses the dog on the lips, yet she won't drink from my glass!

Last night my wife met me at the front door. She was wearing a sexy negligee. The only trouble was, she was coming home.

A girl phoned me and said, 'Come on over. There's nobody home.' I went over. Nobody was home!

A hooker once told me she had a headache.

I went to a massage parlor. It was self-service.

If it weren't for pickpockets, I'd have no sex life at all.

I was making love to this girl and she started crying I said, 'Are you going to hate yourself in the morning?' She said, 'No, I hate myself now.'

I knew a girl so ugly that she was known as a two-bagger. That's when you put a bag over your head in case the bag over her head comes off.

I knew a girl so ugly... they use her in prisons to cure sex offenders.

My wife is such a bad cook, if we leave dental floss in the kitchen the roaches hang themselves.

I'm so ugly I stuck my head out the window and got arrested for mooning.

The other day I came home and a guy was jogging, naked. I asked him, 'Why?' He said, 'Because you came home early.'

My wife's such a bad cook, the dog begs for Alka-Seltzer.

I know I'm not sexy. When I put my underwear on I can hear the Fruit-of-the-Loom guys giggling.

My wife is such a bad cook, in my house we pray after the meal.

My wife likes to talk on the phone during sex. She called me from Chicago last night.

My family was so poor that if I hadn't been born a boy, I wouldn't have had anything to play with.

I seeded some bing cherries that weren't that sweet and put em in the magic bullet with ice n some frozen limeade....yummm then added some rum, oh double yumm, cherrylime daquiri! Cheers!

Mame-I have had such struggles with these darn Dr.s n such I am just so frustrated is amazing the errors, misinformation and lack of effort on their part, I have no choice but to request copies of their files reviewing, getting educated. The papers we leave office with are not the same as what is in the "file" skeeerrrryyy! Hang in there!
And the latest blunder is the Sr services case wrkr and home aid situation this afternoon. OMG but after this past month n issues nothing will surprise or irritate me anymore I just take care of the issue myself!!! Thank goodness I have a background which I can figure out these mountains of paper!!! I feel so much better taking an active role than just following direction, it is empowering..i may even find my calling and help these seniors that have no value or are just walked on. I am just blown away by the lack of quality control in the system, social and medical, it is all about CYA and $$$.

Cat thinking of you....

Jen...I love my animals as I would kids, saying lil prayer for your Monty, the heat can excasterbate the breathing issue for the lil flat faced doggies. I am hopeful the A/B's will help him! I think my big girl limping problem is not in her hip or tumors as I thought. she has an absess or somethin, I found blood n puss on floor everywhere other day so found this wound on her backpaw, not sure what, but surely better than what I thought it is getting bigger so now I am soaking her paw in epsoms and see how that goes till next week...and get a price on it all (cat included) then make some decisions! I need glasses but my babies....idk, I am torn over the whole issue! and I am going to need to look into my hand/arthritis issues too! NP sed surgery may be required for one of the problems...ughhhh....Tylenol!!!

Everyone Hang in there and take care!!


Wonderful to have something new Jen! Hope Monty will heal well.
Sorry you are sad Kuli but understandable!
Juju-I could hear the fireworks and in past years have climbed up on the roof to see if I could see-but no energy this year to do it. Sorry you didn't have the energy to go watch!
Hey Meanwhile! Any fireworks to scare you dogs out that way?
Sharyn-hope your appt Mon goes well. Tough to go out on disability right now but you have to do what you have to do! Have you seen a chiropractor? I swear by mine. Worth a try!
Bobbie-did you see nice fireworks from the boat?
Cat-how you holding up?
Cuz-thanks for the jokes! Always nice to take a moment and forget about reality.

My bro did come in yesterday and ended up staying the night at my sisters. They came back this morning in time for me to take younger son to Dr. He is sick as a dog and has strep throat! Oh joy! Antibiotics. He has the terrible headache & just had a bout of throwing up and his head feels that is good. When I picked up the prescription, I told our pharmacist I was going to put a Red Cross on the roof.... Mom is eating a bit, peeing, but mainly sleeping. She is in good spirits when she is awake. I guess it is going to take a while to get over this UTI etc. I am a bit discouraged about her recovery today...just want it to be making more progress faster... Not in the cards. While at the Dr with son, asked the nurses for mom's Dr why we haven't heard from Visiting Nurses yet... They checked and the order never went in! So, they put it through and I am sure I will hear from them on Mon. Good God. Whatever. Discouraged. Getting ginger ale for son... and making toast. Talk to you all later. Happy Friday night all. Mame

Took Monty (Pug) to vet for emergency app. A crying app. He got an X-ray and exam not heart disease, some fluid in lungs and some medication possible he has bronchitis or pneumonia (mild). He is home now and doing OK. Hope he stays that way...!

Have a good weekend all, how ever you can...

Oh here's one: Mom just got me and her new bras and underwear...Yay! Finally!

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