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Deefer, hello to you. Another day, same-old same-old. Mom cooking so house is smoky. She likes to cook with elements on HIGH so they get red-hot. That's how she's started fire on stove three times. I have to watch closely. She's not happy with me because I stayed up late cleaning house and rearranged some furniture. She objects to ANY change I make in my house. She had two Christmas ducks on a table in my living room and got really angry that I took them from the table because she 'likes them.' I told her Christmas is over so the ducks should go into hibernation for a while.

Cuz you are killing me I needed a laugh today thank you.

Thinking of you lildeb and hoping you have some good news there....

same old here...only bald, but it is growing back, not scratchy now, getting soft hair...been a while!

Hi bobbie, hope you are doing better too...

My sensuous wife: "Have you ever seen a twenty dollar bill all crumpled up?" asked the wife. "No," I said. She gave me a sexy little smile, slowly reached into her cleavage and pulled out a crumpled twenty dollar bill. "Have you ever seen a fifty dollar bill all crumpled up?" she asked. "No," I said. She gave me another sexy little smile, seductively reached into her panties and pulled out a crumpled fifty dollar bill. "Now," she said, "Have you ever seen 30,000 dollars all crumpled up?" "No," I said, intrigued. "Well, go and take a quick look in the garage."

(from the book "how to break bad news")

I think you will get a laugh from this one.

Should children witness childbirth? Good question.

Here's your answer:

Due to a power outage, only one paramedic responded to the call. The house was very dark so the paramedic asked Kathleen, a 3-yr old girl to hold a flashlight high over her mommy so he could See while he helped deliver the baby...Very diligently, Kathleen did as she was asked. Heidi (her mommy) pushed And pushed and after a little while, Connor was born.

The paramedic lifted him by his little feet and spanked him on his bottom. Connor began to cry. The paramedic then thanked Kathleen for her help and asked the wide-eyed 3-yr old what she thought about what she had just witnessed.. Kathleen quickly responded, 'He shouldn't have crawled in there in the first place.....smack his ass again!'

If you don't laugh at this one, there's no hope for you.

Going to try this again!
Cat, I'm glad to hear you are feeling better! I can see why your dad was worried about his parentage. there is a book called "Banished Babies" and it is about Irish babies that were taken from their single mom's by nuns in the 60's and sold to people in this country for adoption. Millions were made from these babies that were born in facilities run by nuns who then took the babies and shipped them out of the country to the U.S. Pretty scary that ir happened in the 60's!
Hey Maxine! How's it going? I like your plan to cut expenses!
Stormy so sorry you are having such a hard time right now. I hope they can find the source of your dad's problem soon. Is it a possibility that your thyroid may be causing some of your anxiety?
Shirley, your horseback rides sound so peaceful! Indio sounds like a good man to have around. Hope his hand heals up so you can get back to your renovations. Would love to see pictures of that puppy of his. Bet she's a beauty!!!
Hi Bj. How are things with you?
Jen, Ignoring FP sounds like a good plan to me!
Bobbie, talk about a couple of klutz's! Try to keep moving so things don't get too stiff.
LilDeb!!! So glad to hear from you! Wish you didn't have to haul MIL around, but I guess she needs to be at the doctor for sure! I hope she is going to be alright and you don't have more to deal with! Try to get some rest in between all the madness!
Yogi, Sharyn, Linda, Diane hope you are all doing okay!
Mame, thanks for the hug! and thank you all for the anniversary wishes!
Mom was having a good day today with no problems eating or behavior wise. She even went to bed easier than she has in a while. You know what that means! All hell will break loose tomorrow, for sure!
Okay, time to clean up in the kitchen. I made spicy sausage and tricolor pepper rague and linguine for supper and have a big mess to clean up. I sure hope this posts this time!

I just wrote a huge post and it got lost!!! I need to get a few things done so I will try again in a bit!

deefer, u may be constantly pulling on your tendon while struggling with your wiggle worm mom. She sure does like to give u a hard time. I sure feel for you n I thought I had it rough with the mil. You got me beat by a mile or two. Hang in their.
Jsomebody, I am sorry but she would get a mouth or two from me. I don't know how u hold it back. You need to get out quick for I would had already lost my mind and some more. good luck.
Bj1Okla, I read a few of your post about u n not bringing your dates to the house n I don't blame u one bit. n you. Join the club for you fit right on in with us. As for the honkers, I am not a great fan of them either unless, it sounds like you been setting their a bit with the mom holding the traffic up. I let her walk next time if she can maybe it will help wear her out so you can breath a little.

Has anyone heard how Jam is doing? I am hoping as I play catch up on the reading she is doing much better.
I want to to also thank everyone for being their for me during my surgery n afterwards too. Y'all r all too kind. Thank you all.

deefer, good grief what daily mess for you and this was 4 days ago. I hope she is not like that everyday. You poor soul n I don't know how u do it. I can see why your arm was hurting from all that struggling with your mom. It is amazing how we all learn a few tricks up r sleeves to help us get through the care-giving challenges for a family member. You deserve a gold medal...

Cat, I enjoyed the wonderful post about your Dad. Thank you for sharing. I am new here so anything positive I can read -- helps. I'm sorry you lost him but your memories are so wonderful and you can cherish them forever.

Deb, good to have you back, hope you get to feeling better soon. Please try and take it easy.
Cat, thanks for writing about your Dad, and your feelings. I struggle with the 2nd guessing sometimes too. Anyway, your post helped me feel better, thank you.
Jen, good for you, ignore FP whenever possible.
Bobbi, sorry to hear about the accident. We just don't bounce as well as we did once upon a time. Or at least I don't.
Deef, glad to hear you enjoyed your anniversary. Sounds like a great time.
Stormy, sorry about the anxiety attacks, I used to get those, not fun. Breathing exercises helped me a lot. They say meditation is good for calming, but I've never been able to meditate for more than a couple of minutes. Short attention span on my part.
I got to spend 3 hours riding my fat horse yesterday. I took it easy on him, and got off and walked a couple of times. We got to ride around the north slope of a mountain called King Arthur. Usually, can't get around the north slope, because of a creek, with steep banks.. But the creek was so low we rode the horses through the creek bed. There were some great caves, and rock formations I had never seen before. There were still some really deep pools with fish and frogs in them.
Spent today working on the adobe house. Indio is my partner on that project. Unfortunately, he cut the back of his hand, (last week) when a power saw hit a big screw in the plaster. The saw jumped back so hard, he hit his hand on another board, cut it right down to the bone. I'm trying to keep him from working, but it's a futile effort. He got his hand all swollen and sore again today. Putting some horse medicine called Vetracin on the hand. It seems to work the best.
Hope everyone is doing well. Love Shirley

Hi everyone n trying to play a little catch up on this board, man! I am still having a few problems so bare with me. I have an appt, this Tuesday am for I am just going to make sure everything is normal. I am still spot bleeding some where I have to change my medium panty liners 3 x's a day n the throbbing-stinging pain too. The sitz bath seem to help temporarily n using dibucaine ointment as well.
I will also be taking the mil to her appt this afternoon with the GYN for him to take a look at her test result from her primary dr. n the gutt/'butt dr. think it may be 'ovarian cancer'. I am pretty sure he will probable want to do his own test before making that sort of diagnose. That is what they r wandering now too. She did have cervical cancer stage 1 in 2011. The gyn took care of tha nt through surgery she had a clear report for 2012. Hopefully, it is not that n just still taking her time to heal from diverticulitis. I don't think she could handle another surgery n she eating less than usually n she starting to complain about the pills r getting stuck in her throat again. Yet, when I mention the problem to her primary dr she said that, "She had no problem taking her pills." I was able to crush her antibiotic up in the applesauce to day for her. Howvere, according the the pharmacy their are some slow release meds she takes n they cannot be grinding up. What am I suppose to do about that situation?
I had to go to the grocery store yesterday so I made hubby come along to help. Well, the mil now has another fascination that, 'she need to be beat on her back to make her belch.' I keep telling her, that you don't do that unless u r choking. As soon as hubby walked off, she looks around to see if other people r around n gives that pathetic look that she looks like she is dying n this is not the first time. Anyway, she starts bending over n I just told her to not even start with me with that mess that I can call her son in the store for him to help her n it was amazing how she recovered. I just don't know what is real with her anymore. I do think she has something going on the lower woman area n hopefully it just UTI. Of course she is already on antibiotic- Flagle until Wed n she will be done with them. It was giving to her just n case she had an infection in her stomach. This AD mess sure keeps u on your toes. I haven't picked anyone yet for the "In-Home care' yet for I don't won't to make decision just for my behalf. I want to pick a place that has people that r skilled n caring for the best interest for her so that I can relax. Shew.! Enough about me n the mil let me check on you gals/guys.

Ladee, All I got to say is Wow!!! Going on 40 year of marriage. Happy early 40th Anniversary just n case I forget. Congrats...
Jsomebody, I like that idea of the swimming n no pooing clean up for the day. I crap my own pants the day I got out of the hospital n it was no fun cleaning my own poop. ; )
Deefer, whatcha go falling down for girl? You know we r not allowed to do that kind of stuff. jk. I do hope u get to feeling better. I don't see how u r lifting n moving your mom around with your arm in pain. Ruptured tendons sounds very painful. I hope the pain cease real soon.
bob, Good luck with the boat stuff. However, that SeaCat sound like she is a mess and a half. Sounds like she keeps u on your toes n company too. I have one of mine right beside my side wanting me to stop what I am doing n just baby her n she will get it too in between typing. Just spoiled rotten. ; )

Shirley, I am a tough cookie so I am hanging in their n just double checking is this normal for me to have this n that going on. According to his paper sheet, I should be back to my normal routine but I don't see how that is possible. I am doing some of the routines but it is painful. Yet, like poor Deefer, you gotta do it for no else is going to but us caregivers.
Book, Cat and all the newbies n the oldies, I hope y'all r doing alright.
Getting tired n ill n gotta get ready take the mil to her Gyn. I do good with the gas peddle it just when u gotta hold the break is when u feel pressure. I need a softer pillow. ; )
I hope everyone has a good day.

Jsome`-you are funnyCatt you did what you felt was the right thing to do-do not 2nd guess what you did and how great were those lunches with just the two of you-I am so glad your brother talked to you and that you feel better about things. I thought of something funny while leaving the accountants' office the gov't wants to cut expenses how about instead of sending in the check of what I owe I write a note saying I also need to cut expenses so will shave 11 percent off what I send them or not.

Saw it, I smell a lawsuit but who knows what was behind policy etc.

Glad you are feeling better, gah, injuries on top of it all..Hope you get some rest there bobbie.

No rest for the wicked here...

"cough cough cough choke...Morning Jenny cough coguh chokjke choke.."

"up yous old man..."

NO I didn't say that. I just thought it. He just loves to say shit at me and wait for a reaction... well he doesn't get one anymore. I ignore him. There is no "good morning" till you leave feet first.

Yes happy monday all.....

Did anyone here see/hear the news about the refusal of a independent living community staff to administer CPR to a resident? The 911 operator was going nuts trying to get someone to help the lady.

I think that it was independent living or maybe it was assisted living. I don't know enough yet, but it's an interesting situation because it wasn't memory care or hospice.

Of course, if that's assisted living, where the hell was the assistance?

Curious as to what you guys think.


Good post Cat.
Glad you got to have all of that because it sounds like it really worked to make you feel better.
Also sounds like you did an awesome job and you have the validation of your brother.

I moved the boat, got her tied up and the steps on the dock weren't in the right place and the boat was about 3' off the dock so as I tried to get off to fix the lines, I lost my balance and instead of falling between the boat and the dock and winding up in the hospital with crush injuries, I jumped to the dock and landed hard on my left leg and jammed up my knee, back, shoulder; my entire left side. Ow.
Now I just have more parts of my body that can predict the weather.

Had to break out my bag of frozen peas once again for my knee and as of today, 3 days later, I am feeling better and think I might be able to get off the boat and make my way up this long dock and up into the storeroom to get more parts to continue working in the engine room. We shall see.
Ow Ow.

Thanks for your well wishes and I don't have a cold but am considering having a hot toddy later today anyway haha.

I hope that lildab is recovering and sorry to hear that she is hurting so bad. Hope the surgery took care of her issues and that after recovery she can go forward without pain.

Stormy, what's the news on your dad?

Everybody! chime in and let us all know how you all are doing.

Downton Abbey fans: WTF!!!???!!!
Typical TV storytelling. We all want to smack Julian Fellowes upside the chops but he's got a job to do....

Love you guys and everyone stay as sane as you can,


Hi everyone:

Most of you know that I've had a difficult time over the past several months. What has been haunting my heart is putting my dad in the nursing home. I did that in July of last year and he passed away on September 24th. In my mind, I see him in the wheel chair at the nursing home. I would take him to a private room to have lunch each day when I visited him and I would feed him. We would watch TV in the family room (private room).....I always opted for HGTV....a cooking show or home improvement. He usually didn't want to eat much, but I would ask him to try and then we would watch a couple of shows. I would put chair cushions under his legs so they were elevated and get him a blanket and recline his wheel chair. It was a very private time for us as I could reserve this room and no one could use it if we were there. I would put my arm around my dad and sit next to him and we would just be there together for a couple of hours.

I think my dad would have lived longer if I would have kept him home with me and that is what has weighed on my heart since a bit after his passing. God forgive me, but I felt so pulled between taking care of my dad, my husband and myself. It was hard to have a life of our own and there should be no shame in admitting that our lives are important too. Still, my mind always gives me the pictures of my dad being unhappy at the facility and that is what my heart carries everyday. And I miss him.

I am the oldest of 4 children. The youngest is my brother, David. He was the one person that helped with expenses for my parents. He is self-employed and does steel work for contractors. Needless to say, business has been pretty difficult since 2007. Nevertheless, he never wavered in helping with some costs for my parents.

I sent him an email last week and told him that I was doing some time in the black hole and feeling at a loss of what to do with myself. The next day he called and it was such a great conversation. We talked for an hour or so and I think that conversation really helped me make a turn in my sadness. He is so amazingly supportive of me and his gratitude really makes my heart feel lightened. He told me that he could have never done what my husband and I did in taking on our parents and that he will always be grateful to me for making their lives the best they could be. He reminded me what it would have meant for my parents if they had stayed in their home in CA. We talked about how extremely limited their resources were and the resources of the area. Assisted living and nursing home care in their area was non-existent and anything close to where my 3 sibs were living was very poorly rated. They would have been separated, because my mom needed so much care. In short, my brother reminded me of the reason we moved them here; to keep them together for as long as possible with their beloved dogs and to give them a place of beauty that they would appreciate.

We laughed at memories of my dad driving the riding lawn mower we bought for him around our 10 acres. Sometimes I would cook lamb chops for dinner, as my dad loved that, and I would send him home with a couple extra for his lunch the next day. I would be in the kitchen and see my dad drive the riding lawn mower up to his house, just about lunch time, and then he would be back on the mower, munching on a lamb chop. It is so funny to see him do this. Then he would throw the lamb chop bone off to the side and carry on.

My dad was a reader, as was I, and he was my book buddy. I loved to walk with him on our private road and talk about history. I don't know if I ever told you about my dad's childhood, but he wondered if he was truly the son of his parents. He was born in 1922 and times were hard. His parents lived with his paternal grandparents for a while. He had memories of his dad trying to get another relative to take him on and that contributed to him feeling like maybe he didn't belong. Things like this were pretty common during this time in Wales where he grew up, families were struggling as the great depression approached. Many people asked relatives to help in raising children. As a child, my dad didn't understand.

These were things I came to understand for the first time when my parents moved here and my dad and I walked the road. Previously, I had never known that he wondered about his parentage.

To make a long story short, I had gotten into genealogy and had been doing some research. My dad's comments just fueled the flames and I was on a mission. As it turned out, I found the documentation to show my dad that he truly was the child of his mom and dad. His parents married in May of 1922 and he was born in September of the same year. How funny that he AND his siblings never got it that mom got pregnant before the wedding. And how odd that it would be me, his daughter, who would get all the supporting documents to put this issue to rest all these years later.

Anyway, my brother and I talked about so many things and the end result was that it lifted a huge weight off my shoulders. No doubt, as we all know, I am not perfect. In fact, I think my biggest imperfection is my effort to be perfect and my inability to forgive myself because I just can't be perfect.

The good thing is that I have a sibling who knows me and is grateful for the care I gave our parents. To hear him say how much he appreciates all I did for our parents and how much better their lives were for it is a gift that I can't begin to describe.

I just wanted to share this with you because it means more to me than I will ever be able to explain. I wish you could all have this validation. It's a balm to the heart.

Love, Cat

Hey everyone! Concert was great!!! We all had a good time and Beatles music? What's not to like!!! Long ride home, then steak dinner with the kids. Cleaned up the kitchen and sat down to watch TV and fell asleep in my chair! Just finished cleaning up and fed the cats, checked out AC and now I'm heading to bed for some much needed sleep. Will talk to everyone tomorrow.
Hope LilDeb is okay! Nothing from her accept 1 post on You thread after surgery. She sounded like she was a hurting puppy!

deef Happy annivesary
bobbie get yourself better ok?
Hope nobody on here is from around Orlando where the wild fire is.
Everything good up here in Michigan. No white stuff until monday night and
tuesday, maybe 2"to4" then its going to warm up later in the week to around 40.
hugs luvCuz

Hey stormy, had the coughing up blood incident once too, it isn't usually Bad unless it is a lot of blood at once they told me, it is good they van check right away hope it isn't anything major. Hope your party goes well...

A Great Pyrenees that is a big doggie! They look sweet though.

happy Ani deef wish I could see the concert sounds like that come through town I wondered aloud how much those tickets got I'd try to go...pulease...she is still not over my shaving my head I see...

BJ, whats a vacation?.....;)

Hey bobbie, hope you are doing better there. Weather OK locally? Cat staying on the boat!

Sharynmarie-thank you for the info on the infection of the trachea. I asked sis if he was still coughing up blood and she said off and on, that was early this morning. I didn't see any blood today when I went there. I guess if he keeps doing this then sis will carry him somewhere. It always turns out to be nothing when we carry him to the dr. and it usually stops on it own. So we will see.
Deef- I hope you have a good time at the concert, go out and have fun cause you never know when you will get another chance. Ahhh.... The caregiving life.
Bobbie- I am sorry you are feeling under the weather. I hope you feel better soon. I read someone heated up a tablespoon of honey along with 1/4 tsp of cinnamon and drank it and they said that it works and makes you feel better.
Linda- Hey, I hope you are doing good today.
Meanwhile- We are planning on having dad a 80th bday party friday or saturday night. The whole family is getting together to fry fish, hushpuppies, fries, and cole slaw. Lord, this should be interesting getting my brother and his family over there.
I have been very anxious the last few days. Can't seem to catch a deep breath, almost like having a panic attack. Very nervous feeling. It seems I can't even relax when i am at home. I was having panic attacks several months after my mom died. I was never diagnosed with them but I know thats what it is. I just wish they would go away. I hate feeling like this. It sucks. Love and hugs to everyone. Stormy

my dau7ghter wanted a great pyrenees too , thought thats what bandit s suppose to be , baahahaha he looks like mix of st barnard face look and the back of his ass looks like a lab . hes a purtty boy anyway ,
glad u and indio are enjoyin his new baby and she s one lucky lit girl . :-)

Deef, Happy anniversary, hope you enjoy the concert. Bobbie, hope you get to feeling better. Stormy, my step dad got real strange just before his 80th birthday, which was last summer. I know he thought he would never live to see 80. Sis and I threw a big party for him, and he couldn't believe that many people would show up for his birthday.
Well, Indio got a new puppy. A 4 month old Great Pyrenees, she already weighs over 50 pounds. Very sweet dog though. Some people didn't want her any more, and just gave her to Indio. He noticed a tick, so we got her bathed and dipped yesterday. Wet, I could see ticks everywhere. Must have pulled over 50 ticks off the poor dog (YUCK). Then I gave my 2 dogs baths and flea and tick dip. By the time we were done, I'm pretty sure Indio and I were well covered in dip as well. She already follows Indio everywhere with this adoring look on her face.
The 1st night he took her home, he woke up with her snuggled up next to him in bed. Last night he convinced her to sleep on the floor.
Everyone have a good week, and get healthy. Love Shirley

hope you get to figure out what's going on with your dad.

I am a little under the weather myself, so I just want all to know that I hope everything goes as well as it can for all.
Wish I could write to everyone but just don't have the soup.

Love you guys,

happy anniversary Deef!!


Ya know how it is when you finally have somewhere to go and then it's time and you don't want to go anymore? Our 40th anniversary today and my daughter and her husband are taking us to a "Rain" concert in Worcester, an hour away. They impersonate the Beatles and are really good at it. I haven't felt that great since Wednesday and still fell like crap today. But we leave in less than an hour and now I don't feel like going!
Oh well, I should be happy to get out! Let you all know how it went, later.

Stormy~I am so sorry for all you are going through with your dad right now. I just wanted to let you know that many years ago a dear family friend who like a grandmother to me, was coughing up blood and it turned out to be an infection in the trachea. You may want to consider taking him to emergency. Keep us posted!! Hugs to you!!

Hey everybody, sis called me this morning and told me that dad was coughing up blood. I knew she had to go to work so I got ready and go over there and it seems that it had stopped but later on in the day it started back. I asked him when did he start coughing up blood and he said last night and this morning. But I guess it quit cause sis did not call me tonight to say that he was still coughing up the blood. Any time we have carried him to his ent dr. he always says that it's irratation or something like that. Nothing major. Guess I will find out tomorrow. And I am planning on going by the hospital next week where dad had all his tests and his colonoscopy done and get his records and results. Sis and I have a friend that works in the records dept and she gets his records together for us. Dad will be 80 years old friday, March 8th. Its strange but sis and I both have noticed him asking alot lately how old this person is or how old that person is. Its like that is his conversion topic: How old people are. I mean he doesn't do it everyday but still its strange. Wonder if it has something to do with his birthday coming up. And I keep thinking about the psychic that sis and I went to several months ago. She said that she felt like dad was hanging on for something like 75. And I got to thinking maybe she was talking about his birthday, but he will be 80. I don't know. Anyway I will let ya'll know what's going on tomorrow with him. I hope everyone is doing alright. Love and hugs stormy

Jsomebody. ((((( hugs )))) I hear you. Your life sounds a lot like mine. Took Mom to Target, pulled up right in front to let her out so she wouldn't have to walk far. Parked in the fire lane, flashers on, 10-12-15 cars stopped behind me and she stands there with the door open after she got out, telling me what she's going to buy. Cars honking and she shakes her fist at them and says "GO AROUND IF YOU ARE IN A HURRY!"

I hope you get a vaca soon, even for a few days.

My mom yelled at me yesterday...

I set out stuff to make Greek Dip for later...

"Are you going to make that stuff?!"

" Yes..."

"Well would you do it I need to get something to eat.."

"Why don't you go ahead and make something, I'll do it after?"

"NO DO IT NOW!!!!!"

Jesus I just left!

I do not know what her malfunction is, I don't talk to her like that!

Oh, my aunt offered mom ignored her on the offer of the time share and ANY time off or her looking after DAadadayy

he is warbling in his hole I have to get out of here before i LOSE MY MIND....

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