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Cuz, that was too funny.
Deefer, don't u just love being able to shop all by yourself it like being a kid n a candy store to me. I forget which way I want to go but then realize I only have so few hrs to get it done n pick up the mil. stepping on cat puke just sound horrific. I can handle poo but no stomach for that mess. Just talking about it making me nausea. Maybe if u take mini breaks with your hand it would help prevent some of that pain? I have to use gloves when my Raynaud's disease in my fingers start acting up n it is usually due to cold stuff. Of course, you live where it is defiantly cold.
Jen, I hope U n your mom enjoyed the pizza.
Update on the mil: I did actually get her to go today to the church for respite break n yes I had to tell her I needed to do other things without her under my butt! I also told her that I would pick her up around 1pm for she has another dr appt for the results. Results, she show she has a couple of small gall-stones n want her to drink water for her electrolytes were down n little dehydrated. Mil started her crappy lies that she eats n drinks good. I told the lady asst dr that she was full of it that she hasn't ate good n I have to make sure she don't slip the water down the sink as soon as I turn my back! I also told her that I didn't think her Dr. even recognizes that her AD has went from mild to moderate since 2010. I did tell her that she is eating a little better but that is very little n that if she looked at her weight from last month that she would see. Plus she has 2pair of sweat pants n heavy jacket on too when they weigh her. So, she is about 76 lbs. n 5 feet tall. She was at 79 n i was so proud of her. But with her butt/tummy issues it's been hard with her. The lady dr also mention that from the Cat-scan she saw a mass n her lower pelvic area. So, we have another appt for tomorrow to get a MRI of her lower abdomen. I told the lady that either the yr of 2010 or 11 she had surgery, a vulvectomy due to stage one cancer. Cannot spell it. yet, he had gotten it all cleared n hopefully that has not return. Hopefully, she just full-of-shit. However, I have been getting her to eat raisins, cranberries n up her on the whole grain bread plus she is taking twice a day Miralax. I also get her to drink one ensure a day too. Forgot today been running around with her. The lady dr said I was doing everything that I could possibly be doing for her n that she got on to the mil to drink plenty of water. I got some grocery shopping done before picking mil up. Plus she was running low on her butt suppository for diverticulitis so, I had ran by that dr's office being it was only couple blocks away n had him to call her in some more till she see him n couple of wks. I also let them know about her report of the mass from her primary dr n wanted her butt/gutt dr to fax his findings to her primary dr about the diverticulitis. Not sure why he didn't do it anyway. Now, I have to wait a couple of days for mil suppository for they r very expensive n they don't keep those in stock. We finally got home n had leftovers for supper for I was pretty pooped myself. However, due to income tax time coming, I had to call dr's to get them to send me total amount that we have paid for yr of 2012. I am hoping I am not doing all this for nothing for it has to add up to a certain % of what we make. At least I got a 3hr break. I think we have rain for tomorrow forecast. I rather have the rain than any of y'all snow. ; )
I hope everyone is able to get a restful night sleep.

Nuts is nuts lildeb.

Night everyone. where's Flex?

Cuz, a little late but, "Happy Birthday to you....." That is a lot of snow in less than a wk n all y'all northers can have every single white snow-flake flurry dust. ; ) Call me a Wuss for I cannot stand cold weather. Snow is pretty for a day or so but not that many days. Stay warm n I hope u enjoyed your birthday.

Meanwhile, u must be talking about one of those straight jackets. Seems like it must be going around for Beck is borrowing it right now. So, Deefer n everyone else will have to take a # before getting your chance to wear it for I am next! Meanwhile, we promise we will give it back all n one piece. ; )

Deefer, be careful driving in that snow n everyone else that has to to get on the road. Of course y'all probable doing it like second nature. Anyway, try to be safe.
Jen, I am so glad that they were able to get the little boy n did what was necessary of that crazy man. I still don't understand why he shot/killed the bus driver n why he even took the child for I don't think it was even related to him? I am glad it all done n the little boy is safe.

we actually have two sledge hammers Mame......

Deef it isn't add I think you are just one of those really active like to keep busy people. ADD would be that it costs in the end, you couldn't rest ever? right?
My great grandparents were busy like that, did work came home, did yard work, built the lake house by hand ( no longer in family) life, live it eh...

Mom took fp for a hair cut today he once again said he wanted to let it grow, you know the scedgy bits along the outside of his bald head...and comb them...right,you don't wash your hands you gonna start combing your hair? Start with the nose hairs then... Mom acts like it is an ordeal to go two blocks in her car to get hair cut at barber....I used to have to roll him across four lanes of traffic, through snow to do it...?...whatever. when they left I OPENED THE WINDOWS AND DOORS AND BLEW THE HOUSE OUT! and I'll do it again if I get the chance...:)

God Deef and everybody in the NE and in the cold, snowy areas... Cuz! Austin, who else is up there?
I just looked at the weather page.
All of you angels stay safe and warm and don't shovel too much.


Hey Zoom,
you have a lot on your plate.

Welcome to the home of Vent and Live.

Everybody is writing such great posts!
Love all the callouts. You guys rock.
I am in Lurk Mode while I do boatwork.

Hey.. if you can't write anything because you're all shot out just bang in LM and hit submit.

Be funny to see how many of us are hanging out and all shot out at the same time.

Love you guys,

been on my mind for awhile
loss of words
just state of mind of confusion brings up the changing of roles

Did you all see the article The Stress-Management Strategy Dementia Caregivers Should Adopt on the AC site? Take a look!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CUZ! Take a day off from shoveling in honor of you day!

Hi Cat! What a great story about the 49ers! That is awesome what they did for the kids! Helps us to believe there is good in the world!!
I didn't care who won the Super Bowl but watched with my son and hubby. My son brought clams over and we steamed them. YUM! Mom was in heaven! She loves seafood. Didn't eat too many but was happy have a few! I am sorry that you have had some losses. I hope you can make a new bf...hang in there!

Meanwhile-glad you could get that water goin again! The fact you were ready to try and tackle that on your own is amazing! No shame in getting help! My youngest son is known around town as a bull worker...sorry he couldn't help with your 90 foot trench! People call from far and wide to have him work for them-he is twenty and a very hard worker and unusually strong! Glad your man got it done. As for that 2 hour horseback ride? I think I would have just kept going and never come back!!!! Happy you got out!
Deef-that is our life isn't it-jumping from one thing to another before the first thing is done...glad you get back and finish! Sometimes I look at all I have started and just feel overwhelmed!
Sharynmarie-humor is the best and only thing keeping me sane! (Whether others believe it is working is debatable!)
Lildeb-the chocolate is a little different on the Walmart HoHos and the filling is like gritty frosting instead of cream. Such a disappointment. My mom has farted in my face too and when I say something-usually "thanks mom" she gets laughing hysterically! If you can get mil to a daycare it really does help-both of you! ...and maybe you can do that until she can get into a NH... It may just give you what you need to keep her at home a little longer...
Bobbie-always the voice of reason...Nuts is it!
Stromy-we have all wished that our loved one would doesn't happen when you want it too or none of us would be here! Take care of yourself and your little boy and hubby first. Just tell your sis how you feel and then stick to your guns.... Be matter of fact and move on-it doesn't have to be a family fued and if she tries to make it one, just don't participate and be firm in the fact that you want a safe, healthy life for your immediate family. You deserve it.
Flex-bowling! fun fun fun!!! Glad you got out!
Jen, maybe I have told you this but I have hatred for the monitor like you do for the Hawaian records... I always say that when mom dies, I am going to take the monitors and smash them with my husband's biggest hammer! We could have a smashing party! Then we can do our word searches in peace! I love them too and now have my hubby hooked! Enjoy those pink sunsets!
Yogi-so happy you were able to be with mom! Prayers for you that you have many more visits!!!! So good for the both of you!
Austin-do you ever come back here to CNY? If you come and meet the man in Tonowanda we should meet somewhere too!
Snowing here and looks real pretty. The puppy I watch 3 days a week ran down the back hill and found the dead deer in the woods. He loved sniffing around with all the different animal smells! There is little left of the carcass. I thought maybe we would have to get rid of it but the crows and fox and anything else is taking care of that for us! Plus-it has been so cold it doesn't even stink! This morning the puppy ran down the hill and came back up with the ribs bones!!! My (old) dog just turns and looks at me... Oh jeez....

Mom has been great. The thought I had a couple weeks ago about not "playing to the end" has really helped me to enjoy her more. She really is a love and I hate wishing for the end. It doesn't help anyway! So, I think for the moment, I have pushed the thought from my head and I am just living day to day. I was doing great till yesterday when hubby had a car accident. He is fine but it was the good car...and I am not sure what we are going to do if they "total" it. So, I am pretty anxious. I HAD to take a nap yesterday cause I was reeling with the worst case scenarios... So, I couldn't sleep and knew I only had about 20 minutes before mom would wake from her, I imagined myself in a hotel with a wonderfully comfortable king size monitor, no phones, no dogs...and drifted off to sleep. Thank God. My anxiety is better today. I know we will figure this out. It is just that the car is old but we have taken great care of it. I know they will not give us what we feel it is worth if they total it and I don't know how we will get as reliable a car for the money...ugh... But, we will figure it out...
Well, hello to beckncall, Linda, Miz, Kuli, Lucy, bam, Judy and only1 and all you others out there! Hugs to all! Mame

I ordered a Pizza for me and mom and used his money, well till March and it comes of my hundred, Pahaha!

I mess about with paints and write, but I can't make anything look nice craft wise so i let it go...

Good Eve Deef

Grand Rapids. water near by for lake Effect snow? that'd do it.

Managed to get Mom up and off to daycare without a hitch, again! Best she has been in a long time.
I did get to go to the yarn store this morning, all by myself!!! YES!!!! Roamed around for an hour and got lots of wool yarn on close-out. I'll use it to knit bags and then felt them. Got some hand painted mixes and some solids to work in with the multi's. I'm all set for the class that runs from 10 to 3. I just hope my hands hold out. Arthritis is acting up and my hands are very sore.
Then I stopped at Marshall's and actually found myself a pair of Keen shoes for $30. I have very small, wide feet, and have so much trouble finding comfortable shoes. Love Keen shoes!! Then I picked up a few knitting supplies at Michael's. After that I got myself lunch at Taco Bell. That was a treat! Then I had to come home:( It sure was nice to get away for a few hours!
Mom was good when I picked her up from daycare and had a huge bowl of American chop suey for supper. Was asleep right after her head hit the pillow. I'm still not sure of Erin is coming to sit with her tomorrow. Last I heard, her back was still out.
Jen, you made me tired just writing all that stuff! really, it sounds like a lot, but I'm pretty sure I am ADD, because that is my life. Jumping from one thing to another before I finish the first thing I started! Eventually I finish them all, but I do get bored easily and having RLS doesn't help. It's very hard for me to just sit and do nothing at all. Lately I fall asleep in the middle of knitting! By the way, I don't think a lemon gone bad can make you sick. It might upset your tummy a bit but that's about it. I'm with you on smashing the record and definitely burn the remains and bury them in a deep hole!
Anyone else who is a crafter will agree with me that we are always looking for something to do with our hands.
Lildeb, Mom's PD makes it difficult for her to realize that she needs to go to the bathroom. The normal sensations are gone, so it's a guessing game for us to know when she has to go. Hate it when my BIG cat pukes! He never misses the rug and we always step on it in the dark when he does it at night. Yuck!! Hope you can find a daycare for your MIL. It makes a difference to have some time to yourself. If she argues about going, make her go anyway. They all end up liking it once they realize you are not going to give in to them about going.
Cuz, Don't miss all that white stuff here! 2 winters ago it was piled up almost to the top of my 6 foot fence in the back yard. we were up 3 stories high, shoveling off the roofs that were getting ice jams. All that snow ended up in our small yard and it was piled up over 5 feet for weeks. we used to have snow like that all the time, but the weather has changed here as it has every where else.
We are getting a dusting tonight and some kind of storm Thursday into Friday. One weather station is saying up to 2 feet. If that is the case, I may not be going to my class on Saturday.
Like I always say, If I didn't have bad luck, I wouldn't have any!!!
Okay, off to bed now, to dream that help actually shows up tomorrow!
Night everyone!

Thanx cat

Duncan was in his usual place in the morning sitting at the table
reading the paper after breakfast. He came across an article about
a beautiful actress that was about to marry a football player who was
known primarily for his lack of IQ and common knowledge. He turned
to his wife Sherry, with a look of question on his face. "I ll never understand
why the biggest schmucks get the most attractive wives."
His wife replies, "Why thank you , dear!"

Stormy: In summary, quit wishing for him to die and start insisting that you are going to live.

Little Johnny's teacher asks him to make a sentence
using the following words:
defeat, deduct, defense and detail.
Little Johnny says, " De feet
of de duck went over de
fence before de tail."

Cuz: Happy frigging cold birthday.

Stormy: You know I understand your situation, maybe more than others on this thread. Bottom line is you have to do what is best for you. It is not necessary that your dad has another problem, meaning hitting on his granddaughter, for you to tell you sister you are done. The thing is, you just have to tell her and stand by it. Very difficult for you, I know, but that is what it is going to take. Be strong and do what is best for you. Your dad might actually be happier in a place that gives him more contact. Regardless, it's taking way too much from your life and you hate it. Your sis can live with her decisions, but you don't have to let her take you with her. Set some boundaries and tell her no. I say with with nothing but love in my heart for you, but you know it is up to you to draw the line.

Sending you white light and love. There is no easy way my dear friend.


An enthusiasic door-to -door vacuum salesman goes to the first house in his new
territory. He knocks , a real mean and tough looking lady opens the door, and before she has a chance to say anything, he runs inside and dumps cow patties all over the carpet.
He says, "Lady, if this vacuum cleaner don't do wonders cleaning this up, I'll eat every chunk of it."
She turns to him with a smirk and says, "You want ketchup on that?"
The salesman says, "Why do you ask?"
She says, "We just moved in and we haven't got the electricity turned on yet."

meanwhile Thanx for the hug
Jen we live just north of Grand Rapids, Michigan. We have had snow now for the last 5 days straight. Last friday night we got 10" plus and another 6 to 8" since. Right now it is around 24 and we are getting a snow with a mix of freezing rain. Going to have some sun wednesday but a major storm coming thursday with some more of the white stuff. I might need that white jacket thats missing just to give the old arms a break from all the shoveling and snowblowing.
You gals have a good night hugs to you and I will try to find some jokes for ya

Diane, so that is the trick to getting the house clean, wait til the mil falls asleep. The other day I needed to shampoo the carpet to get all the stains up. Of course you have to vacuum first n then move everything from dining room. for some reason my cat decided to get sick n puke all on my dinning room curtains so it ran down it n onto the rug. Now, she could had got down from the chair n puke on the tile floor but that would had been too easy. so dried up puke been on my curtains for two days. I did get it off the floor n of course it had to run down the paper shredder too! She gets in a hurry n don't chew her food sometimes n this is what happens to her. ah! I moved all the chairs n got the curtain down n vacuum the rug. As I started cleaning the living room n working my way toward the dinning room, dear mil was putting all the chairs back under the table. More work for me so I move them back n asked her to watch t.v. or something n her room. Then I started n kitchen n now she is n the living room re-arranged stuff so i had her straighten out the throw on the couch. Needless to say, she was putting them all n her room on her bed. Let's just say, I will never try to do this again while she is their at the house. As for responding to other post, I have to read one at a time n do each person at a time. Hey, gotta do what ya gotta do. ; )
Deefer, sorry your mom agitated again n nothing better than a good ole fashion dump, oh poo. Is she on any Miralax? I had to bump the mil up to twice a day n dr said it was fine for her. Of course, everyone's own body is different. I would send you some of my good tasting collard greens if it would help her. I sure hope her agitation ease up with her so you can get a little break.

No help here but myself. Dan tries some but most part all me, myself n I. Was searching some more for respite care n this time the prices for "in Home help n while i was on the phone, the lady could hear the mil going off on me. Stuff like, "I cannot believe u do this to me n I never in my life believe u would do this to me." I had to explain to lady while embarrassed. When i got off the phone I ask the mil what the hell is she talking about? Give me a break! I told her dumb ass that if I was going to put her away that I would had done it a long time ago! I try to explain to her what i was doing. then she starts that she don't have no problem staying home if I need to get things done. So here goes the conversation that going stir up the kettle that, "I cannot leave u alone for you have AD. I knew that wasn't going help yet, what else am i to say to her while she is being rude while I am on the freaking phone trying get information! You cannot go into another room for in 3 minutes she is looking for my shadow. Hubby did get her to go walk down the street a bit this afternoon after he got off work. Of course, I didn't say she didn't complain every second. She is too old or I don't see anyone else my age walking. However, when we see these two elderly ladies that walk every single day with their dogs n we point them out to her, she will say, "well, they must be use to it." Their is no winning in the matter to get her to see. I doubt Wed will work but if she goes good n if not so be it. However, I am going to continue looking for help n i did tell her that if I didn't get some sort of break that she would be living at a NH. I felt bad throwing that out to her but good freaking grief will u please Give me a freaking bone! Hubby is backing me up too but he wants me to find a day center instead. I am just looking for a place I can trust n the person no matter how ugly mil can get, I want the best care for her.
Hugs to all of those having a hard time n not feeling so good. suppose to be nice weather tomorrow then rain again. I guess we need it.

In here blasting Vivaldi, That damn Hawaiian record is going to kill me I swear.. When he is dead I am gonna burn it. First smash it then burn it then throw it away...

Put Kleenex in my ears, turned bathroom fan know they use music as torture for inmates. Usually Heavy Metal which I like but if you want to kill me this one is it. the old got it for 79 cents at a swap meet in 78. Hawaiian record that about makes my skin crawl!

Where is cuz that there is that much snow/
Gal at Walmart said she thinks Spokane has way milder winter than years ago and she is right...We get a heavy one every 14 years but the regular winter snow fall is not what it once was and we have a big increase in mosses now.
Shopping day bit later, lots of traffic. got big pencil for word search my splurge. Have not seen the ones like first grade in forever. these now are Ticonderoga and have erasers on em so not the "Horse Leg" of old Bill Cosby joked about. But I bet they still have paper towels with visible chunks of wood in them...unless it is BYOPT as well as supply yer own Kleenex has it gotten that bad?

Boy free, kidnapper dead. Good outcome? Yes.

No, it is crazy busy at Deef's but she is an active lady, the stuff she does I can not imagine. Granted I have no talent but I really could not do all the stuff she does, even if I could drive. I am just not one of those people. I like sleep too much.
Jarring, baking, caring for her mom, working, cleaning, dealing with a husband, shopping, making crafts, knitting for friends (me included thank you!) posting on line, helping family out, setting up the pool, taking care of stray cats, (and people me included) making meals, feeding the neighborhood critters, doing the shopping, business, getting her mom to day care, having a job, connecting with friend and family...
If she took a vacation it would affect the Gross National Product in a tangible way!

My arm hurts just typing it all out.

Me I am just happy I got the towels done and got a new pencil..Ah my life is .?. I don't know...

OK to send deef email bobbie. won't mind if you get hacked and send me prayers for weight loss brochures...But no Hawaiian Instrumental backed forwards That would be goin' TOO Far!

Deef if a lemon has gone bad can it make you sick/ I think this one was and did....

Can't win, won't try, need to feed doggie and give him pug shot...

Good evening all... 41 degrees and pink sunset here...Jen

Deefer, You don't have a house, you have a freaking hotel. wow! Is it a real-apartment? Y'all must rent it out. Thanks n I hope they can help too. The mil don't help when she sneak behind me n take her glass of water n pours it in the dang bathroom sink. I cannot win for losing! I told her that she has to drink water to keep from getting the UTI again n that was only glass #2! That is alright, I found a glass that I had bought for the grand-kids when they were here. It has a lid n straw n it is a clear glass so I can see how much she drank . Plus, it will take her a bit to unscrew the lid. hee, hee. She is a sneaky one. At least she is still fairly independent on feeding herself n taking a bath as long as you set it up n fix her plate. But, if she don't won't to eat she will hide the food in a napkin or her pockets. She will keep you on your toes. I got her to drink a whole glass of ginger-ale diluted a little with water. Of course, she complain whole time that its so sweet. I finally told her it that it was no sweeter than those cokes she drinks.
I hate to sound mean but thinking about just getting rid of the cola's so she will drink the water n ginger ale or at least the water. As for my health, I guess it fine. Just tired like everyone else on here.
Stormy, It got to be some sort of illness for him to behaving that way if he has never been like that before. I would go see about getting his butt checked. I don't blame u one bit the way you feel for those r your babies no matter what or whom. I hope you are able to find some answers to your dad's unusually behaviors.
Jen, You poor soul n I thought I have been having it rough. Sorry the cookies didn't come out great but you tried. So, how was the beef stroganaoff? Hey, if you liked it than that is all that matter. "You can't please everyone so u go to please yourself." I cannot remember who singed that song? Yet, i do go around telling that to myself a lot here lately. U reminded me of the other day when u mention u were outside praying for mercy. I was sitting in a corner in the kitchen floor with tears just trying to get a small break myself. The mil just constantly stares at me across from the room when the t.v. is in front of us to the side. If their were any room in the living room I move my damn chair! I did go sat on the other end of the couch n that thang turned around where she could stare at me their. WTF! I finally told her that she was creeping me out n that the t.v was facing the other way around. or that she could go find something to do n her room. I cannot get her interested n any puzzles, books or anything for she is too old according to her. Not to mention her abdomen issues.
Here goes a funny for everyone but not so funny for me. I gave the mil her am meds n she dropped one on kitchen floor so as i bent down to pick it up she farted. Are u kidding me! I told her gee thanks for farting near my face! Give me a break here please. here i go rambling again.
Stormy, I do believe n a power above us but right now I think he is on vacation n i am going to leave it at that one. ; 0
Bob, never been to California n have always wanted to see it n New York too. I love looking at the tall interesting detail building that I get to see on t.v. I hope u r doing okay?
Sue, your bro don't know her like you do n that was so thoughtful of you getting her something to help relieve the hard bed. Glad u r getting to see your mom n that the place is allowing you to bring tiny too. That seems it will be very comforting for her n you as well to just see her smile. Glad your bro is allowing you to visit your mom. Sounds like you two had a good visit.
I hope everyone is able to get some rest tonight.

Oneandonly, I feel for ya with the false-teeth deal. mil thinks she can just whip her out n rinse them off in the kitchen sick, yuck! Plus, she thinks just rinsing them off is cleaning them. It very hard to get her to soak them just for a few minuets.

Meanwhile, that is only thing about living out n the boonies is that the well can go dry or the pump can get cracks when it's old. I hope u r able to get it working soon with all those critters n toting all that water for them is a job in itself. Good luck.

Barb, I hope the dr appointment helps your mom so both of you can get some rest at night. I am interesting about that Infra red camera that u r thinking about getting for your mom's room to be able to keep a better eye on her. I was thinking of getting something for my mil. Good luck with the dr on Monday.
Stormy, I agree with the girls about letting the dr know.

Mameformom,Licks her denture how gross! I guess she didn't won't to waste those second bits n pieces. lol. I just couldn't help myself. N I agree that nothing can take place of those original Hostess. That chocolate on outside with the white filling in the inside, just makes my mouth water n I am not suppose to even eat them yet, their soooooooooooooo good.

Deefer, I couldn't even try to imagine dealing with two illness for Alzheimer alone is a handful. Bless your poor soul. Sorry your leg has been bothering u n not able to get any sleep. I hope u r able to get some rest tonight.
They put mil on cymbalta for pain for her lower abdomen n for her anxiety but, sometimes I wander if it is making her more meaner than what she already was before she had the abdomen problem? If looks could kill from her then I be six feet n some under. Then later, I am the most thoughtful daughter-n-law. That, she wouldn't know what she do without me.
Dtflex, I can almost feel your excitement of your date-night at the bowling alley. Good for your two. I hope u brought your bro a piece of that cheesecake to persuade him to watch another time. Gotta do what you gotta do to get a little time-out. Glad you enjoyed yourself.
Bob, I hope u r healing n doing alright.
Book, ladee n those I missed, I hope y'all are doing alright too.
Dewey, Welcome to the forum n please feel free to continue to let us know how u r doing for care-giving as one has mention previously posts is Not for Wussy. ; )

Mil has appt with her dr's assistant tomorrow so hopefully they know something. It does seem she is doing much better but it does come n go sometimes n that might be due to the spasms. I have been able to get her to drink the Ensures but they r just so expensive. I need to see if they have coupons on that stuff. She does complain it is sweet but at least she is drinking it. She don't eat like she use to n that is expected if her lower abdomen feels like its full n bloated. No, she is not constipated. I also got her using whole grain bread n turkey lunch meat instead of that bologna crap. She will even complain if I get her to drink water that it makes her lower tummy hurt/ bloated. However, she got to drink the water to prevent from having UTI again. I will just be glad when she gets back to her half-normal mean self again. I hope everyone can get some rest today even if its a little is better than none at least n my case this past month.

Happy Birthday Cuz!!
You are the Snow Angel!

Damn it! I just lost all my posting!!! Gonna fixed lunch n come back later all I hate when that happens for I lost all my train of though of what I have left.

I have to say that Bobbie said it best!! I had to laugh because I will never visualize false teeth the in the same way. Stormy, my heart goes out to you, but I see from your posts that you know what is best!!

Hey Shirley!!! You steal my jacket??? Love that thing!!! Need it more and more everyday!!
Jen, I made lemon bars the other day. Can't eat them at night, the sugar keeps me awake. Heading to bed now. Tome will tell if i ate too many donuts! they are deep fried and crispy, crunchy on the outside and light and fluffy on the inside. Hard to resist with the added flavor of cinnamon and nutmeg in the dough! had to share them or we'd eat them all by ourselves.
Happy Birthday Cuz!!!! Going to get some flakes here again tonight and tomorrow night, but mostly just cold here in central Mass.
Bobbie, send me some of those pictures too!
Okay, bedtime. been averaging 5 to 6 hours a night with many wake ups, so if I'm driving to Northampton tomorrow, I need to get to bed.
Night everyone!!!

Meanwhile.....I found your jacket!!...I'm wearing

Hey, has anyone seen my jacket? It's white with sleeves that make you hug yourself, and a cute belt.

Happy birthday to me. And what did I do on my birthday? I shoveled SNOW off my house, raked the snow off my garage and my neighbors garage, and the drove over to a friends house and did her whole house. When I finnally got home around 5:30 the wife said I'll take you to Subway for supper if I pay for it so I said ok. Boy I like getting older. I like being taken for a ride. Their talken another 2-4" for Tuesday. We have had around 14" since last Friday night. Just love the Michigan weather. You gals have a great night and hugs to all of you.

Hey there all,

Jen, maybe Deef will give you my email and I will send you pictures. I would be happy to do it if you want to see them.

Love all you guys and getting ready to get into the rack.

Linda, good to hear from you. I do still have my guy friend hanging around. He is very sweet to me. He dug almost all of the 90 foot trench to bury the new wire for the well. Even though it killed his back.
Cat, so sorry, losing friends and neighbors is hard, and so soon after losing your Dad. Sounds like your granddaughter is doing great. You did a good job helping raise her. As for the 2nd job. It is sort of a last ditch effort to push my mother into taking care of herself (for a little longer). Plus make as much money now, while I can. And, finally, my boss from my 1st job is talking about retiring.
Jen hang in there. Your situation reminds me, about the soldier trying to get outof the war by being crazy, but you would have to be crazy to not want out. That's me too. Shirley

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