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Agree Mame, I keep seeing the teacher who grabbed her students and said to them as they huddled and hid "I want you to know I love you all and we are going to be OK." I think that was the most wonderful thing anyone could do in that situation. I can see the scared hurting children the terrified teacher and all she wanted was that that felt love and care before and if it was their last moments alive...
Nothing here of any consequence, just a little snow...

Mame thank you for shearing and for all our AC friends for being there especially now when our hearts are breaking for the horrible news on Fri.

Brilliant quote Mame.

Thanks Rip. I appreciate it.

I saw this on Facebook after the tragedy in Ct. and had to share it.

“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” To this day, especially in times of “disaster,” I remember my mother’s words and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers – so many caring people in this world.” - Mr. Rogers

Cuz,! Thank you.
Cat is screaming for food. Blab more later. How distracting.

Glad your still around Rip. Hugs to ya

TSA Airport Screening Results
June 2012 Statistics On Airport Screening Results
From The Department Of Homeland Security

Terrorist Discovered 0
Transvestites 133
Hernia's 1,485
Hemorrhoid Cases 3,172
Enlarged Prostates 8,249
Breast Implants 59,350
Natural Blonds 3

It was also discovered that 535 members
of Congress had no balls.

Just thought you would like to know.

What Rip said!!!
This is and will always be a place for comfort and understanding. There are no words to say to those who lost their loved ones yesterday. All we can do is help to make changes that could prevent this kind of thing happening ever again.
Diane, I often think the same thing about my Mom, especially when I talk to my 59 year old neighbor who is battling pancreatic cancer with all he has. Maybe all your Mom's crazy behavior has finally worn her out and her body is finally getting the rest it needs. As we both know, every day is different and we never know what to expect next!
Took mom to her appointment Thursday and as I was traveling 75 mph in the passing zone, the engine suddenly sounded different. I looked down and Mom's hand was on the shift!!! She had down shifted into 3rd gear!!! Faith unbuckled in the rear seat and wrapped her arms around Mom as I shifted back into overdrive. Fortunately she did no harm, and we sure had a good laugh over the situation. You see, Mom never drove a car in her life!!!
I managed to get laundry and shopping done in between watching the news and discussing the school situation with Erin while she sat with Mom. She has 4 children of her own and is raising her brother's 16 year old daughter. Her 10 year old daughter asked her why someone would do such a thing. It's just too sad and I can't imagine those poor families.
Austin, you are so right! The problems we experience seem so trivial right now.
Lildeb, I think you should wait to talk to your doctor about the lipitor, too. It seems like a really high dose to me. I had high counts for years and only took 10 mgs/day. Glad you had a good day with your mom. I plan on having some laying around days here after the holidays.
On another note. We heard all kinds of stuff going on in town this morning, on the police scanner. Apparently, after an 18 month investigation, state and local law enforcement raided numerous homes today in town and some of the surrounding communities and arrested over 30 people for drug related charges. Talk about a great day here! Most are in jail for the weekend as very few were able to make bail. I guess it was mostly for the sale of prescription drugs.
Been a long day here, so I'm going to clean up the dishes and get myself off to bed.
Good night everyone!

Meanwhile, you have been on the roll, you go girl!
Dtflex, I hope u can get some zzzzzzzzzzz for that is early n you got to get up earlier than that just to make it their at that time. All the power to you.
Jsomebody, sorry you r having a crazy weekend.

For Sure Austin!
How dare they act petty about simple, stupid stuff at a "Holiday" party! You are pure class, dear Lady June, Maxine, whichever hat you wear today! It should be a tiara or jeweled crown!
Royality for you ~ cherished gift on this thread.

The event could have offered a time to pause - realizing how beyond awful life can be - maybe appreciate how fortunate you are as you look around at who is still living & rational. Maybe comfort or distract one another? Not imagine how the families are dealing with ...

I was thinking last night - discussing the ... shootings, horrific event ... now wondering how to even phrase it ...

OK- the subject came up with friends (?). Accquaintances. Live humans, face to face, in person ... not you guys who were my cyber pals when I was homebound giving care & dealing with .... (fill in the blanks)

Know what?
I missed the thread! Those times when being alone with an ailing parent in the middle of nowhere life ... when something awful would occur with one of us of on a national level like yesterday -

someone would pop up with a reply or off the wall comment ~ another would pick it up. Even without a chat feature we somehow found comfort

Not that the people last night who staring into glasses of fine wine weren't sweet - but I found myself wanting to share the tragedy with my friends on Gross. The seasoned CG experienced who knew our hidden side of life.

it hit that deep - which means so did our thread connections.

I miss the days we'd comfort & laugh about mis-spellings & a dick head realitve ... confirming we weren't alone dealing with the mental & bodily stuff that had become our lives.

The banter would happen & the true meaning of friendship ... You know who you are. Before & after the big Squall

Yeah, well, Guess I'm still popping in here - especially when something as unbelievable like Connecticut happens - b/c I Know y'all are sensitive & special - would understand.

You new ones ~ don't hesitate to post & share ~ There are way more kind, considerate, compassionate & understanding people here than those who judge, criticize or offer off beat sympathy.
What's the point?
The world has had enough arrogance & mean. It doesn't belong here.

I feel the thread was started by an amusing, vibrant lady who was almost at the end of her rope yet still had humor & hope while dealing with a nonsense situation.
Please honor her's & everyone's personal situations, sacrifices & devastations -
& think of families who lost loved ones yesterday.

missing Sir

Deefer, that is so sweet of you helping your neighbor out with the supplies to make gifts. I did recall the dr office n they never recalled back so I am NOT going to take 80mg for I feel uncomfortable being the last dosage was only 40mg n my cholesterol test is perfect. He is one of those dr's that likes to use his physican-male authority sometimes. However, it will not fly with me until he speaks or sees me first for it is my body. I have taken 20mg of Lipitor in the pass but cannot remember why I was taking off them but never 80.
Austin, Some friends r just unbelievable n I would leave it alone! I would like to say, "Good for you n proud of you for it is very hard to say those little words called, No. Good for you!" : )
Jsomebody, that choking deal would probable have me freaking. Does he eat any small snacks in between that may keep him from scarfing his meal so fast or does he do it anyway?
Stormy, glad Connor kids is doing better n go knock on some wood for extra assurance. Kids will be kids for we all were one sometime ago. I am sorry to hear that your dad has been coughing up blood n that does sound serious. I hope the new prescription helps. Keep us posted on how he is doing.
Hi Barb, Sorry about your mom n the illness for I didn't know it can happen so fast like you mention it. I too like this site too because, you can see that we are not alone, we get useful advice n meet nice people on her too.
Bob, do you have a little mini-Christmas tree in that boat?
No venting today n thank the Lord. We all had a pretty good day n just laid around the house for most part of the day. Of course I did vacuum two rooms n wash some towel n let the mil fold them. She enjoyed that for the towels were nice n warm to her. She had forgotten she just ate an hour ago a sandwich with chips n drink n was wandering if she could make her something to eat. I reply, "Of course eat what ever you want to eat." I want her to eat anytime she wants so that she can gain some more weight. since last yr of Oct. she has gained 8 whole pounds yet, she still needs to gain some more meat on her bones. Well, got get her night calcium med to take n maybe a small snack before she goes to bed. Gotta go take mine myself too. I hope everyone has a restful night.

Yes Austin, our complaints are trivial today compared to the incredible pain that community is feeling. I've been watching the news all day. I think it hit me hard when I heard the coroner say the families identified the victims by photos. I can imagine the poor parents want to actually see and hold their babies. So very sad.
Mom has been in bed all day. She won't get up at all. I tried feeding her some dinner but she only took a few mouthfuls. Forgive me for thinking this, but I looked at my mom today and thought why wouldn't God take these old demented people we care for instead of those poor innocent children. All I can do is pray for the families of Newtown, CT.

That school is not too far from us my grandson lived about 5 miles from there with his Mom and stepfather when they were married-I am so glad he goes to school now on Cape Cod feels almost like 9/11 that was 45 miles away from where I live. I did not have much patience for the complainers at our Christmas P arty today their foolish complaints got on my nerves I even said a few times whith the school shooting yesterday our problems are so small when I wanted to say shut the f up-that would not have gone over very well.

Bobbie, you are so right.

There is no making sense of it because it doesn't make sense.
There is no understanding of it because it can't be understood.

Cuz,thanks for that story.

Stormy, give Connor a big squeeze from this lady on this boat.

Angels to all.


Hey everyone, I am very sad tonight. I just can't understand HOW anyone can walk into a elementary school and shoot innocent children. My little boy, Connor is 6 years old, he will be in first grade next year. And as I was helping him write his letter to Santa Claus tonight, I kept thinking of the families that were not going to be able to do this with their children. I kissed and hugged Connor tonight and held him close and knew that these parents were not going to be able to do this also. I just started crying and every time I thought of them I started crying again. How lost they must feel. My heart breaks for them. It is just so sad.
Connor does not know about any of this, but he saw me crying. And told me Mama, you've got to stop all this crying. I started laughing. And I told him,"You know why I am crying?" He said, no. I said, because my heart is so full of love for you. And he said, "Awww..." That's so sweet.
My thoughts and prayers are with these families and the whole town. Peace be with all of you. Love and Hugs Stormy.

"Gold Wrapping Paper"

I received this from a friend who had a choice to make. It said that I had a choice to make too.

I've chosen. Now it's your turn to choose.

The story goes that some time ago a mother punished her five year old daughter for wasting a roll of expensive gold wrapping paper. Money was tight and she became even more upset when the child used the gold paper to decorate a box to put under the Christmas tree.

Nevertheless, the little girl brought the gift box to her mother the next morning and then said, "This is for you, Momma."

The mother was embarrassed by her earlier over reaction, but her anger flared again when she opened the box and found it was empty. She spoke to her daughter in a harsh manner.

"Don't you know, young lady, when you give someone a present there's supposed to be something inside the package?"

She had tears in her eyes and said, "Oh, Momma, it's not empty! I blew kisses into it until it was full."

The mother was crushed. She fell on her knees and put her arms around her little girl, and she begged her forgiveness for her thoughtless anger.

An accident took the life of the child only a short time later, and it is told that the mother kept that gold box by her bed for all the years of her life.

Whenever she was discouraged or faced difficult problems she would open the box and take out an imaginary kiss and remember the love of the child who had put it there.

In a very real sense, each of us, as human beings, have been given a Golden box filled with unconditional love and kisses from our children, family, friends and GOD. There is no more precious possession anyone could hold.

You now have two choices:
1. Pass this on to your friends, or
2. Delete it and act like it didn't touch your heart.

As you can see, I took choice No. 1. Friends are like angels who lift us to our feet, when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.

Yah I'd take my bad dreams over the living nightmare they are experiencing in NewTown. Peace all....

Night night everyone. I'm too sleepy to post anything and I have to be at work at 6:30am tomorrow. Zzzzzzzzzzzz

Up until past midnight last night, finishing Christmas cards. Been crazy at work. My boss even did a root canal on my Step Dad (for no charge). Dust storm here today. Not fun, but no snow, and it's still 65 degrees. Mom asked me to cut her hair, and then she liked the way it looked when I got done. Very strange. Most everyone talks about how their senile parents get so hard to deal with. My Mother was a crazy B#$%% for as long as I can remember. Last few years she is getting nice??? She even apologizes for things. When I was a child if she dropped something, she would turn around and yell at me. Hope this personality change lasts. She is getting so she won't do anything anymore. She has arthritis, and the Dr tells her to do physical therapy, but she refuses.
Shooting small children, at an elementary school, horrible news. Maybe the world really is coming to an end. My boss is calling the annual Christmas party, the "End of the World " party this year. I'm making a Chocolate pecan pie for the party.

Bobbie, Packing my bags now!!!!
Jen you are too good to your mom. If I had the $$, I'd fly you out here for a month of a different kind of insanity!! Any kind of change would do you a world of good!!
On a sad note, just got home from a quick shopping trip and saw on the news channel that some guy shot 26 kids and adults at a school in Newtown, Conn. Most were kids ranging in age from 5 to 10 and about 7 or 8 adults. What a sick f'ing world we live in!!! Too many people with access to those damn stupid guns!!!
Sure makes me look at my life with a different perspective!
Back in a bit. Off to the pharmacy and then to get Mom from Daycare. Another day of craziness here!

Hey all from the Land of Crazy making...Long irritating grouse feel free to not read unless as amusement...Now on the fifth turnaround comments here from mom. I am on second day period here pain mess tired...But yesterday after calling in a prescription of fart pants she decided we would go run a lot of errands today any how to cover it up that she had said we wouldn't because the roads were bad, then then cleared and were just wet and bare and here more crazy the day of his denture app. we drove out MILES to his damn app and the roads were yes awful and she said well NOT stop for a loaf of bread becasue she didn't want to make extra stops in the bad weather then went out of her way to take a different route so as NOT to pass the Safeway, LITERALLY ! then on the way home decided we had better stop becasue we may not want to go out again and he might need his bread before Tuesday... and she didn't want to go out again,, so today wee are going out again and the roads are yes covered with unexpected snow I come up stairs tired, lost glasses, bleeding heavily, and she says..."You're ready to go already?" she is making tea and toast for herself and I came up in my coat and sun glasses, coat becasue it is cold and easier than carrying it and sun glasses becasue I cant find mine!
Here one more grouse. I made Beef Stroganoff becasue it is something we clearly will not be having now he is going to baby food...and she literally took all but two pieces of the meat, I am wondering did she know she did that? gah never mind!

S' 9:22 here now, snowing heavily about 25 degrees I'd guess.

Hope everyone is Ok and has a decent, calm, not stupid know like mine....

Bobbie - your dream sounds nice. Ya, my husband was a romance waiting to happen when I met him. He's sappy, but after 24 years, I guess that's good. The latest song was Stevie Wonder - "I was made to love her." He's so mental. He'll be home for a month this time. Flies in tonight. His snoring will drive me insane by the time he leaves again. I told him one morning a few months ago that his snoring made me feel violent and that he's lucky that I didn't have a brick handy during the night when he woke me up a thousand times. So, that day without him seeing, I went out and got a big rock and put his name on it in silver marker and put it next to my side of the bed. He laughed so hard when he saw it. Makes me laugh while I'm typing about it.
Off to Mom's now. I hope I can hold on to this good mood for a while! Your peaceful river morning sounds like it'd make me feel awe. I'm envious. Off to looney bin!

I used mine within 5 minutes of realizing it wasn't a hoax. It worked! I hope you get your ninja boy the lego he wants. :)

Hey ya'll need to find out something. I got one of those gift cards from aging care. Is it legit? I don't want a virus. My gift card is for 10.00. Let me know. Also, there is a lego that connor wants and I think they have them at Amazon. I have looked everywhere for the lego (zane mini figure). Can't find him. But i know that it is going to cost more than 10.00. Hugs stormy

Hey Judy,
it's still a good dream and I love that your husband sends you links to love songs.

The boat is a lot of work and some days I wonder wtf was I thinking and then I go out on the foredeck before dawn and see this river and how peaceful it is and I know exactly what I was thinking.

It's an old boat but a good boat and worth the time and effort. My dream is of being moored in pretty water and buying bread from the locals on their little boats.
It's doable and hopefully some of you guys might join me one day.

Love all you guys way more than you'll ever know and still think that we should have a convention of grossed out caregivers!


Oh, Austin, thank you! I just laughed at loud at your comment. I had a facebook account for 3 days. That's it. I got friend requests from snooty girls that I went to high school with, who I couldn't stand then, why, decades later, would I want to be facebook friends with them? I deactivated the account. It was my own dang fault for filling in all of the personal information, like what schools I went to, etc. I never even thought about it when I did it.
Mame, Deef, Linda, Lildeb, your days sound way more hectic than mine ever do. And I still bitch about mine. Its humbling for me to read about your daily routines. I realize I do a lot of bitching about the little things that I should just let go. I just get so irriated that I'm the only child that helps, and my mother is no picnic to be around. If she wasn't such a pity party of manipulation, it'd be easier.
Jen, all I could think of when I was reading your comment on fp choking.... so let him choke - fast way to end it. Shit, I'd be feeding him hard to manage foods every day - nothing soft on the menu. Bad karma for me.
Bobbie - I've been telling my husband for years that I'd like to live on a boat one day and just leave everything behind and wander - no grass to cut, no kids with us, no neighbors to loathe. But, its just a dream, and it sounds like a lot of work just the same! I told my husband that I'd drag him behind the boat if he pissed me off, like those boats trying to attract sharks do. Sort of like chumming, but in one whole piece. He just shakes his head. Old Lance Romance, sending me links to love songs. I threaten to use him as chum and he sends me love songs. What a weird relationship.
Stormy - I hope Connor continues on his good behavior streak. I love that wildboy side of kids though, as long as no one else suffers from it. My mother always told me that I let my kids "run wild". I did no such thing. She was just soo controlling, that my parenting seemed very liberal to her. The difference is that my kids, like your's, had consquences, not condemnation! I hope your dad responds well to the antibiotic. You don't need one more thing on your agenda, having a small child to deal with, this time of year too.
I just love you all, and I know I missed someone here. I look forward to seeing everyone's comments every day. Such a friendly thread. Nice of you to join us, Barb! I'm looking forward to getting to know you.
I'm going to go get some xmas stuff done today, one way or another. Although, I'm taking Mom out today. I could come home with a nervous tick and an attitude... so maybe xmas will wait till tomorrow. Husband flies in tonight and is staying for a month! Yay!

Boat Time!

Okay she is set for another hour, then it's up and off to daycare.Coffee is brewing and I sure need some!!
Barb, It's quite an eye opener isn't it? Caught the end of the Brian Williams evening show and it appears Dr. Nancy Sneiderman is now a care giver to a parent also. Us little people don't seem to get noticed, but more and more celebrities, etc. are finding themselves in our shoes. Hopefully they will be able to make the public more aware of how desperate this situation is becoming, and new laws can be made to aid those who have no where else to turn for help.
The hallucinations are the scariest for them and us. Mom is passed being scared by them, thank God! The best thing you can do when she is having one, is to reassure her that everything is okay, then, and this is the key to caring for dementia patients, redirect her attention to anything to get her mind moving in a different direction. In other words, change the subject, point to something tangible, give her a sweet treat. And , yes, lie to her if you have to, it will calm her down. Sometimes meds help and sometimes they add to the problem. It's all trial and error and you will learn what to look for after a while. Get a wheelchair with a belt that she can't release. It will keep her safe. It may take a bit of time, but she will adapt to being in it and it will keep her safe and take some pressure off of you.
Coffee is ready!!! I need to get dressed and do a few things before I get Mom going.
I'll check in later. Hope you all have a peaceful day!

Bobbie!!!! Don't work too hard.
Stormy, hope you got some sleep.
Austin, the nerve of some people!
Crap! Mom is stirring already. Have to roll her on her side. Be right back.

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