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His roommate died last night.....

and he fell this morning getting up without attendants and had the alarm turned off...

love ya Deef!

Stuck here again tonight from 5pm until 8 am tomorrow, then back again from 3- 11 pm. And so on goes my week. Can' t get B placed soon enough for me!
Full moon Monday night, so she's acting up big time!! Here's hoping she's somewhere else for the next one.
Helped my sil dismantle my swimming pool today. So sad as that was my lifeline during the hot summer months. Will replace it next summer, but going to get one of those cheap inflatables for this summer. Can' t do without when I'm tending the gardens and doing all that salsa and jams. Need to ve able to cool off in between.
Raspberry plants are alltrimmed and cleaned out and looking very promising again this year. Went to the greenhouse today and spent $100 on flowers for the yard. Too early for veggies yet and we still have to clean out tge gardena and add compost. We are making the patio bigger too. My daughter and i rushed it together ladt spring and ahould have made it bigger. So i have many projects to keep me busy when i get the chance to be home.
Money will be tight after B is gone, but Bobbie, I still want to get to the boat and spend sone time with you!! Maybe late fall when it's not so hot where you are! And Jen, I'm still pkanning on going back to Seattle and will definitely make the trip over to see you too!
Finally, there is light at the end of the tunnel! A very small pin point right now, but hoping for a big bladt soon.
Everyone take care and know that I think of all of you often.
Love Deef!!!

Glad to hear that B is on her way to qualified help and that you are going to be able to get back to your life. Jeeze! Deef! Don't do it again!!

Jen! Sorry to hear that your mom is still stressed to the max. Hope you can get some good sleep. Everything sux without good sleep, as we all know.

Pretty day on the Creek here. Boats come and go and the big cruiser keeps getting better day by day.


Me and Deef getting same sleep pattern I think, kicking and twitching for hours...Wonderful!

Glad you got a clean bill o health bobbie!

Watching Baltimore here, too. Hope everything can be dealt with and the nation move forward! it is complicated and an issue messy with history and fault on all sides. In many ways it was easier to fight for Civil Rights issues when they were literally On The Books...Now you have to prove someone really just doesn't like you and gives you less than your full rights as a citizen moment to moment!

G so so, falling in his own poop one day, better the next, Mom worried, guilty and stressed...No fix, just a cure...

Have a good weekend everyone, Jen

Bobbie!!!!! Ckean as a whistle?
Finally some good news here! B had a visit from dementia unit supervisor and admissions coordinator at the long term care division of the nursing home where she was for rehab. Got a call from them yesterday saying that they had a female bed open up. Also got a call later from the person handling het application for state insurance due to her income/ assets. Got to love Mass.!!!
The ball is rolling uphill for a change! I'm so exhausted from being at her house 75+ hpurs a week and taking her to appointments, etc. My bil and sister have been here 3 times since the end of February. I know it's time off fron work anfd a long ride, but I am only healthcare proxy. He had to handle all the financials, etc. Took much pushing and cajoling on my part and my sister did a lot of the work whike she was here. She knowd how hard it is for me and had done het best to help.
As soon as we get the official ok for medicaid, it should only take a week or two to get her settled in her new home.
I will still be the first person on the call list and will visit 2-3 times a week to make sure she's not neglected. After my mom's 2 visits to rehab, I have no illusions about nh's! I have a good first impression of the people running the unit and feel this will be a good fit for B. They were not condescending and laughed and joked about dementia behavior like they were one of us! It was refreshing to see that they recognized i know a lot about dementia behavior and also the pitfalls in nursing homes. They were very frank about things much the way many of us have been on this thread for the last 5 years. We had some really good laughs! Bobbie i think youwould have been impressed!
Anyhow, i can't wait to be free!!! I'll still have to visit and keep them on thete toes and I'll be keeping an eye on her house too. That's ok. The extra $$ will continue to come in handy.
I got 4.5 hours of sleepladt night, soy legs ate jumping and my eyes are closing, so I'mto end this post before I fall asleep and lose it.
I'm thinking of everyone of you as always! I'll keep ypu posted!
Love Deef!

Good Morning!

It's MayDay, yesterday was my colonoscopy and all is good. That stuff you have to drink is so nasty.

OK, just checking in.

I know that Linda had a birthday recently and I hope that you are doing ok with all the stuff that you have to deal with.



Meanwhile and Kuli and Austin and Mame! and I hope that Juju is doing ok.

Hope everyone is doing as ok as they can with all that they are dealing with.

Positive thoughts out to Baltimore. Where I went to school, just blocks away from all the sadness.


Glad you made it out Jen Hugs to you.

H*ll, I am not in the tunnel now. I am just outside the entrance looking around! Can't go too far yet, but good to be out of the endless dark!
Just keep going forward Austin...better days ahead for us all...Love,Jen

bobbie every one here is doing good. Joyce had her foot worked on last week and is finally able to take a shower. Yowser. PTA's sometimes just don't work good. Don't tell her I said that though. HA HA. I can't remember if I had told you that it was deeper than the dr thought. He said it was growing in between the two bones on the top of her instep. He had to make two cuts just to get it all. She goes in next week after I have my right eye done on Wednesday to get the stitches out. Yesterday I had a physical and came out with an A+ and I also went to the skin cancer dr ad he gave me an A+. It was the first time in years that he didn't have to spray me with the liquid nitrogen. I'm starting to get my second wind. In May marks our 47th so maybe I will stick around for awhile ya think? Ma is doing good. Mike is back to gaining weight again but not from eating. Side effect from the medication to help with his numb feet and legs. His depression comes and goes but he is doing ok.
Linda glad to hear you are on the rebound.
Austin you are in our prayers.
Jen There is a light at the end of that long tunnel. Sounds like you are getting closer.
meanwhile glad you were able to do what you like to do best. Ride. Thats so cool.
everyone else hugs to all.

Austin, sorry about the loss of your brother. Ow Ow.

Linda! so glad you don't smoke anymore and are taking care of yourself. I know you'll keep working on getting stronger. Shitofrantic! woohoo!

Jen, happy your headaches are gone and here's hoping they stay away from you from here on in.

Cuz! what's going on with you guys? How is Mike? Did you get your eye surgery?
I remember you were going to get one and then the other.
Can you see?
How many fingers do I have up?

Love you guys,


Austin, I'm so sorry about your brother.

Amber Jane brings back memories one of our first KAW occasions -wow about 6 years-about the time my husband died-he would be so pissed off I got up and dusted myself off and went on to live and re-meet a good man from my high school years who is the love of my life. Cap't Bobbie and her crew have been trough a lot together since then 30175 posts and counting-love you guys-tomorrow is one week since my brother's funeral-it still is not real for me.

Horseies Yay... Doing better, think my head aches have passed, hope they stay away!
Went to nursing home, he was listening to music lady today. New crap, he is refusing to bathe, take his pills and has started to reach around and un-hook the monitor that says he is trying to get out of wheel chair unassisted...Good good, maybe he will kill himself doing something stupid...Whatever...
another week and what not....Hope everyone hanging in there O.K. Jen

Good for you Linda. Hope you keep getting stronger. So glad to hear you quit smoking. That has to be hard. Jen, sure hope you get to feeling better too.
Goofed off yesterday, went riding with friends. Neighbors loaned us an extra horse so Indio could come too. I rode the borrowed horse, and Indio rode my horse, Cory. Indio made the mistake of walking Cory out into the middle of a creek. Water was about 3 feet deep, and Cory belly flopped down in the water, Indio got soaked. But it was warm, and Indio didn't mind much. It was pretty funny. The neighbors borrowed horse was very well behaved. Beautiful red and white paint horse. When I went to clean him up, before taking him home. Discovered his tail was all matted up. Huge mat. We got out the WD-40, sprayed it on the tail, and it combed right out. Chalk that up to another use for WD-40. Good week everyone.

Heehee ' I'm a shitofranic. , Bobbie u said it well . Kuli u said it well too obmaj :-) I am recovering well on my stroke . No ciggy since m arch twenty third .. I still wobble a little feels safe walk-in with my cane . Just thankin lord that he did not take me . I want to live .. gonna enjoy my life while I am able to '
Amber Jane I know sure lurk in , fly on the wall - lala love youall xoxo

Yep, seems like a long time ago... But people do mean it. Not everyone is gonna agree, and yet life goes on...
Mom's been pissy mad for days now, but I can not listen to anymore about Dadddddeee. I just can't. New words..."Compression Fracture"...Well, least they know what it is and can medicate the pain...
Now how to medicate the stress?...I'm doing reading and sleep and housework.
Gonna use up the peanuts in freezer, make peanut brittle. See no reason not to...
Hope the stove don't blow up, will have to replace it soon. It is making vorp vorp noises...
Another week...Stay sane all...Hide yer tooth brushes...Jen

Welcome to the site Ohiomom.

I see that we're your first post. Huzzah.

Deef and Kuli! It's so good to see you both!

I hope Amber Jane is ok..

Caregiving is tough and grieving is tougher.

I don't think I can be shocked any more by how easily some people become indignant.

It's all good Ohio. You're not the first to misjudge the situation. This thread started in February of 2010 and we have all been through it and some of us have even been here for each other through the deaths of our parents and spouses.

I know for a fact that I would have really lost my mind if not for the caregivers on this thread. Caregivers and my Cousin, Harv. Cuz.

We have been very supportive to each other and here on the Grossed thread we Vent and Live.
Just when you don't think you can do it anymore, 24/7, years on end, like I am sure you are very aware of, we would go for the funny. We had to. Vent and Live.

Doesn't mean you love your parent less, just means you're venting your teakettle so you can stay under pressure longer.

Plenty of great threads on this site to explore. Amazing group of Caregivers.

You're welcome here, everywhere.

Back to bingewatching Deadliest Catch on Hulu.


Kuli!!!!! Some things never change!!!!

And so it goes - OBMAJ!

Put your toothbrush away after you use it. If your mother lives with you, and you offered to take her, than live with it. If your parents "gross" you out when they eat, feed them earlier then when you eat. I use to clean my fathers mouth when he drooled, I'd do it all over again, I wouldn't care if mom used my hair brush, or comb, I'd use my own if I combed her hair and we're out somewhere. No, nothing grosses me out, we're ALL headed that way, just imagine someone doing that to you?

Jen, so sorry. Wish I knew of some cure.

You don't want to know...I DON'T want to know. I am just hoping that after a week or two they move on! Not sure I can keep taking so much acetaminophen...

Everyone seems to be nauseous here....sign o the times eh...hope it passes soon...

Good weekend everyone...Jen

It's good to see you guys.

Meanwhile, I hope that the insulin pump does the trick for Indio. Good thing to get that stuff under control.

Mame, glad it went well.
Here's to keeping our insides happy.
The job and being able to get out and around sounds great. Love it.

What a nice post.
It is amazing to know that we have been around for awhile.
You have got to get some sleep. Sleeping, Remembering to Breathe and Venting!

Salutations to Joyce and Mike and Aunt Hank and Tank, Cuz D and everyone else that you feel like.

We're all getting some parts of our nooks and crannies worked on and it's a collective experience.

Jen, how are your headaches? I can't even imagine.

Pargirl, glad you're here.


Hello to everyone-old and new! My colonoscopy went well.I did almost puke the drink up! Good God it is awful! I hope I never have to do it again-or that I can take a pill next time! Ugh! There has GOT to be a better way!!!!! Thanks for asking!

It is nice to be back to work-especially socially! It was so lonely and isolating taking care of mom. It has been hard on my nervous system but I am doing better week by week.

It is so busy here- I barely have time to write...So sorry! Hang in there everyone! Take care of yourselves when you can! I am playing catch up and hopefully all will be well! But I do know how difficult-impossible-it can be to do when caregiving!
Hugs to all! Mame

Still here. Been getting Indio taken care of. Appointment with a Diabetic specialist. Waiting on an insulin pump (for Indio). But, otherwise quiet here. I'm lucky in that my mom and step dad can physically still get around, and mentally not too bad. My mom isn't any crazier than she ever was anyway. Take care eveyone.

Bobbie!! Grab a few extra hours of z's for me!!! I'm not much of a drinker but those umbrella ones sound good! One more hour, then home foe a few hours of sleep, hopefully.
Pargirl, yes, a lot of us have been on this thread for years and some more recently, but we are all here for each other when times get tough! Bobbie was our lifeline for years. I' ve been here fromclose to the beginning and so has Jen and a few others. Many are more recent, but we all have the same thing in common. We all have beenlooking for help and support and this entire site provides that to all of us when we have questions or just need to talk to someone who understands.
My mom passed in July of 2013 and I don't participate as much or as often as I used to or would like to, but Like everyone else, I do come back!
Hang in there!

Hey pargirl, now you know us all and we know you too. Vent and Live!
Glad you're here.

Good to hear from you Deef! You let me know when you want to come and I'll get those little umbrellas for some boat drinks!

The Boat Angel is dealing with his mom and his stepdad who is mid stage and the mom who is in the early stage of can't find anything or remember what's what. He's doing a good job with it but I feel my anxiety coming back when I can hear the phone calls. I can't just leave the room and have been able to clue him into things like sundowning, etc so he doesn't unnecessarily upset them or himself when nothing seems to make any sense in the late afternoon and early evening.

He's getting them squared away in a new home and they are now in the packing one and getting ready to move into the other in the next month. The home they are leaving is way out in the boonies and absolutely no one will stop by. The new home is in town and close to everyone and everything and social services and big enough to have a live in caregiver so hopefully they will be able to go down that road.
Sux when it's half an hour to go to the grocery store.

going to crawl off to the sack.
Mame! How did it all come out? (sorry haha)

Wondering how Meanwhile and Indio and all of her horses and animals are.


Amen Bobbie!!!! Still sitting here with B about 80 hours/week. Sister and bil came up 2 weeks ago to get bank stuff done and prepay funeral. Bil dragged his feet the first three days and didn' t get everything done while here, so of course I got the pleasure of following up on stuff!!
Also been helping out my neighbors by taking care of their 2 year old son while they get job and school issues juggled around. Believe me, that is way more pleasurable than sitting with B!!! Been having much
stress relieving fun with him!
Jen, the snow is finally gone to many days of above normal temps! Haven't been home long enough to work in the yard, but hoping to get started this weekend. Have to put down Grub-X on the lawn. Damn moles have tunnels all over the yard! Can't walk without your feet sinking down 6" in some spots!
Okay everyone out there going for a colonoscopy. Get the unflavored and Do NOT refrigerate!!!! You can down it a lot faster if it's room temperature and the flavored stuff will definitely make you puke! By the way, if you have to have the " 2 for 1", esophagus and colon, remind them you want the throat done first!
Ok, B is in bed, for the night, i hope! I'm here until 11 and back at 7-10, then from 1-11pm. Long day again. Really getting tired of this! Except for my visit to Seattle to stay with Rip in 2011, and a week in Va at my sister's the last 2 summers, my husband and I have not had a vacation since 2008 when I left work to care for mom.
My sister is retiring from teaching at the end of the school year, but is checking into leaving early to come here and stay with B until we can get her p laced. Her $ is almost gone so they need to step up and take over the responsibility of B's care. I'm more than ready to start enjoying my old age before i can't!
Mame!!! Glad to hear you are back out in the world!
Bobbie!!!!! Know what you mean about taking care of yourself. I put on all but 5 of the 16lbs I lost last year just sitting on my a$$ with B. Can't get up to pee without her looking for me! Drives me and my restless legs crazy! First thing pn my to do list is get healthy again!!
Here's hoping we all, present and past, get to enjoy our " golden years" in a positive way after years of caregiving!
I'll let you know when I'm finally free! Bobbie, I just might get myself down to that boat yet! Jen, when I get to Washington again, I'll definitely be looking you up!
Hang in there everyone!!
Love Deef!

Gosh, you all seem to know each other. Hope all is well in roto rooter land :) and I don't have cluster headaches but have suffered with migraines from time to time. Surprised I don't have more of them with all that's going on. Glad to hear that the rest of the country is thawing out. Dallas area got hit yesterday with deluge of rain yesterday. Flooded some parts of Ft. worth and Dallas. But we need it badly so I'm not complaining (my husband would say that's a first :) That's about it. Just wanted to join in all the conversation so I wouldn't feel left out. :) Have a good evening. Oh, and Bobbie 321, I feel your pain on all the illnesses. It was 5 years in Feb. for my mom to go into alz/dementia facility. She is stable and no signs of this disease ending. 5 years in Jan. for dad with his heart attack sending mom to facility. Many, many drs. appts. for him in 5 years. 2 years that I lost my sister. That's not all the illnesses my husband and myself have had plus our son getting divorced, moving in with us and we have the grand boys 3 times a week. So talk about depression, ptsd or whatever, we have had it. But we are the lucky ones. A roof over our heads, food on the table and at the very least.....we have tried really hard to keep our senses of humor. Man it's hard though. Anyway, I keep all of you in my prayers everyday.

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