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hi ,, hubbys sroke dr told him he will not be going back to work . shaynmarie- im sorry he has a speach pblm , my hubby has memory pblm ,, tmr he will go to memory care and it is a all day thing ,, test , test and more test .... next week he will go to sleep study , hope that goes well . prob not cuz he still awakes up at 2 am . thats his brain alarm clock , thinking time to go to work . then realizes he dont go to work anymore , cant sleep ,,,,
went to dr today i did , she got me on nerve pill , to keep me calm when he has an attidue . take as needed , i took one just to see how it efect me , made me tired grrr . one day at a time doc said . yup . just praying that he gets well ...
cuz - i smiled at your blonde joke , ;)

Linda- my heart goes out to you. My hubs had a stroke last Sept. It was a mild stroke that only effected his speach. He slept so much more during the first 6 months after the stroke...I guess it was due to his brain healing. I still worry about him because he works lots of OT by choice. He does not take the stroke very seriously either. Hugs for you dear lady! P

Why mailmen prefer blonds

It was the mailman's last day on the job after 35 years of carrying the mail through all kinds of weather to the same neighborhood. When he arrived at the first house on his route he was greeted by the whole family there, who congratulated him and sent him on his way with a big gift certificate envelope.

At the second house they presented him with a box of fine imported cigars.

The folks at the third house handed him a selection of terrific fishing lures.

At each of the houses along his route, he was met with congratulations, farewells, cards, and gifts of all types and values.

At the final house he was met at the door by a strikingly beautiful young blonde in a revealing negligee. She took him by the hand, gently led him through the door (which she closed behind him), and led him up the stairs to the bedroom where they had a most passionate liaison.
Afterwards, they went downstairs, where she fixed him a giant breakfast: eggs, potatoes, ham, sausage, blueberry waffles, and fresh-squeezed orange juice. When he was truly satisfied she poured him a cup of steaming coffee.

As she was pouring, he noticed a dollar bill sticking out from under the cup's bottom edge.

"All this was just too wonderful for words," he said, ".....but what's the dollar for?"

"Well," she said, "Last night, I told my husband that today would be your last day and that we should do something special for you. I asked him what to give you?"

He said, "...Screw him...give him a dollar." The blonde then blushed and said, "....But the breakfast was my idea."

love you and miss you. Hope you can get through this and you both find some peace.

Linda I am so sorry about your hubby-two of y friends who had strokes are doing much better-it takes awhile and improvement is slow-I hope you have support.

Linda prayers to you, what a scary time for you two. Take it one day at a time and maybe you will find a way to get thru this together. I noticed when my dad got scared he reacted angrily maybe the case here? Still hard! Wishing you the best!

Linda, I am sorry to hear about your husband, I hope they were able to catch it soon and get him well!

Linda so sorry about hubby. It is early days yet so don't give up. I know it is really hard when someone who you have loved and has loved you for so many years turns into
someone so different. Do you have family and friends to be there for you? Don't take all of this on alone it is just too much. you need time for yourself and rest.Blessings

Linda, I'm so sorry about your husband. Sometimes they can recover a lot after a stroke. Sometimes not.

Ditto on everyone...Cuz!

Another dr appt this week, making progress!

Love to you all!!

Peace juju

Cuz -you are an important part of our group and always will be. I only took my Lipitor 3 times a week my podiatrist scared me about taking it and now my doc says my cholesterol is favorable so am stopping it altogether.

Meanwhile~My dad could not take statin drugs because they caused muscle weakness. His leg muscles would hurt and mobility was a problem. My mother would not take statin drugs because she was afraid of them...she used OTC Cholestoff and non flushing has kept her cholesterol down.

hi there folks , cuz - ure great and praying everything goes well at ur way ..
bobbie - speedy recovery ! do i have to come down there and get u back on ur feet ?
i dont think i ll be going anywhere for a long while ....
my 58 yrs old husband had a stroke last sat , they did the test and found a old stroke , on top of another one . im a wreck ... i google tryin to find out if the memory loss will get any worst , not findin what i needed ,
hubby is in deep depresions , forgeting how to operate the tv , :( ...
his right arm shakes and now his right leg is doing that also ,
i took care of dad with his stroke , he had dementia . sweet man ..
hubbu has memory loss , blows up , gets fussy , i get scared , i had to walk away few time , i tried to talk to him and he tells me BE QUITE ! DONT SPEAK !! i just walk away ,, then he says he is soo sorry . we been married for 35 yrs .
it breaks my heart ... will his memory loss get worst ???
jsomebody --- i always think of you .. hope fp goes to the otherside soon . so u and mom can be peace and finaly get to rest ,,,,
meanwhile - big hugs to u and ur horsey ,

meanwhile I was on Lipitor for about 10 years before he changed to Pravistatin. I was getting sore knees etc. Been on this now for about 10 yrs and think the stiffness now is just old age catching up with me.

Her doctor thinks everyone should be taking lipitor. I think he gets a kick back from the drug company.

Best wishes for your mother, hope she can be safe and at peace there, is family close by?

Was he taking the band name or generic? The generics are made by different manufacturers and the filler used in the pill may have changed.
As far as mom is concerned Drs are trying to stop giving them to us elders. So talk to her Dr

Cuz, you'll always be welcome. Glad your mom likes the assisted living place, has to be quite an adjustment for everyone. Sounds like a good idea to tell her it might be temporary, why upset her.
Have a question. Has anyone had problems with lipitor? A friend of mine has been taking lipitor for years, suddenly had a bad reaction to it. His muscles cramped up, he could barely move. The CPK enzymes coming from his muscles went up to 30,000. (normal is less than 300). Since he quit taking the lipitor is feeling better. I'm wondering about trying to convince my mother to stop taking.

Prayers to aunt Hank and you all for a smooth safe transition! Cuz n Bobbie!

Hi gals. Update on my mom (bobbie's Aunt Hank). We put her in an assisted living facility because the drs said she was unable to go back to her home because she can't care for herself properly. It was the right thing to do because we didn't want her to fall or hurt herself with nobody around to watch her. She will be 90 in Dec and she has really slowed down both physically and mentally.
They ran a couple of memory tests at the rehab and that didn't go well. We knew it was coming and I think she did too. She just wants to stay independent but can't anymore. She likes the place we put her in but still asks when can I go home. We tell her this might be temporary until you get better and she said OK. Will keep every one in the loop. I did talk to bobbie yesterday and filled her in on what was going on. She is still recouping from being so sick herself but is slowly getting over it. She hopes that it doesn't ever come back. I guess that I am no longer an honorary member of the thread no more. I guess you can say that I am a newby now right? Hugs to everyone and yes I will try to post jokes when I come across a good one.

NIce to have our routine back!!!! mom and I went for a drive yesterday, had errands to run 90 miles away in Ashland, very cute "hip" li'l college town, was a nice warm 70 day with fall colors everywhere and nice to have different scenery!
We needed some quality time, was a nice little getaway!

OK I have to laff when I told my friend about mom at the DR's I sed "I took mom to the VET yesterday" I needed that laff!!!

Hang in there, thanks for putting up with me! VENT TO LIVE!!!

Of course I am swinging from the trees, I got that moment back with my momma! I thought I would never feel her comfort me again! I wasted a lot of time stressing and missed out on that!

oh my fuel ran out long time ago, that is why it is all so frustrating and I need to vent to make room for the challenges we face in our life and situation. I have an ill woman who is not getting the services she deserves so we have to make plans to care for her! I need all the encouragement I can get just to get this done, Alone!!!! Thank you!!!

Juju you are running on high octave adrenalin. Time to stop swinging through the trees before your fuel runs out. Hugs and encouragemnt.

omg I posted same thing sorry twice sorry...I msut still be tired I didn't remember making the first post!!

the one house I was trying to keep secret for exactly that reason, It was everything we I am sure I did not get it for a reason and If I was meant to it will be there for me when we are ready to resume the offer process! least I made connections and am moving forward to a goal!

and everyone who gave me trouble were the ones who knew about my dream house. and I can only gather were they have been behind the headsets....for 20+ years selling it and aren't living it like I wanted too!

now I am done b*tching and moaning bout my mistakes in trust and hope!

Lastly the pic of the house I posted was 2nd choice, if real one didn't come thru...and now is out as it is uninsurable due to current lava flow and delay has hooked me up with auntie hazel who suggest I watch dog the bounty hunter and even paradise has its cracks in society...her sister is realtor and will protect us!!!
So we are so on the right path no matter where we end up, we are weeding out the haters and building bonds with those who really care! not grasping at straws!

Thanks Jen ya I am gonna soak in Epsom salts etc....
AND I put the old fart down the street in his place too.....had to deal with him cause he wants to buy my car I am selling but held my ground and I sent him to senor center for that type of discussions! sweet and to the point! YES!! now he has a girlfriend!!! wow !

keep it clean juju!!! ZGah you don't want that to get infected!

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