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Sisterhood of the travelling panties!

Juju- we all have issues it over weight depression takes it toll. On all of us and shows itself in different areas of our lives. I have a drinking problem. Sober since May 13....contests to me today...the point is you, and all of us are dealing with real life...not one of us is immunine to issues. Big hugs.

Juju, glad to hear your making plans for the future. I know people that live quite comfortably in an RV.
I got out of shoveling sand and gravel today, Indio called a guy he knows with a dump truck, and he brought 2 yards of sand and gravel mixed, put it right where I pointed. I want one (the dump truck). LOL. When I was a kid, I always asked for a toy truck at Christmas time, and always got a stupid doll instead.

Juju I had no idea you were so overweight. I guess big girl panties really are for big girls. I will have to look next time I am in Walmart

Thank you everyone for the input about my hubs and me. I am so grateful for the support but I have to not talk about it or the pain and anger stays on the surface and consumes me.

I am interested in how Juju got Jen's underwear...LOL!!! Will have to go back an read about are you sending to Juju? LOL!!! Glad you are having some deserve it! HUGS

Juju! How did you get my Underwear!!!

Juju have you considered a tiny home on wheels rather than an RV. It would limit your mobility some as it has to be towed but you can set up on a scap of land and it can't be taxed as a house because it has wheels. Do a search and see what you think. It is definitely minimalistic but seems more permanent than an RV. And do you really want to drive one of theose monstrosities. rent one first and see how you get on.

Jen, I wanted to share this pic with you, I found yesterday on my computer...I guess I saved it to remind myself I am the only one who can help me! It sucks to be so alone with family around, alive and kicking!!!
I don't know if you can read it, but it is about putting on the big girl panties, lol....I

Oh man heavy lifting! Yes you will have some guns! Remember to squat, use your knee's!

Well drywall is up, they came and finished Friday afternoon stead of weekend. need to tape n mud now and finishing up trim still. Spent most of the week kinda underweather with that bug so did a lot of research on computer on how to's and vehicles/RV/property values etc.....It was not what I consider a priority at the time but now I am glad I did it, It opened up some NEW and deep thought on the future and was able to reason a decent plan if things were to escalate here before I pull my life out of the crapper.

So I felt relaxed for the first time in many years....a sense of peace came over me! I have stressed so much over this house and if I will be able to keep it and always associated home ownership with security/success. What a pile of crap! Success is doing this job!!!
Well It is a mildly decent house, now, but not an ideal location, and after being trapped in with mom all this time, I realized I don't even want to be here. Screw it, I will walk away with the shirt on my back and what I can I will make it work, as long as I can get a decent RV for a roof over my head and can get somewhere to put my toes in the sand!!!
I can go where the wind blows me, and it sounds like what I want to do, not be stuck maintaining a home n yard.
Solves other issues too!!!!. Like if ma goes to hospital or facility for respite or LT. I just was so stressed wondering how long I can take care of her by myself or when I need to get surgery on my arms etc... I can park RV close and be with/watch over her and more........
Major breakthrough for me, HUGE!!! Just let go!! Now I got a plan!

Thank you all for putting up with me working thru this.....I have no one to talk to here!!!

well very busy week to get this stuff done here and get my house back out of storage....still living on minimal, want my furniture back and this done!

Peace, juju

Well, I've been digging a footing for a retaining wall, and today loaded the truck up with bowling ball sized rocks to build the wall with. Tomorrow, after I unload the rocks, have to get a load of sand and gravel to mix concrete. I should have some muscles by the time I get done with this project.

Ok ya the wet wipe was priceless!

What I didn't want is posted is the Key and Peele part cuz too crude, but I messed that up!

No, it's funny!

Any one need a Handi wipe?.....

I wasn't sure if I should post that, meant to delete and hit post....sorry

anyway I wouldn't even post a link to the latter, too offensive for some!
Hope you get a laugh out of the Ellen one, I did!!!

Ok I have to share this, OMG....I nearly wet myself!

I love her, she is good clean n funny!
Now bad/dirty funny, is Key n Peele I just discovered, they are so dang funny.... I am going to need some kharma for laughing so hard at these skits about gay marriage, I nearly wet myself. I love how they are all taking notes and Couscous or Skittles?, OMG too funny! Or the Defeat the devil one "with my prayers!"

Hey all!

Beautiful Sunday morning here. I was bird watching with my coffee. I love all the different "little tiny" ones, they seem to have more color! We are having a nice breakfast and "try" to do something to relax for first time in a while and just enjoy the sunshiny day!

Hope you can do the same, find a little something to make your day ok!!!

Peace, Juju

I hope you got your scripts finally and are getting some kind of relief of the physical.....
So good to hear you speaking up for yourself! Some people just do shitty stuff to other people, oblivious, and unfortunately the ones closest to them ie family!! It makes one feel like crap, although should not let it affect us negatively, it does! They are real feelings/hurts and it just sucks!!!! Keep the faith, there are better things coming your way, perseverance will save us all!!
XOXOXand hearts!! Juju

M-Your on, I would love to see Texas!

Ok I may need to rethink the cigar boat, but the thought of speeding off to the Bahama's like a rockstar just overwhelmed me! Thanks XOXO Jen

I might have to go for a scuba boat. We do got to get a speed boat and a pontoon boat or two, one for Zen, one for playing, we need options!

And a massive luxury yacht, for home base. Bobbie, you go for that, of course!!!

Off to the Bahama's and beyond!!!

Stop and pick me up on your way through Texas.

Oh ya, Bobbie, Jimmy Buffet is the man!!! I think I will have to make that my new theme song! Sold, lol!!!!!

A stop in New Orleans will have to be in there somehow, by water or land!!!! I have always wanted momma to see it, she would have loved it so much!!! Have some Beignets at café du Monde, on the riverfront! Oysters n crawfish, red beans n rice, gumbo, jambalaya, etouffee ...all the good stuff, and a Hurricane of course!! I love the Acme Oyster Bar!!! Music thumpin' everywhere, anytime of day!

I'm pirating a cigar boat, Miami vice style, hair blowing in the wind!

We can all go round to bobbie's grab her commandeer some water craft and head the The Bahamas!


Jimmy Buffet: One Particular Harbor…..

That's here where the boat is….


correction: We will stop all around the country and pick up everyone who wants to go meet the boat, I better get the RV!!! I want to bake in the tropical sun and scuba again before my arms don't work anymore!!!

Morning to you all....
Have to say I think I may read more of that book/author, Jen....I liked her style. Something written in a form I can follow (cartoon) with my reading issues, errrr Anyway, the way it is put together works for me , and I always need a good chuckle, thanks for sharing that with us!!!

TGIF?? they all blend into each other who knows, lol !! Earlier week forcasted Rain now sun, glad, may be the last nice weekend for the season, never know here! Finish drywalling, btw, it is a little rough but I think it will come out ok!
and I got to do some winter prep on the yard as well! and take another look at my outline, work on that a bit!
Been researching RV's n van conversions for my entertainment this week instead of my typical TV. I am so tired of being stuck at home all the time!
I will sell one of the two cars we have for the fund, soon as i have time to fix it up a bit and list it!!!!
I am dreaming big, and it feel good to have a dream!!! Maybe this helps motivate me to finish those other more important things!!

Then i can come get you Jen for a little getaway...or take of cross country and pick up Mame too.. take everyone to a harbor to meet the boat!
Or I could really dream and get on the boat with you'all, no momma, she would be well taken care of for my spell of respite, lotto tix, lotto tix, lotto tix!!!

Well hoping all is bearable! My blessings, love, and gratitude to you all!!! I would not be feeling better without this place to come and you all!! I have proof of that now! by staying away and falling into the sadness of this job again!
Anyway XOOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX to you all for being so wonderful!!!
Enjoy your days, best you can!

Jen-Brush your hair with that awesome brush, stand up tall and proud! You are beautiful and worthy !!!! Dust off those big girl pants, lol!!!!
Hope you get your Rx soon!

Prescription lost between walgreens ans safeway...Pahaha

yeah, going to day to get it and run errands...I was thinking of it all and thought you know, you are 43 years old, stop acting like a child and expecting your mother to A, handle things for you and B, Love you unconditionally like she does her father and son. just stop feeling hard done by for not getting what you want or need, accept you won't and grow Up already! my mom has enough on her plate and I need to just I don't know, do the best I can for me, not expect her too and god knows she is aging too and will need more and more from me. Stop being a sad 8 year old or a sullen teenager and be 43...I am treated poorly at times, that is true but I need to detach from it. Find a way to make my own way, if it doesn't work, I can just keep trying...

Yeah well there are plenty of dirty old ladies out there too Juju they just manage to keep their mouths shut that is till they get dementia then all bets are off. maybe you should stay on the other side of the fence.

Next time I will say "Oh too bad mom is so ill, you guys would've hit it off"

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