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Oops, missed a chunk of last post.....

Meanwhile, crazycool....I didn't set alarm for eclipse as I am always up once or twice a night round then to pee, so figured I would catch it then...

but I was not comfortable that nite, had no interest in going outside.....past 2 days I've got a (mild) case of the squirts as well. It is no fun clenching the cheeks all day. Good grief we are the poop crew!

Speaking of dirty old men, my dog has a little buddy his plays with thru the fence on our walk belonging to a man in his 80's. Lately have been trying to make an effort with the niegbors and think maybe he needs something, etc So I have been going up to his house now n then to chat and let the dogs he is creeping me out, he winks and touches my arm and never fails,in every conversation, mentions something about wanting to find a woman He has a plaque? that says "if this van is rocking don't bother knockin" that he pointed out to me yesterday, I just kinda glazed past it with mild acknowledgment...but EEEEEWWW!!!!!

Jen, oh my, you are still waiting for your medicine, argggg!!!! I checked out the free preview on amazon "can't we talk about something else" Funny stuff!!!

Deef what a scary experience, the hallucination! Sounds like your body might be telling you "No don't do this again" and good asking for help!
I envy all of your energy tho.... I had not really thought much bout canning fresh made foods, would solve my freezer dilemma!

Everyone stay cool!!!
Peace, Juju

Hang in there, all!!!

Sharyn, I can sympathize with you! The older they get, the dirtier they get!!! Mine is a couch potato too, and loves the porno sites. About 15 years ago when I was still working, I turned on my computer one night and all these porno icons showed up! Now I know "Wet Pussy" ( no joke) !!! was one of the many icons that stared back at me. I was so pissed that I went to work the next day and called the IT guy to ask him how to get rid of the stuff that I couldn't delete. I have to say we all had a good laugh at my husband's expense!!! I told him that I told all my co-workers, then cleaned out the porno sites and told him if I ever had that happen again, I would throw out the computer!!!'Well, 66 years old and he still looks at porn and I just tell him he has way too much time on his hands or maybe he's not using his hands enough!!! He does not do Facebook and barely knows how to e-mail. His computer skills are not good at all, so he has know idea I can see everything he does on it. Fortunately I know he would never have the guts to contact anyone, but I wish he would stop acting like a 14 year old!
As for your husband, I'm sure if we all out our heads together we could come up with something appropriate and satisfying to you!
Jen, sorry you are not doing well. I have bathroom issues often and now keep a supply of Gatorade on hand. My doctor told me to drink plenty of it when I have the "poop soups". I get dehydrated easily and get very dizzy and unsteady on my feet, but 1 bottle of Gatorade and I feel much better. I like the lemonade flavor the best. It's usually on sale somewhere every week so easy to stock up on.
Bobbie, glad to see you are a bit better! Blanche is getting to be a handful, but now that the full moon is past and I had it out with her yesterday after 3 phone calls in 15 minutes, she has calmed down quite a bit! I spoke to my BIL and have his permission to call Merry's DIL and see if she can help me out and sit with Blanche a few times a week so that I only have to go up at bedtime.
The stress is too much for me after Mom and I have way too much to do here before. I still have to clean out the pool and cover it. Then there is the plumbing issue in my apartment that has to be resolved before the cold weather hits. I went to bed after midnight again last night and was exhausted! I had barely put my head down when the hallucinations started up. It was like all different scenarios at high speed! I was trying to talk to my husband, but he wasn't there. Then I kept trying to get up out of bed and couldn't move. Finally I dragged myself out of what ever was happening nad got out of bed and sat up for a bit. Crazy!!!
I made potato leek soup today and pressure canned 4 pints. I still have grape and apple jelly to make and 2 more batches of red raspberries. Then I can be done with canning for a while!
Meanwhile, we missed the eclipse due to clouds and bad weather here. A town about 40 minutes from here made national TV tonight with David Muir! A tornado or micro burst took down trees along a mountain road that leads into the town around 5am this morning. Pretty crazy! I was driving home from work about 10 years ago and as I was driving up through an orchard the wind got really loud and was blowing like crazy! I pulled off the road and sat in my car as it rocked back and forth for about 30 seconds, then it stopped. I later found out that a micro burst had skipped right over where I had stopped! It was a wild ride for sure!!
Juju, definitely submit your recipe!!! It's a chance in a million and could turn into something big for you. Good luck!!
Mame, Austin, Kuz, Kuli and everyone else out there hope you are all doing well!
Time to do dishes and feed the cats!
Love Deef!

The NEXT day…You’ll love this.

We go up to Walgreen's and…..

They don’t take my insurance!



No, for real, they take Medicaid, but not Community which covers prescriptions…
I just was past caring anymore…Mom was getting her flu shot, gave me the keys so I could go sit in the car. She asked “Did you get your stuff?” “Nope…” She looked confused… ”They don’t take my insurance…” She was flabbergasted…She said, she thought I said Walgreen’s took Medicaid? “They do, but not the other…" I said: “ I just don’t care anymore…“ and went and sat in the car. She felt really bad, and I swear she came out 20 min later looking at the car like she thought she'd find me gassing myself in it...
Are you kidding, live through all this sh*t to kill myself now!. H*ll with that!
Prescription being sent back over the Safeway...te heheheee Sometimes I wish I could get drunk or was that'll pass...
Watched the eclipse last night, maybe it was the moon? I don't know. Still feel sick here. but got a lot of yard work done...she comes out to pretend to offer to help and comments that the edging is too wide in one spot too narrow in another..."
Ya know what Ma? if you want it done "Perfect" you are gonna have to do it yourself! No I didn't say that. but maybe I should. People treat you how you let them...(Does not apply to slavery or Holocaust or child abuse). whatever, yard is prepped for winter. whatever...
God I hope the weekend is better. or just not worse?...
Get my prescription tomorrow.

Anyone else check out the Roz Chast book? it is hilarious...though she was not even a hands on care giver, there's that guilt. No guilt here, just misery and wondering when it ends........

Sharyn, I have no experience on this but I can feel the sense of betrayal and despair there. Why would he do that?! I am so sorry you are dealing with this. it sounds like it is an ongoing thing for you. I can't imagine. I hope you are doing O.K. there.

Stay well everyone! Jen

Sounds like almost everyone is having a crazy hard week. Maybe it's the full moon? Indio slept in a sleeping bag in the front yard last night. I set my alarm clock for 4 a.m., went out and woke him up, so we could watch the lunar eclipse. I guess that falls in the crazy category, but it was fun.
Jen, Bobbi, hope you both get to feeling better. Juju, good luck with the contest. Sharyn, use his tooth brush to clean the toilet.

Sharyn, I know huh!!! Anyway you know how I feel from last week!!

Deef, how's Blanche, the head wound doing ok???

Mame, I think I forgot last time, your mom cracks me up "if he was younger be better" mom still comes up with one now n then!! it is a precious moment!!!

Hump day, man o man another week flying to you all !

Peace, juju


Jen yes also keep yourself hydrated much as possible...
I was told coconut water is the best hydrater out there, sports drinks will help also warning TOO much cocowater can give the big D too
Tonites headlines BOLO elderly man with dementia, gone missing, without meds and not from area.....praying for his safety and highlighting my gratitude mamma never wandered, that would be awful, momma missing!!
And then comes Ah....why couldn't it FP, and make Jens life a little better!

OK, I am going to share what I have been wanting to for so long....I did it, I sat down tonite and at least tried to organize my thoughts on that issue I brought up couple weeks back, that has been the real root bothering me!!
Maybe you all recall my S'mores stories from a year ago, right before the house got wiped out....anyway well I have had someone who is interested in the recipe. I have not been able to put it together on paper although I am 100% sure I have all the ingredients!! I started an outline tonite!
I finally figured out if I missed the deadline to enter it, I would be signing my own mental prison sentence and would be beyond pulling out of this life! That fear is greater than anxiety of reliving that time all over, helping get the courage to do it!!! I may not win the prize but at least I entered the contest!!! Actually I KNOW I've got a pretty darn good recipe, I think I could take it!
the only thing sure is feel good beating the fears for once tonite day at a time, hope I can continue to work on it. I need to make a phone call next to make sure still interested!!!

Well I am tired, tired, tired, working on this way past my functioning brain time!

A holler to you all, hang in there even if hanging by a few threads, hold on tight, we will make it!!

and then show him some porn, OUCH!

Bobbie-personally I would get great pleasure in super gluing his penis to his belly button.
Report are things on the poopdeck, lol.....the dock?? Are you getting enough rest?? I hope you have been able to get help and/or relieved of some duties since this began!!

SharynMarie! omg.
Boy do you have every right to be pissed. Hang tough and it's not ok for him to be a douche but you know that. Whatta sux deal. I couldn't just read that and not say something to you. You know we're all here and ticked on your behalf.
Maybe when he falls asleep you could Krazy Glue his nutsack to his leg…….

Jen! not right but you know that. Hope it ends. Why won't it end so you can live your life. Love that you might sign up at the Y again.

Susan, glad the toes are good and you all made it through that.

Veronica! I agree, Jen should check in and not leave until they give her some rest and healing. As far as the hospital is concerned, when you show up at the ER they have to try and fix you up. They can't Eat you.

Meanwhile and Austin and Mame and Juju and Kuli and DEEF!

Deef I know that Blanche is too much to cope with. Girl I don't know how you are doing that.

Cuz!! How are you and Mrs Cuz and your mom and sister and how is Mike doing?

OK, I am running out of horsepower so am going to lay down.

Love you guys,


Jen~So sorry you are going through this, I hope you got the meds YOU need. If you are shaky, weak, with brain could be dehydration like Veronica suggested.Make sure you are getting the potassium, sodium, magnesium and other electrolytes needed. My sis has a problem with diarrhea from her diabetes meds and her electrolytes are low especially magnesium. She was hospitalized about 3 months ago because it so dangerously low and they infused her for 24 hours.

Meanwhile~happy to hear Indio is getting better. I haven't ridden a horse a many years and LOL!!! I don't know that my hip flexibility wold accommodate it today!! Maybe that is what I need...ride a horse to stretch out my back and hips.

Bobbie~Hope you are getting better each week, what a hard thing to go thru. Loved your jokes...your sense of humor is going strong!!

My grandsons have gained 3 lbs in their first month. My dd goes back to work on the 18th...this is where things got very difficult for me just having one baby. She is much more logical than I was at her age (I was all emotions), she should handle it well.

I have been struggling with a situation that has caused me much pain (emotionally). About 2-3 months ago I noticed a big change in my hubs regarding his usual couch potato tv watching. He was spending more time in the back bedroom on his laptop watching Netflicks saying there are some programs he can only get on the computer. This is true. However, while in Idaho, my daughter told me dad friended a woman on fb, dd checked out this woman and all her pics were porn so she reported it and fb shut her down. I was really hurt when dd told me this, so I started checking out hubs friend list. He was friends with one young woman (no pron) but he left her a message on her birthday that I felt was too personal and a little to intimate from a married man and someone he said he did not know. He unfriended her but in the meantime, I checked our cell phone bill online to see who he was texting/incoming calls to his cell. Sure enough, there was one number he was texting a lot back and forth. The Area code was Fort Bragg, NC. On Sept 24, he and this # were texting all evening while I went to sleep early that night. There was also an incoming call to his cell that lasted over 10 minutes from a 1-800 # I googled it...Western Union!!!!I confronted him with this info, blasted him actually...he admitted he was texting a woman.I asked about the call from Western Union a few days later, he admitted she wanted $200 from him wired thru Western Union. This woman was not on his fb friend list but they met thru fb. He has always been a flirt to the point that I have found it hurtful in the past...but this was too much. I handled it as maturely as I could, understanding that her attentions were flattering to him, (he didn't send her money) but I am still struggling with the infidelity I feel. We got new phones, new #'s and I reported her to fb as a scammer...they deleted her account.

jen it sounds to me as though a trip to the ER is in order for you and a hospital bed for a few days. Your electolytes are all messed up hence the shaking and you don't want to end up with kidney failure from dehydration.

Go do it Jen, sign up! I wish I could say something to make you feel better!
Just know how much you are loved here!!!! XOXOXOXOXOOXOXOXOOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXXXOOOXXOXOXO!!!!!!!

had a seriously bad day yesterday, still reeling from it here, I just don't know...I spent all night jerking and twitching and wanting to cancel my dr app. I wish I had. the bus, the streets the dr hassle. Clinic had trainee in so I Literally had an hour and a half with them one or the other or both. Most people would love such attention...My anxiety was through the blood tests, up did prescription to Walgreens after mom insisted i change from Safeway..."Because they are so unreliable" ? And as usual Karma bit her in the a**...when I got home, tired, worn out, miserable...Entered to the house, now REEKING of old man piss and Kate Smith Blaring from his room!" I tried to tell her about my dr app, but she had to discuss DDDDAAADDDEEE's on going UTI issue, the re fill situation involving a lost order and an insurance screw up AT Walgreens..Lasted hours actually. It was like this:
"I don't want to be snapped at but why don't we just go over to Walgreen's and get all the prescriptions at once..." Jen
"You mean all together?" Mom
"Oh O.K., but if we don't hear from them by 7 it will have to wait till Tues, I don't want to be out after dark, late, driving, (the eight blocks to Walgreen's)." Mom
"O.K......" Jen
" We need to go out and try to fold and bag those long blinds to put out for tomorrow pick's not heavy is it?" Mom
6, 7, nothing...At six "I am going to get grandpa his dinner..." Mom
she did...wheel of fortune,news...I make cream of wheat, about all I feel I can eat, won't matter going right through like...what ever... One of the prescription was a acid binder to alleviate the diarrhea I have been having for a week now, some related to post op yes. The other my anti depressant... About 8 i go grab keys and bring in garbage can and start hauling our "three bags to be picked up in Neighborhood pick up day", she is on the porch...It is is late...
"I am just going to go ahead and go up to Walgreen's and get Grandpas prescription, a UTI builds up and I don't want to wait another day and have it get worse..." she goes, I haul the trash out, and do the dishes whip fast, and clear the Hell out!

I literally go to bed crying, feeling hard done buy and really wishing I had just Stayed In bed on Monday! If I have any value here, it will have to be mine.

9 now, go do fing shopping, make sure daddddeee has all he needs!

So tired of life...


I think I will re sign up and the Y, I need to go swimming now!

Aww, Susan that sounds like my mother. When she doesn't feel good her hygiene goes out the window. I can't budge my mom when she gets that way. Hope you have better luck.
Indio is feeling better every day, has started trying to walk. Last couple of days he walked for over an hour at a time, just pretty slow. I think he could ride, but just getting on the horse would be really hard. Don't really want to take a chance on re injuring his ribs.
Juju hope your sheet rock turns out alright. Maybe it will look good when it's finished.
Jen sorry about the bank, that can be so frustrating. Can you just ignore your mom and go back to using just cash?
Deef I'm jealous of all your fruit, we had a late freeze last spring, no peaches, and only a few apples and pears. Not enough to can. I miss the peaches the most. In a good year my sister and I can over a 100 qts of peaches. Not a one this year.
Bobbi, Mame, Sharyn, Cuz, Austin, hope all is well. I'm sure I forgot someone, Sorry.

Thanks all for the tips - toes are done, no injuries this time to either of us. LOL

Boil was *weird* - not actually a boil and no pus. I just barely sliced through the skin - enough to open it and squeeze - nothing. Now it's dried up, scabbed over and falling off. No idea...except maybe a "rub" blister from her bra?? At any rate, it's fine now.

New adventures in "travels with Mom" - thinking this may be her last long trip...possibly ever. I hate to think that, because she loves to travel, but it's becoming increasingly difficult for her to ride for long distances. This 2-3 hour ride was almost more than she could take. She was very uncomfortable and kept shifting around in her seat, and has been exhausted since we arrived last night and not wanting to do anything today but sleep. She desperately needs a shower, but won't take one, so tomorrow is going to be the "shower game" again - I beg, cajole and finally get grouchy and she finally agrees to shower. (sigh)

Jen, Hope your health issue is not too bad, been thinking bout you was gonna ask if the gallbladder surgery recovery/issue is better....And how is your mom doing? keeping tabs on those things that concerned you few weeks ago?
Man sorry on the bank issue, been there done that, more than I would like to admit-Never been good with money, either! I had to google your brush, so curious about it, do they really feel better than the average brush?? Good for you, you have to have something that makes you feel good.

Deef, oh what a day, never any fun at the ER!!! Does blanche have any other health conditions where she could possibly get a hospital bed thru medicare, or find a used one for sale. they (ours) have a crank for overall height adjustment, sturdy side rails and elevating feet and upper. It has been very useful for us.

Cuz my bad, I missed the post on your brother, deef's mention que'ed me, so sorry he is having these issues! I can sympathize with the weight causing extra problems....on top of that it is so hard to lose, especially the older we get!!!

Meanwhile...aww hope he gets back on the horse soon, nice you got out tho!!!
I agree with you on the dogs...he is a handful (I tease If he wasn't so cute he would have been sent to the pound by now!!) and my big mutt is the best, she does no wrong and stays right by my side, rescued and loyal!!!

That giget thing just cracked me up, reading the headline I knew something was up and I see them start to set her down with no leash I'm saying out loud at the screen oh no.....doooonnnnnnttttttttt do it, nnnnnooooo!!!!! and off she goes!! Thx goodness they got her and that's how she got to Portland!

Bob, sending good vibes your way!!! You will beat this!!!!

Fall is def here, cold damp mornings and overcast some, burns off to beautiful Hi 80's this past week after that first big rainstorm. Seasons changes fall n spring are much more dramatic and prettier up north here than 8 hrs south where I came from. Love it, except for watching the days shorten!

Well drywall didn't go as well as I would have liked....I resorted to using a friend of a friends; husband...not a contractor... not sure it is going up well seems to be having some issues, errrr!!! I did get started on putting up the casing/trim,, too!

Found the meds Saturday, 1 week later! Happy bout that, started thinking I needed to see the neurologist. Under her sheepskin project I was also working on that day...I thought I checked there but apparently not.

Everyone, everyone, everyone...hang in there, you are in my thoughts and prayers!!!
Peace, Juju

Forgot to say I pieced together what happened to Blanche when we got back home form the ER! I found her bloody nightgown in the bathroom and she was able to tell me she fell out of bed. Again!!! I brought Mom's bed rail up when she fell out of the bed a few months ago, but this time she fell out on the side she gets in on and hit her head on the wooden platform that my BIL made for her to stand on when getting into bed!! I got another bed rail that afternoon and she now has one on each side of her twin bed. This on is only about a foot wide and is screwed into a masonite board that slides between the mattress and box spring. She was not happy and said the bed was too high now. So I took the back wheels out of the platform that was built to keep her head elevated and put a thick blanket under the mattress to raise the head a bit. My next move will be to take the wheels off the bed so that it will be closer to the floor in case she falls again.
Okay, I'm fried!!! Night everyone!

What was the injury? It is taken care of?
not cold here, but cool leaning toward the idea of cold....but Fall.
gah it is 12 there Deef ! Have a good night sleep! NO RLS!!!

Talk about a vicious circle!!!
Spent another 5 hours in the ER with Blanche on Friday. She called me at 8:30 and was all bent out of shape as usual, trying to tell me something about her head and I had to get there right away! Thought it was her usual ploy to get me there earlier than usual. I figured she needed help with her hearing aids again, so told her I would be there as soon as I could.
I had to drop my car at the garage to have 4 new tires put on, then get my husband's car when he got back. I got to her house about 9:45 and she showed me the back of her head as soon as I got in the door. It was a bloody mess! She took me to her bedroom and showed me a small waste basket full of bloody paper towels and couldn't explain what happened. Of course I got her into the car and drove her right to the ER.
The bleeding had almost stopped and she had a huge lump and corner tear in the middle of it. Wouldn't you know she made better sense with a head trauma than she has made in weeks!!!
Her only worry was that she was having diarrhea for the last 24 hours and was more concerned with having to get to a bathroom in a hurry. Let me just say that I was glad I had my knitting bag with me because it was a long, boring 5 hours. All they did was a CT scan, clean and dress the wound, and send us home!!
When I got a better look at her head yesterday, i thought it should have been stitched. it wasn't a small tear by any means, but I think they couldn't because of how long it was exposed to the air. It's pretty ugly and it's more tender today.
And I also have a cat with a very bad cold or upper resp. problem. He is on antibiotics, ear drops and gum gel for a bad tooth. The tooth is the reason for the cold like symptoms and I will need to take him back to deal with that after the antibiotics are done.
So, between Tut and Blanche, I'm wiped out! Still making red raspberry jam and apple jelly. Made a huge batch of chili today and canned a bunch of that for the colder weather. Then we started to clean out the plants in the veggie patches and covered what was still growing due to a heavy frost warning for tonight.
Juju, Happy Birthday!!! No pills yet? Still haven't found Blanche's original hearing aids and now she has lost her favorite sweater! I have looked everywhere in her house and cannot find it! I even looked in the freezer and the oven but no luck. I know she was wearing it on Wednesday and took it off when she went to bed, but after that, who knows?
Cuz, sorry about your brother. That's no way for anyone to have to live.
Jessebell I agree with you on the toenails!!! I did Blanche's once and that grossed me out for life!!! There had to be 15 years of "toe cheese" under them! I took her to a podiatrist who didn't even bat an eyelash when he did them for her. Susan, you might be able to find one that will come to her house to do them for her. Check with your local senior center too. They have connections in that area.
Meanwhile, glad to hear you were able to enjoy a nice fall ride! It's beautiful here in New England right now. Every time I get in my car I get to enjoy the fabulous colors! It hasn't been good the last couple years, but this year is fantastic! Poor Indio! He sure has been getting it from all sides lately. Nice to hear he is on the mend.
Mame, I don't go out of my way for family anymore. Since Mom passed, I rarely see any of them. I have one brother I haven't seen in over a year and he is only a few miles from here. I don't have time for all that drama and I definitely don't have the energy for it.
Bobbie!!!!! Thanks for the laughs!!! You don't know how much I needed that! Hope things are getting better for you and that you can get a break with your health soon.
Jen!!! Is it getting cold out your way yet? It feels good here after the late heat wave we just had. Still not taking my air conditioners out yet just in case!
Need to finish my dishes and feed the cats then it's off to bed to hopefully get a good night's sleep for a change.
Hope everyone has a good week!
Love Deef!

Maybe Gidget wanted to be a west Coaster? long trip for a little dog!

No useable poop here bobbie, gone sick myself, doc appt tomorrow. why not, everything else is crap here...

Glad it is fall, time to winterize, the yard, batten down hatches (figuratively). Left the bank crying...Yes I have had four over drafts in one month, any check left floating after catching it, re catches it, just great...$25.00 charge every time. feel stupid, and broke and stupid. I didn't want a account I have never been good with money, mom insisted. maybe just close it and keep the fifty in savings in savings and add to that...Next time I get any more hahahahaaa...I can't really complain, I did take my Sept money and buy a Mason Pearson hair brush. AND I love using it every time I brush my hair and think HA here is something you can't take away from me!!! I have to compare, fact is in this world there is so much misery and pain the fact I can buy a hundred dollar hair brush says something...Not homeless, or starving...Granted I would be if I wasn't here...

Deef hope you are doing Ok there. Any news on Blanche? Hi rip and juju and Austin and Kuli and Bobmiester and meanwhile new and old folks here. Have a good week everyone...Jen

Indio wasn't up to riding on Saturday, but my sister and I went for a nice long ride today. Love fall weather. Dad brought down about 500 old cassette tapes. Don't know where he got them. He has never listened to cassettes. But, he can't bear to throw anything away. So when he finds something he doesn't really want, he gives it to me, then it's alright if I throw it away. My mom won't let him pile stuff up in the house, but his garage and workshop are another story.
Your JR terrier sounds like a lot of fun, Juju, but maybe a bit of a challenge. I think I'll stick with my big mutts.

So speaking of JRterriers, there is a news story recently here about "Giget" a JRT that was found here in Oregon, up near Portland. She was found wandering the streets and brought into a shelter and scanned...Low n behold she has a chip and is from Pennsylvania. They get ahold of her owners and she had gone missing in April. No idea how she got cross country but was reunited with her owners last week....the video was hilarious and so JRT just like my boy, News crew waiting the handlers come out the airport with her in hand, Set her down "thinking" she will run to her owners and boom, she takes off!!! Luckily some airport workers were able to catch her again! It was hilarious to me as it is sooooo my life with a JRT
My boy loves me to pieces until there is an open door. He cannot be allowed outdoors without a leash/tethered to something! Major construction time he had to be tied up to moms bed. He calculates it too, has done it since a pup, I am calling him back-he stops, looks at me, looks at his options, looks at me, screw this I am outta here!!! (unless he is cornered, he is gone, he is so dang quick) when he does get loose, I have been lucky to get him back someday I fear I won't. Anyway I Happened to google giget reunion just to see if something out there about her making it home (it was on our news when they put her on the plane) glad I found the footage had a good laff and identified with them, lol!!
Have a good day!
Peace Juju

ok I am done after this....Jen, you too, missing Monte!! Walk for shelter, get a little exersize and out, and maybe, if circumstances allow, find a little guy in the process, the one right for you, if not, you are helping little guys in need of a home!

Mame, As i was just reminded by my little Jack Russell Terrorist antics...Maybe a new puppy is just what you need!

Both dogs the big one and Ziggy, are very smart intuitive and keep me from totally losing it! Little guy was particularly cute this morning...I know when I come out of kitchen with cup o coffee he starts his little routine, demanding his walk.
This morning he cracked me up, Well he heard me pour the coffee, popped just his eyes over the back of chair to see what going on and the dance begins! AND his flying squirrel hugs (I call em) are just tooo cute, cheer me up!! The big one is calm and sweet and our protector! They bring so much joy!

Maybe you could look for a new pet at your local shelter? Or just volunteer, be a dog walker for them???

forgot: Good ones, bobbie!!!

Keep fighting it Bob, I cant believe I'm going to say this but I hope you can get your hands on some poop and soon, hardyhar!!!! Just a thought, if you continue to have problems, could you move somewhere, go to the technology!
Stay strong and don't overdue it, this is very tough to beat and relapse are not uncommon!
So good to hear Indio is feeling better....Hope you had a nice ride. That is kinda interesting bout his stepmom.....Maybe she is trying to reconnect, make up for lost times, now that she can!

Was unusually warm this week especially at the coast it rarely "ever" gets out of the 60's there. It was all over the local news to go go go it is going to be georgeous Hi 70's, that's why I was thinking of going. But sheetrocking is starting Saturday, today! It would have been too short with our physical limitations to relax and hit few high tides for crabbing.... n cant go for just the day cause have no where to lay mom down to change her diaper!

Having a RV or van conversion would be great, i just keep thinking about it....get some freedom back, do the things we used to! I will have to move on for a bit got more important things to do now but i will keep my eye open for something!

Well I gotta go as sed bathroom sheetrock, busy day!

Hang in there!

Peace, Juju

Hi there Meanwhile, thanks.
Glad to hear that Indio is healing and I hope you guys get to ride today.

Thanks again to everyone and I appreciate your good thoughts.
I am far from out of the woods but can hear the cars on the highway. haha.

DEEF! Jen! Mame! Kuli!
Austin! Thanks for the messages. I didn't even see them until yesterday.
Love you and hope you're having some fun.

Juju! Cuz! SharynMarie! Gladimhere! Alesia!
Hey there JessieBelle and Veronica and Susan and Nuni!

It's 5am and I guess I'll go back to bed. On taper therapy with the antibiotics and feel pretty bad and am scared of relapse. oy.

Long term of this antibiotic causes liver damage and if I stop it I get sick again. Trying to arrange for a poop transplant and there's no pills. Maybe in a few years but this would take me out by then so I have to come up with a solution now.

I think I have found a donor in the form of a healthy young person who 'gets it'. He is reading the site, the power of poop dot com and I hope he's not put off by the gross factor. We have to get him tested 7 ways to Sunday and I am having a problem finding a Doctor to order the tests. I am not in a very forward thinking part of the country. This procedure has been approved by the FDA for about a year but I guess these doctors here don't read JAMA.
The fight continues.

Everybody stay as sane as you can with what you have to deal with.


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