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Listening to Gerry Rafferty, block out the din...
The ongoing saga of fp pointless foot /ankle physical therapy…We think they have gotten the idea, that prior to the little fall? fp had that he had been using a walker not in the wheel chair…Great great… More hassle for us, we had to get the walker back out so he can practice, which he won’t do, unless forced…PT also asked lots of probing and irritating questions, I know they need to assess an elderly persons home life etc… “Do you drink enough water?” Mind he is incapable of answering yes or no to anything! “Well, I get a lot of soup…”, “Do you use a muscle rub…?” “Well, my daughter says it smells…” “You know they make scentless ones…?” OK moron, we have been trying for DECADES to get him to drink water (let alone use it to wash anything on his disgusting body!!! For like ever! And the reason mom buys the regular Ben Gay is because the smell is the ONLY way Mom has of knowing if he is IN any pain, as Ben Gay is his remedy of choice for EVERYTHING from sprains to dry skin! So when the stench oooozes down the hall, mom can ask what is sore! (And get all kinds of asinine indirect responses…)
The really funny bit here is; all the while he is moaning and getting special attention and has attractive young women seeing to his bodily needs and listening to him yammer on, is that he may be talking himself right into a nursing home…If he really was considered to NOT be getting his needs met here…they would insist he be placed…And he would lose it. And we’d be broke and so forth…
beh whatever...Somethings even Gerry Rafferty can't fix. Meanwhile having lots of nightmares about rape and being in an insane asylum...lovely...
I cleaned dog poo out of the yard come in to shower and he is opening his door to go in bathroom, so i wait...nothing he leers at me from his chair...I look at mom she goes and asked, "Do you need to use the bathroom?" "Well...mmhnmm.." "If you need to go, you need to go now Daddy!" "Well it's too late now!"...Lovely...
"Turn the TV off before you "do anything"" you know, change your diaper...He does that with the Tv on and falls over...three times now...
"Caregiving, just like having a child..." Bull Shit!
Good weekend everyone! Jen

Thanks for letting me be part of your family for the last three years. Hugs to all and Happy Anniversary.

catch up..I wish I could fall off...Oh he had phy ther again, FP can't remember to wash his hands after he has coated the bathroom in feces, but he told over again the tale of the physical therapist that "kicked his ankle" from ten years ago...
Oh I gotta a headache....beh...

Hi everyone......I have been so busy getting things figured out here haven't had a chance to check in..I have spent more time at home depot and lowes than anything both web and in person.....
I wanted to say HI and Happy Valentines and also A Very happy anniversary to the GO thread!! Thank you Bobbie for being here, starting this!
I plan to spend some time here tomorrow catching up and reading some articles!

Hope you all have a SWEET day today!

oooooh good!
Now wave that sucker and get over here!

I have a magic wand! It is a little plastic tube with oil and sparklies in it. I got years ago, about the size of a pen, very cute...Now what did you think I was gonna say?...

Good to see you guys.

Jen, I can't even imagine how you keep going. I hope you know that we love you and I wish that I could wave a magic wand and transport you to sanity. I don't know if that is necessarily the boat! It can be pretty insane! It wears me out a lot of the time.

Happy 4th Anniversary to GO and most importantly, Happy 4th Anniversary to all of the amazing caregivers who made it possible.

Thanks for the kind words June Austin! I am so happy that you are happy. We have come a long way together and that's a fact!

Mame! Hang in and I swear you will get your life back. Remember to breathe!
And, remember to tell anyone who gives you a pain in the ass to go pee up a rope!

Shirley Meanwhile! Your Sam was a special guy and I am so glad that Indio is in your life. Here's to you and Indio and your ranch and the beautiful horses!

Hope to hear from more of us as the days go by.


I've been here 2 and half years. You sure helped save my sanity. Know what you mean about the grief just washing in with no warning. But, I deal with it better as time goes by. And, most days I'm very happy. Sam left me Indio to look after me, kind of strange, but it works.

Agreed, I'd be dead by now if I had not found this thread, I just Would!
OK that sounds terrifying bobbie...But somehow I'd rather be with you on the boat than here...Been watching the storm on Weather Channel...If Jim Cantore is in your home state RUN!!!
Mom took FP to pointless physical therapy, ah three hours of cleaning and getting to have the windows OPEN! It is about 45 degrees here, with a good breeze from the South! I even took a storm window off to add one more open window...

Oh, I am the one who starred the comb comment. I figured, what's it matter, she feels she is helping and not many people really look at the thread post count...
Good rest of week all...Jen

I can't believe it has been 4 yrs. -the husband died over 4 and 1/2 yrs. ago and as you know my life is so different from the 5 plus yrs. ago I found AC when in the black hole and now am happier then ever in my life and have learned so much from you guys mainly it was not my fault for my mothers' behavior or the husbands they were narcissistic and I was not just a bad person. Bobbie thank you from the bottom of my heart for starting this thread and for your love and friendship these past 4 yrs. YOU DID GOOD .

Hi Bobbie! Great to hear from you and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the GO thread! Oh-and we love Netflix toooo! Happy you have the boat! And the boat angel! Stay safe woman! Thank you for this outlet! :)

Good Morning Crew,

I thought that I would point out that tomorrow marks the Fourth Anniversary of the Grossed Out Thread here on

Who would have thought that we would still be here, many of us here from the early stages of caregiving, aftermath and grief and many of us still deep in the trenches of 24/7/365 caregiving or trying to balance the care of a parent or spouse with the demands of family and a job, which we have learned, can be equally as stressful and debilitating.

It would be a sweet thing if our long time readers and writers just popped in a short post to let us all know how they are all doing.

I am still working hard on getting my life back together and ironically today AC has an article about 'broken heart syndrome' and how it presents like a heart attack.
So, if you're experiencing something that feels like that you know what it may be.
Ow Ow Ow. Comes from extreme emotional distress.

For my 4th Anniversary Update I am still working with boats and May will be 4 years since my mom died. I am in a way better place than I have been in a decade but the grief will still come at unexpected times. I am adjusting. This is my new normal.
We all have variations on the same story.

We are south of the insane weather that is pounding through the area with gale winds and cold temperatures and since we are approaching a full moon, we have higher tides and faster currents.
All the boats are tied up safe with double bow lines and stern lines and extra fenders in place to protect them from being smashed into the dock by the fierce wind.

We are warm in the boat house watching Netflix and waiting for the storm to pass.

Sometimes that's all we can do is watch Netflix and wait for the storm to pass.

I look forward to seeing updates from any and all caregivers.

Welcome again to the Home of Vent and Live!


Jen-I hope they are not all a scam. I think it was sweet of you to try and help, and sweet of him to beg off! You are a sweet person!
Mom had her first fainting spell at the Nursing Home Monday and they sent her to the hospital. So, a little hydration, IV antibiotics and taking 2 of the pins out of her hands (they think were the source of the infection) and she is back at the NH after 28hours... So tired! Oh well, today is a new day. :) ....

what Capt said


I know how hard it can be just smile and take the toothbrush and help her brush her hair, they get very embarrassed when they realize what they have done, so like I said try not to draw attention to it but by taking the toothbrush and replacing with the hairbrush and helping her, this will preserve her dignity! Then go replace your toothb rush, take a deep breath and hug her she needs all she can get right now.

Thia is hilarious...You know you're pathetic when pan handlers feel sorry for you...So there I am waiting at the bus plaza downtown and a guy comes up..."Sweetheart, I am about thirty five cents short for a bus pass can you help me out?" And I know it is scam and I literally only have seventy-five cents to my name, having taken the bus to therapy and back with my last three dollars. I say " Hmmn, let me see, I think that is about all I have..." I get my little cloth coin purse out...dump out forty cents....He says: "Um, no, you don't Have too, um, thanks sweetheart..." he slinks of chagrined...Yeah, I am a sap... but who cares...Have a good week everyone...Jen

Her Doc sounds on top of things, Sharyn, and your daughter is doing everything right. Just feel for her being that pregnant through the summer, good A/C I hope.

Mame~It is exciting for us just to become grandparents, twins is not something that entered any of our minds. So far no morning sickness but she is drinking a protein shake with 50 gms of protein to help with that plus eating protein with 3 meals. So far she is not counting the protein.
Meanwhile~She is due 9/19/14 but her dr told her a full term pregnancy for twins is around 36-38 weeks instead of 40. 5 and 6lbs for twins is a great weight. I am basically planning my vacation for a month earlier than her due date, however, her dr is advicing a c-section because quiet often the first baby rotates well for delivery but the second ends up breech so she doesn't advise a vaginal delivery for one then have to be rushed into er for a c-section after all the effort of a vaginal delivery. I know that sounds like it makes it so easy for the dr, but I think because of the complications associated with multiple births, this is the preferred method to ensure the babies are healthy and the mother has less recovery difficulties. In another 20 years, they will know more and be doing it differently. My daughter has resigned herself to having a c-section. Both my babies were born by c-section. My water broke and I didn't start into labor...the dr induced the labor...after 11 hours of labor and 3 hours trying to push my son out, he never dropped into the birth canal...he was only 6lb 10-1/2 oz. Back then the theory was once a c-section, always a c-section. The same thing happened with my pregnancy with my daughter, my water broke but I had a scheduled c-section. When she was born, she weighed 7lbs. 13 oz. I don't think I could have delivered her when a 6 pounder wasn't going to come out, LOL!! All that matters is the babies are healthy and my daughter is healthy throughout this journey.

Imagining you and your horsy Mame...makes me happy...

Come Hell or High water I will get to therapy tomorrow...
I have my ice spike slip ons!

Agree Bobbie...I'll be the Hazel nut....I like those...But not in candles weehsh...Jen

Jen, Mame, you both have to deal with so much. Do you realize how strong you are? Bobbi, you are so right on (about the nuts). Starting to feel better here. Got my horse groomed, tended to his feet, saddled and rode for all of 5 minutes. Cory usually likes to move fast, even at a walk, but today he tip toed. Animals are so sensitive it is just amazing. Sharyn hope your daughter is doing well. When is she due? Of course twins are on the average 2 weeks early. My sister and I were a month early, but weighed 5 and half and 6 pounds. Hope everyone has a quiet Sunday. Love Shirley

Oh Jen. There is nothing like being surrounded by mental illness. Terrible.

My personal belief is that we are all nuts… we just have to pick the bowl of nuts we want to be in.

When the bowl of nuts picks us the outcome is usually not good.

Make a plan, steal some cash and save your life!

Have as sane a day as you all can.


Went to my friends mom's memorial service...Mom was literally trying to get out of having to take me...Abuser brother called, "Do you need a ride?" "Do I?" There are my options sit in a car with ole shit pants for 20 minutes both ways or go someplace with the brother who abused me...Jez what a life. No, and just as well, went in signed book, started program, mom started coughing really bad, I wanted to leave and while the pastor of her church was talking I just got up grabbed grandpa rolled him out and left! I told mom I was bleeding...and so I was, got period early, let's just GO!!! Came home friend called to check on us, said sorry we left but what we saw was lovely. She asked legal question becasue my mom had been a paralegal, mom answered one thing and said it'd be a good idea to have Certified copies of her own birth certificate along with her moms death cert. and when I typed it up to e mail it she flipped out like she was giving LEGAL ADVICE and could be sued! So she went ballistic and OCD paranoid and made me change the wording and snapped at me....So I am going to crawl back into bed and read and bleed and hope that lotto ticket won something...Great, dogs barking now and she is already pissed...Must run away...Jen

Hi All
Sharyn-twins! How exciting! Talking about eating beetles may make her gack! Morning sickness!
Jen, good for you. And glad you seem better. Was worried when I read about coughing blood.
Meanwhile-I hope you feel better soon!
Cuz-my IT guy/hubby liked your joke! ;)
Hi Bobbie, Austin, Juju, Deef, Glad, Bobo and everyone else out there!
Well, mom is at the home & is still considered there under rehab. She had a change of character for her and became combative and wouldn't eat, spitting etc. Not sure if she is depressed to be there or something is up. They took a urine sample and drew bloods to see if infection and there is one! So, antibiotics for mom started today. Hopefully this will clear things up.
So much is going on in our lives with hubby unemployed, dog dying, son needing surgery and all this with mom-I am going cross-eyed! Need something good to happen and soon! Or some warmer weather! haha! Mame

Don't they put crushed up beetles in drinks n stuff for colouring...Seems every time ya turn around they find they are putting a bug based product in the food...But hey, what the eye don't see....well usually!
Baby shoppin fun! I look at that section at Walmart, I wish I had money I could buy stuff and send it to The Salvation Army or Red Cross for people...
Still alive here....

Hey Hobbies..thanks for info on extra protein from beetles...LOL! My daughter has to eat 200gms a day and is having trouble eating that much...beetles are small...I will suggest it...she probably won't approve but will be fun anyway.

yay Jen!

ya Sharyn, twins! and probiotics are great.

Shirley hope you get better soon and you too Jen.

hey bobo, beetles are an accepted form of protein… in some cultures. Oy!
Welcome to the thread and hope you post again.
You too Glowgo and Dreyfuss and ddpostel and kara.

Glad… good to see you.

DEEF!!! how are you making out with everything?

Austin and Cuz and Mame and Juju adn kuli and everybody hope you guys are doing the best you can.

Next time steal 100 Jen. How is the disability claim going? I think about you every day and wish for the best for you.

Things are ok here. In a good spot for a bit and I'm grateful.


Jen-my daughter is calmed down...she was scared about complications with twins. We are looking at mini cribs and other bedding to keep costs down. Today is my mom"s 85th birthday but I couldn't stay to visit with her because they are on lock down due to a virus...possibly the noro virus. My sis knew about it 2 days ago and negilected to tell me. The good news is I am having fun surfing websites for baby supplies. I already bought some clothes but that was before we knew she was having twins. Doubling up now on crocheting blankets, botties and caps,LOL! I am glad to hear you are feeling better and heading back to the Y. Big storm coming our way this weekend...we really need the rain. Stay warm

Couldn't take anymore, stole $50.00 out of the grocery wallet (off of March) and had mom drop me at the mall while she took ole shit pants to physical therapy...Helped some, got Valentines cards and a candle for my mom, Yankee Candle! Deef in our Mall. They have a Rose that is so on it is insane! doing his laundry tonight, what ever...Lysol Concentrate IS my sponsor...
Will be going to the Y and Therapy MONDAY if I have to take a cab!!!! I can take this isolation anymore...Cough almost gone, thought I did upchuck in Hallmark..Lovely, but I had a baggie and tissue in case...What a life..
Hanging in....

Any twin updates Sharyn? Good news is always welcome...I have so little to offer the mo'

Jen~Oh Jen...if you continue to cough up blood, go back to the dr. It could be pneumonia or an infection in the trachea. I had pneumonia and coughing up blood is part of it. Of course if you have bronchitis and coughing a lot, it could cause blood too. Take care of yourself.
Meanwhile~Bronchitis is not fun...when I started working the job I have now, I started to get bronchitis 2x a year after not having it for 7 years. This year Prayers I don't get it), I have not gotten sick in a year. I started taking a probiotic...don't know if that has anything to do with it but since i started it last year, I have not gotten sick. Take care of yourself.

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