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Know what you mean Meanwhile. I am wondering what this is now after six weeks...Having chest pains and shortness of breath but so demoralized I just don't care...Cough and saw some blood showed it too mom, she said keep taking you anti biotics...Yes, duh, How would you like to look after your father full time, no help... when I am dead ma?! You do that. Hope I won the lotto leave you some money...
He managed to get poop from one end of the house to the other...LITERALLY...Mom once again did the Einstein' definition of insanity...doing the seem thing over and over and expecting different results... "You have to wipe your hands daddy! Really good..." "really good" ? he doesn't wipe them at all.
God I am ready for this to be over...Jen

This one came from Ann over in Ireland so I thought I would share it with you.
A man in a hot air balloon realised he was lost. He reduced altitude and spotted a woman below. He descended a bit more and shouted, "Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I don't know where I am."

The woman below replied, "You're in a hot air balloon hovering approximately 30 feet above the ground. You're between 40 and 41 degrees north latitude and between 59 and 60 degrees west longitude."

"You must be in IT," said the balloonist.

"I am," replied the woman, "How did you know?"

"Well," answered the balloonist, "everything you told me is technically correct, but I've no idea what to make of your information and the fact is I'm still lost. Frankly, you've not been much help at all. If anything,you've delayed my trip."

The woman below responded, "You must be in Management."

"I am," replied the balloonist, "but how did you know?"

"Well," said the woman, "you don't know where you are or where you're going. You have risen to where you are due to a large quantity of hot air. You made a promise, which you've no idea how to keep, and you expect people beneath you to solve your problems. The fact is you are in exactly the same position you were in before we met, but now, somehow, it's my f**king fault."

I finally broke down and went to the clinic, have bronchitis. Bless his heart Indio has been taking care of the chores around here, and trying to take care of me.

oh thank god I'm not alone... caught mom getting ready to eat a beetle that had flown in the backdoor. She was taking her meds and thought it was one of her pills.....

I remember the first Bronco Super Bowl win very well, maybe won't forever ;), but it was absolutely wonderful! Enjoy the victory! They must be having a parade today?

Thought it was cool, been so many local losses Cougars, Huskies, Zags seemed we couldn't catch a break for months...I know the agony of defeat but best to be a good sport all round, everyone gets bad calls, everyone plays hard...Good enough! But a first time win is vera nice...

Jen they deserved to win

Jen~A well deserved victory!!...Go Seahawks!!!

Jsomebody, they played an absolutely flawless game! Congrats to your team. We are going to be remembering that loss for quite awhile here in Broncoland!

Very happy in Seahawk land here. Some game!

Another week...?....

These are too funny, but the truth of the matter is that just about every caregiver can give us some funnies including me. The truth is that if we didn't laugh at some of these things, we'd be crying all the time!!!!! I thought of compiling a record of some of the OMG happenings that go on in our home daily. It could potentially be a best seller!!!! Glad to know that there is comfort in being able to read and share these moments without being judged as a "bad person."

Mame I watched the game -rooting for SU-I lived in Syr for a year-I was yelling so much my cat got scared-basketball is a game I can get into football not really baseball puts me to sleep-got my nook and crocheting to do tonight-looking forward to the commericals,

That is painful mame, it will get better in a while but it feels forever...

Congrats sharyn, twins, wow!

Ok here, as the newbie stuff...going crazy... man I passed that sign post three years ago....Jen

Hi all. Jen, I can see you shoveling your way around town! I hope the weather breaks for you soon so you can get back to the Y.
Sharyn-how exciting! Twins! Congrats!
Austin, warm up here-with rain happy to have double digit temps instead of the freezing and below zero temps! I always heard that about dirt too!
Meanwhile-it is great to be best friends with your sister isn't it?! My sister likes to tell ppl we are twins-but she is 6 years older than me! She looks younger tho so ppl believe her! I always say that these years of caregiving have aged me so I look older... ;)
Cuz-hubby & I enjoyed the joke! Good for a laugh after a couple rough weeks! And as for spring-we all wish!
Juju-care plan meeting set for Thursday this coming week. Will have a list of all my grievances! Only good thing about mom in the home is that all the sibs are going up-so someone is there with her every night at dinner. I go up at lunch time and take weekends off.
I am happy they are going up for her and for them but it does baffle me why they seldom came here to the house. Baffles me, hurts me, makes me feel resentful... But they are stepping up now, so I have to appreciate that.
I was feeling better after we buried the dog. Then I got all weepy again. Mom knows and asks me about the dog every day and how I am doing. She is so sweet and empathetic...yesterday while I was feeding her she saw me get teary eyed as we talked about him and as I went to get another bite of food for her, she raised up her arm and put her wrapped up hand on my shoulder and rubbed my back! That made me cry more because for that moment, I had my mom back. She doesn't come around often so it was a wonderful feeling. So, altho I have been feeling awful about putting her in a home, and awful about my dog dying, something good has come of it-even if only for a brief moment. Funny how mom can rise to the occasion once in a while...and then will be out of it again. I am thankful for this precious moment and will hold it in my memory for a long time.
Hey Bobbie and Deef and all the newbies! Big sports weekend here! Syracuse University basketball vs Duke this evening and then the Superbowl tomorrow. Everyone will be glued to the TV here. Something to take things off our minds.
Hope everyone is well. Mame

Austin-she is excited. After the ultrasound she was weak kneed for awhile,LOL!
meanwhile-i didn't know you had a twin sister. I bet you two had fun.
Jen-glad you are feeling better, hope you get to the Y soon.

Twins, Sharyn, that will be fun. I have a twin sister we could get into more trouble than 4. Actually, sometimes we still do. We're best friends.

Austin we are suppossed to get 4 to 8" for saturday. I thought it was spring time. Temps are going to be 8 to 15 above. Got to love Michigan.
shary congrats on twins. She must be excited.

my MIL said kids needed to eat so much dirt when they were young to make them healthy

ya I cant get my grandma to wash her hands.... ever!! then she tries to come in when I'm cooking and put her fingers in the food to taste it. So I ask her to please not put he fingers in the food and she actually calls me nerotic and that I should go get en education cause I obiouslly dont know anything!!!! I swear she is going to drive me crazey!!

My daughter found out this morning during the ultrasound she is having twins!!

My 90 year old father wipes the floor with a dishrag. If he sees some crumbs, he eats them. He said that in WWII, he was told that the more bacteria, the better.

Cuz needed that joke hate winter even though you have it much worse there then here in NY it is suppose to get above 32 the next few days but more snow on the way great I need more snow-took a good rather bad fall trying to sdo the drive by myself rather then my son or boyfriend fell putting salt down-messed up my face -will have to say you should see the other women.


Ole was turning 78 and was overweight, so his doctor put him on a diet.
The doctor said, "I want you to eat regularly for 2 days, then skip a day, and repeat this procedure for 2 weeks. The next time I see you, you should have lost at least 5 pounds."
When Ole returned, he shocked the doctor by having lost nearly 60 lbs!
"Why, that's amazing!" the doctor said, "Did you follow my instructions?"
Ole nodded... "I'll tell you though, I thought I wuz gonna drop dead on dat 3rd day."
"From the hunger, you mean?" asked the doctor.
"Hell no, it wuz from all dat skippin!"

THAT sounds the way to go, laminate it then put it around her neck so they can't just toss it....Or say we didn't know...It's all nuts I swear...Mom taking fp to phy ther app. for GOD only knows. He is never going to walk again? She has been gone an hour dog has howled the whole time!
Yesterday morning I was up with swimsuit under coat looking at five inches of snow and ice in drive way and contemplating how I could get to the Y and therapy...Was not gonna work, had thought to take snow shovel with me and make a path all across town...That's desperate! God I am tired of all this! Jen

Mame~Wow, I am sorry you have to deal with all this at the NH/Rehab center. You would think someone would have the common sense to see your mother's care is more involved than the level indicated and reevaluated her. Couldn't an RN at the facility do that? My heart goes out to you regarding your deal old dog. Our pets are such an emotional comfort, losing them is very hard.
Deef~My daughter is doing good. No morning sickness and hopefully she won't get it. She will have an ultrasound on Friday to determine viability by seeing the heartbeat but not able to hear it at this point. Her expected due date is 9/19/14.
Take care eveyone!!

Thanks all. Haha Juju-did the paper/sharpie note taped on the wall over her bed! Taking one day at a time. Didn't even go to the NH today... We buried the dog. Hubby was gonna wait till it warmed up but, being out of work, having unemployment denied and the dog dying gave him energy to dig into the frozen ground and then even deeper of bury our best friend. Was a sad day but I am glad it is done. At least the sun was out. Hubby says our life is starting to sound like a Country song... Maybe if we play it backwards we will get it all back-the dog, the job etc etc... Will see mom tomorrow. Sis and a bro went this afternoon and evening so I know she wasn't totally alone all day. Know she was happy after we had her hair done yesterday-so glad of that! We will see what tomorrow brings! G'night! Mame

Actually what I think is that you should make a written list/care plan and request a meeting with the head staff to have them implement. Also there should be a state ombudsman you can contact as well to help mediate. I came to the point where I got bright construction paper and a sharpie marker with key points and taped above her bed, not that it did much good, but worth a try! I was almost going to hang it around her neck!

Mame, So sorry about your dog, heartbreaking ! I have to bit my tongue on the issue of your moms care. i am still shocked n appalled at what i have learned and experienced in the last year. I can only say i would be hollering too...they had me nearly losing my mind. Words cant express but my heart aches for you on both issues. Hang in there...hope n prayers to you! XOXO

Well, I knew this would happen! Despite telling Blanche her hair appointment was for 1pm and that she didn't have to get up early or rush, she got herself all worked up anyway! Just got off the phone trying to explain what I told her yesterday!!!! Should not have told her about the appointment until today. She didn't sleep all night because she didn't want to oversleep. Then she got up early and got herself all ready, including pantyhose, yes, 96 and still wearing skirts and pantyhose!!! I can't get her to wear pants and had to convince her to try knee socks to keep her legs warm in the house.
After much discussion and explaining, she was still convinced she would be late to get her hair done. Hopefully she will sit in her recliner and nod off until I bring her lunch. She was pretty pissed off that I wasn't going to run right over there when I got off the phone. Had a feeling this was going to be the start of my day!!!
Sunny here but only 10 degrees. hoping it will warm up some before we head out. She has trouble breathing in the cold. Luckily we are going to miss the mess that's hitting the coast. If she saw snow, that would be the end!!!
Jen, hope you don't get too much of the white stuff. Every time I have to shovel, my shoulder kills me for a few days after. Good thing it's been light fluffy stuff out here all winter!
Meanwhile, Blanche is fine as long as she doesn't get rattled. Throw something out of the ordinary in the mix and she obsesses it to death, thus her confusion and dementia like behavior. She's good with her normal routine like most elderly.
Can't wait to see what the rest of my day will bring!!

That is so awful mame...worried Monty is going too...And dr not listening is dangerous truly!!!Can you report them? I bet they get all the billing info correct!
gonna get snow of impact tomorrow great great one more thing...

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