Some responsible others just a burden. We see lots of posts on this site about the one son or daughter that ends up totally responsible for caregiving of parents and the worthless sibs who do nothing but make things worse. What is it? Do parents unconsciously treat kids differently? Mom always liked you best? I know there's lots of scholarly material out there but what do you guys think is going on? I'm the responsible one in my family. My sibs passed away and I often wonder how we ended up so profoundly different having come from the same place. People who knew all three of us have always made remarks to me that we seemed to be from three different planets. I'm far from perfect and have had the sames kinds of life's downside as any one else who is 60 years old but I survived (so far anyway) and do what has to be done. What are folks thinking about this subject?
Reading Carol's comment again, I don't get the impression she is attacking the childless. She obviously was talking about those who blame the parents for whatever goes wrong with their kids. Keep in mind that you are not the one being targeted. It's those who are fortunate enough to have children. How's this for insensitive: "It's YOUR fault that they turned out this way. If only you had spent more/less time with them; disciplined them more/less; did/didn't insist that they attend church; etc. etc. etc."
These comments can come from a friend, a neighbor, a parent, a spouse, and even the child her/himself. When my oldest was a teenager he compared my uptight standards with his friend's mother who was sooo much more fun to be around. Yeah, the mother who abandoned her only child and blew into town for a few months every now and then to spend "quality time" with him when she wasn't meditating in a commune somewhere. I'm sure she was a lot more enjoyable company than someone trying to stay sane while raising four children, who incidentally and on topic, were as different from each other as one could imagine!
Frankly, I think it was your doctor who was being insensitive. It's easy for him to say that you would have been a wonderful mom while dissing someone else. Maybe if that nice person who turned out to be a less-than-sterling mother had been childless she too would have been perceived as a great candidate for parenthood. My brother's ex is really good at caring for the elderly and infirm, but was so abusive and neglectful towards her own three children that none of them wants anything to do with her!
I am not implying that you would not have been a wonderful mom, and sometimes I wonder why God allows certain persons to reproduce and others are denied the blessing, but it's all part of the experience of mortality. There is no way of knowing how one will react to the rigors of child rearing, but I believe that most of us do our best with lots of stumbling along the way.
My siblings and I are completely different. We were labeled early on and those labels were heavily enforced and judged. They shaped our relationships and not for the good, we are not close at all and that is a shame. Both my parents were raised in families that labeled people. There were the "good" ones and the "bad" ones, I was always uncomfortable with that.
I sometimes envision this situation like Dad is the drowning man, who is pulling me under as I try to help him, meanwhile my brothers are bystanders who are not bothering to throw us a rope.
Is it ignorance of how much damage is being done to the one who is left with the burden? If so, they seem very happy to remain ignorant as they have never been willing to really listen to everything involved. It's amazing how many urgent things crop up, to put an end to phone calls, the moment I start telling about the latest problem with Dad, that I must solve, no matter how impossible or unpleasant. I really feel like they want to keep their heads in the sand. And attempts by me to make them see, only seem to push a wedge between us.
This is the most horrible disease. It takes away everything. It starts with the victim's memories, abilities, and independence. It obliterates life savings. It takes away their homes as they need safer environments, or as houses are sold to pay for their care. It eventually takes away their identity, as they forget their friends and family. {How can I still love my sons if I don't remember them. Am I then still a Mom? ] It eventually changes them into selfish, self centered, angry, sometimes violent, uncivilized, incontinent creatures.
And while that is bad enough, while that progression is taking place it is also destroying the lives of the people that person once loved. As the victim requires more and more attention and care, their caregivers have to rearrange their own lives to handle the burden. The time given to this needy parent is pulled from the time that would have / should have gone to that caregiver's children, grandchildren, spouses, job, and even herself.
That time is lost. Relationships suffer, the caregiver's friends get lost along the wayside. Grandchildren grow up without the close feelings they would have developed had their grandmother been able visit and babysit instead of watching the elder great grandparent. Spouses feel neglected, and go elsewhere. The caregiver's health suffers. The stress is notoriously damaging and is incessant. And face it, 24/7 elder care is definitely not an aerobic sport, and leaves little time for going to the gym.
Heck, it's not exactly mind stimulating either. Certainly not cognitively. On the rare occasions I get to converse with other people, have nothing to say. With no job (retired early to take care of elders), no time for hobbies, no time for travel, little contact with grandchildren, or friends, my mind became a wasteland.
And as for emotional health: is job is in fact it is emotion destroying. Care giving job is hard. Unless you're a saint, it's unpleasant, annoying, frustrating, angering, usually thankless, and quite often damn near impossible. You can't help but dislike it, even hate it. It erodes, and for some, obliterates our own memories of the good times of the past. Thoughts of the parent whose needs are destroying your life, inevitably become overwhelmingly negative. And as I mentioned earlier in this post, it eventually damages the loving relationships you had with the siblings who seem to have abandoned you to this situation.
And so you begin to hate it all. You resent feeling trapped, you miss those people that the care giving displaced from your life. You miss companions and you miss fun. And even resent the loss of the good relationship you used to have with the ones who aren't helping.
And you resent the dementia parent and wish the misery would all just end. And then you feel worse because you now also feel guilty for hating it all, because this is your parent your talking about. And you know the only way it'll all end is when their gone.
And so the bad feelings fold in on themselves, as you now resent that you can't even be allowed hate having your life destroyed. Why should anyone feel guilty about that, but you do.
So was it nature, or nurture, or merely logistics in our case? I don't know. Would I have chosen to keep my head in the sand, had there been someone geographically closer to step into these caregiver shoes? I don't know that either.
Same for me.. my siblings are content to stand and watch me flailing around trying to save my parents while putting my own life on hold.. possibly even creating health issues for well as losing other relationships.. and losing myself.
I was also the closest sibling geographically so fell into the caregiving roll. I just cannot imagine if the roll were reversed if I would sit and watch my sibling suffering with caregiving...and do nothing to help. I just hope I wouldn't..couldn't do that.
Some people just don't have enough empathy and compassion to really put themselves in another's shoes. I have to believe they don't understand the pressures and the enormous sacrifice caregiving takes. Caregiving could even be life threatening. I am just appalled that siblings don't seem to care..even to help out just a little.
I hope to God I would have more empathy and compassion then they are showing if the shoe were on the other foot and they were the primary caregivers...
As far as one child pitching in more than others during a caregiving situation also depends on the child and also maybe how they were treated by the parent. Being an only child I have got the brunt end of every situation with my mom. I do not have anything or anyone to compare this to. After being treated the way she has treated me, I totally understand why one child may not want to have anything to do with the parent's caregiving. With that said, some children only want what a parent can do for them and unfortunately this may be a sibling of each of you. Just remember, you may not know the "whole" story on how the parent treated your siblings. As the main caregiver, your parent could have some how "brainwashed" you or had some control as a child that you just can't seem to let go of now as an adult and you feel compelled to help out. Keeping an open mind during the caregiving process with your siblings is important. Maybe seeing their side could help understand.
All the grandchildren are of course working so no extra help there but slowly things are sorting themselves out.
Yes rest homes are the new cultural fad of this generation of grandparents but that's only cos there have been no wars to knock them off, and medications to keep them going well past the 3 score n 10.
As far as I’m concerned, there is no debate – it’s simple – everyone is an individual and each individual’s personality is influenced by many things; including nature and nurture. Your physical environment and your DNA, how you were treated as a child (by everyone around you), things you’ve seen and read, personal experiences, jobs you’ve held – every single thing, that happens to you and around you as you grow affects you in some way and that determines the person you are and the person you become as you grow older. Something that happens in a split second, that you have control over or not, can change your way of thinking, can change you emotionally (or physically) forever.
Some of it is random luck, some of it is planned (by you or by others). But there are a few things known for sure about everyone; your health can affect your personality, which means you (your personality) is affected by everything around you, even while in the womb. You can hear while in the womb too, so keep that in mind. And, the first 2-3 years of life are crucial. What you hear & see, how you’re treated, what you eat & drink, your environment – all of it affects you profoundly and becomes the base to your soup of life....
This does not have to mean that if your first 3 years are bad you become bad or have a hard time in life, but it can mean you’ll have a harder time than others (harder to become a decent and well-rounded person), making things more difficult for you, and giving you less chances to be happy and healthy (and liked, able to “fit in” and do well).
But since there are so many determining factors, so many things that influence us, so many pivotal moments in every life, it’s not really possible to control or predict, and it’s not always possible to say what caused us to be who we are as we grow and age. It’s one of life’s mysteries.
PS) To anyone who has young children (or is thinking about having children) and reads this discussion, then tries to “mold” or control their children too much, even if you’re doing it to try and make them better or brighter – you’re doing them a disservice. Too much control can easily cause emotional issues that will scar your children forever. All we have to do, everyone one of us on this planet, is try to be the best person we can be, do your personal best in every way, do unto others, do the right thing every day, and in doing so you will in turn teach your children well, by example. That, and help out in your community (or leave a bad community if it’s too dangerous or unfriendly) so your children will have a chance to be the best people they can be. And that’s about all you can do.
All my 30 year's of 12 step work has now come full circle. I forgive them both for pushing me away all my life. I am setting Mom up for a very comfortable life right now and she will never have to be placed in AL. Forgiveness brought a supernatural love for Mom and my brother I never thought possible. My heart grieves for our loss as it was so unnecessary.
I am grateful I was a workaholic and made great choices even though I did it all alone. They were jealous and critical of me. I am so sorry for all of us who have loving hearts unacknowledged. Well I affirm and praise you ! One of the docters said to Mom 'I hope when my kids grow up they will be half as kind to me as your daughter is being towards you' She has a Mom she could never please.
Keep loving and for giving. .it set me free!