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CWillie and Countrymouse,
Whenever the question "Are you a team player?" was asked of me in job interviews, I answered: "Yes, I am, but only until the team trys to go off the reservation, then I side with management".
Oh well, considering they thought management was a part of the team, maybe that was not the best answer. I don't play well with others because I don't play at all at work, I just work.

Cwillie, It's great you are keeping an eye on Mom. Can you take a few days for your much needed respite? That home sounds really cramped. If you get stressed, then just go home. Do not add to your stress right now.

Are there any nearby bodies of water? I recommend a ferry boat ride to the other side and back, throwing bread to the seagulls. Or a seashore trip to the edge of the water. Or buying a chocolate covered frozen bananna while window shopping the beach sandal boutiques. ????

My avatar pic is the local pier, generally swarming with tourists as soon as the weather warms up.

That is a big ocean! Canada must be a beautiful place, Cwillie.

People always told me the ocean was so awesome and impressive, but I've been to the Atlantic and the Pacific coasts and they don't look much different than the freshwater coasts I'm used to, I think once a body of water is large enough that you can't see across it looks pretty much the same as any other. We don't get sea shells or whales though. LOL

We have piers like that here in MI, cwillie - or is that in MI? It looks very familiar. I've seen just about all of them - my parents were big on cheap vacations and family time, so we spent a lot of time fishing from piers, visiting beaches, etc. Anything free or cheap. Can't blame them - 4 kids on a factory worker's salary and only one income as mom stayed home with us kids.

We have sharks, surfers, lifeguards, and even naked people on some beaches in California. Lol

Do you get sea lions and sea gulls? Heron or Egret?

Good eye Susan, I'm on the Canadian side of Lake Huron.

Sea gulls but no naked people Send (I don't think so anyway). It is legal to go topless here though, but very few try that.

I thought so, cwillie! :-)

I hope to be on the Michigan side of Lake Superior at some point in the future. Preferably as far west in the U.P. as I can get, but I'd take pretty much anywhere. St. Mary's River is my next choice.

Send - the big lakes get tons of seagulls, and they're the bane of every shoreline town to keep under control, as the tourists feed them all the time, so they won't leave a ready food supply.

The inland lakes here get *all* kinds of bird life: killdeer/sandpipers, heron, cranes, egrets, ducks, geese, loons, swans....and with a natural water source within 6 miles no matter where you are in MI, it's not hard to go bird watching.

Thanks Susan and Cwillie,
It is just beautiful, and sounds good to be seeing the birds.
In Sausalito, CA., there are Egrets walking around the docks in the boat marina. One can fall asleep to the clanging on the masts. I loved it while I was there.

A self-help therapist wrote a book, she said if you are lonely, you can waive to the tourists on a tour bus....and they will waive back. She told it much better.

We get those squawky wild parrots - pretty but loud

Lately my car has been a target for bird poop - and while parked in the driveway - odd places too
The tire - the drivers door
It's like they're trying to irritate me - lol


What if you're lonely in the middle of the night?

Then you hug your squeaky teddybear lying next to you, lost in the covers.

Or you get up and raid the fridge, find the chocolate.

Oh, MsMadge, We're always up so late, how does one compute the middle of the night? Especially if one is up at 2:00 or 3:00 a.m.?

Those bad birds, there is an entire car to poop on! The crows drop it on the drivers side window where they know I'll see it! They do it on purpose, I'm sure!

There is no leaving the driveway until it's squirted off!  (By hubs, of course!)

Ham and cheese sandwich, late night.  Hubs doesn't want one.

Cwillie, back to you.....Im done too. Lol.

We get blue herons here in Vancouver Send and there are tons of eagles here too. There is one specific area near one of our suburbs here which is basically an eagle conservatory. They are always soaring overhead. Actually, I'll probably see them tomorrow cause I'm going near there to get the blue taken out of my hair tomorrow. I'm going back to purple..........just wasn't feeling the blue. Although, I do feel blue sometimes......just not blue hair. Oh, and we have a nude beach here. It's called Wreck beach. I've never been but I've heard the stories. :P

It's true then, about you. You go where eagles fly.

Can't sleep, can't find my teddy bear.

I know there is a time difference, but it seems to me you folks never sleep, there is always so much to read when I get up in the morning. I slept well last night, but the night before I got up and made myself a pb&j sandwich (screw the diet plan) and read until 4ish. No worries, I can sleep in now if I need to.

Yes, where eagles dare to fly. Fer sure.................:)

Sleep? Did someone say sleep? What's that?

Cwillie, When was the last time you had your hair done? That would be part of the respite activities, imo.

As a dishwater blonde, I am thinking of going natural with grey and whatever will be growing in, so I watched tons of youtube videos on how to grey, while still looking vibrant. Oh well, nothing wrong with staying blonde. But a friend went all gray natural, it looks great, she's only 60.
Then, there are makeup videos for women over 60.
I color and cut my own hair, except for the few rescue professional cuts per year. So, mostly I avoid the mirrors.

Remember me whining about the ultra short haircut, I think it was 2 months ago? It is just getting long enough to come past the tops of my ears, I could go back to tidy it up but I am afraid!!

Yeah, now I remember! Early March, talking about getting our spring hairdos.....
That is exactly why I cut my own hair, keeping it shoulder length even though shorter may be more comfortable.

Can you use some styling gel, maybe spike it? Videos online can help.

My condolences on your hair. Hoping it soon suits you better.

I remember that conversation - early March, and I finally did mine that first week of March - now I'm ready to go back for another cut and a touch up of the color. It grows SO darn fast. Not sure if I should do the color now or wait, since I have travel coming up in June and would like it to look good then.

Did you skip your spring cleaning because caregiving took precedent?
How about ordering up some carpet cleaner company? Nothing too big to wear you out.

What about once or twice a week you tell the staff that Mom won't be at the table and you share lunch with her in her room?  You bring your own, bring Mom's tray up to her room?  Maybe there are rules?


You're a sweetheart Send. I'm no hausfrau, I consider my house clean enough and won't be doing any major Spring cleaning.
As for eating in mom's room, definitely No. Uh, uh. No way. Maybe when the weather warms up we can try snacks out on the patio.

So what are you doing today?

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