My dad is 90 years old and his,by marriage grandson, is taking advantage of my dad..helping himself to dad's checking account. This grandson talked my dad into putting him on his account so the grandson would be able to care for him. I went to visit both of them about this and my dad thinks this grandson needs him. This grandson says he's the one solely taking care of him and I have no right to question his motives. Well, from there I knew something was wrong. I got in touch with every agency I knew while being down there to get help for my dad as well as alerting them that there could be some emotional abuse going on. I was able to take my dad to his bank without the grandson so we could talk with the manger together about my dad's account being over drawn every month. The manger told my dad the same thing, but my dad is holding firm to what he believes..the grandson needs him. It was time for me to leave,but not with out getting in touch with Elder Abuse. I was told by them as well as others, that if my father agrees with this, there is nothing that they can do.I made sure also that I got put on my dad's account as well. I'm glad that I did because I was able to keep track of what this grandson was doing. I opened a savings for my dad so I could transfer his money so he wouldn't be left dry..Needless to say the grandson didn't like this. he no longer has complete control over his account... I don't know what else to do..the only thing this grandson is caring for is my dad's Pension and SSI not his well being. I got in touch with my dad's doctor,alerted them as well and found out that since last year all appointments were canceled. I had no idea about any of this because every time I spoke with my dad," everything is fine" my dad lives with his step son but his health isn't good either... Is there anyone out there that can help me with this? This grandson thinks he has every right to do what he's doing and has no remorse....there is clearly something wrong as well with this grandson and his emotional being as well his thinking. Any suggestions, please.......