
My mom has an oil heater in her room at night, because any type that blows air or makes noise she will unplug. Now she is placing clothing and shoes on the heater to warm them in the middle of the night. She has already scorched a few items, and slightly melted the rubber on her shoes. I had to remove the heater, but it is very cold at night. I am concerned that she will get sick. Any suggestions?

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Can't find the suggested responding methods. Thanks tho. I have decided to make a cage for the heater. She strips her bed down I'f there is anything different than normal. Thanks for all the suggestions. I truly appreciated each one. I already tried the heating pads, and heated mattress cover. The same thing. She unplug them. Hopefully the cage will work for the heater.

If one of the problems is she's unplugging the heater, you can find plug locks on Then consider a wall mounted heater so she can't put items on it.

cwillie has a good idea about a cage . Perhaps a big metal dog crate would work .

I've been doing a little more reading because I was curious - oil filled heaters should have overheat protection built in, is yours an older model?
One thought would be to place a cage around the heater so that anything placed on top would not be in direct contact (something like a dog crate) but I'm ambivalent about that idea.

Have you tried an electric blanket? That doesn't make any noise and surely that has to be a much better option than your mom burning the house down because she put something on the heater that she shouldn't have.

Perhaps an electric mattress pad would work better for her? (no reason it can't go under an incontinence pad if you use those)

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