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Just saw this thread. So sorry for your scare. Believe me dehydration is enough to land one in the hospital for quiet awhile. Hoping you are all better soon.

Needs, I'm just so glad your husband was home, and it was lunch time. Thinking of you and your beautiful soul.

Alva, I'm also thinking of you and what you have been going through, wondering how your doing

huggggs, need.

Need, wishing you speedy recovery!

@Need, wondering how long they will keep you in hospital.

Glad you will wear that monitor while home and be sure to write any symptoms down during the day so they can compare that diary to their EKG read.
Will be checking in here to get your update to us, Need.

@Nacy, I never heard a THING from the Doctor's daughter. Here's my thinking.
Either the fallen doctor is in the hospital with something broken, OR what took him down was actually some kind of stroke or heart thing (he IS 85) and NOT my shoulder bumping his. And the daughter's don't want to upset me till they know more. Or are not thinking of me in a larger crisis.
I was wrong about them being so caring (and I don't think that's the case). They were so kind and solicitous and ASKED if I wanted to give them my number so they could reassure me. I don't think they would just forget about it.
They wrote my number down wrong? I gave it wrong? I know she wrote it wrong first time. We were all upset.
Sooooooooooooo. Basically nothing to do. I was mistaken in not taking THEIR number as well. I didn't. I have no way to contact them. I just have to let this go. There's nothing to be done that I can figure. I can only hope he is just fine. I have my phone at my side. Other than that I will let this go.

Alva, well I'm glad your handling it better and trying to let it go!🙂.

@Nacy, Need's near spill brought me back to reality. Stuff DOES happen. Things can turn on a dime for any one of us at any second (right Need? I mean just out there innocently making lunch FGS).
It was a great help to me to just type out what happened and look at it from almost a bystander perspective. There's so much we just can't do much about.

Important now to see to it that our NEED gets great followup now on this "thing".
I also had yesterday to know my SIL dodged bad medical advice. He had a huge jump in a PSA they were already watching; they were suggesting now perhaps a prostate biopsy (which isn't a whole lot of fun). He asked his Kaiser doc if the blood thinner they put him on for a lung clot a few months back (maybe Covid related) could make PSA change radically? Kaiser Doc said NO. Kaiser Doc was WRONG and 15 seconds on google would have shown him that there IS indeed a rise in PSA with Pradaxa.
I didn't even think there would be either, but his wife, my DD found it in seconds. There it is right online. Talk about life turning on a dime. Having hollow core needles stuck in your prostate for no good reason is a scary thought.

Every day we each try to take care out there. And every day we are like so many ants under a shoe coming down. Everyone take a second to thank your lucky stars, and let's continue to be careful (as we can be) .

Your right Alva, we could be out for a walk and a random tree limb could fall on are heads.

We have to be careful, but we also have to enjoy every thing we can, like drinking are coffee and watching the hummingbirds flutter around. Finding beauty in the little things in life.

Like chocolate too. 😋

That is such good info about prostate. I new someone else that switched doctors after high psa. One doctor was automatically, let's stick a needle in those suckers. The other doctor said will wait and monitor you for a bit.

I think people should follow up on things like that and not just take every doctors word as gold.

My PA actually had to look my cholesterol results. Because my cholesterol is high, but I have an unusual amount of high good cholesterol. So she looked it up. So far I'm not in need of it and trying to watch my diet. That's what doctors or PAs should do if there not sure

I get to go home today. 😊

I have my discharge paperwork. I have follow up appointments with my primary care doctor and my cardiologist.

They let me have breakfast this morning. I had my coffee, an egg, toast and a fruit cup.

I will try to read the added posts a little later and respond.

They will be bringing the wheelchair to my room in a minute. DH just left my room to drive the car around.

I am feeling better. I hope all of you are doing well. Thanks for being so kind.

I’m glad to be going home. The staff took good care of me but the hospital isn’t a place to get any rest.

Sending love and hugs back to all of you.

Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Need is going home WITHOUT a pacer!
Good on you.
Let us know when you are home and rested what their plan for followup is, what they think happened.
I am banking on low potassium causing the rhythm issue and dehydration and low heart beat causing the low blood pressure.

Keep fluids on board in the heats of the summer, Need.

I drink half water and half Gatorade when I play boccie in the heat. Got a little dizzy once, and started do that, helped me alot

(((((need))))) So, so glad you are home by now and feeling better and also that it is an easy fix. Staying properly hydrated is very important as you get older. Both dehydration and overhydration cause problems. Mother once overhydrated and upset her sodium balance and ended up in hospital. I think dehydration may be more common.

I was having "low blood pressure moments" when drinking just water (along with my coffee and tea) so I found some electrolyte powder in Amazon - Key Nutrients Electrolytes Packets with no sugar - and put one in a jug of water for my drinking water. You can use 1 pkt in a glass but I dilute it much more than that and it is working. No more "low blood pressure moments".

Take care of you!

I use Liquid I.V. Lemon Lime Hydration Multiplier 10 Pack Box
10 x 0.56 oz also comes in sugar free.

Need, you are on my mind and in my heart. I hope home looked SO GOOD. I can remember so many times now that I looked at it, and it was a glimpse of heaven to see it when I thought I might not see it again.
And you have a reminder of that guy of yours and what a miracle is the love and support "of our other". N. and I bicker our BRAINS out--we love it--but in times of crisis there is nothing like his comfort.
Wishing you a warm squishy snuggle into the covers on the bed, a night of dreams of wonder, and the best rest anyone can get with a DANGED Holter monitor on their chest. They once were anathema. I hope they are better.

And know you are in the hearts of so many here who LOVE YOU for the wonder of your kindness. I have said forever that when I grow up I will be "Need". (Barb. Hey, just about ANYBODY but ME).
I mean that. I will be more kind. You have taught me a lot even if my responses here do not reflect that fact; YOU are a hecka loved here. I think you know that. I will continue to ASPIRE to you.....
Sleep well.

wishing you good health need, and all of us!!

OH NO I don't know how I didn't see the whine' thread but omgosh NEED!! Belatedly sending my BEST WISHES for answers & swift recovery!!

Hoping for a "NeedHelp" update here.
Need, how are you doing?

Same here Alva , I need my Needs! I keep checking in for her 😥

Thanks, everyone.

I am wearing my heart monitor. I have over 20 test results from my hospital stay in my portal right now. Will discuss the results with my doctors in my upcoming appointments.

Never in my life have I had my blood pressure checked so often. My word! They were checking it lying down, then sitting up, then standing up.

It kind of reminded me of attending Catholic school and going to Mass. Sit, kneel and stand over and over.

My friends who didn’t grow up Catholic and attended a Catholic wedding Mass would say to me that it was like being in a spiritual aerobics class! 😝

Still experiencing some symptoms but I feel a lot better.

Need - So glad you are feeling better, if even if not quite back to yourself. The medical people are keeping track and they will figure it out, Sorry about your peppers. Hope they recover.

Thanks, Golden

I take my BP daily, Need. Or DID once.
Finally, when I had a bit of an upglitch, got put on lisinopril which gave me the opposite reaction of what it should have (it raised my BP) my doctor said "Stop taking your BP daily; I MEAN that". I now take it about every two, three or four days, and am doing great. But then I had that little bout of cancer reoccurance that made me think, oh, yeah, so what on the BP.
We watched for you to come back and are with you in thought: I know you know that we mean that.


I know what you mean. I am not usually fanatical about taking my BP daily.

I am going to follow my hospital discharge instructions until I see my primary care doctor this week.

Like you, I have a teenage doctor who is extremely thorough. I will see what she has to say about it.

I have been taking Irbesartan.

Glad to hear from you, Need. Just needing to know your head is above water. All these things are so exhausting and overwhelming. Feel good to have you back. Even at half speed!

great need, keep recovering!!

wishing good health to us all!!

My necks been acting up so I'm gonna limit phone time, for a bit , I'll check in now and then, but just wanted to let ya all know. I'm good, just taking a break 💓

Going to my follow up appointment with my primary care doctor in a little while.

Hoping to have some answers about my situation.

I have over 20 test results in portal. Will update all of you when I can.

Thanks again for your support.


Thinking of you Need. Will look in to see what's what.

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