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Prayers, need. 🙏🙏🙏

Just left my doctor’s office. She looked over all of my test results. Nothing is alarming at this time. Yay! 😁

They will continue to monitor my heart for a month and keep an eye on my BP.


Yay. 🎉🥳🎊.
Make sure you keep drinking enough.


My doctor said the same thing.We need to drink plenty of water

My doctor moved to Louisiana from Colorado and she said that the heat and humidity are brutal here.

She misses the lower humidity in Colorado.

Great news, need!!! Definitely keep pushing the fluids.

I will, Golden.

You go girl.
How comfortable or uncomfortable is the monitor device?
I still remember the ancient Holter Monitors that no one would want a month on.
Now they seem to be able to do it with just a monitor in the house.
How does it work for you.

I am relieved they are watching you close for a month and that will be really good for you to relax. Stay watered up.

I hate the whole being over 80 thing as now I hate to drink a lot of fluid just when I should. I don't want coming in from the garden up the stairs over and over, or stopping someone driving a long distance because "I gotta go" and so I don't drink what I should. Like I said, almost all over 70 enter the hospital dehydrated.

Thanks, Alva

Look at

You can see the device that I am using. It’s called MCOT Mobile Cardiac Outpatient Telemetry.

The home monitor is relatively simple. It’s a small device that is placed on my chest with suction cups.

I was given a cell phone that I keep near me.

If I have a symptom, all I have to do is hit the big blue heart to record the event.

Then I check a box:



Chest Pain

Light Headed

Skipped Beat

Short Breath

Heart Racing


Took Medication

After the month is up, the cardiologist reads it.

I was instructed to charge the cell phone every night on my nightstand and to charge my monitor when I take my bath.

I don’t find it inconvenient. The monitor itself measures about 1 1/2 inches x 2 inches. It’s less than an inch thick. Not heavy at all. I forget that I am wearing it.

The home monitor is so much smaller than the monitor they had on me in the hospital. Plus, the hospital monitor had lots of wires attached. The home monitor only has one wire.

PHILIPS makes it. It’s very user friendly.

Wow, need. Thanks. We've come a long way, baby! (as the old Virginia Slims commercials used to say.

Great news @Need 🌟💃

I’m sick to my stomach right now. As all of you know. I have two daughters that I adore. I can’t imagine them being kidnapped when they were young.

Well, earlier this afternoon, I got an Amber Alert on my cell phone. A mother of two young children was killed in Louisiana.

The two young girls ages 4 and 6 were kidnapped by the dad.

It’s disgusting that this man killed their mom and one of his children. He has been arrested in Jackson, Mississippi. The 6 year old is alive and being released to her grandparents.

Just got another Amber alert just now saying, “See news for details.” The 4 year old is dead. They canceled the Amber Alert. These situations turn my stomach.

Thanks, sp.

Absolutely, Alva.

It does feel a bit weird to be so much older than my doctors, even though I am getting used to it.

I look at my doctors and I think, oh gosh! They look so young! Hee hee 😛

My cardiologist is young and quite handsome. My primary care doctor looks like one of my daughters!

I actually prefer having younger doctors who are up to date on everything. Not only that, they aren’t intimidated by newer technology like some older doctors are.

I had one older doctor who said that he hated using portals. He even said that he would rather pay a fine than to comply. I dropped him like a hot potato. I don’t want a doctor who has such an out dated attitude.

I have short silver hair. I am finding that many younger people will hold the door open for me.

Now, that they see me wearing a heart monitor, some are asking me if I need any help!

I have a friend that has fibromyalgia and uses a cane. She has the coolest cane collection.

Everyone notices her gorgeous canes that are quite expensive. She says that her fibromyalgia is not going to stop her from being stylish! I so love her sass!

Need, so glad the testing looks OK and that you're getting further evaluation to be on the safe side. I had one of the types of monitors you have which uses a cellphone, but it had I think 2 leads which were attached with adhesive pads which were somewhat irritating. The monitor was about the size of a deck of cards.


That's so incredibly sad.
Nevertheless, perhaps you should stop the amber alerts for a time. You need to take care of you, and distressing news through your phone can't be good for your wellbeing.

Wishing you well.

Needs, Mia is right, I get horrible worried and upset when bad things happen in are area too.

We have had are sharing of some really bad things here like everywhere, and it's really upsetting, and not what you need now.

So stream Netflix or something you won't get any news on for a while, or read a good book.

Also stay outta the heat and drink water


You’re right.

They have cancelled the Amber Alert. Those things catch us off guard when we get them on our phones.

I like having the storm alerts on my phone. That’s useful to me.

The Amber alerts are quite disturbing for me.


This model is very small. Maybe it’s a newer model.

Oh gosh, remember how large our first cell phones were. Technology is amazing. It’s constantly evolving. Now, Apple is coming out with AI technology for it’s latest model.

I have an older friend who is in her early 80’s. She heard me getting frustrated with Siri and freaked out. She asked me why I was so rude to the woman on the phone. 😆 She has a flip phone and isn’t familiar with Siri.

I am doing so much better at keeping hydrated now.

I feel so much better too. I didn’t realize how much I had been avoiding water.

Water really is the best thirst quenching drink.

I am going to cut down on my iced lattes.

Needs, I'm so glad , yeah here in the North East, we have been on are winter drinking mood. So been a lot of UTIs and sinus infection from pollen, but I think extra fluids would help prevent that too.

Going to New Orleans, help me get into my water drinking earlier than others. We are getting another hot blast this week.

I feel like that the last few years the north is getting warmer , and the humidity. But down there as for humidity I've never felt anything like that. Specially during the night, and it wasn't even your hottest month!

I couldn't believe that they had places to rehydrate after a long night of drinking, I can't imagine what drinking, heat, humidity does to the body.

To those of you who have worked in the medical field, are you surprised at the changes in our health?

I had gestational diabetes but have dodged type 2 diabetes. So many people have diabetes now. Same thing with heart disease. People are having heart attacks younger and younger.

Do you think smoking has decreased from in the past? Has it been replaced by vaping?

When we were kids there were cigarette commercials. I am not sure if the discontinuation of commercials made a difference or not.

My dad smoked in WW11 but quit when my brother was born. Mom never smoked, nor did my grandmother or mom’s sister.

Mom’s brother smoked during the war, then quit. All of my brothers smoked at one time, two of them quit smoking. Dad’s brothers smoked. Many of my great uncles (mom’s side of family) smoked. My godfather smoked a pipe.

I have been around plenty of second hand smoke.

I loved going to the neighborhood store with my grandpa to get cigarettes as a kid because he always bought me candy.

We even had candy cigarettes as children. 😝 We thought they were fun back then.

There’s no smoking in New Orleans bars or Harrah’s Casino.

I see a lot of people vaping. Especially, young people.

What was the average age of heart patients before compared to now? It is very sad that young people are having heart attacks.

I hate to see children growing up with fast food on a daily basis. Mom cooked for us. I cooked for my family. My husband is a good cook too.

The high price of cigarettes doesn’t stop people from smoking. It’s a habit. Just like my coffee habit. I’m going to try and cut back some. I love my coffee!

Need, my opinion is in my state many have quit, it is now 15 dollars a pack in NYS.

Some have gone to vaping, and I know is is just an opinion from a former smoker, that if you can't quit. And some really can't, then vape. But definitely don't start vaping or smoking!

My husband recently quit, I have a different feeling than some about it. He is 72 , worked in a chemical plant, in the most cancer ridden area, he got rid of the waste and this stuff they call slurry. I never incuraged or discourage him from smoking. My gut could be wrong but he has been around so many cancer causing chemical I worried about him having no chemicals in his body , and his body getting confused and bringing out cancer that may be laying dormant. So I completely left that up to him.

I have heard bladder cancer is not uncommon for male former smokers.

But yes I think smoking is down, and I don't see vaping up that much around me.

I also had a neighbor, horrible horrible chain smoker , she suddenly quit. I didn't have this, oh that's awesome feeling inside.

I figured out like 6 months later she quit because she was feeling really bad, but it was way to late

Need and everyone struggling to hydrate enough. Please check out using ginger, I love fresh grated, for helping your body get the hydration to the cells.

Where I live, southern Arizona, is just plain hot and you will vomit if you drink ice cold water when overheated, however, putting some ginger in your water really helps your body, and it is a super food, win-win.

We often enjoy ginger-lemon water when doing activities during the heat and by the grace of God, never had a dehydration situation.

Another thing that is often missed is replenishing our electrolytes, we use a product from trace minerals, outta Salt Lake City, called electrolyte stamina, it has low salt but, all of the electrolytes and trace minerals,and you can truly feel the difference.

Another thought, anyone dealing with high blood pressure should research the link between low potassium and high blood pressure, it is pretty amazing to learn how our bodies use nutrients and what illnesses can be triggered by poor nutrients, especially considering that our soil is empty enough that our foods are no longer sufficient to replace vital nutrients.

May we all experience better health starting today.

Thanks for the wonderful feedback, ITRR.

I have some ginger in my freezer right now. I will try it, especially with lemon. I love lemon!

I don’t like sugar in my tea or coffee. I find if sugar is placed in a beverage it is no longer thirst quenching. I know that coffee is dehydrating.

I love coffee and need to cut down. It’s a social thing for me too. We meet our friends at coffee shops.

Yeah, my potassium levels were low when I was in the hospital. Those pills are huge! I thought I would choke on them. The nurse cut them in half and they were still big!

She told me that they are nasty tasting when crushed and placed in applesauce, so I swallowed them.

I've just received a message from my so called friend who's just returned from a vacation on a sunny island, she was asking what kind of a week I've had, and said that she's heard that the weather has been truly terrible where I am. Any suggestions please as to how I might reply?? I am currently considering a line of *#*~ *##. This forum is my savior.

Don't feel guilty, please don't feel guilty, this is not a helpful emotion. If you have time at quieter times to batch cook and freeze for later, do that, although I'm sure that you will have thought of this before. Ready meals are fine, it is not the end of the world to eat ready meals, or to order take outs, really it isn't. Sometimes when I am tired, I try to eat fast food like the French, omelets, roast peppers, and other vegetables. Other times, I just flake, do beans, eggs and toast and sleep. Good rest and sleep comes before good eating. You can cook better after a good night's sleep.

Onlychild, reply with what is best for you, with that being said what's best for you is probably no reply.

Saying things that I'm sure your are understandably feeling will just cause and add drama into your life.

I'm sure your life doesn't need additional drama.

Even though I get it. It would feel really good!


Reply with

“ Bad weather ? Oh , I’ve been too busy to notice “.

I've just realised that I've responded to a 2014 post re cooking fatigue, doh🙄!

Lol, been there done that, I was confused

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