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Cmagnum & cwillie, a lot of tech support/customer service is outsourced to overseas call centers so that is why it is often incredibly difficult to understand the person on the phone! And why don’t understand the problem. It’s cheaper
for companies to outsource the work overseas than it is to set up US-based call centers & pay Americans!

Needhelp, my husbands grandparents migrated here illegally in the late 1940s. Eventually through an employer-sponsor they got green cards. They never learned English though. I really don’t know how they managed once their kids were all out of the house. I wonder if it has something to do with why they became recluses? When my husband & I got together in 2001, they were around 70 and my MIL had them on in-home support services (no doubt she pulled some strings since she was an eligibility worker). There was nothing wrong with them physically, no health issues. They were both mobile and needed no help with their ADAs. They just didn’t like leaving the house. They relied on their adult children, who received compensation from the tax payers,
to buy groceries. I can honestly say that when I met them, they understood maybe 5 words in English. After 60 years in this country.


That’s interesting. Maybe that is why your husband’s family stayed to themselves.

That’s how my friend’s mom was. She had no desire to learn English. I never met her dad so I am not sure about him. He was always at work when I went to her apartment.

She visited at my house sometimes too.

My friend was so sweet. Back then Catholic schools were charitable. Don’t know how they are now. She was able to attend school for free. She lived in a government owned apartment building and the church helped with lots of things. Her parents worked very hard. They eventually became citizens here. Her mom was adorable. She hated that I was skinny. Hahaha. She always wanted to feed me!

My friend told me that I was the first kid to offer to be friends with her. There were some snobby kids at my school. We were friends all throughout school.

Needhelp, my husbands grandmother was like that. She didn’t cook by the time I met her but she was always trying to feed us when we visited. We’d politely decline and she would still put cookies or a banana in front of us :)
she didn’t work, but her husban did, he did irrigation for agriculture companies.

My whine moment today.....

Took my youngest shopping for school clothes yesterday. Today cleaning out my sons dresser, pulling out everything that it is too small or doesn’t get work, so they can be donated. I found a pair of grey dress slacks and thought “hmmm....I don’t remember these?”. Put them in the donation bag and moved on. When I got to the closet, I found a dress shirt & navy blue vest and it hit me. The slacks, shirt & vest are the suit he wore to MILs funeral last June! Then I had flashbacks to the day we bought that suit & the well meaning Macy’s saleswoman who smiled & asked if we were going to a graduation and how I could barely get out the word “no”.......

I put the suit in the donation bag and now I feel slightly guilty. Like maybe I should keep it. I tend to keep things the kids wore on holidays or special occasions.


Does the suit still fit him? Did he like it or was it an article of clothing that he intended to wear just that one time? Can it be altered? Is it just a sentimental thing for you?

I feel like a slave without a Thank You

Speaking about not understand some people when they talk, why do young people talk so fast? Half the time I can't understand them. I remember my boss saying to one on the phone "do you have a bus to catch?" which that young person probably had no clue what my boss was referencing.

My Mom had issues with people who had different accents here in the U.S. For the life of her, she just couldn't understand anyone who spoke with a heavy Boston accent, a thick New York accent, or a very southern drawl. Mom never could communicate with my then mother-in-law who grew up in France and moved to North Carolina as a war bride, it was an interesting wonderful blended accent :)

Oh well, I can't understand what singers are saying in some of today's music :P


Yes! I have to tell my daughters to slow down occasionally. They do speak too fast at times.

Cali, I wouldn't feel bad about donating the suit. It's associated with sad memories, and I'm sure you and your children would rather remember the happy occasions. Besides, someone else's kid might use it for something different and create a more positive memory associated with it.

Speaking of accents, I read a news story a few weeks ago in Georgia, where a mom ordered a cake for her daughter's 26th birthday. Her daughter liked the Disney character Moana, so she asked them to make the cake with a Moana theme on it. Well apparently, due to the woman's thick southern accent and her daughter's age, they thought she said marijuana instead of Moana, and they received a cake with a big pot leaf and a stoned looking My Little Pony graphic on it, saying happy birthday with the daughter's name. Talk about a misunderstanding lol. The woman who ordered it was understanding and the store was apologetic it sounds like.


😂 hahaha too funny!

Walking on egg shells ...


My husband’s grandma was such a witch with a horrible disposition that when we went out to dinner, her grandsons would tell her to order a cocktail thinking that maybe she would chill out some! Hahaha, but she never ordered a drink. She needed more than booze, probably more than pot, she needed heavy duty drugs!

She was the most miserable person that I ever knew. She once told everyone that her “hair” hurt! What? Being a naive 20 something at the time I said, “Your hair is dead! How can it hurt? Do you mean your scalp?” Oh boy, she let me have it! From that day forward I decided to just nod and say ‘yes’ to whatever crap that came out of her mouth.

She was so awful to everyone and I do mean everyone. We were offered her home after she died and I turned it down because she was so mean that I thought she would haunt it! I should have taken it, beautiful home in uptown New Orleans, and just had a priest come and bless it! Drown it in holy water! Use a ton of incense!

A house blessing in the Catholic Church is like a mini exorcism. It’s actually a beautiful prayer that is a blessing and a prayer of protection.


I have felt like that before. Hugs!

Frazzled, I'm sorry, but I about pee from laughing so hard! I bet that woman was not happy!

NHWM, sounds like some of my family members! Lol


Yep, no one has a ‘perfect’ family.

Oh my Lord, some of the things that woman (hubby’s grandma) said! Once, I took her to lunch in a fancy place. What a mistake that was!!!

This was a place in uptown New Orleans, okay. Everyone dresses up to go there, ‘fine dining’ restaurant.

Anyway, I made the dumb mistake of asking her how was she feeling? I never made that mistake again before eating! She tells me, “Oh, terrible! I have tightness of the stool!” The man at the next table was just about to eat his delicious meal and I saw that he had a disgusted look on his face and he put his fork down. Poor guy.

I guess she was telling me that she was constipated. Instead of ‘loose bowels’, she had, ‘tightness of the stool!’ She spoke very loudly and it was a small intimate upscale restaurant. Let me tell you, I wanted to crawl under the table!

Hey, I have nuts on my side too! My godmother used to ask people when they walked back to the table after going to the ladies room, “Did everything come out okay?” LOL.

NO FILTER! Old people have absolutely no freakin filter.

Cmagnum,,, I get what you are saying about the English being able to be spoken by workers in this country ( and yep, I know I am going to be called racist). I work in the medical field, and lately so many of our new hires are from other countries. And I work in the ICU, where directions and such are kind of important.. LOL. A lot of us have complained that we can't even understand the report we are being given,, so how do they expect the Pts to get it? I came in one morning to find a Pt on some "unusual" settings.. asked my Dr what the heck this was all about? The poor Dr was so upset,, "The guy just kept telling me something, and I didn't understand any of it, so I just figured he knew what he was talking about!" It can get very scarey in some jobs!

Was so tired earlier that I went to bed at 8:00. Now I am up in the middle of the night and I feel like smacking my husband because he is snoring so loudly! I don’t hear his snoring when I fall asleep first but if I wake up he sounds like a freakin freight train!

Later on is my support group for caregivers led by a wonderful social worker held at an assisted living facility. I’m going to be tired for the meeting tonight. I am just glad to have found one that meets at night after my husband gets home.

Every time I go, I wish my mom were living there instead of being in my home. Recently, when she was in the SNF for rehab it was incredibly depressing! Some of those residents had such a hard time, no visitors at all, they would cry out to me saying, “help me!” Oh, just horrible. I would cry on my way home. I’d get home and tell my husband to just shoot me if things ever get that bad for me.

Lots of whine moments today....

First. Today I FELL. In front of the credit union walking back to my car. I don’t know how or why it happened, one minute I was walking toward the car, watching my kids talking in the backseat. Next thing I know, I am falling forward! Went straight down and hit my left hip and elbow. My hip is going to be sore tomorrow, that’s for sure. The older you get, the harder you go down. I don’t know if I should be worried now.....I guess if it happens again, I best get my butt in to the doctor!

Second. When I was at my parents house last week, they said they wanted to take us to Disneyland. Because all these years they’ve done so much for my brother and nothing for me. Because I don’t ask them for anything. So they wanted to do this for my parent. So At moms request, I did all the research, found discounted tickets and rooms at The Grand Californian. Picked 3 possible dates to go. My dad is always down to go to Disneyland and we were all excited. Then Mom calls yesterday and tells me she has bad news-Disney is off, dad doesn’t want to go. Says he was going on and on about it, and something about not wanting to go in November when it’s cold. It won’t be cold in November but....whatever. I think he’s trying to stop smoking so maybe he’s back on the patch this week and that has something to do with it. Either way I am disappointed, this would have been our last vacation with them. Mom is getting to the point where she can’t travel anymore. Dad is slowing down too and has been having some health issues. I am not looking forward to telling my kids either is what it is.

And I must make a confession. I am left feeling a bit resentful. Warning-I am going to bring up inheritances and please understand, I feel horrible for even having these thoughts but I must get them out. I don’t want anything from my parents. I want them to use their assets to live their best lives until the die they die. When they had the trust created, it said any money and the proceeds from the sale of the house would be split evenly between my brother & I. And I would get my dads 66 Corvette (because he knew I would cherish it & it would stay in the family. My brother would just sell it). My brother would get all my dads guns. My dad totaled the Corvette in June and it’s long gone. And that’s ok. I’m just glad my dad wasn’t seriously injured. I am a bit sad about the car because it had sentimental value and I would have loved to have something that meant so much to my dad. But what really bothers me is that my brother is still going to get all those damn guns that I wish didn’t even exist! And he’s been talking my dad in to buying more guns and gun parts.......neither of them is mentally competent IMHO and have no business even owning guns. So I admit it, I feel resentful that the gun collection he will get is continuing to grow and he’ll get it all one day and I get....nothing. And I feel like such a jerk for even thinking about inheritances. I used to feel resentful because my parents provided all my brothers financial support all these years. He’s 35 and worked 1 year in his life. One year. They buy all his clothes, food, alcohol, cigarettes, pay for his dental work. Paid for his car. Pay his car insurance. Everything. He has never gone without in 35 years because my parents pay for everything! So I was resentful for along time because I wasn’t getting anything. I have had ZERO financial help all these years. I paid for my own education. So all these same feelings of resentment have come back and I hate it! I don’t know how to let go and get over it. I don’t know how to reconcile my feelings over this :(

I hear you, Cali. It felt like with mom that I got penalized for being the responsible one, while my sister always had someone to bail her out of her messes. I get that maybe she worried about my sister more, whereas she knew I would be okay, but it seemed she always expected more out of me because my husband and I are able to take care of ourselves and didn't ask for anything. I always felt like, "Gee, maybe if I would have just become a bum too, I'd have a free ride and no worries." But it's just not in my makeup.

Cali, I understand your situation. Some people are givers and some people are takers.

Worried, I hope you are okay from the fall.

It does suck that the Corvette is gone and yes it sucks that your brother will have something from dad. Maybe you should talk to whatever parent you are close to about giving you something that means something to you. It could be a small thing.

Now about your brother, has it ever a cure to you that when your parents leave this world your brother will not have a clue how to navigate through this world? Really...think about it! He has no idea on how much it cost for his life style! No matter how big or small it is. People like us who had to stand on our own two feet early in life and pay for our education and cars, housing, clothes, and bills are way better off even when it doesn't feel like it!

You'll see...just give it time!

Frazzled, I’ve had similar thoughts over the years but like you, it’s just not in my blood. MIL was the same way with my BIL, she always helped him out financially because she felt he needed her help but she would have never done it for my husband. She held him to a higher standard. It doesn’t help that about 10 years ago, a flyer was sent out to all city residents with a list of city employees who made over a certain amount of money. My husband was on that list. My MIL showed it to us and said she had no idea he made that much money and that he made for than her & her partner did. The thing is, the amount on the flyer included the cost of his benefits package. And the amount he actually took home was nowhere near the amount on the flyer. But that changed things definitely and she wouldn’t even buy things for our kids because she felt we could afford all that they need. And when she died, my husband still got the short end of the stick. SIL had a $90k loan forgiven & ah equal share. BIL got an equal share too despite all money given to him over the years and the car she bought him.

Thanks Shell, I’m alright but already feeling the affects. My back is hurting again, on the right side, same side I pulled a muscle 18 months ago & keep aggravating. Hip is sore but I’m ok. It could have been much worse! I see now why falls are so bad for elders. I see now why a fall often results in a broken hip.

Yes it has occured to me that when my folks are gone, he will have no clue how to navigate the world! My mom and I have that conversation at least once a year. This last visit I told her I really don’t know what he’s thinking. I said “either he thinks you and dad will live forever or he thinks he’s in for a big inheritance”. I know he can’t possibly think they will live forever! He sees every day how sick my mom is. He knows my dad is having serious health issues and is not in the best shape either. I don’t know if he thinks he’ll be allowed to live in the house when they are gone? If he does, it just shows how clueless he is. How does he expect to pay all the utilities and property taxes & homeowners insurance without a job? I know this—he has no idea what the cost of living is. He will lose his Medicaid and either have to pay out the wazoo for insurance or he’ll get hit with huge medical bills when his alcoholism puts him in the hospital again. It’s a given he’s going to start blowing any money he gets so while....whatever he gets after the house sells could last him for A good 5 years, i know it won’t. He doesn’t know anything about managing money and I know he’s going to blow right through it instead of budgeting a monthly amount to spend so it lasts longer. and to be honest I don’t understand why parents continue to enable him instead of kicking him out & making him survive on his own. They both know that once they are gone, no one will be supporting him. They won’t be able to support him financially once they are gone.....


Sorry about the fall. Hope you will feel better as quickly as possible. Hugs! Sounds like you’ve been through the mill. So sorry. Hang in there!

You’re a tough cookie!

Worried, sorry to say, your brother doesn't see how sick your mom is because 1) he sees her everyday but doesn't really see her, 2) he is an alcoholic therefore it is not registering in his brain. He probably thinks he will get enough money to pay all the bills and be able to live off his inheritance for the rest of his life.

I learn from being in therapy that when parents enable a child it has nothing to do with the child--it has everything to do with the parents--it makes them feel better.

Just today my mother found out that my brother is moving to another section 8 apartment and she is so upset, disspite that she is not doing well, she is upset because she doesn't want him to move and feels like he is making a mistake. She is mad because she has no say in the matter. Not saying this is anything like with your parents and brother. But anyways, I had to tell her it is his mistake and you can't control him anymore. For the love of God, he is 52 yrs old let him make a decision for once in his life. And of course, she has to because she has no way of stopping him and I am not going to. Not my job!

I think your parents enable your brother because it make them feel better.

And yes it sucks getting old because when we fall, we just didn't bounce back like we use to:(

Shell, that makes total sense! My mom absolutely feels better enabling my brother. My dad probably does too but he also wants my brother out of the house. He wanted to give him $5k to leave but my mom put the kabosh on that when she pointed out, and she’s not wrong, that it wouldn’t last him very long since he has no job! I just don’t understand how it got to this point. Well actually after reading what you wrote, I think I’m starting to understand. Even though we weren’t raised to be takers, we were raised to believe that nothing was owed to us, that we had to work for what we wanted and that there were consequences to our is far easier for my mom to let my brother be a taker and not have to suffer the consequences of his actions. It was easier to be the enabler when he was released from the youth authority many years ago. Because when he’s under her roof, she doesn’t have to worry about him! It has nothing to do with him and everything to do with her. And I can’t fault her for that, I can’t be mad at her. I hate the situation and the fact that their golden years are anything but golden because of him.

I never thought about the alcoholism clouding his judgement that way and making him unable to see her real condition. I do believe he thinks he’ll be provided for for the rest of his life even after they are gone but that has to be in part because he’s generally clueless about how life works and what the cost of living is!

Now you see it! Unfortunately, our mother's enable our brother that crippled them just to feel better.

Like you, my brother and I was taught you have to work to get what you need and want, however as my mother gave my brother more and more he became entitle. The same thing probably happen with your brother. And our brothers never can hold on to money because they don't value or respect it!

My MIL enabled her drug addicted 55 yr. old daughter so much it sent daughter into the grave. I don't know what part of tough love she never understood. When I said something after one of many troubles SIL caused with her drug addiction, the in-laws always said "We can't say anything"...When I asked "Why not?" I was met with silence. I was always the bad guy who just didn't like poor SIL in their eyes. Now 89 yr. old mother in law can't handle her daughter's death from an overdose 2 years ago. She makes up a story that SIL had a lung disease which caused her death. Now my husband is the only child and we are now having to help MIL, which SIL law was supposed to do living there. We were lied to that she was clean. The story before when SIL got cars and money was that she was living there to "take care of his mother". Instead she used the car, money, and sob stories to get back on drugs. MIL even gave SIL the birthday money that bought the drugs that killed her. This is the worst case of denial I have ever seen. In-laws refused to listen. It becomes some sort of co-dependency that can turn into tragedy.


I get it. My brother was hooked on heroin at 13. It breaks my heart. That long ago, parents didn’t think to speak to children about drugs. No drug education in schools either. Not excusing, just stating facts.

He fell in with a kid at school, (a wealthy kid) that wanted to try it and talked my brother into it. They both became hooked. It’s not just ghetto areas where drugs are taken, like people used to think. My neighborhood was a nice upper middle class area.

My point is some parents just don’t know how to understand the situation. First and foremost they love their kids. They come from a hush hush era and have no frame of reference. They made mistakes. All parents make mistakes just like all kids do. I hated my parents at one time because of feeling invisible to them. My brother took all of their attention. When I got older I could see how difficult it was for them.

Thank God, people are more open about discussing topics now. There were no support groups for us in that day.

There was shame involved. Truth be told, it’s a disease. A very tough disease. We have to remove the shame so people will feel incentive to get help and their families get the support they need.

It takes the majority of people several rehab attempts to become clean. My brother is dead now too. I forgave him. Yes, it’s hard but it became harder for me to stay angry and not forgive. It’s a complicated situation. I see all sides. Just telling how I feel. No one has to agree.

It’s horrible for everyone involved and some unfortunately some never figure it out. It is a tragedy.

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