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Need, I think in the case of my SIL, that there was so much competition among my MIL and her sisters as to who had the smartest, prettiest, more dutiful, etc. kids, that they kept this so secret for fear the rest of the extended family would find out, that they began to deny the problem themselves. It is most hurtful now when MIL tells my husband he didn't "take care of his sister", like it was his fault when it was she who gave her money and denied the addiction in her daughter. He lived far away working and getting his own life together, and frankly the addict will avoid those that are on to them. She was a master of covering her tracks. No pun intended. The parents knew what was going on and bailed her out and covered for her every time. This problem does transcend all socio-economic levels. I am always glad when families today talk about the problem and seek help when it becomes too much to handle, which it does.


Yes, that can easily happen. I understand that can occur. Sometimes there is unhealthy competition within families. There is denial too. Not always on purpose. Sometimes it is in order to emotionally survive.

Oh yes I do agree with the irritation about 3 big meals a day ! Unreal! Mom wants 3 meals a day to be served to her!its 11:30 am and they are like I guess there is NO FOOD TODAY....oh I guess I do not get coffee today!! About 2 months ago I would put Aunties wheelchair up to kitchen table auntie auntie would pick up her spoon beat it on the table and scream DADADADAD!! DADADADAD!!WHERES THE FOOD OVER AND OVER UNTIL I GOT HER FOOD IN FRONT OF HER!!I LOVE TO BUY FAST FOOD FOR THEM BOTH BECAUSE THERE IS NO MESS TO CLEAN UP!!! and I never felt guilty!! They LOVE IT!! LOLHAHA they really are something else !! Arent they....


I wish that you and I could meet for a gourmet dinner somewhere! If anyone deserves it we do! I cook every single day! I know you do a lot for your aunt. I have done more than my share for mom. Hell, we deserve to go on a luxury cruise after all of this, watch the waves in the ocean, the blue sky during the day, the stars at night, etc, etc, etc. be waited on hand and foot! An all expenses paid trip! I’m dreaming of it. Are you? Hahaha

Tired of waking up in the middle of the night to change mom along with the sheets! It’s just too much!

Need help

have you tried layering two or three Chux ? Not the disposable ones, but the washable ones? You can find them on Amazon

if mom wets through the top one even during a diaper change then it can be rolled up and replaced with a new one while the sheets are still protected

you will still have laundry but nowhere near as badly as changing sheets in the middle of the night

Never have used those. I will look into that. Thanks! I have Amazon prime.

Needhelp: "luxury cruise after all of this, watch the waves in the ocean, the blue sky during the day, the stars at night, etc". Oh yesss!!!

I don't necessarily need total luxury, just a ferry will do as long as there is blue sky & sea :)

I met 2 longtime caregivers recently (worked alt shifts). When the very elderly elder they were caring for was made palliative after surgery for a very nasty broken leg, they booked their cruise (or was it a tropical island escape?) Elder was hardly verbal, hardly eating, unable to move for weeks... but then survived - but would be bedbound til the end of days. That cruise was keeping them going for sure.

Start collecting brochures & sticking them inside your cupboards (like Shirley Valentine).



Yes, I was just dreaming BIG! Hey, I will jump on that ferry with you, if you don’t mind. I like the way you think. Love your response!


Hahaha. No! Don’t even think that! A senior cruise? Hell, NO!

I’ve never even been on a cruise. Travelled, yes but never got around to a cruise. I was just thinking it would be lovely to have everything planned, nothing to decide or alter, just pure relaxation! Well, deciding what cocktails to order would be fun!

Been following heartbreaking news out of my parents area this morning. Some heartless person ran down a well known neighbor out walking his 5 dogs (whippets) early this morning just before 7am! None of them survived-the man died and law enforcement had to euthanize 4 of of the dogs at the scene. Just horrible. Many of the residents would see him out walking his dogs every day :(

That's AWFUL, Worried - what about the man, was he killed too? Is there any security footage, will they catch the [many rude words deleted] driver?

Oh world :(

The man died too CM :*(

The sheriff’s department & highway patrol will ask residents to check their cameras. I hope the residents there have them. It sounds like ring doorbell cameras are popular there. They say the suspect was probably driving an 80s or 90s model GMC SUV, van or truck. But that’s about all they know right now.

I suppose... if all my dogs got hit by a hit-and-run driver I'd rather he got me too.

But what a wicked thing to have done. I hope they catch him.

That is horrible and sad! Good grief what is this world coming to?! 😥

I feel the same way CM. Just take us all out together! I couldn’t handle it if my fur babies got hit by a car.

Well they have a suspect vehicle! Video footage of a late 80s to early 90s blue Chevy suburban is what it looks like to me. Driving past the little shopping center across from my parents subdivision.

shell I know right? Just awful. I wish I could say it’s rare that these things happen but they happen all the time in this world :(

How sad! What a sad story.

People have been poisoning dogs at local parks here. Leaving meat products around for unsuspecting dogs to eat.

I'm seriously starting to think everyone is losing their mind. I look at people now differently. Some guy at one of our local malls was going around sticking people with a hypodermic needle. Twice recently someone has been driving the wrong way down a one way street and killed pedestrians on the sidewalk.

If I went on a cruise I'd probably catch the Norwalk virus.

Oh and today I went for an eye exam and he says I am a glaucoma suspect cause I have higher eye pressure readings and one of my optic nerves is odd.
I was told this 5 years ago too and was panicking everyday but it turned out that I have thicker corneas so that's why my readings were high and I was probably born with my optic nerve this way so I'm not going to let myself go down the panic road (YET)

I'm scheduled for a visual field test and eye mapping etc. just to get a baseline of my eyes.

Should I start wearing full armor when I go out?

I loved the movie Shirley Valentine

poor coworker collapsed while getting lunch this week
bldg security performed cpr til medics arrived -

if it was me not sure I’d want Cpr
- he’s in icu and sedated

Good news! The suspect was arrested this evening around 5pm. It’s confirmed, the victim is the older gentlemen with the 5 whippets, he was 59.

Great! He deserves to be arrested!

Gershun, I feel the same way about this world. My Bishop has stated that we forgot how to be human because their is a whole generation that grew up with technology. They didn't have to interact with eachother such face-to-face as we did therefore, not learning social behaviors:(

Worried, That is great news!


Smart Bishop! So very true!

I find past generations were more independent because we interacted more in society. Of course there are pluses to technology. We are not going back now. Those days are gone forever. My husband makes his living in the tech field. My house always has some device in the developmental stage that he is developing or testing for the market.

When I am bored I like to freak mom out by telling Alexa to beam me up and she plays the Star Trek theme. Hahaha. I can’t take the chronic anxiety with her of the time so to break the monotony I suppose I am a bit naughty at times. Hahaha. I also freak her out with a few other hi tech things that I learned from hubby. 😂

I like computers, IPhones, etc. But I like people too. I make a big effort to see friends and family as much as possible. And I like to seek out new people - library groups, AAUW, UMaine alumni groups, athletic booster (I still support high school athletic groups in which my son participated 20 years ago), volunteer at nursing home, League of Women Voters, etc. I went thru a period when I lived with my mother where I was isolated, didn’t like it and made my escape.

I am not on Facebook as there is too much lying and fighting, etc. Never have been. I have "friends" or had them for 30 years and suddenly nothing. In the old days if someone did not have a phone, friends would use another communication medium like writing letters to stay in touch. People have become really disappointing and very shallow. I like to hope that somewhere out there not everyone is this way. It is as though the medium of Facebook is more important than a 30-40 yr. friendship.
I also keep hearing that people are inherently good.....then I see the horrible news and just don't believe that. I wish there were a way to spot kind humans....

I have a couple of old friends who no longer contact anyone. Not just me. They say they post on social media only. I find that strange. But to each is own.

I don't like Facebook either. Cancelled my account years ago, and Facebook still has all my information and pictures and won't delete them. I regret ever posted my personal information and family pictures there.

Yahoo/Google and many other free email and internet services scan and store my emails. Phone apps want to have access to my texts and messages if I want to install them on my phone.

What the heck! Can't I have any privacy anymore?

That's my gripe/whine for today.


Hey, I’m an oddball that doesn’t have Facebook, never did. My kids have it. My husband and I never have.

My husband makes his living in the tech world but he could care less about social media. His company is on Facebook but that’s different. That’s marketing.

I find it interesting watching a family of 4 in a restaurant with their phones on the table not talking to one another but texting each other. That’s just weird!

Everything has it’s place, pros and cons, for sure but we have undoubtedly lost communication skills. It’s rare to receive a hand written note these days or receive phone calls instead of texts or emails.

The only thing I have to whine about today is two flies that keep pestering me. My husband keeps shooting rubber bands at them, to no avail. Then he wants me to fetch the rubber band. He keeps saying “I wounded him!” Um, not yet.
I guess it’s a pretty good day after all.

Also a member of the no Facebook club. Have no desire to start an account. I don't like the idea of the whole world knowing my business or seeing my photographs.

Too many cases of family photos, especially of young girls, being "grabbed" and use on websites that aren't family oriented, if you know what I mean. We talked to sig other's grown daughter about her photos of her daughters until we were blue in the face..... she continued, as she just HAD to be on Facebook.

Heck, recently I took myself off of Linkedin because I noticed the community was more like a popularity contest and a job opening website. Neither of which I was interested. Wiped out everything before I deleted my account.

I do have photos on Ancestry, but I am also careful to use only decade olds photos of relatives. Love the photos from the late 1800's :) Interesting in very old wedding photos where no one smiles.... it took too long for the flash powder to work !!

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