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DH has an appointment with a neurologist next week to take a look at all the imaging and test results. He's feeling much better; thank you all for your concern.


I see. I used to have neighbors that constantly had loud parties after midnight. Once when we reported them we found out half of the neighborhood reported them. Didn’t call 911 though. Just our local police. That house had tons of parties. They never did stop having late night parties. The next weekend they would have another late night party! Police would come out again. Thank God they finally moved.

Oh, one time their son set one of his school test papers on fire in his truck and caught the truck on fire. That time the fire department came out. Thank God the kid was okay. He was afraid to show his dad the he got an F on his test.

BarbB, so sorry that your hubby has been experiencing such scary symptoms, and that the ER stay was so prolonged, I do hope that they get to the bottom of it and fast! He is very lucky to have you in his corner, and I'll bet you both are exhausted! Try to rest now, and hopefully his symptoms will subside, but follow up is important! Take Care!

NHWM and freqflyer, I was using the Google personal assistant “Cortana” while my sister was driving to a restaurant (I was supposedly the navigator). Cortana took us right past the restaurant onto a bridge, on the middle of which she blurted “I don’t think I can help you!” My sister cracked up and said she had NEVER heard a voice assistant do that.

Barb, I hope your DH is okay. 23 hours in the ER is insane.


Funny! Haven’t heard that one either. Not familiar with Cortana.

I would have laughed though like your sister.

My daughter got an alert on her app from her university police concerning safety. Apparently someone was spotted on campus with a gun.

A janitor on campus spotted a man carrying a gun and immediately reported it to the campus police.

The alert went out to everyone to take cover. The news spread throughout the university. My daughter freaked out.

Turns out the man carrying the gun on campus was an undercover cop! Wouldn’t you think in these times of mass shootings that he wouldn’t cause suspicion like that and throw the entire university into panic mode? However, the university cops were on it and did a great job getting the message out that indeed a man with a gun was on campus.

So sad, that students have to be aware at all times because of mass shootings that have occurred in daycares all the way through to universities. Breaks my heart.

It's a very scary world we live in and I am heartbroken about it too.
I live in Springfield Mo. and we had a man go into our Walmart here and he had guns and over a hundred rounds of ammunition and an off duty fireman held him at gunpoint till the police got there.The "shooter" was a boy,in his 20's.He said he wanted to see if his gun rights were honored just 5 days after the mass shooting in El Paso.He scared everyone in the store so badly.
Just a trip to Walmart.....


Oh my word. That is truly disturbing!

Remember, the term ‘postal’? Post office workers. Now, Walmart killers? Just strange, don’t you think?

All killings, killings in churches freak me out. Movie theaters, schools, concerts, is anywhere truly safe?

Hey, here in New Orleans, killings happen on any random street corner. Not just bad neighborhoods anymore.

We’ve had rapes in the backs of churches. Cameras are placed in some of our churches inside and outside.

Killings at some of our parades. It’s crazy!

Carjackings freak me out too. Some of that is they steal a car to commit a crime like a robbery and then they ditch the car. A cop told me just about every car that is stolen is now found. Cars are not stolen by chop shops anymore because cars are built so differently today, all computerized.

A pregnant woman here in Vancouver got carjacked just the other day.

I told Sendme that there are a couple of guys who work out in my gym that give me the creeps. I don't know why. There is just something off about both of them.

I think we are taking a risk every time we step outside but what's the alternative.

Just pray and ask God to be our Rock and Comforter. That's the only way.

Gershun, I won't ever forget reading a medical journal back in 1983 (it must have been, just married) and being aghast at the statistic that the second-commonest cause of death among women in the *third* trimester of pregnancy in Florida was... gunshot wounds.

DH, as he was at the time, did point out that one thought to take away from this was that in our privileged era death caused by anything among heavily pregnant women is pretty rare in itself, which is good. But all the same.

Who're shooting these pregnant women? Their husbands?

That's what I wanted to know - whether they were the targets or perhaps caught in crossfire, whether the shootings were accidental or deliberate; but honestly this was just mentioned almost in passing (the article was about obstetrics, not about violence or law enforcement) and there weren't any more details.

I wonder how the majority of people will be voting in the upcoming election. I think most people truly want better gun laws. It’s just too easy to purchase a gun.

The days are noticeably shorter, the weather here has been sharply cooler and September is just around the corner. Apparently "autumn anxiety" is a real thing🤔🙁

I have autumn anticipation. Love it - but not what comes after...

Golden, I love autumn too, but not so much what comes after. By Christmas I’m wanting spring. But you do have your kitties to keep you entertained

I actually like the Fall weather too... the wind and the colours and the crunchy leaves under foot. That doesn't stop the feeling of dread I get when the seasons start to change though.

99 degrees today, I hate that kind of heat!!!

Tomorrow forecast about 74 degrees, can't wait!

Driving north on 95 to get to NY to thankfully get last bit of stuff before a closing. We were just on the verge of renting when a true buyer came forth. Terrible market in alot of NY so while we aren't thrilled with the price we are happy to get out. We moved to SC for retirement and cost of AL there is easily half from what was costing my mother comparable facility. Scrunched in the back seat and probably not making proper sentence construction. So happy these trips will soon be over.

I'm so thrilled for you, Riverdale!!!!!!

A Song of the Weather by Flanders & Swann

January brings the snow,
Makes your feet and fingers glow.

February's ice and sleet
Freeze the toes right off your feet.

Welcome, March, with wint'ry wind,
Would thou wert not so unkind.

April brings the sweet spring showers,
On and on for hours and hours.

Farmers fear unkindly May,
Frost by night and hail by day.

June just rains and never stops,
Thirty days and spoils the crops.

In July the sun is hot.
Is it shining? - No it's not.

August, cold and dank and wet,
Brings more rain than any yet.

Bleak September's mist and mud,
Is enough to chill the blood.

Then October adds a gale,
Wind and slush and rain and hail.

Dark November brings the fog,
Should not do it to a dog.

Freezing wet December, then...
Bloody January again!

Reprise: January brings the snow,
Makes your feet and fingers glow!

It's not really as bad as all that, but this ditty (tune on YouTube) is fun and a lot easier to remember than "season of mists and mellow fruitfulness blah blah blah" (sorry Keats)

Summer, Winter, Spring and Fall,
We appreciate them all.

From inside the air conditioned house, that is.

Yesterday was very hot here, 92 degrees, although the forecast said 84. Hah! Today's forecast... 84 again. Yeah. Right. I might hit the pool again. My house is so hot because we have no AC. We're looking to put in a whole house fan. Anyone has one in your house?


I hate the cold! I prefer the warm weather.

Years ago we didn’t have central air and heat. There were window fans. We survived. I am not familiar with whole house fans. Explain how it works, please.

We had no air conditioners in church or school, nowhere. Nowadays air conditioning is expected. I find people over use air conditioning, if we dress for the heat outdoors, we still have to carry a sweater or jacket for indoors.

I want spring and fall all year long! Hahaha, I’m dreaming. I live in a swamp! New Orleans is a freakin swamp! Long hot, humid summers! Short winters and hardly any spring and fall. Because of the humidity, when it is cold it goes straight to our bones. I hate it!

We don’t get the fall colors in New Orleans. I wish that we did. I loved vacationing in New England during the fall. It’s so beautiful.

I will take the long summer over the long snowy winters up north! Brrrrrrrr, I couldn’t handle that.

NHWM - I prefer Fall and Spring, too. Lovely Fall colors and Spring flowers.

About the whole house fan, it's installed in the attic, and works like a powerful vacuum sucking the hot air inside the house and venting it out through the roof, pulling cooler outside air in through the doors and windows. Works best in the late afternoon when outside air is much cooler. It costs a lot less than a conventional AC system. A whole house fan costs about $1500 on average vs. $15,000 for a central air system.

My mother is ear r*beeep*ing me all day. She keeps saying: "I can barelly see the screen. Let me at least hear it."

I understand that but she demands me to stay at her side the whole day - and today it was at least five hours watching Netflixlike streaming on her tablet. I feel like my ears are bleeding.

I am getting to the age where the heat gets to me, big time. I love spring and fall, and I would even like winter if I didn't have to drive in the snow ( I work 54 miles away, 3 days a week) This summer of 90s was killing me, even walking the dog was a chore. This weekend it was beautiful, in the 70 and low 80s so since Mom is at Aunts we ran away to the river house for 3 days.. it was wonderful there!

I’m not crazy about the heat either, at least not when it’s humid (like now.) So now if the heat bugs me, I remember that it won’t last long, and all too soon the dreaded months of February, March and April will arrive - cold, dreary months around these parts with no holidays to lighten the mood. I know I will spend those months longing for July.

Am I the only one that likes warm weather? I truly cannot tolerate the cold. I suppose I am a southern woman through and through.

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