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That’s interesting. I would like that because I get so cold in the air conditioning. I snuggle up in a blanket. My husband hubby likes the house cooler than I do.


Cute song lyrics. I love Robert Frost poems about nature. I love really good song writing and poetry on any topic.

PB- We had a whole house fan, I miss it they work great.
I aim to have it put back after we finish remodeling some things. But I recommend, I liked it.

Hot or cold,I wear a jacket inside the house all year round.
I got used to it when Mom was still here.She couldn't breathe with her COPD and was on oxygen and we had to keep the house cooler and a fan on her all the time while she sat in her liftchair bundled up with her blankets and heating pads.

I live in north central Maine on a lake. Moved here the first time from Wilmington NC becauseI hated the heat. Now I’ve bought a second home further north in CA directly on the water, so that I always have a good breeze. I don’t like a lot of snow and polar weather. But I do like it cooler and love the shorter summers in Maine and CA.

I like the warm weather too. I can handle the heat much, much better than the cold. Winter has me wishing I could just stay wrapped up in a blanket and hibernate. I dread having to get out and freeze. However, I will say that like it or not we need a good freeze here to kill out all the bugs. Wasps, ants, spiders, mosquitoes, ugh! They've all been bad this year between the heat, lots of rain here and a TON of humidity.

I too like warm over cold. I am cold natured. Even in summer I will have a sweater on in AC. Everyone always says aren't you hot. I say no I am freezing. I miss CA where I grew up, not the same winters as here, brrrr! but winter is fast approaching. Sigh

I despise the cold weather!

I’ve often wondered where I would go if I had a chance to move.

Here in Louisiana there are hurricanes. California has earthquakes and fires. Hawaii has volcanoes. Other places have tornadoes and flooding. We all have something!

As far as beauty goes, I adore California, the ocean, the scenic drive along Hwy 1, everything grows there! Beautiful produce and flowers and those spectacular redwoods!

I adore NY. So much to do! The museums, seeing a play, fantastic restaurants, Central Park for long walks and on and on and on.

New England is so beautiful in the fall. We don’t have the fall colors here in Louisiana so what a treat! It looked like God took a paint brush and painted the trees red, gold and orange. Just breathtakingly beautiful!

I love Florida and spent time there every summer as a kid. My daddy grew up in the Panama City Beach area.

I love Sedona in Arizona. Those red rock formations! The climate is better there than the warmer areas of AZ. Climate wasn’t as hot in Flagstaff either. Of course we drove to the Grand Canyon and there are no words that adequately describe the incredible views.

I love the mountains. I honeymooned in the Rocky Mountains. But I do hate the cold so I couldn’t live year round with long winters.

I love coastal areas. I’m happy around water. We have lakes and rivers in Louisiana. The water isn’t pretty here.

Our lake Pontchartrain is not beautiful like Lake Tahoe is. I loved hiking there. I am fortunate to know someone who owns a house right on the lake and owns a boat too! So much fun! That lake is so pristine, so beautiful!

What do you like and not like about your area?

New Orleans does have phenomenal food and music. Great people too! Interesting history and culture. We are not ‘anywhere USA.’ We are unique.

We love our jazz fest and Mardi Gras. Down side, crime, long hot summers, hurricanes, flooding in certain areas, mosquitoes, rotten public schools, etc.

I loved traveling before mom came to live here. I miss it.

I’m a SoCal native and thought I’d never leave but somehow it is no longer seeming like a viable option for retirement if that will ever be possible

this was always the week we went to Lake Tahoe with mom and my niece and her mom /
it was always a perfect 80 degrees and our last night was dinner atop the hill at sunset overlooking the lake and celebrating mom’s Labor Day birthday

MsMadge the sad reality for us Californians is that we cannot afford to retire here, not if we want to live comfortably. Our very dear friend who is more like a brother to my hubby will be moving to FL next year and it’s a 15% raise for him because there’s no state income tax. Most retirees we know have left the state after retiring & moved to states with a lower cost of living. I’m luck to be in the part of the state where the weather tends to be mild year round rather than blazing hot & I love the weather in Lake Tahoe during the summer because it’s a bit warmer than it is here on the coast, we were in Tahoe a month ago and I didn’t want to leave!

Need help, what do I love about my area? Md is a state of contrasts.. we have the ocean on one side, lots of state parks and mountians on the other, lakes and lots of history. I hate the humidity... But I love we are near WV, and the rivers there. I am more of a river and lake gal. My dream is to retire to NH, I would not mind the harsh winters when I don't have to drive anywhere. We spent many summers in the Squam Lake area renting a cabin. But as my DD lives here, and probably will not move, I guess we will remain in this area. WV is absolutely beautiful if you like the outdoors, and the cost of living is less in many areas. (yes it is a terribly poor state)

Today’s whine moment.....someone in a local Facebook group is seriously complaining because the firemen had the audacity to leave fire trucks’s engine running while they were putting out a fire at a care home. SMDH. Of all the things to complain about! She’s demandibg answers from fireman because they left the truck running, wasting gas and polluting. Again SMDH. It’s one thing to ask questions if you really don’t know but to complain about it? Really? I’m going to be equally as petty and complain here rather than comment on the post because a)I’m not a firefighter and b) my reply won’t be too nice. I can however answer her question. They left the truck running so they could pump water to put out the fire! If the engine isn’t running, they can’t pump water. It also controls the climate of the truck which is important if there are medications on board (our fire departments have a paramedic on each truck) as well. This is just like the people who complain about the cops blocking the road during an emergency call. When time is of the essence, there is no time to worry about parking in a designated parking spot! They need to get as close to the scene as possible and hop out of the car!

worriedinCA - what an idiot that woman is, an environmental zealot. I'm surprised she didn't demand that the firefighters come on bikes so as to keep from burning fuel, and not use water because CA has a water shortage.

When my parents retired they moved to northern Virginia because there is so much history and so many things to do. Even in their 80's they had mastered the subway system going into Wash DC.

The Commonwealth of Virginia is one of the best run States in the union, and that is because the Governor can only serve for one term. Thus the Governor needs to work quickly to get important things done. The State also is very generous to seniors when it comes to State income tax deductions. Real Estate property taxes are very reasonable.

The major drawback, house prices. Our average house prices are around $400k for a small older house,.... a two bedroom condo is around $250k. The closer one wants to live to Washington DC the higher the house prices. The subway system goes go out to the burbs now.

Excellent health care. Numerous outstanding hospitals. Just in my immediate area, there must be a half dozen urgent care centers.

Traffic isn't easy on the nerves. Standard excuse for being late for an appointment is that you were caught up in a motorcade :P

I also plan to remain here in the burbs. Lot of "Independent Living" senior facilities to choose from :)

Oh, and the weather is easy to deal with. No big storms, no flooding, light on the snow.


Virginia is nice. DC too. My favorite at the Smithsonian is the Air an Space museum. Well, that’s my generation. We got to watch the moon landing in our classroom. Sister brought in a television and we marveled at it.

Those dogwood trees are pretty there. They don’t grow well here.

My cousin is in the Mt Vernon area. He just retired. He may move back to New Orleans. He isn’t sure. When he left Tulane he went to NY, then DC. He misses NY. He visits NY as often as he can. Technically he is my cousin but my mom and dad raised him since he was 9. He’s more like a brother. He had to retire early due to his health. Heart attacks and surgery recently, colon cancer survivor too. He’s slowly getting his strength back.

Light snow is good! It’s pretty but a mess to drive in, huh? Lord, we hardly ever get a sprinkling of snow but when we do we don’t know how to drive in it. Horrible accidents because we are not the best drivers due to being inexperienced drivers in the snow.

Yeah, your subway system is great.


Don’t you find public transportation less stressful than driving in traffic? I do. Sometimes it’s easier. It’s not costly for public transportation. Very reasonably priced. Driving can be a headache! Do you people watch? My MIL loved people watching at the airport. Hahaha.

My cousin always walked in NY. He hated driving there. Public transportation or hiking in the city is best. He does the same in the DC area.

You know what I truly enjoyed seeing in DC. My friend recommended it to me and I loved seeing it. The Library of Congress, what a beautiful building!

All I can say is that I don’t want to die in New Jersey. It just isn’t home. But NYC doesn’t feel like “home” anymore, either. My husband likes it here but he’s the only thing keeping me here. Health care is pretty good here, though, and the ocean is pretty.
I assume I will end up in Florida like so many others up here do. But there is a town I have never been to, but keep tabs on: Townsend, TN. I think I might like to be in/near the Smoky Mountains. I visited a NC home in the mountains once and the view was breathtaking.

I never get to travel anymore. That’s my gripe or whine. I have always wanted to go whale watching.

Let me hear about anyone’s favorite spot for it. I can at least live it vicariously through all of you. Pacify me, please.

No one say SeaWorld, either. I mean out in nature. I don’t like whales being captured, or dolphins, etc.


I have family in Brick, NJ. Oh yes, the smokies are beautiful, especially in autumn.

Florida is nice. Don’t stay in NJ if you have the opportunity to move later and you really want to. Life is too short not to follow your heart. I wouldn’t mind considering living somewhere else too. I love New Orleans. Great memories and horrible ones too. Does that make sense? Should I think about leaving because of bad memories? Is that dumb?

Know what you mean about needing to feel at home. Since mom moved into my home. It doesn’t feel like home to me anymore either.


Geeeez, that woman is a nutcase!

Dizzy, I love the Smoky Mountains too, beautiful country out that way. Mom, my daughter and I took a trip to the eastern part of TN a few years ended up being the last trip mom and I took together before her health got worse. She had always wanted to see Dollywood, so we drove out that way and stayed at a beautiful little inn in the mountains close to all of the attractions. Clean, fresh air that smelled like pine trees, and a gorgeous view.

I have a post caregiving whine - I can't shake my addiction to the junk food I came to rely on during my caregiving years. I KNOW I shouldn't allow it in my house but it's so hard to avoid temptation, the salty snacks are opposite the dairy aisle, the candies and cookies share space with the crackers and breakfast foods, regular breads are surrounded by pies and cinnamon rolls, even the frozen desserts are grouped near the frozen vegetables! And then there are the end caps and the displays at the checkout, god help me if I shop when I haven't eaten.
Can you imagine how much easier it would be to avoid buying that stuff if it was sold in plain packaging or kept away in a special section of the store you need never visit or even restricted to special junk food retail stores, kind of like progressive areas treat tobacco? No bans, no extra taxes, just hide it away like the dirty little items they are.

Please lock up the bread isle up too. I got addicted to crumpets over winter... I can certainly see the results :(

NHWM, I’ve always thought that NOLA must be such a fascinating place. Maybe someday. I met a guy from Slidell once, and that’s as close to Louisiana as I’ve ever gotten.
Brick is 20 minutes from my town!

I can definitely see how bad memories could bind you to a town - those memories are part of your life. Maybe if, God willing, Ray is well enough to manage on his own for a few days, I can spend a few days at Gatlinburg or Pigeon Forge. It’s probably booked solid now, but maybe next spring...

FrazzledMama, that’s just how I picture Tennessee, smelling like pine trees and beautiful hills.

Great whale watches in Maine. A little time consuming and can be cold out on the water. But definitely worth it. Puffin watch trips are good to.

I grew up in WV. There are select areas that are poor. But many are not. I grew up in a nice community with high property values, nice well kept up homes. My parents had good professional jobs.

Eastern Tennessee is nice. My son went to university for his first two years in western North Carolina about 35 miles from Gatlinburg.

Becky I did not mean to imply all WV is poor, but as a state its very rural., and Many areas are low on the economic index,, nice for us about to be retirees with the ability to move there and do well. Our summer place is near Harpers Ferry and Shepardstown, and even in that area there are many depressed areas, with prices much lower than MD. I would love for my property taxes to be that low here in MD. I often do my grocery shopping there on our way home!
We went whale watching in Mass one summer, it was a long trip out.. but we did see whales and had a great time! we did a BNB vacation to NE, and we had a great time! Marblehead is beautiful, and our DD loved Salem.


Slidell is very close to New Orleans. Less than an hour drive.

Tennessee is lovely. Book a trip!

The first time I went to the smokies I was in my twenties. We were on our way back to our room, I stopped at the hotel bar to get a glass of wine. I was tired. I took a few sips, then asked for a go cup to take it to the room.

The bartender looked at me like I had two heads. I had to explain that I was from New Orleans and we have go cups and drive through daiquiri shops! We went in the fall and it was so pretty.


I love Salem too. I have a friend who grew up in Salem. He loved whale watching there. He loved his ‘New England boiled dinners.’ He married a Texas gal and she refused to cook it for him. Hahaha. She cooked him Tex-Mex. It was culture shock for him! Poor guy.


That Maine coastline is beautiful. Only went to one spot in Maine, Kennebunkport. We went to a bed and breakfast there and I loved the lobster! Where did you go?

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