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Ha ha ha - it does snow here and that's another problem.... 🙄

Unexpected jobs! The kitties chewed the phone jack in the living room so it doesn't work. Therefore I moved the phone base to the kitchen (probably permanently) which meant I had to move the microwave out of the way and a lot of other stuff, clean the shelves (which needed to be done anyway) and set it up again. It looks nice and was one of the jobs I had to do before selling.

But I had a headache this morning and had already decided not to do much till later.

So much for that; however, I feel ok and it is done except for sorting through the bin of "junk" that had collected there and deciding what to do with it.

Amongst other things, I have two old recipe boxes with some recipes that I don't use any more but hate to toss. And, no, dd isn't interested in them. I may go through them and keep a token few. So many memories there - Mrs Heuser's (a friend of mother's) turkey stuffing, Laura's (was a babysitter for the kids) Brew - a hamburger dish, apple cake (from an old friend who died some years ago, Fool Proof pastry (from my ex mil)and so on...

Golden, maybe scan them and put them on a memory stick or in the cloud

Yeah, that would be a lot of work and I have much else that has to be done. And it begs the questions "Why?" "What for?" It's not like I am going to use them again. I think of all I have tossed of mother's because it meant little to anyone but her. My kids are not sentimental at all. This stuff only has meaning to me, and I guess I am not only talking about recipes, but probably other things that I need to get rid of before I move. Do I really need to hang onto them?

You are a better person than I am Cwillie. I would fight fire with Fire if I was you. I know that’s a pretty stupid thing to do but it makes me feel better! We have not had issues over mowing and yard work (although our gardener did put the yard waste in the neighbors bin once when we forgot to leave the gate unlocked so he could get to ours and the neighbor complained) but......the guy who used to live next door drove me crazy for months with the constant reviving of his motorcycle engine! It was actually his family home that was left to the 3 kids after dad died and the sister bought out the 2 brothers and then let one live there rent free. Anyway he’s an airline mechanic and he bought a BMW motorcycle and he would go out in to the garage before work around 6:45am and work on the bloody thing! Whatever he was doing, he kept the engine on a constant rev and it was LOUD. Then he’d go to work and come home in the afternoon and start up again. And he would do it until almost midnight. The garage is next my bedroom and the kids bathroom. So I woke up to it and had to go to bed listening to it. One day I couldn’t take it anymore. I saw him in his garage tooling around so I moved a speaker in front of the bathroom window which was about 10 feet from his open side garage door.....and I blasted 90’s gangster rap and Selena for an hour while I cleaned the house! Wasn’t long before he shut his doors and went inside the house. And when my husband got home, the neighbor came out and apologized & said he knew his motorcycle was loud and that he got the point when strange music started blasting from our house.......and FWIW the guy had woman issues at the time, he was very friendly with my husband but not to me so I didn’t approach him myself but I did ask my husband to ask him not to start up his crap so early and go so late and he wouldn’t do it so I took matters in to my own hands!

OMG. My son just broke the pantry door!!! This is infuriating!! He’s been opening it (to get a snack) and hanging on the door or putting his weight on it and I keep telling him NOT TO DO THAT BECAUSE HE IS GOING TO BREAK THE DOOR!! Well today the door finally broke. The whole thing came off. Didn’t take the hinges off, just broke the door clean off about 3 inches from the hinges! It is so infuriating because every time I caught him, he either argued with me that he wasn’t hanging on the door or that it wasn’t going to break! And what is it with kids arguing with you that they didn’t do something when they literally did it right in front of you? Both of my kids do that!! But g-dammnit! Hopefully the door can be repaired. It can’t just be replaced!!!

With our boys it was usually a fight that got out of hand; holes in walls, slats out of the louvered bi-fold doors.... I learned you can fix darn near anything, but it might be ugly!!!

Grass wars, noise wars, yeah, I have them too.
Just want to put this out there. The minor irritations become huge issues to me when I am not feeling good. Or when I have nothing better to do but focus on what my neighbor(s) are doing. I don't mean to minimize these problems for others, or to make light of them. And I am the last person who has a good solution. I probably get more angry or irritated about it than most. The neighbors have not a clue how many times I have called the police (in my head). Or tried to think up a way to make them stop.

When the new neighbor with a very loud motorcycle comes and goes (early or late), I was jumping out of bed, running to the front window's, saying to dH, "look, look, what can we do?" and "How can he get away with that?" So when the many many motorcycle incidents are on the news, I had to stop any negative thought about my neighbor, it was that bad. So I had to change my attitude and my thinking, or become a bad person.

And the neighbor who had boundary issues moved, then moved again and has died.

I hope it helps one person to tell themselves, this issue will be taken care of by time. I don't ever want to wish that my neighbor (s) would die because of a boundary dispute. And I cannot afford to get angry.

But time has taken care of the neighbors who drove over my plants; time has taken care of the bully, and time will take care of the loud motorcycle guy.
And I don't have to report him, confront him, or get upset, or even run to the front window's. Because there are other neighbors who he is bothering too. I will be okay if someone opens up their window to blast loud music.

As for the strip of grass growing higher, keep it long, have someone go out there and hand trim it like a hedge, neaten it up, let it be it's own natural fence, but trimmed up neat.

Send, it really doesn't even cross my mind most of the time - the ridiculous strip of grass is on the neighbour's lawn and since I've been mowing next to the drive I no longer need to sweep or blow grass away from my doorstep twice a week. What was done today was just so weirdly passive aggressive... I just don't get it, I really don't understand what is at the root of such behaviour🤔

Pantry door is fixed! Thank goodness because it’s the first thing you see when you come inside, the kitchen is in the front of the house. Hubby was able to glue it. I can tell it’s been broken and glued but hopefully once it’s dry and hanging in it’s place, you won’t be able to tell unless you look closely.

Cwillie haha! That’s true, anything can be fixed but it might be ugly! We aren’t YET at the point where there’s brawls and holes in the door but that day is coming. I am kind of surprised it took this long for the kids to cause this kind of damage though.

I lived in a condo years ago and I had this neighbor who was mentally unstable. I lived alone at the time. He called the police on me for having a loud party. I had work friends over for a ski trip the next morning and we were all in bed. I told the officer this guy was unglued and is always harassing me. My elder friend came out half asleep and that was enough for the officer.The same neighbor used to take a stick and bang the ceiling to tell me to stop making noise. I am extremely quiet and considerate of others and he was so rude. One night when I came home from work I took a shower and did some laundry. It was about 7pm. I received a letter requesting not to take an evening shower. He started banging once again. I went ballistic. I told myself I will show him noise. I put the vacuum cleaning on, started dishwasher, put garbage disposal on and walked back and forth across the floor. unbalanced my washing machine. I was so mad. He wrote me a letter telling me to be quiet. After six years I sold my condo, and a week later he sold his, and moved away. Needless to say, I would never purchase a condo with neighbors above and below me.

Some people hate. Don't allow their hate to hurt your feelings.
I know what you mean trying to figure out WHY.

If you are able to share right away your hurt feelings, as you already did, it won't hurt as much, or as long, imo. You have every right to be angry and to wonder WHY. This is more for myself or others having the same issues. I know you've got this CWillie.

Me and 1500 other caregivers will show up at his house on Halloween, ok?
Late at night.
With a special lawn treatment to help the grass grow.

Wow, with neighbors it is always something. The condo we are in now has good neighbors, but the dairy factory that is half a mile away through woods can be heard pulsating 24/7. During the Summer it was better. The inside walls of the condos are thick and can't hear a thing from the neighbors, but the builder cheaped out on the outside walls though the prices of these places was high for the area. When we had a free standing condo before, it was in a wooded area, the management did nothing about knee high weeds, and there were animals scrittching in the walls all Winter, all night. A neighbor found a squirrel in her laundry room. Management said what is inside was her problem....ok, get that, but the squirrel must have gotten in from the outside, a hole somewhere, which is the board's responsibility.

It is true that when you are busy or feeling better, the noises seem less intrusive. We have been running clean air machines and a portable dehumidifier to drown out the noise from the factory. No one seems to want to do anything about it as I am sure the city is receiving huge tax money from the place. I am making a 2 yr. plan to move and this gets me though each day, (and night). If it's not bad neighbors right next door, it seems to be the environment around one that attacks!

OMG it is lately always something new with my mom! ( I know we all say that.. lol) Today we were talking about "Casino rules" and laughing about mom getting chewed out by a guy who left a .17 voucher to "save his machine" She proceeds to tell me dad once left his jacket with 25,ooo in it on the chair back, and they lost it. WTH I said, how did I not hear about this? My parents are "tight" with their money. 2500.. or 25000 I asked, and she said 25000! How in the heck did you let him take that much? She said they were both "sick". so I aske if she had ALZ too? NO.. on to next subject.. I do know he once misplaced 3000 which we found behind the phone after searching DDs car, etc. I don't really believe this story, as my Dad would have mentioned that amount ALZ or not,( or more likely peeved he lost his jacket) and his accountant would have noticed it.. but her stories are getting more and more interesting... And she says we are trying to drive her crazy? I am going crazy! Thank god she goes nowhere without hubs or I anymore! She was very with it until about 3 years ago.. so this is crazy to me, but just the nature of the beast I guess.

I'm tired... and so a whine moment:

Why sit in the ER til midnight as support person & *advocate* if I have no actual authority?

No-one can find the medical POA thay may have been signed yonks ago. Nothing else legal done - no enduring POA & big concerns now about capacity to sign.

I think living alone for her is unsafe (8 falls in 12 mths). I scaled back from *attending falls at home* to *I'll meet you in ER*. Next... just a phone call to ER. Let the SW make a plan...

Feeling harsh today.

Send, I like the comment that time changes and can heal most everything. Time to move forward for me.

Trying to get the plumber to fix my small bathroom sink drain. Messaging sporadically back and forth about times. I finally decide I will get someone else This morning 8 am a message pops up "I can come any time". I responded "How about tomorrow afternoon". I am hardly awake, aching from fibro, not dressed and I don't want any tradesman in the house right now. In fact, generally I don't want tradesmen in the house in the mornings, if I can avoid it. Why do I bother with him? His work and prices are good and the job is not urgent and he is married with kids. Oh well. We will see if he comes tomorrow. If not I will look for someone else, though I hate paying the big prices for little jobs, or having the guy want to chat and tell me when he is off work. Yes, at my age it is ridiculous but it happens.

I have a crazy whine moment from my morning at the animal shelter. We were replacing the bedding in the vet tech recovery room (all cats today) and one of the other volunteers threw dirty bedding on my fleece jacket, which I had put in a corner (no place to put anything there). His partner had picked up the used bedding AND my jacket and brought it all to the laundry, where it was by now going through the wash cycle - with my money, keys, bank card and cellphone in the pocket.
A quick-thinking vet tech turned off the washing machine (the laundry volunteer wanted me to wait 30 minutes til the cycle ended!) and retrieved my jacket. As it turned out, my cellphone model is pretty well waterproof, and it wasn’t hurt. It even looks cleaner.

My FIL passed away a couple of weeks ago. His wife has been living with me for several months to save money for her future care. She has Alzheimer’s mid stage. Son is executor of his estate. Children seem to be planning on dividing assets among themselves leaving their mother out of the estate. It was our agreement that she would receive remaining money to use for her care. I let her move in with me to save more money for her care. I have no idea of Will contents. I asked one of her sons what was going on. He didn’t answer. Made a comment about me being in charge of my MIL. I believe that the money should be used for her care. He said put her on Medicaid. From dealings with Medicaid on behalf of clients this is not going to work in PA. I’m going to see an attorney tomorrow to see options. Children were aware from the beginning that I would not provide care once she advanced. She is aware of this and knows that assisted living or nursing home will be used when necessary. She also believes it was agreed tha she she would get any money remaining after her husband passed. FIL was in a very nice facility self-pay. That is what MIL deserves. I’m just venting.

My whine moment, my mother takes 90% of the silverware to her bedroom to use and when I tell her there are no spoons she says, "there's NOT...I wonder what happened to them?" Then I tell her I need to run off the dishwasher and she says, "oh, I'll check my room LATER!" (As if she has no idea & I have no idea that the silverware is in her room) In the morning I look in the dishwasher and there is all the silverware with food or whatever dried on them. Ugh ugh Now, I know she has dementia and it is hard for her to get up and down the stairs, but REALLY, does she have to take most of them and pretend that she doesn't know where they are???!!! It is so frustrating to go to get a butter knife or whatever and there isn't one! And can't use plastic because then she wants me to wash them and if I don't then she does something to me!! This situation needs to change...I don't know how much more I can take! My rant is over! 😬

So I went to the Dentist today to get a crown done. I turned the t.v. over my head to the animal planet channel. Much to my horror they were showing a cat getting put down. Yeah, that sure settled my mind. NOT!

But I turned it to a nice religious station with pleasant music and scenes of mountains and water falls. That helped. Thank goodness they have that now. I still remember the old days when all you had was the sound of the drill in your ear. Argh!

My live in FIL opens our mail addressed the the family ( the family of xyz). Since when is he head of our family that he can open our mail? Not sure why these little things even bother me anymore. My whine moment.

MOVING! I don't know how many do it. My advice is to take control of obscure items early on. Then you may not find yourself looking at a package of buttons on your last day and not being able to make a choice. I have always sorted and threw out but it's never enough because there is another package of buttons always showing up.

My mom moved in with us, and she brought her little dog. She keeps the dog on a leash -- yes, even in the house. The dog mostly lives in my mom's master suite, but occasionally my mom brings her out and tethers her to a kitchen chair.

Every time she does that, the dog pees on the tile floor. It's in the same spot every time -- a spot where you must step in order to enter/exit the kitchen. It is a major slipping hazard.
I've pointed out that this is a problem. My mom pouted, but I thought she had gotten the point.

I just walked into the kitchen in bare feet and stepped in a puddle of dog pee.

If my mom knows that the dog always pees in that spot, why does she keep putting the dog there?
If she knows the dog always pees there, why doesn't she check for a puddle before she takes the dog back into her room?

I am so angry right now.


The pee spot must be bleached so nature does not take control, and the dog taken outside regularly. Maybe she can no longer do that? There must be a place in the master suite that the dog also pees if it is not getting out on a schedule.

Sorry this is so frustrating. You will get angry, even more if you did not want responsibility for the dog. That is understandable.

Can you make the dog your friend? When we write to you, then we can say:
"Yeah, you and your little dog too!".

Went to attorney and got will mess with MIL and her kids straightened out. She is getting her share of the estate for her care. Her dementia is getting worse by the day. And she is constantly mad at me over everything. I thought her illness would be stable longer but it didn’t work out that way. I have found her a private room at the same place as my FIL that she can afford. She will be moving in at the first of October. One of her sons is in charge of getting her moved.

I have a buyer for my house and will be moving into the condo I bought last year after my husband died. It will be nice to have yard work, repairs, snow and ice removal done by someone else. I’m going to take three weeks off work to make my move. Excited for the changes.

UsedupDIL - So excited for you and your new beginning. Now let her children take care of their own mother as they should, and not foist her care on you after your husband died. That was outrageous.

Do let us know what plans you have after you settle into your new place. So happy for you.

MBFoster, if the dog is peeing in the kitchen, that tell me the dog isn't going out on a regular schedule. It may come to a point where you or someone else in the family take the dog out a few times a day, at the same time each day. Or have Mom pay for a dog-walker.

Why is Mom keeping the dog on a leash? Poor thing can't walk around on her own. I'd be peeing on the kitchen floor, too, if I was being treated that way... [sigh].

People always ask me when I am going to retire.. I say "not for awhile, I love my job". And here is why.. a snapshot of my "day off" after working 3 12 hour shifts in a row... Did 5 loads of laundry, stripped and redid 2 beds, ran to grocery store, library, gas station. Made a pan of enchiladas and homemade tomato soup, and prepped for zuchinni bread to be baked tomorrow. Tried to spend some time sitting with Mom and watching mindless TV game shows. Hearing her tell me what she did yesterday ( because she forgets she already told me) Brought her 5 Oclock wine down.. walked 2 dogs and broke my toe ( it looks lovely, but as I am not a ballerina there is nothing they can do for it..LOL) Hubs did help, and DD is coming for dinner tonight and taking her dog back home after a week .. I don't work this hard at WORK.. Tomorrow I am going out to breakfast and some shopping with another CG friend, and Aunt arrives Wed for mom's 89th birthday and leaving for the beach Sun with the two of them... so I still have to pack and plan what to take! And I work again thurs and fri. I am having a beer!!

Broke your toe?? Better put your foot up and have 2 beers!

And don't forget, when you retire you do all of those things instead of working, not as well as.

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