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I guess that is true.. but at work I am not as stressed! And hubs does the day to day stuff.. and deals with mom .. LOL . And at work I feel more in control.. no one telling me the same story over and over.. my hubs is a saint! But when I am home it falls back to me to entertain her!

Today was a busy day. I am on day 3 of a 9 day vacation. I had a therapy session and a dentist appointment right afterwards. Therapy was pretty good today but the dentist was a whole different matter. I was told that one tooth was beyond saving and the bone around the has some marginal changes. So the dentist wants the tooth pulled ASAP. Then I had two teeth with cavities taken care of. I spent a total of three hours in the dentist chair. I expected a two hour visit not 3 hours.

I woke up with a head cold and it seems like I hardly get a chance to be alone with my thoughts. I'm so tired of being around everyone when I really need sometime alone each day.

Im tired of my older sibblings trynna bully me into constant care.
Im working 24 hr shifts. My parents left the state to go see a doctor, and my older sibbling who literally lives in an apartment next to my parents' house, asked me to pack my clothes and house sit.
Like what the heck! He lives next to the house, works a regular 9-5 job but expects me to carry over my stuff and house sit all whilst Im oncall ???

Im already the one who will be joining the parents' at the doctor's visit this week..


Please set boundaries with your siblings. Do not allow them bully you. Live your life the way you choose to live it. You have a challenging job and a future to think of.

Things can’t always work out between siblings and parents. Trust me I know firsthand. I was the one who gave the most to my mother. I was the one who was criticized the most. I sacrificed everything for her. Looking back, would I do it again? Hell no! Did mom need care? Absolutely, and I can totally empathize with that but it robbed me from being her daughter. It destroyed the mother/daughter relationship in every possible way. More importantly, I robbed myself of my life that was equally important as was my husband’s and children’s lives.

I am no longer her caregiver. Unfortunately, it did not end well. I started setting boundaries and it didn’t sit well with mom or siblings and they thought they could do better and I told mom to go with them. She lived with me nearly 15 years. She will only be with my brother until he can place her somewhere. We no longer have any contact. Things can become complicated.

Please don’t get overly involved with your siblings. Even if it sounds selfish, put yourself first. Do not make the mistake that I did by sacrificing everything for them. I hear your justified resentment in your post. Hold onto what is important to you. Let them figure out what is best. Adult children should never become overwhelmed and burn out like I did.

It sounds like you are wiser than I was. I foolishly did what they expected of me. Others tried to tell me and I didn’t listen because I caved in due to feeling guilty. I wasn’t thinking clearly from being overwhelmed.

Take care.

Had to go get my driver's license renewed today. Passed the vision test, no problem, no tickets, so no written or driving test.

But, there was a elderly woman and her daughter that came in right after me. Their third trip back trying to get the documentation together for elderly mom. They go through a list of questions, what is your birthday, what is your address, do you have any licenses revoked from another state, etc. Mom did not know the answers to the questions, daughter had to tell her how to answer. And they issued the driver's license?!

This is the mother of the doctor I wrote about a week or two ago. The retired doctor that told the reporter that they were able to find the medications to slow progression of dementia! I wouldn't think this woman would even try to drive, but why not an id instead of a license?! Small towns!

New improvements in the website this morning!
More hugs.
The click private message is on the left now.


I got an email informing me that Google has changed the site search - I'm not sure if it is better, worse or neutral.

Hesitated if I wanted to post this or not because I know I am in the wrong here.....and being unreasonable but I have to get my feelings out....

I cannot put in to words the rage I feel when I feel like someone is trying to restrict MY access to MY children. I tell you, mama bear really comes out. Today my daughter called me at 10:15am, from school, and asked me to bring her a jacket because she was “freezing”. It was 70 degrees but alright, I took her a jacket. She said to leave it in the front office and that they would call her up there to get it. So I get there, and this is her first year at this school and I didn’t even know where the office was to be honest. I saw a man carrying a lunch box stop at the front gate and push a button on the wall and then talk in to a speaker or something—he said he was bringing his kid lunch. He opened the gate and I followed him through it. So there’s the front office right through the gate on the right side. So I walked in behind him and when the secretary (I assume) looked up at me, I told her why I was there and she asked how I got in! I said I followed the gentlemen in and she gave me a snotty look and said “well you can’t do that”. Oh excuse me? I can and I did. I do not need anyone’s permission either, by law the schools must give parents access. We can show up at random. It’s the law. Of course I didn’t say anything, I just smiled at her, wrote my daughters name on a slip of paper and walked out.

Then last week, I sat outside the school for almost 10 minutes waiting for her and she wasn’t answering her phone either. Of course I’m starting to worry, like what if she’s been kidnapped or had a medical emergency? Turns out a couple kids in her class were being unruly so her teacher refused to let the class leave. Again the rage comes out! If my kid wasn’t being unruly, the teacher doesn’t not need to detain her after school has let out. I told her, if it happens again, just walk out and I will deal with the teacher myself if he has a problem with it. Of course she’s a good girl & she told me she can’t do that lol. I know I am being unreasonable but like I said, if I feel like my kid is being kept from me, I get very angry and unreasonable. She is my child, I don’t need anyone’s permission to see her. I call the shots. And I know why the schools are like this and don’t just let anyone in but still. I’m just a harmless parent, I was just dropping off a jacket, I wasn’t there to shoot up the place! She could have just smiled and explained that I needed to stop at the speaker and ask for permission or whatever. I mean I assume after seeing the other parent do it, that that’s what I was supposed to do.

my other source of rage is that my 7 year old is playing football this year and as of last week, they have have barred parents from the field. No idea why. I always stay the full 2 hours and watch my son, mostly because he needs help putting on and taking off his equipment. I never saw anyone getting in the way, in fact no parent ever interfered during practice, at least not on my sons team. We all sat in the same area. Some parents did yell at their kids to run when it was time to run but that was the extend of parent involvement. Maybe the older boy’s team had an issue or something. But point is, we can’t be on the field watching anymore. And I really don’t like it. They even moved my sons team to the back right side of the field so we can’t hardly see them from where we are allowed to sit. A few of us have started sitting on the sidewalk on the side of the field where they practice now. And they can’t say a damn thing to us because it’s a public sidewalk and they are on a public field.

I think I just have a problem with the idea that someone other than my husband and I, has control over our children.

I understand Worried, but I've got to say when you look back at this kind of thing 20 years later you really do wonder why you were so bent out of shape about it!

As for barring parents from practice - games too? - some people think any kind of cheering or encouragement at all from the sidelines is too much, it seems like we aren't even supposed to cheer when a goal is scored because it is discouraging to the other team 🙄. And of course there "are" those parents who are over the top.

worried, I bet they've had issues with helicopter parents on another team. I saw a few of those when our kids were playing sports. One mother would get behind the soccer goal and yell to her daughter (playing goalkeeper). The coach had a rough time getting her to listen - the other parents helped "corral" her. So he set physical boundaries that parents couldn't pass. The team mom had a signup, where two parents would be at each practice - that way someone could take a kid to a restroom or ice an injury.

In Texas we had a parent so enraged about issues with kid sports team she called son to bring her gun. He came and started shooting. So they are all twitchy now...

You are right Cwillie! In fact re-reading my rant has me laughing at myself! Boy am I ridiculous! I can only say that in the moment, these things made me feel rage! Maybe I have control issues?

We can still go to their games. There’s been no changes there. It’s only practices that they don’t really want us watching! Which I can’t understand because this area has had issues with coaches and inappropriate behavior/sexual abuse. Coaches from different leagues and school coaches. Also one of my sons team’s coaches from last year was arrested for murder earlier this year too. I’m thinking either parents were leaving behind trash or something happened involving the older boy’s parents. The season started 7 weeks ago so to make this change after 6 weeks was just really random!

I have recently had to take over mom's finances--she used to be pretty good with them but recently she let her Medicare Part D rx insurance premium lapse because she got it confused with another Cigna premium so her rx insurance has been terminated. She doesn't qualify for any of the other 'cookie cutter' justifications for Medicare's Special Enrollment Programs so I'm now paying for prescriptions. I need this like a hole in the head! I have a hard enough time keeping up with my own stuff!! Just needed to rant a little bit. Thanks for listening.

OMG WIC, with inappropriate behaviour, sexual misconduct and a murder amongst the coaching staff, I'd be terrified to leave my kids alone during sports practice too!

As Linda22 wrote, there should always be at least 2 parents there at all times to oversee, and to attend to needy kids. I have a DIL who is a kind of a Helicopter Mom, and she would never stand for this sort of thing. She even makes sure one of us Grandparents can be there, in case she can't be at 2 separate fields at the same time, when our Grandkids are playing at different places. We can't be too careful with our kids these days.

Rregarding buzzing & signing into your kids school, now That I understand and actually appreciate due to the crazy school shooters out there.

We used to live right near an elementary school, and recall several times where the school went into total lockdown and parents were frantic they couldn't get to their kids after hearing about it on the news, or from their terrified kids inside with cellphones. The police would cordoned off the surrounding streets (my street), and parents would line up awaiting the "all clear", all standing outside their cars chatting with one another, Mom's freaking out. Thankfully most of the time it was precautionary due to a 911 call of "shots fired" in the area, a crime suspect on the run, or a bank robbery nearby.

It's great that they have these cautionary drills now established in all the schools, but they are so scary for the kids and parents both. It's strange that we never heard of such a thing when we were kids. What has this world come to?

Allesandra, you might try petitioning your Mom's health insurance company to see if they will make allowances and reinstate her health insurance. You could tell them that with her increasing Dementia, she got confused, and say that you will catch her up on her insurance premiums.

It's terrible that they cut her off, and now she might have to pay a termination penalty for the next plan she enrols in. Try playing on their emotions and how she now cannot afford her medications. Always ask to speak with the Customer Service Manager, as they sometimes have the ability to authorize reinstatement. You also might get a Drs note, as to her increasing mental confusion. Good Luck!

Thanks stacey!!

My whine .....
The carpet men were due here an hour ago and they still haven't called or come and when my dH called them,there was no answer.
We've completely cleared 2 rooms of everything and made the biggest mess in 2 other rooms.
Why can't people keep their word and be reliable?
I could cry or scream.I just can't decide.

Today’s whine moment.....husband told me TODAY that we are signed up to provide the half time snack at son’s football game this SUNDAY. 33 snacks. SMDH. I don’t mind doing it but a little more notice would have been nice. I have no idea what to get. I went to Costco this morning and I guess I’ll have to go back tomorrow now!

Stacey, I appreciate the buzzing in at the schools too and all the safety measures. This just caught me off guard. At the elementary school, you can walk in to the main building through the front doors as you please BUT once you are inside the front doors, there is a big glass window on the right side and Behind that glass is the secretary and the office. Principles office is on the left side. Straight ahead are 2 more locked doors that lead in to the hallways where the classrooms are and once you’ve checked in at the window, they buzz you in. I guess I was expecting the same thing at the middle school. the front gates there have always been open when I’ve been at the school so until I got there yesterday, I had no idea that during school hours, they are kept locked and you have to be buzzed in. Individually. I really didn’t think twice about following that other parent in. My bad.

yes this county has been plagued with bad coaches! Some were softball coaches, some coached various sports at the high school. Even a female softball coach was arrested for sexually abusing a player, she was convicted earlier this year! The other thing I did not mention is the parents on my sons team. Some are gang members and some are just not good people, not the kind of people we would normally hang out with. Ironically one of the parents is the head of an organization that despises my husbands employer and that um....job industry as a whole and they are actively campaigning against their efforts to improve the community so that’s another problem. But I like my sons coaches and I like the kids, my son is learning to play football and has asked if he can play again next year so it’s all worth it to me! M

what really makes me sad for the kids is that the schools, at least the schools here, now have lockdown drills. In my day, we had earthquake and fire drills. Today they have lockdown drills. I cried a little when my daughter came home from kindergartner and told me they had a lockdown drill :(
lockdowns are common in my city but, and I am so thankful for this, it common in the county area where my kids go to school. Since my daughter started school in 2013, there has not been a single lock down a lot either school. But there have been lockdowns at every school within the city limits. That’s one reason why we transfered them out of the district. There was a lockdown at a school today actually, the police were looking for a armed man near the school.

Another strange thing about renewing my driver's license. My fingerprint did not match what is on file. Good thing that whoever has my fingerprint on their record stays out of trouble. Gosh, that is actually scary to think about.

My whine is dentist's. I broke a tooth a couple of weeks ago and since my regular dentist's office was being renovated I stopped in at a dental office right near my home. I was all prepared to just have the tooth pulled and be done with it but the dentist said since there was still a cusp left that he could save the tooth and put a crown on it. So I went along with this advice.

My first visit he planed the tooth down and put a temporary crown on the tooth. Then yesterday I go and am all set for the permanent crown and after a hour in the chair am told the filling in my old tooth had a crack and I needed a root canal. So while not thrilled with this news I went today for the root canal. I sit in the chair for an hour and a half and am now told they couldn't get into the third canal and I either have to go to an endodontist which still may not save the tooth and is expensive or I'll need to get the tooth pulled and possibly get an implant.

This is so irritating. I originally just wanted the tooth pulled anyway. Now I'll probably get that done after spending all that money on the other stuff. Sometimes I really wonder how honest dental practices are. We are just at the mercy of their so-called expertise.

Oh yes, and I'm on amoxicillin now for a week and tylenol 3's. Dang it all anyway!

Hugs Gershun. Bloody teeth, they get you coming and going, don't they?

Endodontist, periodontist, orthodontist, and Uncle Tom Cobley and all - I suppose the moral is to look them in the eye and say "is this fancy-pants plan of yours actually going to work, from my point of view?"

Like you'd get a straight answer!

Wish you better.

Yes, CM they do. I must have a sign on my forehead cause they got me coming and going for sure. Hubs says "just get them all pulled" Which sounds great if I don't mind having a sunken in face. I'm sure he'd just love that! Not sure I would.

Thx for the good wishes!

Today’s whine is unexpectedly very windy here at the moment. And the damn wind was strong enough to knock the basketball hoop over, slamming the hood of my car (my late MILs car!!!!) shattering the mirror on the passenger side! When it rains it poors. Yesterday I had to have the plumber come out to unplug the laundry link & pipes. Today the car mirror is shattered and I have no idea how to go about getting it replaced. gonna let hubby deal with that one when he gets home. Meanwhile I’m stranded at home because I don’t think it’s legal to drive with a busted mirror.

I know insurance sends someone to where the car is to fix damaged glass. They bring a vacuum but in my case I was finding shards of glass for ages in small amounts. Maybe the same would apply to mirrors. I recall them being very timely with this issue. It would be whichever agency provides your car insurance. Hope you get some assistance soon.

worriedinCA - somer jerk high on drug busted the driver side mirror of my van a few weeks ago. I took it to my mechanic. He ordered the part (which was the whole mirror with the plastic casing/electric wire, not just the glass part), put in on for me in an hour. Between part and labor, it cost me $150. I didn't file a claim with the insurance because my deductible was higher than the repair cost.

If you have AAA, you can call and have them tow your car to the mechanic.

Edit: I just saw a video online that shows you how to glue a new glass on top of the old glass. So, evidently, you can just replace the glass part and not the whole mirror.

Riverdale and polar bear—thank you!! We do have AAA roadside assistance. Car insurance is through Geico. I am a complete dummy when it comes to cars but it looks me as if only the glass needs to be replaced. I don’t think the actual mount is broken. But we haven’t taken the glass off and looked inside to see if the wiring is damaged so maybe we need more than just new glass. Looks like It would be cheaper to buy the glass ourselves, I did check autozone and oreilly’s websites and they appear to carry the glass for a 2017 Honda Accord. I think our deductible is $500 so the insurance won’t cover anything. The damn pole did mess up the paint on the passenger door door, there’s a nice black mark now. I think dentpro will come out and buff it out but that will probably cost a couple hundred dollars! My BIL is a mechanic and my hubby is mechanically inclined as well so I am
hopeful they can replace the glass.

polar, that’s just awful!! It’s too bad you couldn’t go after his insurance (if he had any) for something like that! I am so sorry that happened!

I just got a phone call from my gynecologist's office bumping up a follow up appointment to this Tuesday 😟.
(Sorry, I know it's too soon to worry but I had to tell somebody or I think my head will explode)

Sorry, cwille

It’s always unnerving to get a call from the doctor’s office. Your reaction is completely normal. Did they give any indication of why?

My doctor has rescheduled appointments because she was going on her honeymoon and was seeing all of her patients before her trip.

I have had rescheduled appointments and the office will sometimes give a reason or simply say they won’t be in the office that day.

For me when there was an issue I was told. Such as my lab work was off and I was asked to have new lab work done so my medication could be adjusted properly.

Ah no, I was scheduled for an appointment in 3 weeks and was told the doctor wants to see me sooner. That can't be good, can it?

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