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I don’t know? Is it a follow up appointment after tests were done or just a regular check up? Would it put your mind at ease to call and ask the reason why she rescheduled?

I's 4:00 here so the office will be closed for the day. I just need to shove my anxiety off into the "don't look here" box in my brain till Wed morning. 📦


Will be thinking of you. Don’t jump to conclusions. Yeah, it’s unnerving but as you say, don’t dwell on it. Hugs!


if you're up, then make some warm milk and cuddle up under your blanket


Please let us know how everything goes. We will be sending you the very best thoughts.

Today’s whine husband went over to BIL’s exwives house this weekend to go through some of FILs stuff. He brought back some worthless old guns, don’t know why because he said they had have no sentimental value & he doesn’t need them but they are here now.

just got informed that BIL is on his way over to pick up one of them- a SHOTGUN-to give to SIL’s 7 year old son. Because every 7 year old needs a shot gun I guess? I’m not anti gun but can’t agree with this although I have no say in it. He said it’s so nephew “can have something from his grandpa”
So why not give him a damn belt buckle or a pair of his cowboy boots then? He always wore a western belt buckle and cowboy boots. He did not tote around a shotgun. The kids remember him for his western wear/cowboy style not his guns. SMDH. But to each their own I guess.

Ahh, I could go for a nice little vent.

I'm so sick of my mother screaming like I am assaulting her whenever I touch her.

She never tolerated discomfort well, she was always a big belly-acher. Always a complainer, never a kind word or at least being gracious because someone has good intentions, if you put her out you were going to know about it.

Now she's fragile, and her brain mixes up signals/sensations, and she needs full-time care. She screams-- literally-- if I even get close to her. She jerks in fear and panic just in anticipation of being touched. The lightest, most gentle touches cause her to yell and scream.

I would gladly give her all the care she needs in a day if she would just stop screaming, jerking, getting tense, yelling at me, complaining, etc. and be quiet and let me do things that have to be done.

My step-father and his wife want to move to another home because sometimes the food is cold. They have a toaster oven and a microwave, deal with it.

Nope no more moves unless one of them has to go into a nursing home or into MC.

I am sick of hearing them complain about the food, seems to be a trait with people their age. The food where they are is ok, actually some is very good.

Hm, well, it looks as though I'm being sucked down the rabbit hole of modern medicine; doc is referring me to specialists in the city for a hysterectomy, whether or not there will be more is yet to be determined. No rush, look for a call to set up an appointment in a couple of weeks - easy for her to say.

I am confused and getting upset at my autistic friend. We went out to lunch on Saturday before he had to go to work. He went with me to pick up something after lunch. But he saw the Auntie Anne's hot pretzel place and didn't have the money to get what he wanted. He asked his sister to put more money on his reloadable debit card and she rightfully said no, he already spent the money on lunch and a small ice cream cone. Then he asked me to cover it, and I said absolutely not. It might not have been an issue if he didn't have a massive lunch and the ice cream. I told him that he's had more than enough food. He is the type that has to super side everything, eat it all and then looks for more food to eat. He is already on high blood pressure meds, cholesterol meds and now on pre diabetes medication at the age of 38 due to his eating habits and his doctor increased the dosages. He pouted most of the way home but went into trying to get me to date him. He has been on this wanting us to be a couple for 2 and a half years. I have bluntly said in the past that I am not interested in dating him and I am not going to consider dating him but he kept it up. I yelled at him and said we are not ever going to date. Does he know the reason why I don't want to date him? No, he doesn't need to know why. I would like a considerate man, not an inconsiderate child. I am not attracted to him physically and he is not what I want for a partner. He is too immature for romantic relationships. He has called me again about dating me and now his dad wants me to date him. I told said friend that we are not going to date and told the dad that my friend is not my type, if I wanted a child, I would have had one by now. I find it upsetting to me that this has been going on so long and I am starting to think that I do have to end the relationship.

Sorry, cwille.

I am sure you’re not looking forward to surgery. I know that you will be glad when this is behind you. I wish you a speedy recovery. Thanks for letting us know how you are. Hugs!


That’s a tough one! Good luck.

Needs Help,

I just don't know how to handle this situation than what I have been doing. It doesn't help that his ex fiancee left him 15 years ago and he is still fixated on her.

I don’t think I would know how to deal with it either. How much time do you spend with him? Is he interested in meeting other people? Can you not see him as often?

Needs Help,

A few months ago, I started keeping my distance from him. He is in a group home and does things with a special needs group. I know next year, he is going on a trip to Florida with a company called People and Places. He tried getting me involved in these things but I am not interested. I have Aspberger's am much more high functioning than what the special needs group he belongs to. I looked at the People and Places stuff and it's not my thing. I don't feel like shelling out $3,000 for a vacation and not have any control over anything. If I can plan a trip and travel to Texas and Hawaii on my own, I don't need People and Places.


hope the referral is to a specialist you like that offers you a conservative treatment plan

hugs, MsM

(((((hugs))))) cwillie. Would be nice for you to know more about what lies ahead. Prayers for the best treatment and outcome.


I would keep telling him that you aren’t interested in anything other than friendship. He’s obviously attracted to you but you can’t force yourself to return his feelings. You would be miserable.

Same with traveling. How did you become friends with him? Did you drift apart or always been just casual friends?

Best wishes to you CWillie!

I'm curious. Have any of you ever had an unpleasant reaction to amoxicillin? I was prescribed a course of this on Friday after an unsuccessful root canal. I was supposed to have taken 500mg, three times a day for seven days. I was peeing continuously for the two and a half days I took it. I finally gave up on it and am slowly starting to feel better. In addition I felt anxious and just generally horrible. I have been prescribed this in the past but never reacted this way before. I used to get the usual nausea and upset stomach but never this.

I have read that your body can react differently to medicines as you get older but I thought older meant in your seventies/eighties, not in my fifties.


You’re not supposed to stop taking an antibiotic. You should finish the entire dosage. Did you tell your doctor that you were quitting it? Unless you had an allergic reaction, I have always heard to complete the dosage of antibiotics.

I did tell the dentist NHWM. It was only prescribed as a preventative dental thing so I think it's okay. I never had an infection to begin with otherwise I would have requested they prescribe me some other kind of antibiotic to replace this one.

I could not have gone on with that one. I was actually kind of worried about how I was feeling.

Anyone check in on Memory People on FB? I get so irritated with that group! There is a woman that is thinking about bringing her dad home from the THIRD memory care facility he has been in in six months. Helicopter child? None of the places provided the care that she thought dad needed. Well, if she would only give them the chance without taking him out a couple of times a week!

That sounds like someone who used to post here actually.....


I’m generally sensitive to antibiotics
no to penicillin and sulfa

even pain med Celebrex gave me trouble after a car accident

I have had a lot of gum graft work from having metal braces as a kid
and take antibiotics for about a week afterwards
it’s important to take it with food

if I can find the name I’ll send it to you as it is especially good for oral surgery

ps. I had three silver fillings drilled out yesterday
dentist thought they were 30–40
years old
I laughed and said how could that be when I’m only 28 🙀

Thx Madge, I'd be interested to know what the alternative medicine is cause I'm probably going to need a tooth pulled soon.

My dentist looks like a baby so I felt really old. He was talking about "those old metal fillings" . I remained mum. Did I have a choice? Not like I could have responded even if I wanted to with my mouth wide open and various things being done inside of it. LOL

I had a horrible reaction to Lyrica recently too. I took three of them and had to quit cause I felt like I was having a stroke. I guess I'm very sensitive to meds.

I have had my daughter’s dog with me for several days. I love him so much. He’s getting old. My daughter rescued him when he was five years old and absolutely loves her. They bonded immediately. I think they pick us! The woman at the shelter said he wouldn’t go to anyone and he went to her immediately.

Anyway, he has Cushing disease now and can’t control his bladder. I’ve been cleaning up dog pee all day! She’s coming tomorrow to pick him up. As I said, I love him but tired of the pee all over the house. He’s a cutie, a toy poodle but honestly caring for an animal is like caring for a child or the elderly, right?

They are a responsibility. I have always had pets but after my greyhound died I said no more. He lived to be 13. My schnauzer was 13 when she died. My cat was 16. My last one, the grey absolutely stole my heart. He was the sweetest dog in the world.

Every time I see a cute pooch I want another one but it breaks my heart to put them down when it’s time. So, at least for now I am pet free. I have grown very close to my daughter’s dog. I watch him when she needs me to. I am amazed at how smart he is. Some animals are smarter than some people!


the antibiotic was cefdinir

I don't like going to health care professionals younger than me but that's going to be hard to do pretty soon - lol

Tell me about it Madge! I'm almost tempted to ask them for i.d. In fact I can officially order from the senior portion of the Denny's menu now. Sigh...........

Oh, and thx for the name of that antibiotic.

Okay, I didn't use the "c" word when I mentioned my hysterectomy because I was still processing that idea. Knowing full well that we live in a digital age the doctor circled the relevant words on my my pathology report and told me to to be sure I googled reputable sites - any real information has to wait until the surgeons see whatever they see, until then I'm in limbo.
Yes, I have been freaking out. I've mentioned before that I am a ducks in a row kind of person, it goes against my nature to not have the ability to make any clear plans for several weeks or more.

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